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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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Regionalizmus a jeho prínos pre všeobecné...



Ján Klučka a kol.

Predkladaná monografia „Regionalizmus a jeho prínos pre všeobecné medzinárodné právo“ bola spracovaná na Ústave európskeho práva a oddelení medzinárodného práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach v rámci rovnomenného projektu (APVV-0823-11) uskutočneného v rokoch 2011 – 2015 a predstavuje jeden z jeho finálnych publikačných výstupov. Hlavným dôvodom výberu témy bola snaha o hodnotenie regionalizmu v jeho rôznych podobách vo vzťahu k medzinárodnému právu a na druhej strane hodnotenie miesta, významu a úlohy medzinárodného práva na vzniku a fungovaní rôznych foriem regionálnych zoskupení. Je totiž skutočnosťou, že hoci je regionalizmu venovaná čoraz väčšia pozornosť doktríny, komplexnejšie posúdenie jeho vplyvu na medzinárodné právo a vice versa v nej doteraz absentuje. Túto medzeru sa pokúša čiastočne odstrániť predkladaná monografia. Na pozadí stručného historického vývoja regionalizmu, ako aj jeho obsahovej a terminologickej zložky sa v monografii podrobnejšie skúmajú jednotlivé druhy regionalizmu v podobe starého a nového regionalizmu, ako aj zmluvného a inštitucionálneho regionalizmu, ďalej ich osobitosti, ako aj prínos k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Pozornosť sa tiež venuje špecifickému fenoménu súčasného regionalizmu, a to vplyvu Európskej únie na jeho stabilizáciu a rozvoj ako faktickými opatreniami, tak aj sústavou opatrení upravených medzinárodnými zmluvami. Jedná sa o zmluvy uzavierané Európskou úniou na strane jednej s medzinárodnými organizáciami, skupinami štátov či jednotlivými štátmi na strane druhej. V tejto súvislosti sa analyzuje problematika interregionalizmu, resp. zmluvného interregionalizmu v rámci jeho špecifík a prínosu k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Vzhľadom na svoju závažnosť je osobitná kapitola monografie venovaná pôsobeniu a vplyvu koncepcie rule of law v kontexte súčasného regionalizmu pri zohľadnení jej osobitostí v rôznych modeloch regionálnych zoskupení v rôznych častiach sveta. Nasledujúce kapitoly monografie sa venujú kodifikácii medzinárodného práva, ktorú si vynútila nutnosť jednotnej úpravy vzťahov, do ktorých vstupujú regionálne organizácie v súčasnom období, ako aj posúdeniu možného vplyvu pravotvornej činnosti a aplikácie pravidiel medzinárodného práva regionálnymi organizáciami v kontexte tzv. fragmentácie medzinárodného práva. Autori sa domnievajú, že sa im v zásade podarilo identifikovať hlavné styčné oblasti súčasného regionalizmu a medzinárodného práva, ich vzájomný vplyv, ako aj prínos rôznych foriem regionalizmu k všeobecnému medzinárodnému právu. Vzhľadom na to, že v prípade regionalizmu sa jedná o dynamicky sa rozvíjajúci segment súčasných globalizovaných medzinárodných vzťahov, ako aj medzinárodného práva, monografia zachytáva len súčasný stav jeho vzťahov k medzinárodnému právu a analýza ich vzájomných vzťahov v budúcom období sa preto javí nielen ako vhodná, tak aj žiadúca.

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Regionalizmus: Stav, východiská, perspektívy



Adam Giertl (ed.)

Zborník vedeckých prác

Medzinárodné právo nepredstavuje jednoliaty monolit uniformných právnych noriem. Ide o právny systém, ktorý je vo svojej podstate vytváraný konsenzom štátov. Je prejavom spoločnej vôle viacerých subjektov o tom, čo má byť medzi nimi záväzné a platiť ako právo. Z tohto poznania vyplýva fakt, že v rôznych častiach sveta sa budú potreby právnej úpravy odlišovať. Dôsledkom tejto situácie je vytváranie regionálnych zoskupení, kde platia do určitej miery špecifické právne pravidlá. Ako vo svojej štúdii publikovanej v tomto zborníku poukazuje prof. Klučka, regionalizácia môže prebiehať tak na zmluvnom základe, ako aj na základe inštitucionálnom. Regionalizmus v práve teda prináša mnoho zaujímavých otázok, ktorými sa zaoberá právna veda. K poznaniu v tejto oblasti má ambíciu prispieť aj predkladaný zborník vedeckých prác.

