Pandémia & demokracia. Budúcnosť demokracie v postcovidovej dobe


Barbora Linhartová - Peter Dubóczi - Dávid Gajdoščík (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z X. ročníka Medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov organizovanou 1. októbra 2021 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, v spolupráci s Inštitútom politických vied a verejnej správy Fakulty politológie a žurnalistiky Univerzity Marie Curie-Sklodowskej v Lubline, Ústavom sociálnych štúdií Fakulty regionálneho rozvoja a medzinárodných štúdií Mendelovej univerzity v Brne, Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity v Miškovci a OZ Res Publica.




Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Barbora Linhartová • Peter Dubóczi • Dávid Gajdoščík
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Number of pages:
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Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
Publikácia vychádza ako výstup grantového projektu KEGA 014UPJŠ - 4 / 2020 Inovatívny model vzdelávania vedúceho k aktívnemu občianstvu ako prevencii pred nárastom politického extrémizmu u študentov.
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16 other products in the same category:

Riziko ako sociálna kategória v období...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph "Risk as a Social Category in Adolescence" by Dušan Šlosár was created as part of the VEGA project No. 1-0285/18, which focuses on risky behavior among adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness. The monograph explores the issue of risk in a theoretical context and integrates risk as a component of social relationships, contacts, and information exchange. From this theoretical foundation, it defines risk within helping professions. Assessing the level of risk is left to leading managers; however, it currently affects those helping professionals who work with specific client groups, and thus their involvement in assessing the level of risk cannot be overlooked.

The monograph pays special attention to risky behavior among adolescents and discusses the most serious forms of such behavior, ranging from suicidality to crime, substance abuse (both material and non-material), and issues related to sexuality. The conclusion of the monograph consists of three empirical studies that address the topic of risky behavior among adolescents.

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Doktorandské miscelaneá 6



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

The current sixth volume of the Doctoral Miscellanea consists of eight contributions from four study programs, with two contributions also involving authors outside of doctoral studies. Given the limitations on the length of individual contributions and the uniqueness of the research, the authors have chosen varying widths and depths in presenting their dissertation topics. Some contributions serve as an introduction to the issues, others provide a summary of previous results, and still others focus on a detailed analysis of a specific problem. These three approaches may not only reveal the stage of research in which the doctoral candidate finds themselves but also their potential research priorities.

The main commonality across all issues of the proceedings remains interdisciplinary diversity, which shows a certain continuity. Specific themes appear regularly. In these cases, alongside alternating doctoral candidates, the key figure is the supervisor (in the role of co-author) and their research focus/project in which the doctoral candidates participate. This development of research continuity is particularly evident in contributions from the field of social work.

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Poradenstvo starším dospelým

Availability: 69 In Stock

Stanislav Hvozdík 

Obdobie staršej dospelosti predstavuje dôležitú ľudskú skúsenosť. Poradenstvo môže prispieť k tomu, aby to bola formatívna a osobnosť rozvíjajúca skúsenosť. Poradenstvo chápeme ako takú aplikáciu osobnosti do oblasti jej konania, ktorá rozvíja jej bytie. Vychádzame z aplikácie vývinu do poradenstva a naväzujeme na prácu Úvod do poradenskej psychológie, ktorá bola publikovaná skôr. V týchto učebných textoch sme rozpracovali podrobnejšie kapitolu, poradenstvo starším dospelým. Publikovaná práca môže prispieť k porozumeniu a podpore tohto dôležitého obdobia v živote človeka.


Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej...



Vladimír Leško - Zlatica Plašienková (eds.)

Filozofický zborník Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej filozofie je prezentáciou výsledkov II. medzinárodnej filozofickej konferencie, ktorá sa uskutočnila v dňoch 5. – 7. novembra 2008 na akademickej pôde UPJŠ v Košiciach. Konferenciu pripravila Katedra filozofie a dejín filozofie FF UPJŠ vo veľmi úzkej spolupráci so Slovenským filozofickým združením pri SAV v Bratislave.

Štruktúra predkladaného zborníka bola rozvrhnutá do troch základných častí. V prvej časti sú publikované príspevky, ktoré odzneli na konferencii a predstavujú rozhodujúcu obsahovú súčasť nášho zborníka. Jednotlivé príspevky sú zaradené v takom poradí, v akom odzneli na konferencii. V druhej časti zborníka sú publikované vystúpenia zo slávnostnej inaugurácie udeľovania čestného titulu Doctor honoris causa Milanovi Sobotkovi a Teodorovi Münzovi. V tretej časti je publikovaná fotodokumentácia, v ktorej je zachytený slávnostný akademický akt udeľovania čestného titulu Doctor honoris causa.

