2020: Začiatok dekády zmien?
Katarína Duffeková - Benita Feketeová - Katarína Lörincová (eds.)
The presented work is a collection of contributions from the 9th International Online Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, organized on December 4, 2020 by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the Faculty of Social Sciences UCM in Trnava and the OZ Res Publica.
The aim of the publication is to provide a platform to discuss important issues which could influence the course of events in next decade in Slovakia, Europe and world.
The publication consists of more than twenty articles, which are primarily in Slovak but also in English. The contributions deal with both domestic and foreign policy with focus on the third decade of the 21st century.
In addition to geopolitical issues, the contributions also cover migration, regional integration, populism and nationalism, the influence of the media and social networks in the political sphere and also the development of liberal democracy. The authors also address issues of municipal policy, the electoral system and the referendum.