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Rekreačné otužovanie studenou vodou



Dávid Kaško

The monograph focuses on hardening through the aquatic environment, with a focus on recreationally hardening individuals. In the publication, we describe individual structures and processes in the human body that interact with the aquatic environment (how the organism tolerates different environmental temperatures, heat production and transport in the human body, fatty tissue, biorhythm, and others). We also discuss reactions and ways of adapting the human body to cold stimuli. For beginners, we provide recommended methodologies for starting water hardening. The conclusion of the publication focuses on the effects of cold exposure and its various variations with their impact when used in sports activities.

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Rekreačný šport, zdravie, kvalita života IV.


Jana Potočníková • Peter Bakalár (eds.)

Book of Abstracts from International Scientific Conference.

Book of abstracts includes abstracts of contributions presented as invited lectures, oral presentations and posters during 4th international scientific conference Recreational Sport, Health, Quality of Life. Conference was organised by Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice in cooperation with its polish partner organisation -  Institute of Physical Education, Tourism and Physiotherapy of Akademia im. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa. The aim of the conference was to create space for communication, and sharing experiences and underline the importance of recreational sport and rational nutrition in life of conteporary man.

Book of abstracts consists of 6 parts: fisrtly, inveted lectures, folowed by abstracts of contributions from 5 conference sections: 1. Lifestyle and health; 2. Diagnostics in recreational sport and physical recreation; 3. Sport and physical recreation in theory and practice; 4. Sport and nutrition; 5. History of sport and tourism.

Book of abstracts brings to the reader wide spectrum of views on the problematic of recreational sport, health and quality of life.

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Research Into Correlations Between Deformations...



Marcela Gbúrová-Daniel Dobiaš-Jana Šutajová-Gabriel Eštok-Ján Ruman-Tomáš Dvorský

Research Into Correlations Between Deformations of Political Awareness and the Increase of Political Extremism Among Secondary School Students in the Košice Self-governing Region and the Prešov Self-governing Region The issue of political extremism has a relatively long research period, and it should be emphasised that, especially in the recent period, it has received increased attention in the political science community not just in Slovakia but also abroad. Given the specifics of this anti-democratic form of political discourse, which has not only explicit forms, but also highly sophisticated manifestations against democracy (extremism of the centre, or centrist extremism), it is also addressed by experts of other humanities and social disciplines: history, psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc. The common interest of this professional community is both to analyse different forms of extremist discourses and narratives, to search for national specificities of extremism that are anchored in their historical, social and cultural contexts, but at the same time to reveal transnational extremist influences within a globalizing world and to propose evidence-based strategies to counter extremist discourses.

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Research Methodology Exercises



Soňa Lovašová

If we were to conduct a study on the popularity of subjects among social work students, the subjects of Research Methodology and Statistics would likely rank low on the list. It is precisely the lack of popularity of research methodology among students that led to the preparation of this textbook. The stylistic approach of this text was chosen with the intention of introducing the fundamentals of methodology to students encountering it for the first time, without alienating methodologists. The text primarily serves as a teaching aid for the course "Exercise in Research Methodology" and the seminars "Bachelor Thesis Seminar" and "Master's Thesis Seminar." Throughout the entire textbook, examples and case studies are interwoven and visually highlighted. The text endeavors to address the fundamental question that is key to motivating and understanding the essence of research methodology: why is research necessary for social workers? The aim of the textbook is to facilitate students' preparation for the Research Methodology course and to enhance their understanding of the basics of research methodology.

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Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis. Selected...



Pavol Pobeha - Ivana Paraničová - Pavol Joppa

The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine.

This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.

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Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials

Availability: 189 In Stock

 John B. WestAndrej Andrašovský

West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials is the gold standard text for learning respiratory physiology quickly and easily. This highly readable, must-have text serves as an introduction to students and a review for licensing and other exams. The Tenth Edition features the addition of Dr. Andrew M. Luks as co-author along with new clinical vignettes, additional multiple-choice review questions, and updated information on key topics in respiratory physiology, such as blood flow and metabolism, gas transport by the blood, and the physiology of high altitude.

