Hranice zmluvnej slobody v pracovnom práve



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Jozef Suchoža-Ján Husár-Regina Hučková

The Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium "LA W-BUSINESS-ECONOMICS XII" is a collection of scientific works by authors participating in the symposium of the same name. The publication focuses primarily on the area of representation in private law, related pai1ies in corporate and bankruptcy law, and current issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. The authors of indivídua! contributions are erudite experts from various branches of law. The collection of scientific papers is a complete work in the form of a collection, with an overlap into private and public law sectors. Readers are presented with scientific outputs from authors from the Slovak legal environment, as well as from foreign authors. Several authors' paper provide a European legal perspective or an international comparative perspective.

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Svetové dejiny štátu a práva


Erik Štenpien

This university textbook named "The World History of State and Law" serve as teaching aid to Students of 1. year-class of Faculty of Law. He addicted to history of state and law of oriental despoties and chosen states of ancient Greece. Exactly interpreted the law history of medieval and feudal states and cities and institutes of medieval law with the accent to civil law. Next he interpreted the history of constitutions of the european states (Netherland, Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy) and USA, also the modern law of 19. Century. A special chapter deals with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and the system of treaties adopted during it.

At the end he interpreted the legal history of chosen states of Europe and USA - state system with the accent to type of the regime (democracy, dictature).

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Zborník príspevkov z X. ročníka študentského...



Adam Giertl (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov študentského Sympózia z medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva konaného dňa 28. apríla 2017 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ Košiciach

Študentské sympózium je pravidelne poriadané Ústavom medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva a v roku 2017 je konané už jubilejná desiata edícia študentského sympózia, ktoré postupom času záber záujmu rozšírilo aj do oblasti európskeho práva. S tradíciou konania študentských sympózií je spojený aj dobrý zvyk prípravy zborníka príspevkov z každého podujatia. Desiaty ročník pochopiteľne nie je výnimkou a tak sa čitateľom dostáva „do rúk“ desiata edícia zborníka príspevkov študentského sympózia. Po minulé roky bolo sympózium vždy zamerané na konkrétnu oblasť právnej úpravy medzinárodného a európskeho práva. Tak sa predmetom skúmania účastníkov sympózií stali otázky migrácie (2016), ochrany kultúrnych hodnôt (2015) alebo problematike kyberpriestoru (2013). Tento rok sa vzhľadom na to, že ide o jubilejný desiaty ročník organizátori sympózia poňať zameranie sympózia prierezovo a pripomenúť si niektoré významné míľniky vývoja medzinárodného práva, ktoré sa udiali v rokoch ukončených číslom sedem.

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Health Capacity of Employees


Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč - Jana Žuľová (eds.)

Reviewed Proceedings of Papers of the Scientific Conference

Health determines an individual's life in all activities and interests, including the possibility and ability to work. Work and health are in the mutual interaction. Work leads to social inclusion, financial self-sufficiency, finding confirmation of one's own usefulness or achieving personal ambitions. Work can have therapeutic effects, but at the same time it can have an adverse effect on health. Overlapping factors of work environment, alone or in combination with non-work influences, can lead to illnesses that temporarily or permanently exclude an employee from his or her profession. For these reasons, health enjoys fundamental legal protection as one of the most important values, not only in labour relations. One of the auxiliary tools to ensure the protection of the health of employees in labour relations is the assessment of health capacity for work. The purpose of the assessment of health capacity is to ensure only the performance of work for which the individual has health prerequisites. The issue of assessing the medical and mental capacity of employees for work is an interdisciplinary topic in which not only legal science is represented, but also medical departments or the field of public health. Although the pandemic period extended several legal aspects of the researched area with new theses, at the same time it made impossible for experts to meet directly for a personal exchange of knowledge and to discuss the presented opinions. Despite unfavorable circumstances, the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice decided to proceed in the research of the grant project APVV-16-0002 Mental health in the workplace and assessment of health capacity of employee and to organize the electronic conference which held from 15th to 25th May 2020. The output of the international scientific conference is proceedings of scientific papers. The content of the reviewed proceedings of scientific papers declares the importance of addressing issues related to the protection of employees' health, not only from a legal point of view, but also in the context of its necessary interconnection with other scientific disciplines.

