UNINFOS 2014 • Univerzitné informačné systémy (Zborník príspevkov)


Gabriel Semanišin - Emil HutňanJana Oleničová

Zborník obsahuje príspevky účastníkov konferencie UNIFOS 2014,
Univerzitné informačné systémy v Košiciach, ktorá sa konala 27. – 29. októbra 2014.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Gabriel Semanišin - Emil Hutňan - Jana Oleničová
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Ecology of Soil Animals



Natália Raschmanová - Ľubomír Kováč

The text summarizes the basic knowledge about the functioning of the soil ecosystem with a focus on soil protists and dominant groups of soil animals. Characteristics of each soil animal group include basic morphology, ecology, distribution, population dynamics and their importance in the soil ecosystem. The aim of the text is to gain a basic understanding of the diversity and interactions of soil fauna with the soil environment. It deals with the ecological classification of soil fauna on the basis of body size, presence in the soil during the life cycle, food preference and by locomotion. It highlights important morphological and ecophysiological adaptations of soil fauna to physical and chemical environmental factors. The text also gives an overview of the basic methods in the field collection of soil fauna and their extraction from soil samples under laboratory conditions. It further informs on the method of taxonomic identification and ecological evaluation of soil fauna communities. Discusses the soil fauna of different types of ecosystems. It highlights the differences in soil fauna communities that inhabit grassland and forest habitats, and agricultural soils. This teaching material is intended for students in biology degree programmes.

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Bibliography of the amphibian and reptile...


Marcel UhrinDavid JandzikAndrej ČerňanskýMichal RindošBlanka LehotskáStanislav DankoJán KautmanPeter MikulíčekPeter UrbanDaniel Jablonski

Bibliographies provide basic scientific information, illustrate quality and intensity of research in a particular topic, area, or time, and thus help build a cultural-historical perspective of society’s appreciation of knowledge and education. Here we provide a bibliography of herpetological research in the region of Slovakia between the years 1791 and 2017. We collected 2,183 references authored by 1,453 different authors and covering all species of amphibians (18) and reptiles (13) occurring in Slovakia and, in addition, amphibian and reptile taxa occurring in 94 other countries. Most of the contributions were published in popular magazines and non-indexed journals, while only about 12% of all references represent scientific articles from journals indexed in relevant scientific databases. The extensiveness of study on amphibians and reptiles has varied among different periods within the selected time frame. However, an obvious intensification in the field of herpetology can be observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. While there have only been few professionals specialized in herpetology, an important role in promoting the research and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Slovakia has been played by non-governmental organizations and hobbyists. The most frequent type of herpetological data in the referenced literature comes from faunistic research, followed by conservation and general information on herpetofauna, with the majority of published articles in indexed journals coming from the fields of palaeontology, phylogeography, and population genetics. The presented bibliography is the first step towards building a solid base for future systematic herpetological research in the country and Central Europe.

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Chemické výpočty vo všeobecnej a anorganickej...


Ivan Potočňák

Skriptá sú študijnou literatúrou pre predmet Chemické výpočty, ktorý je povinným predmetom bakalárskeho štúdia v odboroch Chémia a  Chémia – medziodborové štúdium, prvý ročník. Skriptá obsahujú 10 kapitol v celkovom rozsahu 207 strán, ktoré formou riešených aj neriešených príkladov vedú študentov k pochopeniu preberanej problematiky.


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Pokročilé elektrochemické metódy



Ivana Šišoláková - Radka Gorejová - Jana Shepa - Renáta Oriňaková

The university textbook "Advanced Electrochemical Methods" is a teaching aid intended for master's or doctoral students studying electrochemical subjects at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. These textbooks follow and further develop textbooks focused on the basic electrochemical methods currently used in modern research. The presented teaching texts are processed in sixteen clear chapters, where they provide a theoretical principle and derivation of electrochemical processes and mechanisms in individual methods. Teaching texts also consist of practical laboratory exercises, in which students can try out the real application of the studied electrochemical methods. The practical tasks are focused primarily on the demonstration of research that is carried out at our workplace. Students will be able to try, for example, electrochemical modification of the electrode surface, preparation of electrochemical sensors for the determination of analytes, preparation and characterization of a dye-sensitized solar cell or electrochemical evolution of hydrogen.

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Úvod do porovnávacej morfológie živočíchov



Andrej Mock

The structure of the animal body is extremely varied. Each species has its distinctive morphological features, which bears as a testimony to long-term development and belonging to the developmental lineage. At the same time, the body has been tested for a long time by natural conditions, resulting in unique adaptations to the environment and life strategy. Despite this admirable variety - which includes both recent and fossil animals and which we have far from mapped – a comparison of body parts brings knowledge we can generalize: the main building principles, and boundaries within which phenotypic diversity is realized.

Comparative animal morphology today uses the latest methodological material and knowledge from other disciplines, from genetics, molecular biology and experimental embryology, through progressive imaging methods (e.g. electron microscopy, computer micro-tomography) and the possibilities of subsequent software processing of image material (measurement, staining, etc.) to the view of physics, chemistry, statics and geometry on the structures (to nanostructures) of the living body. Detailed knowledge of historical and contemporary conditions on Earth is an important interpretative context in the study of animal morphology. Surprisingly, the knowledge accumulated after centuries of research is now rapidly supplemented by new knowledge, and often the traditional knowledge is subsequently reinterpreted. Finally, and no less important, in studying animal (and human) morphology, we learn surprising knowledge about ourselves.