  • New! Clinical vignettes with questions emphasize how the physiology described can be applied to clinical situations and reinforce reasoning and critical thinking.
  • More than 100 multiple-choice questions with full explanations provide self-testing of key concepts for comprehension and exam preparation.
  • Clinical boxes and Key Concepts summaries provide bullet-point reviews.
  • Appendices of important equations and answers to all questions are easily referenced.
  • Online resources include animations that expand on and clarify challenging topics, an interactivequestion bank, and lectures by Dr. West.

Risk and preventive factors of burn-out in help...


Lenka LukáčováEva Žiaková

The burnout syndrome in the simplest sense is a state of total physical and psychological exhaustion. Its cyclical course may be misleading, often underestimated and neglected on the part of a burned-out individual, as well as by its surroundings. The neglection of warning signals strengthens the field of its occurrence and impact.

Helping professions are characterized by a number of specificities, including phenomenom associated with frequent and intense contact with "unknown" people. In addition to the many positive aspects, work with people also involves burnout syndrome. This is a very unpleasant "experience" with possible devastating effects on a potentially highly effective expert. Burning syndrome affects ot those people who practice their profession with a high intellectual and emotional attitude. The central interest of the helping profession is man in his bio-psycho-socio-spiritual unity. The helping worker in relation to client acts as the main tool and must be able to act against each client / patient not only in the context of these components but also in the context of their individuality. The Combination of lack of social support, inadequate motivation, or dissatisfaction with the work environment, these determinants can lead to the onset of burnout syndrome, which many times represents a treacherous gap that makes  lot of difficulties and can last for several years.

Monography is one of the methods with which we strive to draw attention to the problem of burnout syndrome in the performance of a helping profession. Based on this, we have focused on determining the frequency of occurrence of burnout syndrome in assisting professions based on predetermined risk factors (specific profesion, length of practice, motivators) in order to verify, confirm or refute  predefined factors. The subject of this research was also to examine the correlation between the aforementioned factors, the quality of professional life and the strategies for managing stress and stress situations. The monography is intended for helping profesions e.g. social workers, nurses, doctors etc. We also believe that, this monography will be also benefit for a wider range of helping professions, as well for all those involved in the his problematics.

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Riziko ako sociálna kategória v období...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph "Risk as a Social Category in Adolescence" by Dušan Šlosár was created as part of the VEGA project No. 1-0285/18, which focuses on risky behavior among adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness. The monograph explores the issue of risk in a theoretical context and integrates risk as a component of social relationships, contacts, and information exchange. From this theoretical foundation, it defines risk within helping professions. Assessing the level of risk is left to leading managers; however, it currently affects those helping professionals who work with specific client groups, and thus their involvement in assessing the level of risk cannot be overlooked.

The monograph pays special attention to risky behavior among adolescents and discusses the most serious forms of such behavior, ranging from suicidality to crime, substance abuse (both material and non-material), and issues related to sexuality. The conclusion of the monograph consists of three empirical studies that address the topic of risky behavior among adolescents.

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Rizikové správanie onkologicky chorých klientov...


Lucia TóthováEva Žiaková

The current time is fast, hasty, with strongly asserted women's emancipation, absorbed by information and communication technologies that overcome distances but create them at the same time. The lifestyle of humans is changing, many diseases are on the rise, and cancer is becoming a "trend of the present". Claims on man, and especially on women, are now too great. Women perform multiple roles and perform many tasks. They become caregiving mothers, understanding and surrendered wives, workers with professionalism and flexibility, and idols the myth of beauty too. Due to the overlapping of the traditional gender division of labor, the life of women takes place on several levels. Their work day does not end when they leave the job, but they continue to care for their household and their own family. Besides all, they strive to fulfill not only personal expectations, but also the expectations of the family, social environment and society, reject failure and strive for perfectionism.

In our lives, situations that affect and burden us more or less appear. Even though we can not in control everything and everyone, we are able to control situations that are of direct concern to us. In life, we encounter problems in employment, financial problems, illness or death of near. As well as negative, also positive situations affect us. Each responds to each situation different ways.

