Allusions 2024


Peter Getlík  (ed.)

Methodological Overlaps in Literary Research (15th – 16th April 2024 in Košice)

Proceedings of Extended Abstracts from the International Conference Allusions 2024: Methodological Overlaps in Literary Research (15th – 16th April 2024 in Košice) are being published in the final phase and last year of the APVV-19-0244 project, Methodological Procedures in Literary-Scholarship Research with an Impact on the Media Environment. The collection captures the mutual communication of several related disciplines. The authors of the abstracts present literary, translation, media, cultural, and other methodological approaches in their research on various topics, which are united by the theme of overlapping and connecting disciplines, methods, directions, or even the art works themselves, as hinted at by the playful term "allusions" in the conference title.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Peter Getlík
Document type:
Book of abstracts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
Konferencia aj zborník je súčasťou grantového projektu APVV-19-0244 Metodologické postupy v literárnovednom výskume s presahom do mediálneho prostredia.
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16 other products in the same category:

Rodina ako priestor sociálnej práce



Magdaléna Hovanová

The university textbook offers a view of the family in social contexts. It deals with the basic characteristics of the family, the life cycle of the family from the choice of partner, through the arrival of children in the family to the end of the family. During its duration, the family performs various functions. A functional family is ideal for a harmonious relationship between partners and a suitable environment for raising children.

However, a number of factors enter the life of the family, which directly or indirectly affect the performance of these functions and can cause various disorders. It is here that the task of social work is to offer help to families to cope with their big and small problems. A specific feature of social work is the focus on the whole and a comprehensive assessment of the family, where it is necessary to take into account both the client's point of view and the aspect of the environment in which he lives and which constantly affects him. Therefore, the university textbook offers procedures for social work with the family, from the assessment of the life situation, through the plan of work with the family to social intervention.

The university textbook is intended for students of social work, who have the opportunity to practice complex issues within the assessment of the case through the enclosed case studies.

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Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...



Magdaléna Hovanová

The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).

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Základy metodológie pedagogicko-psychologického...



Mária BačíkováAnna JanovskáOľga Orosová

The textbook is primarily intended for students of teaching academic subjects, but it will enrich anyone who needs to familiarize themselves with research methodology focusing on psychological and educational sciences. In the textbook, students become acquainted with the basic principles of conducting research, the process of research implementation, and the basic methods of quantitative or qualitative approaches.

The examples used in the textbook are mostly focused on research conducted in a school environment. By acquiring the basic knowledge presented in the textbook, the reader will be able to conduct simple research in school conditions. At the same time, understanding the principles of research methodology helps with the critical evaluation of information from various sources.

The second, expanded edition has been extended by three chapters, focusing on conducting research directly during the teaching process in the form of teacher action research, on the possibilities of evaluating preventive programs, and the final chapter deals with the possibilities of publishing research.

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Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...


Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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Karin Sabolíková

The monograph provides a brief insight into the theory of news structures in the press and, consequently, the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis is applied in an examination of the structures of news. Critical discourse analysis following the theory and methodology of Teun van Dijk is used to analyse the representation of an industrial dispute, the Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985 in the UK, in the Czechoslovak newspaper Pravda.

The aim of the monograph is to examine the ways in which a single news item dealing with an international event was presented in a national newspaper based on its ideological perspective. The presented analysis does not cover all possible aspects of van Dijk’s approach of critical discourse analysis. A variety of issues remains to be explored in order to develop a richer, more complex analysis of the text structures. The monograph also intends to demonstrate that critical discourse analysis can complement more qualitatively the traditional method of quantitative content analysis.

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Pregraduálna príprava učiteľov (Organizácia...



Renáta Orosová - Zuzana Boberová

Vysokoškolská učebnica Pregraduálna príprava učiteľov – Organizácia pedagogickej praxe na UPJŠ reflektuje zmeny, ktoré nastali v pregraduálnej príprave študentov učiteľstva akademických predmetov v súvislosti s komplexnou akreditáciou v roku 2015. Je určená pre študentov II. stupňa vysokoškolského štúdia v študijných programoch Učiteľstva akademických predmetov na Filozofickej fakulte a Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach. Cieľom vysokoškolskej učebnice je poskytnúť teoretické východiská a metodické usmernenia k organizácii všetkých typov pedagogickej praxe realizovanej v podmienkach UPJŠ.

