Chémia súbor otázok na prijímacie skúšky

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Mária Mareková - Marek StupákPeter UrbanJana  Mašlanková -

Beáta Hupková - Miroslava Rabajdová

Publikácia je určená záujemcom o štúdium na UPJŠ v Košiciach, Lekárskej fakulte v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. Obsahuje 1500 modelových otázok z chémie, ktoré sú spracované v súlade so vzdelávacím programom na gymnáziách a ktoré tvoria podklady písomných testov na prijímacích skúškach. Otázky na prijímacích skúškach však nemusia presne kopírovať otázky v tejto publikácii. Odpovede na otázky sú riešené formou ponúkaných variantných odpovedí obsahujúcich správne aj nesprávne možností, pričom správne odpovede sú uvedené v kľúči na konci publikácie. Táto publikácia vám poskytne možnosť overiť si hĺbku a rozsah vašich vedomostí z chémie, ktoré ste nadobudli počas stredoškolského štúdia a zároveň vám uľahčí prípravu na úspešné absolvovanie prijímacej skúšky. Autori problematiku rozdelili do kapitol, čo vám umožní rýchlo sa zorientovať a zistiť, ktorej oblasti sa musíte v štúdiu viac venovať. Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je umožniť každému uchádzačovi, ktorý má o štúdium na lekárskej fakulte vážny záujem, dobre sa pripraviť na prijímacie konanie a v prípade prijatia, mať dobrý základ na štúdium daného odboru.

Ortuť v životnom prostredí ako rizikový faktor...


Tatiana Kimáková

Táto vedecká monografia je komplexnou vedeckou prácou zameranou na prítomnosť a pôsobenie ortuti v životnom prostredí, ale aj na rizikové faktory zdravia, ktoré sú s ňou spojené. Monografia predstavuje charakteristiku ortuti v multidisciplinárnom zábere, prezentuje využitie v priemysle a v zdravotníctve, popisuje negatívne vplyvy ortuti v životnom prostredí, na zdravotný stav obyvateľstva. Zároveň prináša návrhy a odporúčania pre rizikové skupiny ľudí. Súčasťou monografie je komplexný výskum koncentrácie ortuti vo vzorkách komodít domácej i zahraničnej produkcie a vo vzorkách rastlín pomocou atómového absorpčného spektrometra AMA 254. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, veterinárnych, prírodovedných a poľnohospodárskych odborov ako aj pre študentov verejného zdravotníctva všetkých troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená aj pre všetkých záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.

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Biológia súbor otázok na prijímacie skúšky

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H.Mičková - V.Habalová  - J.Židzik  - E.Slabá

Publikácia je určená záujemcom o štúdium na UPJŠ v Košiciach, Lekárskej fakulte v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. Obsahuje 1500 modelových otázok z biológie, ktoré sú spracované v súlade so vzdelávacím programom na gymnáziách a ktoré tvoria podklady písomných testov na prijímacích skúškach. Otázky na prijímacích skúškach však nemusia presne kopírovať otázky v tejto publikácii. Odpovede na otázky sú riešené formou ponúkaných variantných odpovedí obsahujúcich správne aj nesprávne možností, pričom správne odpovede sú uvedené v kľúči na konci publikácie. Táto publikácia vám poskytne možnosť overiť si hĺbku a rozsah vašich vedomostí z biológie, ktoré ste nadobudli počas stredoškolského štúdia a zároveň vám uľahčí prípravu na úspešné absolvovanie prijímacej skúšky. Autori problematiku rozdelili do kapitol, čo vám umožní rýchlo sa zorientovať a zistiť, ktorej oblasti sa musíte v štúdiu viac venovať. Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je umožniť každému uchádzačovi, ktorý má o štúdium na lekárskej fakulte vážny záujem, dobre sa pripraviť na prijímacie konanie a v prípade prijatia, mať dobrý základ na štúdium daného odboru.

Základy chiropterológie

Availability: 15 In Stock

Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda -  Peter Kaňuch

Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.

Chemické výpočty vo všeobecnej a anorganickej...