Monograph is one of the ways in which we aim to draw attention to the so "C-coping style" as a maladaptive way of managing the burden that is typical of oncological ill patients. It is one of the possible concepts that affect the manifestation of breast cancer. Based on this, we have focused on the used coping strategies and we consider the life events to be a significant burden in the lives of cancer patients. The research is aimed at synthesizing the life events and the coping strategies used to coping them, conceived as a risk behavior of patients with breast cancer. As the coping of the burden can be different between men and women, the monograph is intended predominantly for women, to which we have also focused in realized research. They can be patients with oncological diagnosis, but also women who want to prevent this disease by use effective coping life events. We also believe that the monograph will enrich everyone who is interested in the same target group.

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Rizikové správanie v teórii a praxi sociálnej...



Soňa Lovašová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou konanej dňa 28. 11. 2014 v Košiciach

Sociálna práca patrí medzi pomáhajúce profesie, ktoré možno považovať z rôznych hľadísk za vysoko rizikové. Klientela využívajúca sociálne služby je veľmi rozmanitá. Často ide o jedincov vo vyhrotených životných situáciách. Typické je vyhľadanie pomoci, až keď sa klient ocitá na dne. Spolu s inými faktormi to môže viesť k vzniku rôznych rizikových situácií. Zborník vznikol v rámci riešenia úlohy VEGA č. 1/0332/12 s názvom Analýza vybraných rizikových faktorov klientskeho násilia v sociálnej práci s dôrazom na prevenciu klientskeho násilia a prípravu sociálnych pracovníkov - Národné zmapovanie výskytu násilia klientov voči sociálnym pracovníkom na Slovensku. Tematické zameranie zborníka je širšie, veď klientske násilie je len jedným z mnohých rizík v sociálnej práci. V zborníku čitateľ nájde 52 článkov, ktoré sa zaoberajú rizikovosťou sociálnej práce z mnohých hľadísk. Ponúkajú zaujímavý prehľad teoretických východísk, ako aj výskumných zistení. Množstvo tematických príspevkov svedčí o tom, že problematika rizika v sociálnej práci je nanajvýš aktuálna a že sa jej venuje pozornosť v oblasti teórie aj praxe. Prepojenie týchto dvoch oblastí je pre elimináciu rizika a jeho zvládanie nevyhnutnosťou. Veď prípravu odborníkov v zmysle rôznych tréningov, vzdelávaní, či vysokoškolských predmetov realizujú aj „teoretici“. Ich východiská, okrem klasických teórií, tvoria poznatky a potreby odborníkov z praxe, ktoré sa snažia zohľadniť a zapracovať do teórie, ktorú môžu následne ponúkať vo vyššej kvalite, s aplikáciou na konkrétnu oblasť sociálnej práce. Ak sa tento cyklus podarí úspešne zavŕšiť, je spolupráca medzi teóriou a praxou určite prínosom. Som veľmi rada, že aj my sme k nej prispeli svojim malým, ale dôležitým podielom a že podobné odborné podujatia sa na pôde Katedry sociálnej práce na Filozofickej fakulte UPJŠ stávajú tradíciou.

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Rodina ako priestor sociálnej práce



Magdaléna Hovanová

The university textbook offers a view of the family in social contexts. It deals with the basic characteristics of the family, the life cycle of the family from the choice of partner, through the arrival of children in the family to the end of the family. During its duration, the family performs various functions. A functional family is ideal for a harmonious relationship between partners and a suitable environment for raising children.

However, a number of factors enter the life of the family, which directly or indirectly affect the performance of these functions and can cause various disorders. It is here that the task of social work is to offer help to families to cope with their big and small problems. A specific feature of social work is the focus on the whole and a comprehensive assessment of the family, where it is necessary to take into account both the client's point of view and the aspect of the environment in which he lives and which constantly affects him. Therefore, the university textbook offers procedures for social work with the family, from the assessment of the life situation, through the plan of work with the family to social intervention.

The university textbook is intended for students of social work, who have the opportunity to practice complex issues within the assessment of the case through the enclosed case studies.

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Rodová rovnosť na univerzite – kontexty a...


Adriana Jesenková (eds.)

