Vybrané heterocyklické zlúčeniny


Mariana Budovská

The aim of writing the university textbook "Selected Heterocyclic Compounds" was to create a study aid for students of the Organic Chemistry program, which provides essential information in a clear format for the subject of Heterocyclic Compounds. In selecting the content of the textbook, the goal was to present basic information about the chemistry of the most significant heterocycles. Given that the summary of chemical knowledge about heterocycles is vast, it was not possible to include all heterocyclic compounds in the content.

The intention was for readers to orient themselves in the field of heterocyclic compounds. Separate chapters included in the content address the nomenclature of heterocycles, basic chemical properties of individual heterocycles, their synthesis and reactions, the occurrence of heterocycles in nature, and their practical applications (medications, dyes, pesticides, detergents, etc.).

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Mariana Budovská
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
CC BY NC (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne)
- Free for download

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Overview of biology, medicine and pharmacy history


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Ortuť v životnom prostredí ako rizikový faktor...

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Tatiana Kimáková

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Základy znalostných systémov



Ondrej Krídlo

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48th Conference of the Middle European...



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Pokročilé elektrochemické metódy



Ivana Šišoláková - Radka Gorejová - Jana Shepa - Renáta Oriňaková

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Adriana Zeleňáková

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Úvod do koordinačnej chémie



Juraj Černák

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This textbook is based on the long-term experience of the author in teaching and testing this subject. The subject is well-covered in several textbooks of varying difficulty in English; their partial list can be found by readers in the list of used literature at the end of this textbook. On the other hand, in Slovak language, coordination chemistry issues are only marginally covered in several textbooks focused more on general inorganic chemistry but lack a comprehensive view on this topic. From this follows the goal of this proposed textbook - to cover the lack of study literature in this area for Slovak language.

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Ecology I (General Ecology)
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  • -€10.35

Ecology I (General Ecology)

€11.35 €1.00 -€10.35
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Igor HudecĽubomír Kováč 

The study course provides the basic knowledge on the fundamental parameters, relationships and processes in ecological sciences. Brief content: ecological factors and relations to environment (air, water, soil); influence of ecological factors upon organisms (morphological adaptations, behavioural responses); populations and communities (external and internal parameters of populations, population dynamics); ecosystems (impact assessment) and biomes (basic features and human impact); cycles (hydrologic, gaseous, sedimentation) of basic elements on Earth.  


Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky



Janka Vrláková - Adela Kravčáková - Stanislav Vokál

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

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