Ivan Potočňák

Skriptá sú študijnou literatúrou pre predmet Chemické výpočty, ktorý je povinným predmetom bakalárskeho štúdia v odboroch Chémia a  Chémia – medziodborové štúdium, prvý ročník. Skriptá obsahujú 10 kapitol v celkovom rozsahu 207 strán, ktoré formou riešených aj neriešených príkladov vedú študentov k pochopeniu preberanej problematiky.


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Náhodné procesy a ich aplikácie


Valéria Skřivánková • Martina Hančová

The publication is focused on discrete random processes, primarily on Markov chains, which have wide application in the field of economics and finance.

The textbook is divided into five chapters, the first of which serves as an introduction to random processes and provides definition, properties and classification of random processes in general. The second chapter discusses Markov chains with discrete time, including valuation of transitions between states and their optimal management. The third chapter focuses on special Markov chains with continuous time and emphasizes construction and solution to the system of Kolmogorov differential equations, which describe the dynamics of the process development. The last two chapters illustrate applications of Markov chains using examples of queuing system modeling and renewal theory.

Besides the explanation of basic terms, definitions and theorems with proofs, this textbook also provides number of solved examples to illustrate the discussed theory. Problem assignments are placed at the end of each chapter, so that readers can test their understanding of the content as they progress through the book. Solutions to all the problems and the list of references are provided at the end of the publication.

This textbook is primarily intented for students majoring in Economics and Financial Mathematics at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and it covers content of the course “Random Proceses 1“ thought there. It might however serve also students from other schools in similar progams or professionals interested in this topic.

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Overview of biology, medicine and pharmacy history


Martin BačkorMiriam Bačkorová

The presented text is devoted to the history of biology, medicine and pharmacy studies, as scientific disciplines, from ancient time, Middle age, and modern era. In the text are chronologically arranged the most important representatives of the history of the study of biological scientific disciplines, the basic characteristics of significant historical discoveries and the reassessment of their significance from the point of view of contemporary science of the 21st century.


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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2017


Katarína Cechlárová • Eva Pitoňáková (eds.)

Zborník abstraktov príspevkov účastníkov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá sa konala 26. apríla 2017.

Už po piaty raz vychádza zborník zo Študentskej vedeckej konferencie (ŠVK) na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Teší nás, že ŠVK je pevnou súčasťou života fakulty a výkladnou skriňou kvality poskytovaného vzdelávania. V roku 2017 sa ŠVK konala v rámci tradičných Prírodovedeckých dní dňa 26. apríla 2017. Vystúpilo na nej 105 študentov Prírodovedeckej fakulty. Príspevky boli zaradené do 15 sekcií, ktoré navyše dopĺňala otvorená súťaž v programovaní, do ktorej sa zapojilo 17 študentov a finále súťaže IHRA, v ktorej súťažilo 27 tímov z celého Slovenska.

Abstrakty príspevkov prezentované v tomto zborníku dokumentujú, že na PF UPJŠ získavajú študenti poznatky a vedomosti zo svojho odboru nielen teoretickým štúdiom jednotlivých disciplín, ale aj aktívnym zapojením sa do riešenia čiastkových vedeckých problémov, ktoré sú súčasťou výskumných zámerov na ústavoch PF UPJŠ. Abstrakty príspevkov predstavujú svojim spôsobom aj prehľad o vedeckej aktivite na fakulte, ktorý, veríme, bude zaujímavý aj pre širšiu verejnosť.

doc. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD.
dekan fakulty

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Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical...


Jozef StrečkaHana ČenčarikováAndrej Gendiar (eds.)

June 7th - 8th, 2019, Košsice, Slovakia

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which will be held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia. The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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Aproximačné a pravdepodobnostné algoritmy


Ondrej KrídloGabriel Semanišin

Pre informatikov je neustálou výzvou hl’adat’ efektívne algoritmy, prípadne rôzne technické a implementačné možnosti vylepšenia výpočtovej zložitosti v súčasnosti známych algoritmov. Čiastočné riešenia ponúkajú napr. gridové prístupy a paralelizácia výpočtu. Vel’kým, ale zatial’ nenaplneným prísl’ubom, sú kvantové počítače. Z teoretického hl’adiska vel’mi dobré riešenia ponúkajú pravdepodobnostné a aproximačné prístupy. A práve nimi sa chceme podrobnejšie zaoberat’.