Téma rodovej rovnosti v univerzitnom a akademickom prostredí je v slovenskom kontexte stále vo veľmi ambivalentnej pozícii – často prehliadaná a marginalizovaná, inštrumentalizovaná a vnímaná ako cudzorodý prvok či formálna nevyhnutnosť, no snáď najčastejšie je vystavená mnohým nedorozumeniam a dezinterpretáciám. Zámerom predkladanej publikácie a jej autorského kolektívu je prispieť k formovaniu a kultivácii prostredia, v ktorom je možné vecne diskutovať o otázkach rodových vzťahov v akademickom prostredí, rozvíjať skúmanie z rodovej perspektívy, a najmä uskutočňovať politiku rodovej rovnosti ako jeden z nástrojov demokratizácie akademickej sféry a univerzity. Zborník vznikol v rámci realizácie projektu VVGS-2018-749 Tvorba Plánu pre rodovú rovnosť na UPJŠ v Košiciach a predstavuje rôzne kontexty a perspektívy, z ktorých možno o otázkach rodovej rovnosti na univerzite uvažovať. Jednotlivé autorky a autor sa vo svojich textoch sústreďujú na tému rodovej rovnosti z filozofického, filozoficko-právneho a právneho pohľadu. Záverečný text predstavuje zistenia kvalitatívneho skúmania, ktoré bolo súčasťou uvedeného projektu, ich interpretáciu a závery z perspektívy ďalšieho uskutočňovania politiky rodovej rovnosti na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Publikáciu chápeme ako pozvanie k diskusii, kritickému premýšľaniu a skúmaniu, a tým k tvorbe univerzity, akou môžeme byť.

Adriana Jesenková

Recenzovaný zborník vedeckých prác je šírený pod licenciou Creative Commons 4,0 – Atribution CC BY-NC, ktorá umožňuje nekomerčné používanie diela za predpokladu uvedenia mien autorov.

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Roma Health Organizations Database



Kvetoslava Rimárová

This document is a part of the EU-funded project MEHO - Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory and Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
This monograph includes a database of organizations dealing with Roma health and community issues and is part of the Interim Report 2007. The published monographs try to enclose all kinds of information about Roma health including organizations on national, international, governmental and non-governmental levels in Europe as well as international organizations such as WHO and UNDP.
The views expressed in this monograph are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the EU MEHO Project or Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
Kvetoslava Rimárová

Rómovia v Abovskej, Šarišskej a Turnianskej...



Anna Tkáčová

Hlavnou témou tejto publikácie sú Rómovia, ich postavenie a život v Uhorsku, konkrétne v Abovskej, Šarišskej a Turnianskej stolici v druhej polovici 18. storočia, najmä podľa súpisov vykonávaných za vlády Márie Terézie a Jozefa II.. Práca je rozdelená do šiestich kapitol a štrnástich podkapitol. Obsahuje tri obrázky, dvadsaťosem tabuliek a dvadsaťdeväť grafov. Úvodná kapitola sa zaoberá stavom výskumu sledovanej problematiky (t.j. Rómami v druhej polovici 18. storočia) u autorov 18. storočia až po súčasných autorov, ktorí sa ňou zaoberali alebo ešte stále zaoberajú. V prvej kapitole sa autorka stručne zmieňuje o indickom pôvode Rómov, o sociálnej príslušnosti rómskych predkov, o odchode Rómov z Indie, ich migrovaní až po príchod do Uhorska, ako aj o pomenovaniach Rómov, ktoré dostali od okolitého sveta. Ďalej sa zmieňuje o prvých správach o Rómoch v Uhorsku a na území dnešného východného Slovenska, ako aj o ich postavení v Uhorsku do prvej polovice 18. storočia. V druhej kapitole sa autorka dotýka života Rómov v Abovskej, Šarišskej a v Turnianskej stolici vo svetle archívnych materiálov z druhej polovice 18. storočia a uvádza administratívno-správne členenie týchto stolíc v tomto období. V tretej kapitole rozoberá kráľovské nariadenia osvietenských panovníkov Márie Terézie a Jozefa II., týkajúce sa Rómov, a stručne popisuje politickú situáciu a riešenie sociálno-ekonomických otázok v Uhorsku v druhej polovici 18. storočia. Vo štvrtej kapitole sa podrobne venuje súpisom Rómov v Abovskej, Šarišskej a Turnianskej stolici počas vlády Márie Terézie a Jozefa II., ich cieľom, charakteristike, prínosom, ako aj ich nedostatkom a uvádza metodiku číselného a grafického spracovania týchto súpisov. Piata kapitola obsahuje celkové grafické porovnanie a vyhodnotenie súpisov Rómov zo všetkých troch stolíc. Celkové poznatky o živote Rómov v Abovskej, Šarišskej a Turnianskej stolici sú uvedené v šiestej, záverečnej kapitole.

