Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis. Selected...



Pavol Pobeha,  Ivana Paraničová,  Pavol Joppa

The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine. This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.

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English Syntax in a Nutshell.A frame-to-chain...



Slávka Janigová

This academic textbook is addressed to students of English linguistics as an introductory course on syntax, but also to anyone interested in the composition of the English sentence, whether affiliated with academia, school teachers or practising translators. The textbook pursues the Prague Linguistic School tradition of functional structuralism along with an onomasiological perspective as the major methodological focus of the Košice Onomasiological School of Linguistics. Within an onomasiological approach to syntactic analysis the key to the identification of surface structures (ranked as Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences on the syntactic pyramid) is the syntactic meaning (a frame-to-chain approach). The syntactic analysis starts with identification of the arrangement of semantic roles (a deep valency frame) and proceeds to determine a surface valency chain, often several of them, by means of surface grammatical and structural tests. Readers are encouraged to use their intuitions in deciphering the syntactic meaning and identifying the surface chain capable of its activation in both the English sentence analysis as well as cross-linguistically.

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