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Law without borders



Eva Berníková - Dominika PisarčíkováDiana Repiščáková (eds.)

Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was created as part of the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers entitled "Law without borders" held on April 27, 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in connection with the solution of a scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union" supported by the Grant of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022.

The aim of the mentioned project is the scientific examination of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions in the conditiions of the European Union, in order to determine and subsequently assess the necessity, as well as the extent of harmonization of the legal regulation of the member states of the European Union, based on the growing need to increase the level of free movement of administrative decisions within the European Union.

As part of the research project, an international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was held entitled "Law without borders". PhD. students and young researchers were not only from Slovak republic but also from foreign universities. The main goal of the conference was to emphasize the increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law in isolation, but in correlation with the legal systems of other states, or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.

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Impact of the European Union on Criminal Law of...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Reviewed collection of papers of the international scientific conference is the output of the international scientific conference held on 7th October 2022 within the framework of the project APVV-18-0421 „European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law“.

Unlike other areas of activities of the European Union, the European Union did not begin to enter the area of criminal law and criminal policy until much later. The reason is that the sphere of criminal law has traditionally been associated with the sovereignty of the state, which is why the Member States of the European Union are very slow to allow the European Union into it. The issue of the European Union's influence on the criminal law of its Member States is therefore becoming actual and raises many questions and application problems. In their papers, the authors address the various problems posed by the European Union's influence in the area of criminal law. Among the scientific problems and issues that the authors paid attention to in their works are the following: reasons for competence of the European Union within the field of criminal law; Impact of the EU legislation on criminal law of EU Member States; proposals to improve existing legislation, whether at European Union or national level, cooperation of the Court of Justice of the European Union and national judges via preliminary proceedings within the field of criminal law; as well as the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

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The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of...


Terézia HišemováDarina Kmecová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers of Conference of Slovak and Czech law romanists, which take place at May, 10.-11.5.2018, at Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice.

The submitted reviewed proceeding of scientific papers on „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of roman - law basics and problems of application practice.”  is prepared within the solution of the grant project VEGA on: „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of historical - law basics and problems of application practice.”, no. p. 1/0198/17.

The authors of papers are important personalities of Roman law working in the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as PhD students and young scientists from Slovak and foreign universities who are active in the academic environment as well as in legal practice. The main goal of the editors is to help improve the current legal situation, which is assessed as unsatisfactory, and through a historical excursion of the development of the loan institute and then the forced execution of the decision, to create de lege ferenda proposals considering all areas of research.

The Proceedings trace the interrelationships between the substantive law institute in terms of the Roman law of contractus unilaterales - mutuum in its various types, often realized by the attachment of high interest rates, which bordered on the insurrection and the procedural law of individual lawsuits enforced in the legislative, formular and cognitive process. If there was no possibility to impose certain behaviour on the obligated person (the debtor, the sentenced person), then the declared general obligation to enforce the legal norms was only a legal term. It has always been the case that every internally well-organized state, whether antique or present, has to use power tools - often with the use of gross violence - but within the limits of the law, to promote what it has declared valid law. It must protect creditors on the one hand, but it must also prevent self-help and the use of illegal, unjustified and disproportionate violence.

The loan contract as a real contract has often become an integral part and relatively the most frequent reason leading to the compulsory enforcement, especially when contracting parties often agree on the connection of interest - sometimes within the legal limit, sometimes exceeding the legal framework - and in this way the potential future creditor (the plaintiff) significantly increased the insolvency risk of the debtor (the defendant, the sentenced) and of the subsequent execution. The pronounced and deepening social stratification of the Roman population and the secondary depreciation effort, the cancellation of the debts of the poor part of the population logically culminated in social unrest and revolt against the enforcement of the enforcement law.

The proceedings capture not only the rich scientific discussion of Slovak and Czech legal Romanists, but also the opinions, experience and knowledge of experts on contemporary law dealing with this type of issues. As a result, it provides a unique interdisciplinary view of the subject and raises many stimulus points for future research. This work proves that the problems encountered by the various representatives of the Roman jurisprudence and their legal and theoretical bases and solutions are undoubtedly useful and serve as a guideline also for solving legal issues in the field of modern enforcement proceedings.