Hlavným zistením tohto výskumu je, že regulácia Rómov bola zrealizovaná len s minimálne úspešnými (z pohľadu panovníkov) výsledkami, pretože dotknuté rómske rodiny kočovali naďalej tak počas, ako aj po regulácii. Praktizovali tzv. „skryté kočovanie“.

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Rozhodovanie a proces dosahovania cieľov



Jozef BavoľárLadislav LovašSimona Ďurbisová

The process of achieving goals is one that has traditionally received significant attention in psychology. This attention is not only directed by researchers focused on motivation, with which the process of achieving goals is classically associated, but also from a wide range of other areas (e.g., emotions, personality). One aspect of goal-directed behavior that has received minimal, if not virtually no, attention is decision-making.

It is surprising to realize that various aspects of decision-making are present throughout the entire process of achieving goals - from evaluating different aspects of multiple alternative goals, through selecting among them, deciding on resource allocation (effort, time, finances, relationships...), continuously monitoring progress, to evaluating the outcome and its impact on future goal-directed behavior.

Even more surprising is that decision-making is directly addressed by one of the dominant theories explaining goal-directed behavior - the theory of mental action phases (mindset theory of action phases; Gollwitzer 1999, 2012). This theory distinguishes the pre-decisional and post-decisional phases as the first two phases of this behavior, separated precisely by the decision about which goal to pursue.

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Rozvoj kritického myslenia vo vzdelávaní...



Lucia Dimunová, Jana Michalková, Gabriela Štefková, Mária Zamboriová

Following innovative trends in university education, this academic textbook offers guidance to update and make the educational process more attractive for all healthcare professions. It applies critical thinking and strategic method of concept mapping in teaching, which are suitable tools for the facilitator and the educant to achieve the desired goal. Critical thinking is an essential academic skill upon which other knowledge and intellectual virtues can be built. It is also an essential equipment for every graduate of the healthcare profession. The textbook is complemented by a chapter focusing on methods for structural and formative assessment of learning outcomes. The publication is also enriched with sample digital concept maps of which cognitive content can be edited and graphically modified. The aim of this academic textbook is to present a way of acquiring knowledge through critical thinking using concept mapping as a method, with the final goal of implementing the acquired knowledge into everyday practice.

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Rozvoj profesionálnych kompetentností



Denisa Rovenská

The textbook focuses on development of professional competencies and analyzes fields such as communication, leadership, goal setting, decision making, time management, teamwork, conflict and conflict strategies and stress management.

Particular chapters offer a summary of information needed to build a theoretical framework of the competencies along with various tasks or activities that should motivate to transform gained knowledge to practical level.

The professional competencies need to be developed and maintain in practical level, because this is the only way how to spread potential of knowledge and become truly competent in professional and private life, as well.

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Rule of Law a medzinárodné právo



Ľudmila Elbert

Predkladaná vedecká monografia sa zaoberá problematikou Rule of Law a jeho miestom, úlohami a osobitosťami na úrovni medzinárodného práva.Predkladaná vedecká monografia sa zaoberá problematikou Rule of Law a jeho miestom, úlohami a osobitosťami na úrovni medzinárodného práva. Law ako hodnote, ktorá by mala vládnuť v jednotlivých spoločenstvách, vnútroštátnych i medzinárodných. Rule of Law je tak prirovnávané k základnej norme Kelsena, ktorá by mala stáť na vrchole právneho poriadku ako norma zdôvodňujúca platnosť a existenciu noriem právneho poriadku, vnútroštátneho i medzinárodného.
Hoci je predmetom skúmania Rule of Law na úrovni medzinárodného práva, nemôžeme o ňom uvažovať bez toho, aby sme pochopili Rule of Law vo vnútroštátnom práve. Podobne ako sa líši vývoj Rule of Law v závislosti od toho, či sa rozvíjalo v anglo-americkom alebo kontinentálnom práve, líši sa i jeho aplikácia a rozvoj na úrovni vnútroštátneho práva a medzinárodného práva. Odlišnosti spôsobujú najmä úlohy a ciele, ktoré má medzinárodné Rule of Law zabezpečiť, no i odlišné vlastnosti vnútroštátneho a medzinárodného práva.