Tieto elektronické vysokoškolské učebné texty sú doplnkovým učebným textom k predmetu Aproximačné a pravdepodobnostné algoritmy. Učebné texty vznikli z podkladov autorov a prof. RNDr. Viliama Gefferta, DrSc., ktorému autori d’akujú za poskytnutie rukopisu. Rovnako pod’akovanie patrí aj RNDr. Jánovi Katreničovi, PhD., ktorý zostavil prvú sériu úloh na cvičenia k danému predmetu, a Žanete Semanišinovej, ktorá prečítala vel’kú čast’ textu a prispela svojimi návrhmi k jeho vylepšeniu.

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Bibliography of the amphibian and reptile...


Marcel UhrinDavid JandzikAndrej ČerňanskýMichal RindošBlanka LehotskáStanislav DankoJán KautmanPeter MikulíčekPeter UrbanDaniel Jablonski

Bibliographies provide basic scientific information, illustrate quality and intensity of research in a particular topic, area, or time, and thus help build a cultural-historical perspective of society’s appreciation of knowledge and education. Here we provide a bibliography of herpetological research in the region of Slovakia between the years 1791 and 2017. We collected 2,183 references authored by 1,453 different authors and covering all species of amphibians (18) and reptiles (13) occurring in Slovakia and, in addition, amphibian and reptile taxa occurring in 94 other countries. Most of the contributions were published in popular magazines and non-indexed journals, while only about 12% of all references represent scientific articles from journals indexed in relevant scientific databases. The extensiveness of study on amphibians and reptiles has varied among different periods within the selected time frame. However, an obvious intensification in the field of herpetology can be observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. While there have only been few professionals specialized in herpetology, an important role in promoting the research and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Slovakia has been played by non-governmental organizations and hobbyists. The most frequent type of herpetological data in the referenced literature comes from faunistic research, followed by conservation and general information on herpetofauna, with the majority of published articles in indexed journals coming from the fields of palaeontology, phylogeography, and population genetics. The presented bibliography is the first step towards building a solid base for future systematic herpetological research in the country and Central Europe.

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Book of abstracts - New trends in chemistry,...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference "New trends in chemistry, research and education 2019". The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Praktikum z molekulového modelingu


Ladislav Janovec

An enormous progress in computer technology, closely linked with advances in computational chemistry, has enabled the user to exploit the principles of quantum chemistry to elucidate the chemical phenomena. Computational chemistry is the branch of science that requires, except an academic knowledge, software skills to fully exploit a potential of theoretical methods. The aim of this textbook is to help the user take the legendary first step in the field of computational chemistry to opening a new horizon of knowledge.

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Štruktúra a fyzikálno-chemické vlastnosti...


Gabriel Žoldák

The textbook is intended as background material for university students and for education in science, biotechnology, and medicine. During the textbook conception, the emphasis was on recent trends and development in the understanding of the physicochemical properties of immunoglobulins. The textbook is divided into ten chapters and 294 pages dealing with the following topics: Immune system and immunoglobulins, General properties of immunoglobulins, Chemical and proteolytic cleavage of immunoglobulins, Structure of immunoglobulins I, Structure of immunoglobulins II, Detection of immunoglobulins, Post-purification and purification immunoglobulin modifications, Immunoglobulin stability and aggregation, Therapeutic immunoglobulins. In addition to the summary of the established knowledge about the properties of immunoglobulins, the textbook also contains new information collected from recent scientific publications.