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Lectiones grammaticae Latinae I



Jana Balegová

Skriptá Lectiones grammaticae Latinae I sú primárne určené pre študentov 1. ročníka špecializácie Latinský jazyk a literatúra na FF UPJŠ v Košiciach. Vznikli z praktickej potreby ľahko dostupnou formou (elektronicky) sprístupniť študentom preberané gramatické učivo v takej postupnosti, v akej nasleduje v jednotlivých lekciách používanej cvičebnice latinského jazyka. Z toho dôvodu obsahujú i gramatické javy presahujúce oblasť latinskej morfológie, ktorá tvorí hlavnú náplň gramatického kurzu v 1. roku štúdia. V prípade potreby sú však využiteľné aj pre iné študijné odbory, ktoré majú ako súčasť študijného programu latinský jazyk.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia XI.



Mikuláš Jančura - Maroš Melichárek (eds.)

The textbook is derived from the outcomes of the eleventh annual student scientific conference, which took place in December 2022. The student scientific conference is an integral component of the curriculum within the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, and has been implemented since 2011. Its primary objective is to provide a platform for Bachelor's and Master's degree students to present segments of their original research as part of their thesis development. The purpose of this textbook extends beyond the mere publication of these diverse thematic texts. It also strives to emphasize the significance of exceptional pedagogical initiatives and the added value of university education for students, manifested through the dissemination of their scholarly output.

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Heidegger a grécka filozofia



Vladimír Leško - Katarína Mayerová (eds.)

Hlavným cieľom predkladanej práce je snaha o zachytenie rozhodujúceho spôsobu Heideggerovho filozofického chápania ústredného problému gréckej filozofie, problému bytia, v učeniach Anaximandra, Herakleita, Parmenida, Platona a Aristotela. Autori jednotlivých častí predstavili svoje vlastné chápanie Heideggera a jeho osobitú filozofickú recepciu gréckej filozofie. V tomto kontexte je potrebné konštatovať, že autori sami hľadali svoj vlastný uhol pohľadu. Pri Heideggerovej tvorbe vôbec platí, že nájsť rovnaký interpretačný súzvuk je takmer nemožné. To zároveň platí aj pre jeho recepciu gréckeho dedičstva. O to viac však odborne provokuje ďalšie filozofické skúmania.

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Maša Haľamová in the Dar – Červený mak – Smrť...



Ivica HajdučekováIveta Bónová

The monograph Maša Haľamová in the triad Dar – červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem was created as part of the project APVV-19-0244 (Methodological Approaches in Literary Research with an Impact on the Media Environment) in collaboration between Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová.

In two parts – Personal History and (Re)interpretation of Maša Haľamová's Poetry, and Phonetic-Rhythmic Embodiment of Maša Haľamová's Poetry – it presents the results of archival research (reconstruction of life events, notes on poetic inspiration, consensus in the opinions of literary critics of the 20th and 21st centuries), (re)interpretations of three poetic collections focusing on the spiritual dimension and the process of spiritualization, and an in-depth analysis of the phonetic-rhythmic qualities of verse structure.

In conclusion, the authors suggest that the Slovak poet Maša Haľamová can be considered a representative of spiritual poetry, which in the Slovak interwar literature follows a specific type of confessional (Protestant) tradition, and at the level of phonetic embodiment, her sound-rhythmic potential acts in the name of subtlety of expression.

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Súčasná perspektíva sociálnej inklúzie ľudí s...


Tatiana ŽiakováDušan Šlosár

The last decade marks not only the average life expectancy increase in healthy population, but also life expectancy increase in group of people with intellectual disorders/disabilities. Due to their diagnosis that defines and classifies them into specific categories, people with intellectual disability are finding themselves in a constant confrontation with obstacles negatively affecting the saturation of their existential needs. It creates mostly educational, social, cultural, psycho-social and economical disadvantage in the context of their lives. Consequently, their active potential is weakened, making it unable for them to influence public affairs in society from a position of an adult or elderly citizen. Building up on this condition, the focus of this monograph is on understanding and explanation of prevailing concept of social inclusion and related concepts of social exclusion. These concepts influence the way we tend to define and think about the character of society, as such.

Simultaneously, we are examining that the quality of coexistence between dominant population and people with intellectual disabilities is dependent on the development of attitudes and opinions of major population towards this specific minority. These attitudes reflect the extent of social tolerance and at the same time serve as a quantification of moral values and equity in the society, whether it concerns any type of small everyday help or professional and institutionalised long-term support.

This monograph focuses on presenting professional care for people with mental disability in form of social services as a dominant type of support in our local environment. We show that the quality of social services inevitably depends on degree of professional competences social workers possess. The significance of professional competences social workers are capable of using is reflected in the degree of the competence and adequacy of their performance. The primary aim, in relation to which professional competences should be accustomed, is to enhance meaningfulness and dignity in life of mentally disabled receivers of the social services.

Competences of social workers are a dynamic phenomenon that modifies along the development of society and also with the frequently altering needs of people with intellectual disability as receivers of the social service. For this reason we designed the presented research to reflect our goal to reappraise the scope of professional competences and define the required professional functions of social workers working with people with intellectual disability. This monograph is dedicated not only to professionals working with this group of people but also aims at answering basic questions to practical issues that families with a intellectualy disabled member are coming into contact with.

