Systematika cievnatých rastlín, 5. vydanie


Pavol Mártonfi

The university textbook deals with the latest knowledge from the systematics of vascular plants in a clear manner. Vascular plants arose in the Silurian period in the Paleozoic, when the first primitive plants moved from water to dry land, which required evolutionary progress in the morphological and anatomical structure of these plants. During about 420 million years of the existence of vascular plants, several of their main groups have evolved: the spore vascular plants, including the lycopods (branch Lycopodiophyta) and group of ferns and related plants (branch Monilophyta), and the seed plants, including gymnosperms (branch Gymnospermae) and angiosperms ( Angiospermae), which currently dominate among plants. The textbook provides a brief but comprehensive overview of the main groups, orders and families of plants with their description, distribution, main representatives, while also addressing the useful properties of selected species. The work is complemented by an overview of the system of plants by Cronquist, Tachtadžjan, APG and an overview of the families of the Slovak flora, as well as a taxonomic index.

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Pavol Mártonfi
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Rok vydania:
5. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
CC BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
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16 other products in the same category:

Cognitive neuroscience of auditory and...


Norbert Kopčo - Frederick Gallun - Beáta Tomoriová - Ľuboš Hládek(eds.)

Cognitive neuroscience is a fast developing scientific field which aims at uncovering the neural basis of human perception and cognition. To achieve this goal, cognitive neuroscience uses a variety of tools and approaches ranging from non-invasive brain imaging to psychophysics and neural modeling. Mastering such tools requires skills and knowledge from multiple scientific domains, including neurophysiology, cognitive psychology, and several computational fields.

Prístup na požiadanie na email: kogneuro (@)

Cell Biophysics II



Katarína Štrofeková

Cell Biophysics II is the one semester comprehensive course textbook for PhD students. It encompasses basic principles and mechanisms underlying cell physiology and biophysics with aims:

• General knowledge of the principles of cellular function, including membrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear roles in normal and abnormal conditions.
• In-depth understanding of the mechanisms underlying the cell functions at the molecular and subcellular level.
• Awareness of cell pathologies that lead to specific disease symptoms and phenotypes.
• The ability to apply learned principles to solve new problems (analysis & synthesis).

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Praktické cvičenia z biochémie


Erik Sedlák - Rastislav Varhač - Patrik Danko - Helena Paulíková -Dušan Podhradský

The presented scripts were created in an effort to update and especially clarify the tasks that are solved in the basic practical exercises in biochemistry students of the 2nd and 3rd year of the bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology and their combinations with other disciplines. Most of the tasks come from the original scripts "Podhradský, Mihalovová: Praktické cvičenia z biochémie, Košice 1989". Some of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent and adapted to current conditions in the laboratory. New tasks were also added, such as those dedicated to nucleic acids. The scripts are thematically divided into six separate units, each of which consists of several tasks. The names of the units correspond to the nature of the biomacromolecules, which form their central theme. Theoretical introductions at the beginning of the unit are newly constructed and their main goal is to provide a brief overview of the basic biochemical methods used in the study of biomacromolecules. These scripts are intentionally only available in electronic form. The reason is the effort to continuously update and modernize individual tasks according to the changing possibilities of our laboratory. We hope that the scripts will fulfill their role and that students will have sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of basic biochemical methods after completing these laboratory exercises.

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Pokročilé elektrochemické metódy



Ivana Šišoláková - Radka Gorejová - Jana Shepa - Renáta Oriňaková

The university textbook "Advanced Electrochemical Methods" is a teaching aid intended for master's or doctoral students studying electrochemical subjects at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. These textbooks follow and further develop textbooks focused on the basic electrochemical methods currently used in modern research. The presented teaching texts are processed in sixteen clear chapters, where they provide a theoretical principle and derivation of electrochemical processes and mechanisms in individual methods. Teaching texts also consist of practical laboratory exercises, in which students can try out the real application of the studied electrochemical methods. The practical tasks are focused primarily on the demonstration of research that is carried out at our workplace. Students will be able to try, for example, electrochemical modification of the electrode surface, preparation of electrochemical sensors for the determination of analytes, preparation and characterization of a dye-sensitized solar cell or electrochemical evolution of hydrogen.

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Cvičenia z imunológie


Vlasta Demečková, Petra Hradická, Petra Adamková

Practical Immunology is a basic text aimed at students of PF UPJŠ in Košice who study Biology need a comprehensive overview of the methodology of immunology. While studying Biology, students need to thoroughly understand not only the basics of each discipline, but also to acquire practical skills, including the ability to design scientific experiments, select adequate analytical techniques as well as to interpret and present experimental data. The aim of this new publication is therefore to provide master's degree students with practical reference study material that will support and expand their knowledge of the basic principles of Immunology

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2020


Peter Fedoročko (ed.)