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Úvod do porovnávacej morfológie živočíchov


Andrej Mock

The structure of the animal body is extremely varied. Each species has its distinctive morphological features, which bears as a testimony to long-term development and belonging to the developmental lineage. At the same time, the body has been tested for a long time by natural conditions, resulting in unique adaptations to the environment and life strategy. Despite this admirable variety - which includes both recent and fossil animals and which we have far from mapped – a comparison of body parts brings knowledge we can generalize: the main building principles, and boundaries within which phenotypic diversity is realized. Comparative animal morphology today uses the latest methodological material and knowledge from other disciplines, from genetics, molecular biology and experimental embryology, through progressive imaging methods (e.g. electron microscopy, computer micro-tomography) and the possibilities of subsequent software processing of image material (measurement, staining, etc.) to the view of physics, chemistry, statics and geometry on the structures (to nanostructures) of the living body. Detailed knowledge of historical and contemporary conditions on Earth is an important interpretative context in the study of animal morphology. Surprisingly, the knowledge accumulated after centuries of research is now rapidly supplemented by new knowledge, and often the traditional knowledge is subsequently reinterpreted. Finally, and no less important, in studying animal (and human) morphology, we learn surprising knowledge about ourselves. The author of the presented textbook had the ambition in a simplified form to introduce the reader, especially the student of biological studies, into a dynamic and fascinating scientific discipline, as the current comparative animal morphology is.

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Environment a jeho vybrané aspekty


Iveta CimbolákováHenrieta Pavolová

Vysokoškolské učebné texty sa zaoberajú vybranými základnými poznatkami o životnom prostredí. Sú zamerané na zhrňujúce a prierezové charakteristiky, slúžia ako podklad k  prehĺbeniu poznatkov v rámci prednášok, či seminárov k danej problematike. Učebné texty sú určené pre študentov I. stupňa vysokoškolského vzdelávania študijného odboru „Šport a rekreácia“ Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, ale aj pre všetkých tých, ktorí majú záujem prehĺbiť si svoje environmentálne znalosti. Okruhom ako napr. environmentálne riziká, ich vplyv a možné dôsledky na zdravie populácie ktoré do problematiky životného prostredia a starostlivosti oň nepochybne patria, sa v rámci ďalšieho vzdelávania venujeme v  pripravovaných učebných textoch „Environmentálne riziká, ich vplyv a dôsledky na zdravie“. Uvedený zoznam literatúry v učebných textoch poskytne záujemcom s  hlbším záujmom o environmentálnu problematiku podrobnejšie informácie.

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General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics


Adela KravčákováStanislav VokálJanka Vrláková 

The presented “General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics” is intended as a basic study material for lectures from General Physics IV in the second year of bachelor-level study of physics and interdisciplinary study in combination with physics at the Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The content covers the first part of the given course of physics, devoted to atomic physics. The aim of the course is to obtain basic information about the structure of the atom and the electron shell of the atom.

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Book of Abstracts - Conference 70 Years of...


Lenka MártonfiováMartin SuvákPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

Conference 70 Years of the Botanical Garden of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. Slovakia, Košice 3. – 4. September 2020. Book of Abstracts.

The book of abstracts from the conference with international participation includes 38 abstracts from a total of 76 authors from various botanical institutions from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. It presents an overview of knowledge and experience from the history and the present of botanical research and nature conservation. In addition to botany and nature conservation, the abstracts also cover the field of plant physiology, production of secondary metabolites, environmental studies, management of protected areas, bioinformatics and other topical research problems. The main paper is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden, its history and the present and was prepared by the director of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden. It is completed by the papers from the staff of this botanical garden devoted to the current state of research and educational activities in the botanical garden.

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Catalogue of Plant Collections No. 7


Lenka MártonfiováPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

The Catalogue of Plant Collections contains a list of 4136 species, subspecies and cultivars of plants growing wild or grown in the Botanical Garden of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia). Among them 652 plant species endangered according to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are grown in the botanical garden as well as 39 autochtonous plant species are protected by Slovak law.

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Dátová veda a jej aplikácie


Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

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In university textbooks, we present the history of data science, basic concepts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or deep learning. We describe the relationships between data science and other disciplines and summarize the tasks of the data scientist. We present an overview of university subjects in the field of data science, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of data science. University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2020


Peter Fedoročko (ed.)

From November 10 to November 11, 2020, the 7th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Košice in a modified mode in the on-line space. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 2 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 24 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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