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Sanácia dysfunkčnej rodiny v pomáhajúcich...



Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph addresses the issues surrounding functional families, dysfunctional families, and those affected by crises. It analyzes various determinants that lead to family dysfunction and identifies factors contributing to family crises and the destabilization of family relationships. Special attention is given to working with dysfunctional families, particularly through family rehabilitation, methods, forms, and procedures employed mainly by helping professionals.

Additionally, the monograph explores contemporary forms of couple cohabitation and the factors that have caused changes in this area. Families are examined from the perspective of helping professions, including psychology, sociology, adult education, health care, law, and economics. These various perspectives create a comprehensive view of the examined issues and establish a multidisciplinary space for addressing problems within the family system. A functional family is seen as the foundation of society; therefore, society must create tools to assist families that are unable to resolve issues affecting their functionality.

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Sankcie v pracovnom práve



Marcel DolobáčĽuboš DobrovičIvan Kundrát

Hypothesis, disposition, sanction. The standard tripartite structure of a legal norm, which is taught to first-year law students. Three concepts that students undoubtedly master from their perspective, yet they simultaneously challenge legal science, which repeatedly revisits them. The publication does not aim to theoretically address all aspects of the legal norm; it focuses solely on one of them, and as the title suggests, that is the sanction.

The monograph has been developed by three authors, whose contributions are equal; they engaged in debates and often could not reach a consensus. We hope that the reader will also join this debate and that the presented monograph will inspire further reflection and scientific activity.

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The SFEL school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018 and 2019. All schools of the series were held here, in Liptovský Ján, where our conference venue offers conditions for friendly and creative atmosphere. The aim of the SFEL 2022 school is to facilitate the growth of a new Slovak research community with high expertise in the area of high-efficiency RTG laser, synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-howin these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2022 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and actually forming scientific teams of XFEL users, scientific teams of synchrotron or neutron sources users, respectively. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of the European XFEL GmbH company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice under the auspices of Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH in Hamburg organizes School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users 2024 (SFEL 2024). The school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022. The aim of the SFEL2024 school is to facilitate the growth of new Slovak research community of high expertise in high-efficiency RTG laser and synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-how in these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2024 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and forming scientific teams of XFEL users. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of European XFEL GmbH Company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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Scientific communication and management of...



Lucia Bosáková - Zuzana DankulincováDaniela Fiľakovská

Publication called Scientific communication and management of research projects serves as background and teaching material. Its aim is to help university students and researchers develop competencies important for scientific work, such as scientific integrity, critical work with literary sources, management of research projects and scientific communication. Publication is divided into four parts. The first part is focused on the preparation of a research project, where it is important to know the basic ethical principles applied in the research project, but also to be able to critically assess literary sources and process them. In the second part, it provides information on the preparation of research projects and their management, including their financing, from preparation and planning, through initialization to implementation, management, logistics, monitoring, evaluation and termination. The third part pays attention to the preparation, processing and presentation of scientific results in the form of a scientific article, presentation, poster or press release, thus covering not only a professional but also a lay audience. The final fourth part provides information about communication with a scientific journal, whether it is the process of sending, revising an article up to its publication, or the process of assessing scientific work by scientific journal editors in the process of screening and peer review.

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Sekundárny metabolizmus (Úvod do štúdia...



Miroslava Martinková

This electronic material focuses on the subject of secondary metabolism and its products - secondary metabolites. The material gives an overview of the basic building blocks and construction mechanisms through which molecules can be synthesized in living organisms (plants). The processes of formation of the mentioned metabolites are explained using the basic mechanisms of organic reactions. Several of the secondary metabolites presented have a remarkable biological profile and are used as therapeutics or serve as lead compounds for the development of novel pharmacological agents. This electronic document is primarily intended for students of the Master's degree programme in Organic Chemistry as supporting material for the profile subject Chemistry of Natural Products.

