Určitý integrál


Ondrej Hutník

Pojem integrálu je jedným z najvýznamnejších pojmov v matematike vôbec. V naj- primitívnejšej podobe ho používali už starí Gréci pri tvorbe euklidovskej geometrie. No až po Descartovom diele o analytickej geometrii z roku 1637 mohli matematici začať považovať integrál za predmet analýzy. Descartova práca pripravila podmienky pre objav infinitezimálneho počtu Leibnizom a Newtonom okolo roku 1665. V tom čase vznikol veľký spor o prvenstvo tohto objavu, čo rozdelilo učencov Nemecka a Anglicka do dvoch bojujúcich táborov, z ktorých každý fandil svojmu favoritovi. Dnes vieme, že Newtonova práca o fluxiách a fluentoch bola o niečo skoršia, ale Leibnizovo označenie a prístup sa v matematickom svete ujali viac a symboly R a d sa používajú dodnes. Stručný prierez históriou integrálu bude uvedený v Kapitole 1.

Dnes existuje celá hromada skrípt, učebníc, či kníh venovaných výkladu pojmu integrál. Preto pred prvú otázku, či napísať ďalší text o tejto problematike, je postavený každý potenciálny autor. Nás ku kladnej odpovedi na túto otázku doviedla požiadavka študentov nájsť v určitej ucelenej podobe prednášanú problematiku časti zimného semestra druhého ročníka. Druhou motiváciou je trochu odlišný prístup k problematike. Ak si totiž uvedomíme, ktoré metódy sa zvyčajne používajú pri riešení úloh a zís- kavaní rutiny z určitého integrálu, ide hlavne o Newtonovu-Leibnizovu formulu a častokrát na výpočet určitého (Riemannovho) integrálu pomocou definície nezostáva veľa času. Preto sme zaradili pojednanie o Newtonovom integráli v Kapitole 2, ktorý reflektuje túto skutočnosť a má priamy súvis s neurčitým integrálom, ktorého rôznym metódam výpočtu sa venuje relatívne veľa pozornosti v predchádzajúcom semestri. Až za tým v Kapitole 3 vybudujeme teóriu Riemannovho integrálu, uvedieme kritériá jeho existencie, triedy integrovateľných funkcií, základné vlastnosti a nakoniec vzťah s Newtonovým integrálom. Otázky prevažne geometrických aplikácií riešime v Kapitole 4 a v poslednej kapitole sa venujeme rozšíreniu Riemannovho integrálu pre neohraničené funkcie a neohraničené intervaly.

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Ondrej Hutník
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16 other products in the same category:

1st Workshop on Perspective Electron Spin...



Jozef Strečka- Katarína Karl’ová (eds.)

Zborník obsahuje program a abstrakty workshopu s názvom: 1st Workshop on Perspective Electron Spin Systems for Future Quantum Technologies, ktorý sa bude konať 28.-29. júna 2022 v Košiciach. Workshop je organizovaný Prírodovedeckou fakultou Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach a Ústavom experimentálnej fyziky Slovenskej akadémie vied v Košiciach s finančnou podporou Agentúry na podporu výskumu a vývoja. Ústrednými témami konferencie budú súčasné problémy kvantovej fyziky - kvantovej teórie magnetizmu spinových a elektrónových štruktúr, exotických kvantových spinových stavov, kvantového previazania, kvantových fázových prechodov, topologického kvantového počítania a kvantového spracovania informácie. Účastníci workshopu budú prezentovať originálne pôvodné výsledky svojho výskumu, ktoré môžu zásadným spôsobom ovplyvniť vývoj budúcich kvantových technológií.   

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Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW...



Erik Čižmár

Textbook Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW environment is devoted to the basics of graphical programming and shows the way how to communicate with measuring equipment and Arduino development boards in LabVIEW. The basic concepts of creating a virtual instrument and its interactive user environment are introduced. Three physical tasks are presented, the practical implementation of which takes place with the use appropriate instrumentation and LabVIEW. Practical tasks are dedicated to measuring the transmission characteristics of a low-pass RC filter, measuring the natural resonant frequency of a quartz tuning fork using the heterodyne pulse method, and mapping the magnetic field of a permanent magnet using Arduino.

