Anna Čepelová • Tomáš Alman (eds.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov zo 6. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, ktorá sa uskutočnila dňa 19. marca 2021 (online prostredníctvom MS Teams).

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Data sheet

E-kniha (pdf)
Anna Čepelová • Tomáš Alman
Typ dokumentu:
zborník príspevkov
Počet strán:
Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
slovenčina, angličtina
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Fakulta verejnej správy
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16 other products in the same category:

Finančné riadenie

Availability: 6 In Stock

Viktória Bobáková - Slávka Sedláková

Vysokoškolské učebné texty pod názvom „Finančné riadenie“ sa zaoberajú zákadnými aspektmi riadenia financií v organizácii. V samostatných kapitolách sa venujú finančnému plánovaniu nielen v podniku, ale aj na úrovni obce. Poukazujú na nevyhnutnosť manažmentu hotovosti, pozornosť je zameraná aj na tvorbu finančných politík, na spôsoby nakladania s majetkom, na nutnosť využívať vhodnú informačnú základňu pre finančné rozhodovanie.


Public Administration as a Provider of Public...


Utilising Foreign Experience for Reforms in the Slovak Republic

Stanislav Konečný

The topic of our research task of the same name VEGA 1/0757/17 was based on the question – and was likewise defined in its approved project – how public administration as one of the providers of public services can act as efficiently as possible in favour of making these services available from the aspect (place of permanent residence) of the citizen. This can be done with a certain optimality in the structure of public administration, primarily at the local, but also at the supra-local, e.g. regional, level. If, for example, the settlement structure is too disintegrated, or conversely the regional structure is too aggregated (or even too fragmented), various alternative solutions must be sought that are rational and optimal for satisfying citizens and that will not waste public resources. In this, it is also questionable how the system of state administration authorities and local government authorities is reflected in this structure (in the case of known differences in their operation in both these regimes, or in a regime of delegated performance of state administration), including the conditions of funding these services as public services.

This level of the issue relates not just to competences in the field of social assistance, as sometimes emphasised in Slovakia, but relates to all competences that the state delegates to local government. The delegation of competences means not just the amendment of a law, but also creating conditions for its efficient application for which it is necessary that municipalities or regions perform delegated competences for a certain territory (e.g. for an appropriate number of inhabitants) (Bodnárová - Džambazovič 2011, pp. 20-21), or as M. Jílek (2008, p. 39) writes “an optimal number of citizens of a territorial self-government authority for a given quantity of goods provided will be determined by the maximum positive difference between total utility from consumption per person and total costs for providing the goods per person”. The requirement that municipalities and regions have available a public services infrastructure (Dušek 2016) must thus be confronted with certain capacity possibilities and efficiently and appropriately assessed by the need for various public services in relation to the territorial unit for which the infrastructure is to provide these services.

In terms of economic decentralisation, or fiscal federalism, this concerns the wellknown Oates decentralisation theorem, according to which any public service should be provided by a unit governing the smallest possible geographical area in which the costs and utility of the provided service can be internalised (Oates 1999), whereby the author very clearly highlighted the efficiency limits of decentralisation. This was something that was largely disregarded in Slovakia and surrounding countries at the start of the 1990s, with political arguments dominating (to bring the exercise of public power closer to the citizen).

It would thus be possible by means of economic modelling to determine normatively the most suitable size of units for each kind of public service, assuming that for various public services we would arrive at different sizes of these units for different public services – in the end some optimising compromise would still have to be found in order for there to be a meaningful, but in particular, realistic and applicable structure of these units in practice. We chose a different, non-normative approach, an empirical and analytical approach, characteristic (together with a comparison method) for public policy theory. It is based in general on the fact that we compared actually existing units operating as public service providers in various countries, and in this comparison we attempted to identify the limits of their efficient functionality. The benefit of this approach, in contrast to the previous normative approach, is that the solution offered is tangibly available in existing practice and is not simply a theoretical (calculated) concept.