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Selected Chapters from Managerial Ethics


Marián Bednár

University textbook Selected Chapters from Managerial Ethics presents selected topics from the current issue of Managerial Ethics. The historical context of Managerial Ethics and its formation on the background of business ethics, up to the form of independent inter and trans discipline, is presented at the introduction. Being one of the subdisciplines of applied ethics, it is inherently normative and interdisciplinary. It represents an overlapping institutional aspect - management ethics and individual aspect - manager ethics. The issue of social responsibility in economics and business, or the moral profile of a manager as a key player of this applied ethics is mentioned. Institutionalization and implementation of ethics in corporate culture and the tools that are used in this so complex and interdisciplinary process are also a necessary step. Established ethical management systems, which complement the modularity of institutionalization, are also important. The main question is, of course, ethics in decision-making and management of people, as it is where ethical dilemmas and tensions are born. Also, the issue of ethics in leadership, as another qualitative and developmental stage in Managerial Ethics, is the contribution. The attached moral dilemmas are meant to reflect, self-test moral intelligence and to be resolved.

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Selected Rheumatology Topics for Medical Students

Availability: 50 In Stock

Želmíra Macejová - Mundher Abdulkareem Salman Aljubouri

         Vysokoškolský učebný text: “ Selected  Rheumatology Topics for Medical Studentsje určený pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt študujúcich v anglickom jazyku v študijnom odbore: General medicine a Dental medicine. Rozsahom sú vhodné pre   pregraduálne štúdium predmetu  interná medicína 5.  Kapitoly uvedené v danom diele zahŕňajú základy reumatológie,  postačujúce  pre absolventov LF UPJŠ.

        Text je prehľadne rozčlenený na :  základné   vyšetrovacie metódy, rozdelenie chorôb na autoimunitné, infekčné artritídy, kryštálmi indukované artritídy,  nezápalové ochorenia v reumatológii, metabolické ochorenia kostí. Obsahom kapitol sú aj najnovšie liečebné možnosti daných ochorení.  V závere je obrazová príloha k ochoreniam spomínaným v samotnom texte.

Self-reflection teaching diary


Renáta OrosováKatarína PetríkováLucia Diheneščíková

Teaching belongs among the oldest professions in human history. Despite all efforts to innovate education by substituting the teacher using the products of the rapidly developing information and communication technologies in modern teaching concepts, the teacher continues to play a decisive role in the education process. If it is to be controlled, it cannot work without a teacher.

To be a teacher means to accept the responsibility for the education of the next generation: to prepare young people for their life and future profession. To be a good teacher means to possess certain characteristics related to professionalism, thinking, expectations and leadership. It means to master different teaching and learning strategies as well as motivation methods, endure the stress and pressure of the school environment, use basic social and communication skills actively and efficiently, follow the progress of their pupils to help them improve, and also to be capable of optimally resolving emerging educational situations and issues (Rovňanová, 2015).

It suggests that the teacher must be a “master” in their profession, i. e. they must never stop learning, improving themselves, creatively working with the educational content and innovating the process of education. Innovations can come along as early as during the initial stages of one’s teaching career. Practical professional training for future teachers largely focuses on the development of subject-related and didactic skills, however, self-reflection is paid little attention. Self-reflective techniques and methods may be incorporated in the practical professional training for students in model situations in the faculty environment as well as in the actual school environments during their teaching practice.

Based on the analysis of self-reflection competences in future teachers, opinions of the mentor teachers and their recommendations and the set of pupil-oriented and educational process-oriented competences, a protocol for using self-reflection methods has been created. More precisely, it is a self-reflection teaching diary. It is an innovative method of self-reflection competence development in teaching students in their practical specialized preparation, particularly the self-reflective observation practice and conversation.

The Self-Reflection Teaching Diary is the outcome of the VVGS “Innovation in self-reflection competence development teaching methods in the practical specialized training of future teachers” grant project solving. It is an innovative and creative text-based tool not only for teaching students but also for university teachers specializing in their practical preparation as well as mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools. Its English version can be used by teaching students on their study stays abroad. It is also a transparent and unified tool in the practical preparation of future teachers aiming at the development of their self-reflection competences.


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