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Učíme právo zážitkovo



Daniela Lamačková-Renáta Orosová- Beáta Sakalová- Diana Repiščáková

Methodological guide for teachers for classroom lessons and civics Teaching law experientially? Is it even possible? The answers to these questions are provided by a methodological guide that uniquely links experiential learning methods with legal content. This methodological guide is a set of techniques based on the use of interactive and participatory learning methods, focusing on selected human rights and value-oriented topics, which also have the potential to develop other key competences of students, such as their communication skills, their ability to learn and educate independently, their ability to think critically, their ability to work with and analyse texts, their ability to discuss and express their opinions, and their ability to listen to each other. The methodological guide consists of a set of training activities - techniques, while each technique contains a precise description of the procedure for conducting a specific activity, the expected duration of the activity, aids, discussion topics and also a short pedagogical and legal commentary, precisely "tailored" to the specific legal topic. The legal topics are chosen to be generally applicable to both classroom and civics lessons, to raise questions about the functioning of rules and the need to respect them, mutual respect and tolerance, and to encourage reflection on the limits of individual rights and on responsibility in exercising one's rights. The techniques use training methods such as group work, brainstorming, role-playing, dealing with model situations, as well as a simulated court process. The methodological guide is intended for classroom teachers in the implementation of classroom lessons, and also for the purposes of the subject of civics, as well as for students of pedagogy at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Regionalizmus a jeho prínos pre všeobecné...



Ján Klučka a kol.

Predkladaná monografia „Regionalizmus a jeho prínos pre všeobecné medzinárodné právo“ bola spracovaná na Ústave európskeho práva a oddelení medzinárodného práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach v rámci rovnomenného projektu (APVV-0823-11) uskutočneného v rokoch 2011 – 2015 a predstavuje jeden z jeho finálnych publikačných výstupov. Hlavným dôvodom výberu témy bola snaha o hodnotenie regionalizmu v jeho rôznych podobách vo vzťahu k medzinárodnému právu a na druhej strane hodnotenie miesta, významu a úlohy medzinárodného práva na vzniku a fungovaní rôznych foriem regionálnych zoskupení. Je totiž skutočnosťou, že hoci je regionalizmu venovaná čoraz väčšia pozornosť doktríny, komplexnejšie posúdenie jeho vplyvu na medzinárodné právo a vice versa v nej doteraz absentuje. Túto medzeru sa pokúša čiastočne odstrániť predkladaná monografia. Na pozadí stručného historického vývoja regionalizmu, ako aj jeho obsahovej a terminologickej zložky sa v monografii podrobnejšie skúmajú jednotlivé druhy regionalizmu v podobe starého a nového regionalizmu, ako aj zmluvného a inštitucionálneho regionalizmu, ďalej ich osobitosti, ako aj prínos k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Pozornosť sa tiež venuje špecifickému fenoménu súčasného regionalizmu, a to vplyvu Európskej únie na jeho stabilizáciu a rozvoj ako faktickými opatreniami, tak aj sústavou opatrení upravených medzinárodnými zmluvami. Jedná sa o zmluvy uzavierané Európskou úniou na strane jednej s medzinárodnými organizáciami, skupinami štátov či jednotlivými štátmi na strane druhej. V tejto súvislosti sa analyzuje problematika interregionalizmu, resp. zmluvného interregionalizmu v rámci jeho špecifík a prínosu k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Vzhľadom na svoju závažnosť je osobitná kapitola monografie venovaná pôsobeniu a vplyvu koncepcie rule of law v kontexte súčasného regionalizmu pri zohľadnení jej osobitostí v rôznych modeloch regionálnych zoskupení v rôznych častiach sveta. Nasledujúce kapitoly monografie sa venujú kodifikácii medzinárodného práva, ktorú si vynútila nutnosť jednotnej úpravy vzťahov, do ktorých vstupujú regionálne organizácie v súčasnom období, ako aj posúdeniu možného vplyvu pravotvornej činnosti a aplikácie pravidiel medzinárodného práva regionálnymi organizáciami v kontexte tzv. fragmentácie medzinárodného práva. Autori sa domnievajú, že sa im v zásade podarilo identifikovať hlavné styčné oblasti súčasného regionalizmu a medzinárodného práva, ich vzájomný vplyv, ako aj prínos rôznych foriem regionalizmu k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Vzhľadom na to, že v prípade regionalizmu sa jedná o dynamicky sa rozvíjajúci segment súčasných globalizovaných medzinárodných vzťahov, ako aj medzinárodného práva, monografia zachytáva len súčasný stav jeho vzťahov k medzinárodnému právu a analýza ich vzájomných vzťahov v budúcom období sa preto javí nielen ako vhodná, tak aj žiadúca.