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Aproximačné a pravdepodobnostné algoritmy


Ondrej KrídloGabriel Semanišin

Pre informatikov je neustálou výzvou hl’adat’ efektívne algoritmy, prípadne rôzne technické a implementačné možnosti vylepšenia výpočtovej zložitosti v súčasnosti známych algoritmov. Čiastočné riešenia ponúkajú napr. gridové prístupy a paralelizácia výpočtu. Vel’kým, ale zatial’ nenaplneným prísl’ubom, sú kvantové počítače. Z teoretického hl’adiska vel’mi dobré riešenia ponúkajú pravdepodobnostné a aproximačné prístupy. A práve nimi sa chceme podrobnejšie zaoberat’.

Tieto elektronické vysokoškolské učebné texty sú doplnkovým učebným textom k predmetu Aproximačné a pravdepodobnostné algoritmy. Učebné texty vznikli z podkladov autorov a prof. RNDr. Viliama Gefferta, DrSc., ktorému autori d’akujú za poskytnutie rukopisu. Rovnako pod’akovanie patrí aj RNDr. Jánovi Katreničovi, PhD., ktorý zostavil prvú sériu úloh na cvičenia k danému predmetu, a Žanete Semanišinovej, ktorá prečítala vel’kú čast’ textu a prispela svojimi návrhmi k jeho vylepšeniu.

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Miroslav Almáši

The scientific book of abstracts from the conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2023“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry, didactics of chemistry, and NMR spectroscopy.

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Tvorba úloh pre programátorské súťaže



Ľubomír ŠnajderJán Guniš

The publication lists interim results of qualitative educational research focused on the development and evaluation of programming tasks being carried out by authors since 2005 in the frame of programming competition PALMA junior. The publication consists of three chapters: Computer science competitions in Slovakia, Tasks in computer science education, Selected problems of PALMA junior competition. The first chapter provides an overview of computer science competitions for a primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. The second chapter described the issue of learning tasks - their components, focus, formulation types, and development system of tasks. The third chapter contains the assignments and commented author solutions of selected problems represented focus of PALMA junior competition – programming, algorithms and mathematics. For each problem is mentioned analysis of pupils’ solutions aimed to ways of thinking, typical misconceptions, sets of preparatory and extended problems. The publication is addressed to computer science teacher trainers, authors of programming competitions problems, and computer science teachers.  

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Základy prietokovej cytometrie v rastlinnej...


Vladislav Kolarčik

Flow cytometry is a diagnostic and research technique that enables rapid analysis of cells, nuclei and organelles of plants and other organisms. In plant biology, it is most often used for DNA content analysis in a wide range of applications. It is the method of first choice and its importance is even increasing compared to competing technologies. It is unrivaled in speed, accuracy, repeatability and low cost. Flow cytometry has become a standard tool in laboratories focused on biological-ecological plant research. This textbook provides information on the historical development of flow cytometry and its establishment in the analysis of the plant genome. It describes the procedure of sample analysis to determine the nuclear DNA content and presents the basic applications, such as determination of genome size, ploidy level and reproduction modes of plants and determination of endopolyploidy level in plant tissues. These college textbooks are intended for students, teachers and anyone interested in the use of flow cytometry in scientific work with plant cells.

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Náhodné procesy a ich aplikácie


Valéria Skřivánková • Martina Hančová

The publication is focused on discrete random processes, primarily on Markov chains, which have wide application in the field of economics and finance.

The textbook is divided into five chapters, the first of which serves as an introduction to random processes and provides definition, properties and classification of random processes in general. The second chapter discusses Markov chains with discrete time, including valuation of transitions between states and their optimal management. The third chapter focuses on special Markov chains with continuous time and emphasizes construction and solution to the system of Kolmogorov differential equations, which describe the dynamics of the process development. The last two chapters illustrate applications of Markov chains using examples of queuing system modeling and renewal theory.

Besides the explanation of basic terms, definitions and theorems with proofs, this textbook also provides number of solved examples to illustrate the discussed theory. Problem assignments are placed at the end of each chapter, so that readers can test their understanding of the content as they progress through the book. Solutions to all the problems and the list of references are provided at the end of the publication.