Príprava na učiteľskú profesiu má teoretický a praktický charakter. Kým teoretická akademická príprava je zameraná na získavanie a rozvoj vedomostí, zručností a spôsobilostí v oblasti pedagogiky, psychológie a vo vedných odboroch vyučovacích predmetov, tak praktická profesijná príprava je orientovaná na prípravu na výkon samotného povolania, teda didaktický charakter vyučovacieho procesu. Značná časť praktickej prípravy na učiteľskú profesiu je realizovateľná v rámci predmetu pedagogická prax, ktorý má v podmienkach UPJŠ štyri podoby/stupne – Hospitačná náčuvová pedagogicko-psychologická prax, Výstupová priebežná prax, Výstupová súvislá prax I a Výstupová súvislá prax II.

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Extrémizmus a radikalizácia v sociálnych...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár a kol.

It is very difficult to refer to any act of extremism or action having extremist characteristics, or to exclude it unambiguously. The boundary between extremism and accepted, conformal behavior is very broad and vaguely worded. Each company tends to set certain criteria to determine what can be considered as unwanted, violent, radical or extreme, or what signs of such a manifestation do not have. Therefore, when comparing the individual countries of the European Union in this area, we come across a different definition of what is or is not considered to be radical or extremist. In essence, the level of tolerance to some of the manifestations and the setting of indicators for the evaluation of the proceedings as extremist.

The presented monograph aims to present the basic social contexts of extremism and radicalization in the form of their philosophical and theoretical backgrounds, influencing the factors, the basic directions. In the author's work, the authors focus on the target group of adolescents, which they consider to be one of the most endangered groups in society in terms of development of the radicalization process. At the conclusion of the monograph is also offered the criminal level of these phenomena, which is not unavoidable in terms of complex analysis.

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English Syntax in a Nutshell.A frame-to-chain...



Slávka Janigová

This academic textbook is addressed to students of English linguistics as an introductory course on syntax, but also to anyone interested in the composition of the English sentence, whether affiliated with academia, school teachers or practising translators. The textbook pursues the Prague Linguistic School tradition of functional structuralism along with an onomasiological perspective as the major methodological focus of the Košice Onomasiological School of Linguistics. Within an onomasiological approach to syntactic analysis the key to the identification of surface structures (ranked as Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences on the syntactic pyramid) is the syntactic meaning (a frame-to-chain approach). The syntactic analysis starts with identification of the arrangement of semantic roles (a deep valency frame) and proceeds to determine a surface valency chain, often several of them, by means of surface grammatical and structural tests. Readers are encouraged to use their intuitions in deciphering the syntactic meaning and identifying the surface chain capable of its activation in both the English sentence analysis as well as cross-linguistically.

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Through Loneliness to Abstinence: Or why...


Ján KahanEva Žiaková

The monograph focuses on the issue of loneliness among substance-addicted people in the context of abstinence prospects and re/lapse prevention. In the monograph these phenomena, several theories were integrated and applied in the context of the ecosystem meta-framework of social work and practical contexts. The ecosystem meta-theory serves as a meta-construct with the ability to encompass the complexity of social phenomena as well as that of human beings within the structure of their living and social environment, formal and informal networks, and close intimate relationships. In this monograph are presented research sample consisted of 235 respondents – hospitalised addicts undergoing urgent treatment, abstaining A-club members as well as members of psychotherapy and self-help groups. The research showed that abstainers were statistically less lonely than the hospitalised respondents. Quantitative data of research are complemented by qualitative data collected in four case studies; two of them focused on two long-term abstainers from alcohol and drugs, while the other two case studies dealt with two respondents in post-hoc treatment undergoing the resocialization process. The research also showed that respondents who broke abstinence felt lonelier than their successfully abstaining counterparts. The results were supported also by the fact that a statistically significant inversely proportional relationship was identified between the duration of abstinence and loneliness rate. Gender differences were found between the hospitalised addicts in all loneliness dimensions. Naturally, the combined research was limited in certain aspects, mainly in terms of the size and proportional distribution of the research sample and its subgroups, test battery extent, and general nature of the population studied. Triangulation among quantitative and qualitative with the theoretical starting points confirmed the existence of a relationship among loneliness, addiction, and prospect of abstinence.