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Political Systems of the BRICS States



Patrik Furik Michaela RužičkováDávid GajdoščíkPeter DubócziBarbora LinhartováLucia Grieger

The textbook entitled Political Systems of the BRICS States is published as an output of the KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2020 Innovative Model of Education Leading to Active Citizenship as a Prevention of the Rise of Political Extremism among Students. The aim of the given publication is to present the basic principles of the political systems of the BRICS bloc states and to provide the reader with the nature and character of the bloc's functioning.

The textbook consists of an introduction and five further chapters. All sections are written in Slovak. The individual chapters focus primarily on characterizing the historical development of the BRICS states, the evolution of their constitutionalism, public administration, and on defining the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of power

The individual chapters describe the political systems of the states: Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa. The introductory chapter of the textbook contains the characteristics of the development and formation of the bloc, as well as information on the cooperation among the BRICS members.

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Pracovnoprávne vzťahy vo verejnej správe

Availability: 14 In Stock

 Vladimíra Žofčinová 

Predkladané vysokoškolské učebné texty tvoria základný učebný text, ktorý nemá ambíciu podať komplexný obraz pracovného práva. Z uvedeného dôvodu, pri tvorbe týchto učebných textov sa môže zdať, že niektoré kapitoly sú príliš stručné a iné neobvykle rozsiahle, vzhľadom na zameranie výučby predmetu Pracovnoprávne vzťahy vo verejnej správe v študijnom odbore Verejná politika a verejná správa. Zámerom autorky textu je uľahčiť pochopenie základných atribútov pracovného práva prostredníctvom identifikácie ťažiskových právnych inštitútov a právne významných väzieb medzi nimi s ohľadom na verejnoprávne zameranie.


Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová - Darina Koreňová (eds.)

The peer-reviewed non-conference proceedings entitled: "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions" is one of the outputs of the VEGA project no. 1/0055/22 "The importance of smart technologies in the process of mitigating the economic and socio-psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of population.", which is being addressed at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Economics and Public Administration Management. The papers published in this proceedings support the research part of the investigators of the scientific project with their content. At the same time, they create a professional and scientific diapasone for further investigation and creation of scientific hypotheses.

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Digitale und grüne Gemeinden und Städte verstehen



Franziska Cecon - Belinda Hanner - Dominik Prüller (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Sociálna spravodlivosť a starobné dôchodkové...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Manažment ľudských zdrojov


Gabriela KravčákováDominika Bernátová

The textbook addresses the issue of Human resource management and is intended for students and professionals. The purpose of the textbook is to present current knowledge about human resource management, a description of personnel processes and characteristics of personnel work methods so that the student can apply them in practice. Text also focuses on personnel practice in state government institutions. The textbook contains ten chapters. The introductory part deals with the theoretical background and the contribution of human resource management to the organisation's success. Subsequently, individual personnel processes are processed. Attention is also paid to the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in personnel processes.

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Finančná analýza organizácie

Availability: 8 In Stock

Eva Mihaliková - Zuzana Hrabovská

Nestálosť trhového prostredia môže ovplyvniť finančnú situáciu v podniku. Preto je základom jeho úspešnej adaptácie vykonávanie objektívnych finančných analýz a hodnotení vlastných finančných možností. Na základe toho je nevyhnutné poznať systém kvalitatívnych finančných ukazovateľov, prostredníctvom ktorých dokážeme posúdiť finančnú situáciu a výkonnosť. Učebné texty poukazujú aj na výpočet konkrétnych ukazovateľov, identifikáciu vzájomných vzťahov medzi ukazovateľmi a ich dynamiku, vyjadrujúcu tendencie vo vývoji finančnej situácie v časovom horizonte.


Teória a prax verejnej správy



Veronika Šafárová (ed.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, 15. február 2017

Obsah zborníka tvoria príspevky účastníkov 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, ktorá sa konala na pôde Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach. Celkovo zahŕňa 21 príspevkov, ktoré sú podľa ich obsahového zamerania rozdelené do politologickej, právnej a sociálno-ekonomickej sekcie. Účastníci konferencie predstavili príspevky zamerané na teoretické a praktické aspekty verejnej správy. Zahrnuli do nich mnoho dôležitých postrehov, názorov, skúseností a poznatkov. Všetky publikované príspevky zároveň poskytujú priestor pre hlbšiu kvalifikovanú diskusiu.

