A guide to the didactics of biology



Katarína Kimáková

The textbook is intended for university students who are preparing for the profession of biology teacher. The structure of the book is similar to an encyclopedia, with one page devoted to each content item, but the topics of the chapters and subchapters follow each other. The explanatory text on the page illustrates the diagram and there are notes and links to other sources of information. For better orientation, the content of the textbook is divided into 8 sections, which cover several chapters. It follows the general didactics, which it connects with the teaching of biological content. The book provides a basic orientation in the approaches to learning this subject, and also explains the relationship between biology as a science and the didactics of biology. It deals with teaching standards and curricula, advises on how to master biological concepts and understanding, how to communicate with students in biology classes, when and why are effective visual and practical methods. It acquaints the reader with the issue of setting goals for biological education in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective areas in relation to formative and summative assessment. Hopeful as well as experienced teachers will find in this publication not only a look into the history of teaching biology, but also a look into the future. Current trends in biology teaching, the connection of teaching with digital technologies, the virtual learning environment and interactive simulations and models belong to science lessons today.

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Ecology of Soil Animals



Natália Raschmanová - Ľubomír Kováč

The text summarizes the basic knowledge about the functioning of the soil ecosystem with a focus on soil protists and dominant groups of soil animals. Characteristics of each soil animal group include basic morphology, ecology, distribution, population dynamics and their importance in the soil ecosystem. The aim of the text is to gain a basic understanding of the diversity and interactions of soil fauna with the soil environment. It deals with the ecological classification of soil fauna on the basis of body size, presence in the soil during the life cycle, food preference and by locomotion. It highlights important morphological and ecophysiological adaptations of soil fauna to physical and chemical environmental factors. The text also gives an overview of the basic methods in the field collection of soil fauna and their extraction from soil samples under laboratory conditions. It further informs on the method of taxonomic identification and ecological evaluation of soil fauna communities. Discusses the soil fauna of different types of ecosystems. It highlights the differences in soil fauna communities that inhabit grassland and forest habitats, and agricultural soils. This teaching material is intended for students in biology degree programmes.

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Index Seminum 2024



Lenka Mártonfiová (ed.)

The Index Seminum 2024 of the Botanical Garden of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University contains a list of 260 seed samples offered for the international exchange among botanical gardens on the world. It includes seeds collected from the wild plants in natural localities of Slovakia with a detailed description of the localities with coordinates and date of collection (111 samples) and seeds of plants grown in the Botanical Garden (23 samples) and seeds from Exposition of the Tatra Mountain Nature of the State Forests of Tatra National Park, Tatranská Lomnica (64 samples) as well as 62 seed samples fromHrádocké Arboretum of the Secondary Forestry School of Jozef Dekret Matejovie in Liptovský Hrádok. The index includes a desiderata table that can be used when ordering seeds.

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Anatomické termíny pre štúdium anatómie človeka...



Juraj Ševc - Anna Alexovič Matiašová

U študentov jednoodborového a medziodborového štúdia biológie na fakultách s prírodovedným zameraním veľakrát vzniká pri štúdiu predmetu Anatómia človeka problém s definovaním rozsahu učiva. Predložený študijný materiál si kladie za cieľ zorientovať študentov nelekárskych vedných odborov v rozsiahlej anatomickej terminológii a ohraničiť množstvo požadovaných anatomických pojmov na optimum, aby študentom ostala popri osvojení si latinského názvoslovia dostatočná kapacita aj na zapamätanie ďalších poznatkov z oblasti systémovej, porovnávacej, vývinovej a funkčnej anatómie. Dôraz na usporiadanie jednotlivých anatomických termínov do logických celkov zároveň podporuje hierarchický pohľad na architektúru ľudského tela. Napriek zdanlivej samoúčelnosti sa tak anatomická terminológia stáva kostrou, na ktorú študent v priebehu ďalšieho štúdia nabaľuje vedomosti z viac alebo menej príbuzných vedných odborov študujúcich ľudské telo  a procesy, ktoré v ňom prebiehajú. Zároveň popri tejto ambícii presahujúcej rámec vedného odboru anatómie, nadväzujú Anatomické termíny na dlhú tradíciu anatomických repetitórií s rešpektovaním platného latinského a slovenského anatomického názvoslovia.

Skriptum predstavuje praktický doplnok ku vysokoškolským učebniciam Anatómie alebo Neuroanatómie a najmä k anatomickému atlasu, rozhodne však nemá ambíciu ich nahradiť. Nájdete tu pohromade všetky potrebné termíny, ktoré môžete mať vždy poruke vo svojom telefóne, čítačke alebo notebooku. Dôraz na usporiadanie jednotlivých anatomických termínov do logických celkov podporuje hierarchický pohľad na architektúru ľudského tela a zaradenie krátkeho úvodu ku každej sústave Vás má podnietiť k vyhľadaniu ďalších, podrobnejších informácii o stavbe a funkcii danej orgánovej sú-stavy.

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Systematika cievnatých rastlín, 5. vydanie



Pavol Mártonfi

The university textbook deals with the latest knowledge from the systematics of vascular plants in a clear manner. Vascular plants arose in the Silurian period in the Paleozoic, when the first primitive plants moved from water to dry land, which required evolutionary progress in the morphological and anatomical structure of these plants. During about 420 million years of the existence of vascular plants, several of their main groups have evolved: the spore vascular plants, including the lycopods (branch Lycopodiophyta) and group of ferns and related plants (branch Monilophyta), and the seed plants, including gymnosperms (branch Gymnospermae) and angiosperms ( Angiospermae), which currently dominate among plants. The textbook provides a brief but comprehensive overview of the main groups, orders and families of plants with their description, distribution, main representatives, while also addressing the useful properties of selected species. The work is complemented by an overview of the system of plants by Cronquist, Tachtadžjan, APG and an overview of the families of the Slovak flora, as well as a taxonomic index.

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