The author of the presented textbook had the ambition in a simplified form to introduce the reader, especially the student of biological studies, into a dynamic and fascinating scientific discipline, as the current comparative animal morphology is.

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Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách



Peter Paľove-Balang

Predložený učebný text „Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách“ v slovenskom jazyku poskytuje v zrozumiteľnej podobe všeobecný prehľad v problematike príjmu a distribúcie látok. Jednotlivé kapitoly zoznámia študentov z vlastnosťami pôdneho prostredia, ktoré majú výrazný vplyv na dostupnosť látok, ďalej s transportom látok cez membrány ako aj na stredné a dlhé vzdialenosti. Text obsahuje najnovšie poznatky z anglickej literatúry, doplnené schémami a grafmi, ktoré vytvoril autor na základe vlastného výskumu, alebo spracovaním viacerých zdrojov.

Učebné texty sú určené predovšetkým pre študentov magisterského štúdia v odbore biológia, alebo ekológia a predpokladajú aspoň základné poznatky z fyziológie rastlín.

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Metódy prípravy nanoštruktúr I



Vladimír Komanický

The aim of this textbook is to acquaint students in physics, chemistry and material science on both undergraduate and graduate level, with the techniques used to prepare micro-electromechanical devices, nanoobjects and nanostructures using the so called top down methodologies. The is no requirement for this course to pass any prior courses. The introduction part of the text defines the forces that affect nanoobjects and the interactions between them. Reader can understand in detail why properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures are so different when comprared to their macroscopic counterparts. Text gives also an overview of thin film preparation technologies as precursors for the preparation of nanostructures. The main emphasis in Volume I is on conventional lithographic technologies for the preparation and shaping of nanostructures, methods for characterization of thin films, nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Unconventional lithographic methods will also be discussed in the prepared upcoming Volume II. Student will also get acquainted with the applications of nanostructures in research focused on nanophysics, nanocatalysis and nanoelectronics. The textbook is used as a study material for the course ÚFV / MPN / 14 - Methods of preparation and characterization of nanostructures. Part of the course is also a laboratory exercise in which the student gets acquainted with the techiques used for the preparation and characterization of thin films and top-down technologies used for the preparation of nanostructures.

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Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III.
  • On sale!
  • -€12.62

Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III.

€13.62 €1.00 -€12.62
Availability: 81 In Stock

Ondrej Hutník a kol. 

Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III. je pokračovaním predchádzajúcich dvoch vydaných zbierok autorov Kulcsár a Kulcsárová. Táto časť obsahuje príklady na zopakovanie a precvičenie učiva stredných škôl, ako aj časti prvého semestra kurzu matematická analýza určeného pre študentov matematiky, fyziky, informatiky a učiteľského štúdia v kombinácii s matematikou. Zbierka môže tiež pomôcť všetkým učiteľom, ktorí chcú použiť rôzne úlohy vo svojom vyučovaní. Zbierka zahŕňa oblasť postupností reálnych čísel: aritmetické a geometrické postupnosti, všeobecne a rekurentne zadané postupnosti, nachádzajú sa tu úlohy na vyšetrovanie vlastností postupností (monotónnosť, ohraničenosť, konvergencia) a výpočet rôznych typov limít. Všetky zadané úlohy sú vyriešené na konci každej kapitoly s podrobným komentárom.


Stresová fyziológia rastlín - Návody na cvičenia



Jozef Kováčik

Tieto „Návody na cvičenia“ prezentujú stručný prehľad bežne používaných metodík i progresívne metodiky napr. s použitím kvapalinovej chromatografie a fluorescenčného mikroskopu. Jednotlivé úlohy sa selektovali na základe výskumného zamerania Katedry botaniky PF UPJŠ v Košiciach z hľadiska „stresovej fyziológie“. Niektoré úlohy je tiež možné využiť v rámci predmetu „Ekológia rastlín“. Ako modelová rastlina pre jednotlivé úlohy sa typicky používa rumanček kamilkový z dôvodu dlhoročnej histórie jeho výskumu na Katedre botaniky PF UPJŠ a jeho nenáročnosti na kultiváciu v laboratórnych podmienkach. Jednotlivé kapitoly prezentujú aj stručný význam sledovaných parametrov, princíp stanovenia a metabolizmus (vznik alebo odbúravanie) s cieľom naznačiť ich vzájomný kontext, keďže stanovenie individuálneho parametra nemôže poskytnúť všeobecnejšiu výpoveď o celkových príčinách a dopadoch pozorovanej zmeny (ale naopak, môže poskytnúť predpoklad pre preverenie hypotézy na úrovni iných parametrov...). Pre hlbšie štúdium jednotlivých problematík existuje dostatok kvalitných zahraničných monografií a prehľadových (tzv. „review“) článkov. 

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Jadrová chémia


Andrea Morovská Turoňová

The discovery of radioactivity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries stimulated the rapid development of nuclear sciences. At the interface between nuclear physics and chemistry, disciplines such as radiochemistry, radiation chemistry and nuclear chemistry were formed. The aim of the Nuclear Chemistry course which is taught at the PF UPJŠ is to provide basic knowledge, with an emphasis on the general value of the subject. It is important to make available the basics of various methods, techniques and their specifics in the application of nuclear phenomena in chemistry and related fields. Emphasis is also placed on the use of correct terminology, knowledge of the context of relationships and basic principles, supplemented by illustrative concrete cases. The choice of material is rather difficult, but we count on additional monographs and textbooks to fill in the gaps of these teaching texts.

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