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Privatizácia verejného práva verzus publicita...


Lukáš MichaľovKatarína Koromházová (eds.)

The Collection of scientific contributions "Privatization of public law versus publicity of private law" is an output of the International scientific conference of Phd. students and scientific researchers organized by the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. The collection contains contributions focused on the issues of the intersection of private and public law, specifically on the privatization of public law and publicity of private law.

This is a highly important topic, because the elements of privatization can be found across the entire public law, not only in the field of criminal law, but also in other legal branches of public law.Recently, there have been significant elements of publicity of private law, especially commercial or civil law. Therefore, we consider the topic of the conference and the title of the collection to be appropriately chosen and up to date without any significant limits in scientific research.

The participants of theInternational scientific conference in their contributions also focused on de lege ferenda considerations and offer a new perspective on the formation of public or private law.

The aim of the published Collection of scientific contributions isto continue in improving and developing new knowledge of the public law in the field of its privatization and private law in the field of its publicity.

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Kúpna zmluva – história a súčasnosť I.



Erik Štenpien (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 27. septembra 2013 na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach. 

Občiansky zákonník je jednou zo základných právnych kodifikácií dnešnej doby. Paradoxom je, že v Slovenskej republike dodnes platí zákonník z roku 1964, pravda s istými úpravami, ktoré priniesla moderná doba. V súčasnosti prebiehajú rekodifikačné snahy, ktorých výsledkom by malo byť prijatie nového Občianskeho zákonníka. Nie je však možné budovať nové bez znalosti starého. Je preto dobrým znakom, ak sa na spoločnej konferencií stretnú právni historici s civilistami, aby si vymenili názory a poznatky. Katedra dejín štátu a práva košickej Právnickej fakulty je v roku 2013 v prvom roku riešenia vedeckého grantového projektu VEGA: Historickoprávny vývoj inštitútu kúpnej zmluvy a tendencie jej súčasnej rekodifikácie v SR - č. p.: 1/0131/13. Uvedený projekt sme získali ako historickoprávny, participuje však na ňom aj Katedra občianskeho práva, veď doc. JUDr. K. Kirstová, CSc. je zástupkyňou vedúceho projektu. Vedomí si toho, že ide o úplne unikátne prepojenie právnych dejín a praxe, naša katedra dňa 27. septembra 2013 zorganizovala medzinárodnú vedeckú konferenciu Kúpna zmluva - história a súčasnosť I., ktorá bola plánovaným grantovým výstupom, v konečnom dôsledku sa však konala v čase, kedy košická Právnická fakulta oslavovala 40. výročie svojho vzniku. Tento zborník je teda súhrnom vystúpení z riešenia grantového projektu, ale aj vystúpení, ktoré s riešenou témou súvisia. Má ambíciu výraznou mierou prispieť k poznaniu dejín a súčasných rekodifikačných snáh inštitútu kúpnej zmluvy doma a v zahraničí.

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Informačná spoločnosť a medzinárodné právo



Adam Giertl - Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z V. študentského sympózia konaného v dňoch 21. - 22. apríla 2013

Francúzsky delegát v Komisii pre ľudské práva, diskutujúc o zaradení pojmu „médiá" do článku o slobode prejavu v návrhu Medzinárodného paktu o občianskych a politických právach, prezieravo vyzýval ostatných členov komisie k predvídavosti ohľadne informačných médií budúcnosti.1 Diskusia prebehla v roku 1950, kedy o vplyve internetu na spolo- čenské vzťahy ešte naozaj nemohli delegáti tušiť. Keďže je v dnešných dňoch už jasné, že informačné technológie významne vplývajú na právo, medzinárodné právo nevynímajúc, rozhodli sa organizátori študentského sympózia venovať jeho šiesty ročník téme „Informačná spoločnosť a medzinárodné právo".