From November 10 to November 11, 2020, the 7th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Košice in a modified mode in the on-line space. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 2 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 24 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Náhodné procesy a ich aplikácie


Valéria Skřivánková • Martina Hančová

The publication is focused on discrete random processes, primarily on Markov chains, which have wide application in the field of economics and finance.

The textbook is divided into five chapters, the first of which serves as an introduction to random processes and provides definition, properties and classification of random processes in general. The second chapter discusses Markov chains with discrete time, including valuation of transitions between states and their optimal management. The third chapter focuses on special Markov chains with continuous time and emphasizes construction and solution to the system of Kolmogorov differential equations, which describe the dynamics of the process development. The last two chapters illustrate applications of Markov chains using examples of queuing system modeling and renewal theory.

Besides the explanation of basic terms, definitions and theorems with proofs, this textbook also provides number of solved examples to illustrate the discussed theory. Problem assignments are placed at the end of each chapter, so that readers can test their understanding of the content as they progress through the book. Solutions to all the problems and the list of references are provided at the end of the publication.

This textbook is primarily intented for students majoring in Economics and Financial Mathematics at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and it covers content of the course “Random Proceses 1“ thought there. It might however serve also students from other schools in similar progams or professionals interested in this topic.

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Cytológia pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia

Availability: 50 In Stock

Ján Kleban a kolektív

Predkladaný pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia z cytológie je určený poslucháčom 1. ročníka bakalárskeho štúdia biológie a 1. ročníka bakalárskeho medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s biológiou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Slúži ako návod, ktorý má študentom uľahčiť prácu a umožniť rýchlejšiu orientáciu v zadanej úlohe. Úprava pracovného zošita do formy protokolov umožňuje študentom zakresliť vlastné pozorovanie a tým stimuluje študentov k presnejšiemu a trvalejšiemu zapamätaniu si precvičovanej úlohy a zároveň umožňuje spätnú kontrolu pedagógom. Počas cvičení sa študenti postupne oboznámia so základnými pojmami optiky, s aplikáciami využívajúcimi mikroskopickú techniku, ale aj so základnými rozdielmi medzi štruktúrou rastlinnej a živočíšnej bunky a ich organelami.

Určitý integrál



Ondrej Hutník

Pojem integrálu je jedným z najvýznamnejších pojmov v matematike vôbec. V naj- primitívnejšej podobe ho používali už starí Gréci pri tvorbe euklidovskej geometrie. No až po Descartovom diele o analytickej geometrii z roku 1637 mohli matematici začať považovať integrál za predmet analýzy. Descartova práca pripravila podmienky pre objav infinitezimálneho počtu Leibnizom a Newtonom okolo roku 1665. V tom čase vznikol veľký spor o prvenstvo tohto objavu, čo rozdelilo učencov Nemecka a Anglicka do dvoch bojujúcich táborov, z ktorých každý fandil svojmu favoritovi. Dnes vieme, že Newtonova práca o fluxiách a fluentoch bola o niečo skoršia, ale Leibnizovo označenie a prístup sa v matematickom svete ujali viac a symboly R a d sa používajú dodnes. Stručný prierez históriou integrálu bude uvedený v Kapitole 1.

Dnes existuje celá hromada skrípt, učebníc, či kníh venovaných výkladu pojmu integrál. Preto pred prvú otázku, či napísať ďalší text o tejto problematike, je postavený každý potenciálny autor. Nás ku kladnej odpovedi na túto otázku doviedla požiadavka študentov nájsť v určitej ucelenej podobe prednášanú problematiku časti zimného semestra druhého ročníka. Druhou motiváciou je trochu odlišný prístup k problematike. Ak si totiž uvedomíme, ktoré metódy sa zvyčajne používajú pri riešení úloh a zís- kavaní rutiny z určitého integrálu, ide hlavne o Newtonovu-Leibnizovu formulu a častokrát na výpočet určitého (Riemannovho) integrálu pomocou definície nezostáva veľa času. Preto sme zaradili pojednanie o Newtonovom integráli v Kapitole 2, ktorý reflektuje túto skutočnosť a má priamy súvis s neurčitým integrálom, ktorého rôznym metódam výpočtu sa venuje relatívne veľa pozornosti v predchádzajúcom semestri. Až za tým v Kapitole 3 vybudujeme teóriu Riemannovho integrálu, uvedieme kritériá jeho existencie, triedy integrovateľných funkcií, základné vlastnosti a nakoniec vzťah s Newtonovým integrálom. Otázky prevažne geometrických aplikácií riešime v Kapitole 4 a v poslednej kapitole sa venujeme rozšíreniu Riemannovho integrálu pre neohraničené funkcie a neohraničené intervaly.