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Ľudský kapitál a spoločnosť 2014



Iveta Jeleňová - Gabriela Kravčáková (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie 16. október 2014, Košice

V polovici októbra 2014 sa uskutočnil druhý ročník konferencie Ľudský kapitál a spoločnosť, organizovaný Katedrou sociálnych štúdií Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach v spolupráci s ďalšou katedrou fakulty, a to Katedrou ekonomiky a riadenia verejnej správy. Dnes máte pred sebou zborník zahŕňajúci príspevky prednesené účastníkmi tejto konferencie. Pri jeho príprave sa editorky museli vyrovnať z rôznorodosťou profilácie účastníkov konferencie, premietajúcou sa do prístupu autorov pri spracovaní problematiky, ktorej sa venovali a následne príspevky nechať posúdiť recenzentmi z rôznych odborov. Jednotlivé príspevky sa venujú tradičným témam, ale aj novším a novým témam, reflektujúc aktuálne problémy a otázky týkajúce sa ľudského kapitálu, organizačného správania a predovšetkým, verejnej správy.

Na konferencii sa stretli výskumníci venujúci sa manažmentu, psychológii, politológii, sociálnej práci, sociológii, antropológii, jazykovede, ale aj ľudia, ktorí sa nezaraďujú iba k jednej vednej disciplíne. Bolo zaujímavé vidieť ako na ten istý jav pozerajú ľudia z rôznych disciplín. Konferencia ukázala, že interdisciplinárny prístup môže upozorniť na nedostatky identifikácie a poznania problémov len z pohľadu jednej disciplíny.

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Sociálne kompetentnosti starostov obcí na...


Eliška Župová

Monografia je zameraná na problematiku sociálnej (interpersonálnej) kompetentnosti u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností starostom obce je dôležitá k dosiahnutiu sociálneho správania. Výskumom bola zisťovaná miera zvládania vybraných interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 787 starostov zo všetkých oslovených 2753 starostov obcí na Slovensku. Na získanie empirických dát bol použitý Dotazník interpersonálnej kompetentnosti starostov obcí (DIKSO). Zistená bola vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí.

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Zlomové osmičky


Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóMária Petriková  (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 17 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled The Turning Eights, is to point out the importance of the years ending with number eight, which have significantly affected historical development and appear to be justified in the current political context.

The almanac consists of 11 articles, which are primarily in the Slovak language. The individual contributions deal with aspects of national and foreign policies that are united in theme called The Turning Eightswith the individual interest of each author.

The topics of the almanac are the municipal elections, the position of municipalities at the public administration system, development in self-governing regions and the non-governmental organizations. The presented publication also contains articles that deal with topics in specific countries, such as China, Israel and Russia.

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Výzva a riziká spoločnosti v 21. storočí


Gabriel Eštok • Gabriela Szabariová • Matúš Béreš (eds.)

Presented publication is an outcome from the scientific conference for students and young scientists that took place on 12th and 13th May 2016 at the Department of Political science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The main aim of the presented is to bring up outcomes of research of young scientists and students from Slovakia, as well as from abroad. Many of the presented papers have become integral part of qualification theses of their authors.

This conference proceedings contains 22 papers in Slovak, Czech and English language thematically creating four different parts. Papers regarding international relations or issues exceeding a level of state power are dealing with issues of globalization, counterculture, international terrorism, extremism and a role of the EU in the Arctic. Papers dealing with the situation in the Slovak republic and abroad cover reform of security in Slovakia and in Romania, issue of dealing with totalitarian history of the states of the Visegrad group as well as development of funding of education system in Slovakia since 1919. In case of authors focusing on the socio-political situation in Slovakia we can find papers analyzing role of a reeve in city of Košice, first great political conflict during a rule of Vladimír Mečiar in Slovakia, role of Roma population in political environment in Slovakia, but also those concerning local activist or action groups and examining attitude of nursing care students towards euthanasia. The conference proceedings contents also four papers regarding theoretical or philosophical issues. Their authors focused on topic of social state, social equality, democratic theories and transformation of human nature in “post-human” era.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2023



Michal Jesenko (science editor)  Eva Mihalíková • Darina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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