Študenti Právnickej fakulty sa po prihlásení na sympózium najskôr venovali príprave svojho príspevku, pričom každý z účastníkov mal v prípade potreby k dispozícii konzultanta. Zoznam konzultantov popri členoch Ústavu európskeho práva, oddelenia medzinárodného práva, bol tohto roku rozšírený o odborníka na právo duševného vlastníctva, Mgr. Martina Husovca, absolventa našej Právnickej fakulty a v súčasnosti IMPRS-CI doktoranda pôsobiaceho na Inštitúte Maxa Plancka pre duševné vlastníctvo a súťažné právo. Aj touto cestou ďakujeme, že venoval svoj čas študentom a pomohol im cennou radou pri príprave ich príspevkov. Po ukončení prípravnej fázy sa konalo samotné sympózium, ktorého cieľom bolo prezentovať vypracované príspevky a rozvinúť o nich diskusiu. Prednesené príspevky svojím zameraním odrážali široké spektrum prienikov medzinárodného práva a informačnej spoločnosti.

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Ochrana (duševného) zdravia zamestnanca v...


Marcel Dolobáč • Monika Seilerová

Priemyselnej revolúcii sa nemožno vyhnúť, ani sa pred ňou skryť, súčasne je však rovnako nesprávne vidieť ju iba v sivých farbách. Buďme optimistickí. Informačný vek môže znamenať aj 6 6 znižovanie rozsahu pracovného času, snáď širší čas pre rodinu a medziľudské vzťahy či celkové zvýšenie ekonomického prepychu jednotlivca. Informačný vek zoberie množstvo pracovných príležitostí, ale ďalšie priehrštie položí na stôl, avšak zväčša iba pre vzdelaných. Veda a výskum budú pre celkový hospodársky rozvoj ešte dôležitejšie než dnes. Buďme pripravení.

Ambíciou tejto monografie nie je a ani nemôže byť poskytnúť vyčerpávajúcu odpoveď na vyššie načrtnuté polemiky. Jej cieľom je podnietiť širšiu vedeckú diskusiu najmä o problematike ochrany duševného zdravia v korelácii s nástupom informačného veku. Predmetom skúmania je ochrana jednotlivca – zamestnanca, ktorý sa musí adaptovať na nové technologické prostredie a nároky s ním spojené. Monografia predstavuje ucelený výstup autorov, ktorí v ostatných dvoch rokov publikovali v rámci grantovej APVV-16-0002 Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca na obdobné témy. Autori veria, že aj vďaka označenému grantu APVV, budú v ďalších rokoch na predmetnú tému nadväzovať. Čo je však najdôležitejšie veríme, že jej obsah zaujme vás, čitateľov.

za autorov
Marcel Dolobáč

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Prípady z medzinárodného práva verejného


Ľudmila Elbert • Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to study and analyze the decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies in order to fully understand the subject of the Public International Law or disciplines closely related to it. Since the Slovak literature in the field of Public International Law does not contain any electronic textbook of selected decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies, the authors of the submitted publication aim to eliminate this gap by elaborating the “Public International Law Casebook”, which will primarily be intended for undergraduate students of the law faculties in the Slovak republic and the Czech republic. The proposed publication seeks to make the study of international law more attractive through a publication that will make students familiar with the decisions translated into the Slovak language in a popular electronic form.

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Právny štát, spravodlivosť a budúcnosť demokracie



Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

Collection of papers from session of the slovak section of the IVR

In accordance with its name, the collection is devoted to three framework areas consisting of the rule of law, justice and the future of democracy, reflecting the focus of the 31st World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Published contributions of the slovak section of the IVR are devoted to the present questions of the rule of law in relation to the democratic legal state. Principles of the rule of law and present questions connected to the democratic character of the Slovak republic, including the democratic procedures on the local level, are juxtaposed with shifts on the international and global scene. Individual contributions are thus devoted to the technical and biotechnological challenges of contemporary democracy, the manifestation of game theory in the search for consensus in collegial judicial bodies, or to the concept of loyal opposition in the ongoing judicial dialogue surrounding the application of law in the european legal space. Space is also devoted to the universal questions of the nature of legal science, and to the present and future of the rule of law. The collection thus goes beyond the borders of the slovak legal space and aims to understand current trends in a broader context.

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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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