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Availability: 59 In Stock

 Andrej Oriňak - Renáta Oriňaková - Andrea Fedorková

Nanotechnology represent the fastest developing science in the present. They are based on the technologies that enable the matter manipulation at atomic level. Nanotechnology offer prepartion of the new materials with unknown and very specific properties and functions.Recent nanotechnology still stay in formative phase of their development. But more and more they are visible with nano-specific phenomenons in the fundamental control of the properties as well mater behaviour. This is quite possible that without nanotechnology will not work any science to the future, moreover that science will not exist anymore. Nanotechnolgy will give a chance and force to transform world to more environmental and comfortable. Expected is expansion of the nanotechnolgy to molecular nanosystems – heterogenous nets, in which molecules and supramolecules work as the nanodevices. The computers and robots will be reduced to the small and ultrasmall dimensions. In medicine will foremost the application of nanotechnology in genetic therapy and elimination of ageing. Nanosurgery will work at molecular level, cancer cells will be identified early and filtered , then substituted with healthy and unchanged. It is necessary to inform university or high school students  about principles of nanotechnolgy, preparation of the nanostructures, functionality of them and to offer full representation about molecular systems and nanodevices; the methods of nanostructures characterization and about application in miniaturized systems. 


Vybrané kapitoly z koloidnej chémie



Daniela Kladeková

Práca s učebným textom predpokladá primerané znalosti z oblasti fyzikálnej chémie, fyziky a biológie, bez ktorých je orientácia v predkladanom študijnom materiáli zložitá. Solídne znalosti z matematiky sú nevyhnutné a pomáhajú pri pochopení problémov koloidnej chémie. V skriptách, ktoré sa členia na jednotlivé kapitoly, po klasifikácii a charakterizácii disperzných sústav sa najprv rozoberajú optické a molekulovo-kinetické vlastnosti. 
Mimoriadne veľký medzifázový povrch, ktorý je charakteristický hlavne pre koloidne disperzné sústavy, pripisuje zvlášť dôležitú úlohu javom, ktoré prebiehajú na fázovom rozhraní, t.j. povrchovým javom. V súvislosti s týmto poznatkom diskutujú sa vlastnosti mobilných fázových rozhraní a fázového rozhrania tuhá látka/plyn a tuhá látka/kvapalina. Významná je následne zaradená kapitola o elektrických vlastnostiach disperzných sústav. Táto kapitola je tesne spojená s otázkami vzniku, štruktúry, stability a deštrukcie disperzií; pozornosť sa venuje predovšetkým koloidným sústavám. Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou je aj kapitola, ktorá popisuje reologické vlastnosti disperzných sústav. Ďalšie kapitoly uvádzajú jednotlivé typy disperzných sústav.

Tento vysokoškolský učebný text je určený najmä študentom chemických a ekologických odborov na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Nekladie si za cieľ vyčerpávajúco rozoberať do detailov celú problematiku, lebo o nej pojednávajú monografie nielen z koloidnej a makromolekulovej chémie, často možno nájsť detailné rozpracovanie aj v základných učebniciach fyzikálnej chémie.

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Matematika pre nematematické odbory
  • On sale!
  • -€7.96

Matematika pre nematematické odbory

€8.96 €1.00 -€7.96
Availability: 139 In Stock

Danica StudenovskáTomáš Madaras 

Táto publikácia je určená pre študentov nematematických odborov na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach. Jej obsahom je látka preberaná v prvom semestri v rámci predmetu Matematika I..

Publikácia nadväzuje na učivo stredných škôl a nevyžaduje žiadne predbežné špeciálne znalosti. Môže slúžiť ako základ na ďalšie samostatné štúdium a môže byť užitočná aj pre iných záujemcov o matematiku a jej aplikácie.

Vyriešené príklady v jednotlivých kapitolách majú pomôcť čitateľovi pri zvládnutí štúdia. Tomu napomáhajú aj ilustratívne obrázky.


Pokročilé štatistické metódy


Daniel Klein

Statistics is defined as a scientific discipline based on learning from data and on finding, controlling, and presenting uncertainty. In these university textbooks we present the history of statistics, basic concepts of statistical modeling, measurement of dependencies, regression models, analysis of variance. We describe simple sorting, multiple comparisons, assumptions of the ANOVA model, Kruskal-Wallis test. University textbooks are suitable for students of mathematics and computer science at the first and second level of universities. Study materials are also suitable for students of non-informatics disciplines with a view to improving their knowledge and practical experience in the fields of informatics and provide an opportunity for students to apply in IT companies in solving practical tasks.

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