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Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...


Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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Sociálne a politické analýzy 1-2011



Juraj Schenk a kol.

Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
- metodologické štúdie
- výskumné správy
- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie

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Etika vedy a techniky (vybrané problémy)



Ľubov VladykováMarián Bednár a kol.

The university textbook Ethics of Science and Technique (Selected Problems) is a collection of contributions by various authors who deal with selected problems and areas of science and technique. For the last hundred years, we can observe the rapid development of science and technique (technology). The transition of society in the 20th century into the information age and in the current 21st century into the digital age brings radical challenges and changes in all areas of human life, but especially in the moral field.

Ethical discussions, responding to the development of science and technique (technology), have stimulated the emergence of ethics of science and technique, which as a subdiscipline of applied ethics is a way out of the conflict between professional autonomy, social control and self-regulation of action and behaviour; not only in science and technique, but also in economy and politics. In the digital age, technique, technology and science are fundamentally changing our lives; from the way we work to the way we communicate, how we fight local and global problems, and how we try to solve societal problems.

These radical changes are not without controversy, and many provoke intense debates that are often polarized or associated with scientific ambiguities or dishonest demagoguery and ideology.

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Myths and Manipulation in Political Discourse



Jaroslav Marcin - Viktória Marcinová a kol.

This little book started out in a way that probably many other scholarly publications do: When the five of us met as doctoral students and instructors in the Department of British and American Studies, we soon realized that our research overlapped on a number of points. Most prominent among those was our interest in political or politicallymotivated discourse and the study of myths and manipulation that it employed. 

In the end, we decided to pool the results of our research together in order to create a more complex picture, providing a variety of perspectives and voices. In our endeavor, we were greatly aided by the financial support we received from a grant offered by the Šafárik University. The outcome of these efforts is the five chapters of this brief, but hopefully informative and insightful monograph.

In Chapter 1, Viktória Marcinová deals with the impact of totalitarian ideology on the translation of so-called “capitalist” drama during the first stage of normalization in Slovakia (1948-1968). In Chapter 2, the focus shifts to political discourse and manipulation in a democracy, as Jaroslav Marcin takes a closer look at the wartime rhetoric of American presidents. USA remains the focus also in Chapter 3, but this time the question, addressed by Martina Martausová, will be one of the myth of the American Dream and its presentation in post-9/11 United States. A similar idea, though in a different geographical-cultural context, is dealt with in Chapter 4, where Božena Velebná identifies myths of Scottish identity as portrayed in historic films. Finally, in Chapter 5, Eduard Soták will take a look at the role of the mass media within the topic of politically-motivated discourse and spread of political ideology.

It is our hope that in this way we can contribute to a better understanding of politically-motivated discourse, manipulation and the use of myths. Through interweaving the results of our research and our analyses, we hope to provide a more complex look at the topic in question, which we feel is missing at the moment.

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Historik, archivár a univerzitný profesor...



Drahoslav Magdoško (ed.)

Hlavný zámer zborníka, ktorý držíte v rukách, predstavuje práve vzdanie pocty historikovi, ktorý svojim úctyhodným vedeckým dielom výrazne prispel k utváraniu slovenskej historiografie, predovšetkým medievalistiky. Zároveň sa tu vyslovuje uznanie za rozsiahlu a v nemalej miere priekopnícku prácu archivára, ktorý pomáhal rozvíjať moderné archívnictvo na východe Slovenska. A v neposlednom rade ide o formu poďakovania za prácu vysokoškolského pedagóga, ktorého predmety absolvovali stovky študentov, a ktorý si svojim podnetným prístupom získal ich srdcia. Na všetkých týchto troch rovinách má cenné zásluhy prof. PhDr. Ferdinand Uličný, DrSc. (*18. 8. 1933, Ploštín), ktorý v lete roku 2023 oslávil životné jubileum 90. rokov.

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Research Into Correlations Between Deformations...



Marcela Gbúrová-Daniel Dobiaš-Jana Šutajová-Gabriel Eštok-Ján Ruman-Tomáš Dvorský

Research Into Correlations Between Deformations of Political Awareness and the Increase of Political Extremism Among Secondary School Students in the Košice Self-governing Region and the Prešov Self-governing Region The issue of political extremism has a relatively long research period, and it should be emphasised that, especially in the recent period, it has received increased attention in the political science community not just in Slovakia but also abroad. Given the specifics of this anti-democratic form of political discourse, which has not only explicit forms, but also highly sophisticated manifestations against democracy (extremism of the centre, or centrist extremism), it is also addressed by experts of other humanities and social disciplines: history, psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc. The common interest of this professional community is both to analyse different forms of extremist discourses and narratives, to search for national specificities of extremism that are anchored in their historical, social and cultural contexts, but at the same time to reveal transnational extremist influences within a globalizing world and to propose evidence-based strategies to counter extremist discourses.

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Edukácia, roč. 2, č. 1/2017



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

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Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

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