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Mám či nemám: Etika v psychologickej praxi



Monika Hricová

Despite the fact that a psychologist may have a good moral background, it is necessary for everyone to know and act in accordance with ethical professional principles in order not to harm the clients with whom they work in the course of psychological practice. There are many case studies in the professional literature that describe serious situations of violations of psychological ethics. On the one hand, they depict conscious professional misconduct or ignorance. On the other hand, they have contributed to the introduction of even legal standards for the ethical behavior of psychologists as professionals. Completion of a course or training in the topic of psychological ethics is required by several professional associations abroad, especially in the last years of undergraduate studies. Their goal is to supervise the quality and preparation of future psychologists. The university textbook Do I Have It or Not: Ethics in Psychological Practice provides a summary of essential information on the ethics of conducting psychological practice, the boundaries of the relationship with the client, and the rules of confidentiality. The goal is not for the student, as a future psychologist, to know ethical rules word for word, but for them to be sufficiently ethically sensitive.

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Kozmológia čarodejných príbehov (ľudová...



Lukáš Šutor

Vedecká monografia Kozmológia čarodejných príbehov (ľudová rozprávka medzi kultúrou a umením) je pôvodnou prácou syntetizujúcou výskum o kozmologických štruktúrach archaických epických žánrov v interdisciplinárnom dialógu medzi literárnou vedou a kultúrnou antropológiou. Výskumne sa sústredíme najmä na ľudovú čarodejnú rozprávku, ktorá sa vždy dotýka základnej ontologickej problematiky, vytvára modelový a poetizovaný obraz sveta; predstavuje neteistickú formu hrdinskej kozmológie, ukotvenú v gnómickom časopriestorovom rámci. Pri jej výskume kombinujeme synchrónnu systémovú interpretáciu semiotických rovín s diachrónnou analýzou vývoja kultúr. Z nášho výskumu vyplýva, že základné konflikty medzi symbolickými formami čarodejných príbehov, tak ako ich poznáme z folklórneho prostredia, vykryštalizovali v epoche šírenia sa prvých historických národov ako dôsledok konfrontácie odlišných kultúrnych komplexov.

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Developing Academic English in Speaking and...



Július RozenfeldSlávka Tomaščíková

The academic textbook entitled “Developing Academic English in Speaking and Writing responds to the need identified by the authors in their own teaching practice to integrate the enhancement of the academic skills of speaking and writing into a single coherent approach. Using complex methodologies of academic speaking and academic writing, the authors offer practical guidelines on how to broaden students’ knowledge of the discourse of Academic English and how to improve their academic competencies and productive language skills in speaking and writing in English.

The textbook is designed for university students of English philology, students of literary and cultural studies focusing on Anglophone areas, students of English translation and interpretation study programmes, but also for students who study in English and who are expected to engage in scientific inquiry, document their research in Bachelor and Master theses or in doctoral dissertations written in English, and to present their work to their academic community.

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Historický prameň v súčasnosti – archívy,...



Mária Fedorčáková, Miriama Filčáková (eds.)

The theme of the conference proceedings is the issue of sources, their interpretation and use of current digital technologies in their research and access. The proceedings constit of 7 papers by authors working in Slovak and Czech universities. The digitisation of seals is the subject of the paper by Barbora Borůvková. Michael Dudzik deals with the problem of building the road network in modern France and written and cartographic sources. Trends of digitization in Slovak archives and their perception by researchers are elaborated by in Miriama Fialkovičová´s study. Miriama Filčáková dealt with sources on the history of tertiary education in Košice in connection with the establishment of the UPJŠ. The possibilities of researching sources on the electrification of Slovakia are dealt with in the study by Dominik Hrtus. Ondrej Šály in his paper treated the letters of serfs in the 18th century as a source for economic history. Vavrinec Žeňuch discusses the possibilities of researching the eclesiastical history of the Uh county in the modern period.

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