This textbook is primarily intented for students majoring in Economics and Financial Mathematics at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and it covers content of the course “Random Proceses 1“ thought there. It might however serve also students from other schools in similar progams or professionals interested in this topic.

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Doménové steny a ich dynamika



Rastislav Varga

Posun doménových stien vo feromagnetických materiáloch sa využíva v rôznych magnetických zariadeniach na uchovávanie, spracovanie alebo prenos signálov a informácií. Ide hlavne o jadrá transformátorov, rôzne senzory, pamäťové zariadenia (napr. HDD v PC) ako aj moderné spintronické zariadenia ako sú Racetrack pamäte, elektronika na báze pohybu doménových stien a pod. Táto kniha má slúži ako učebnica pre pokročilejšie kurzy v oblasti magnetických materiálov. Je určená hlavne študentom, ktorí javia záujem o štúdium magnetických materiálov, ako aj odborníkom z rôznych oblastí, ktorí by chceli pochopiť základy doménovej štruktúry a jej zmeny. Je členená do deviatich kapitol. V prvej kapitole sa zaoberá stručnou históriou štúdia doménovej štruktúry v magnetických materiáloch. Druhá kapitola poskytuje úvod do príčin a prejavov magnetických anizotropií. Tretia a štvrtá kapitola sú venované príčinám vzniku doménovej štruktúry a doménovej steny. V piatej kapitole je rozobratá štruktúra doménovej steny, jej potenciál a kritické pole potrebné na pohyb doménovej steny. Šiesta kapitola je venovaná premagnetizačným procesom, z ktorých jeden - pohyb doménovej steny je podrobne preberaný v kapitole 7. Ôsma kapitola obsahuje teoretické riešenie pohybu doménovej steny. Posledná deviata kapitola predstavuje moderný spôsob pohybu doménovej steny, ktorý je indukovaný elektrickým prúdom. Predkladaná práca predpokladá u čitateľa aspoň základné znalosti z oblasti magnetizmu. V opačnom prípade ho autor odkazuje na základnú literatúru (napr. [2.1 -2.6]).

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Pokročilé elektrochemické metódy



Ivana Šišoláková - Radka Gorejová - Jana Shepa - Renáta Oriňaková

The university textbook "Advanced Electrochemical Methods" is a teaching aid intended for master's or doctoral students studying electrochemical subjects at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. These textbooks follow and further develop textbooks focused on the basic electrochemical methods currently used in modern research. The presented teaching texts are processed in sixteen clear chapters, where they provide a theoretical principle and derivation of electrochemical processes and mechanisms in individual methods. Teaching texts also consist of practical laboratory exercises, in which students can try out the real application of the studied electrochemical methods. The practical tasks are focused primarily on the demonstration of research that is carried out at our workplace. Students will be able to try, for example, electrochemical modification of the electrode surface, preparation of electrochemical sensors for the determination of analytes, preparation and characterization of a dye-sensitized solar cell or electrochemical evolution of hydrogen.

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Základy chiropterológie

Availability: 15 In Stock

Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda -  Peter Kaňuch

Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.

School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The SFEL school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018 and 2019. All schools of the series were held here, in Liptovský Ján, where our conference venue offers conditions for friendly and creative atmosphere. The aim of the SFEL 2022 school is to facilitate the growth of a new Slovak research community with high expertise in the area of high-efficiency RTG laser, synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-howin these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2022 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and actually forming scientific teams of XFEL users, scientific teams of synchrotron or neutron sources users, respectively. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of the European XFEL GmbH company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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Gregor Bánó

Photonics is an application-oriented discipline at the interface of optics, opto-electronics and quantum optics. It includes classical optics extended by the description of physical phenomena and optical devices that rely on quantum (photon) nature of light.
The main objective of the Photonics course is to provide a comprehensive overview of essential optical and photonic phenomena routinely applied in experimental scientific research while working with various light sources (e.g. in the field of biophotonics). The first chapters are devoted to the description of light at different levels. The logical order of subsections in this part corresponds to the structure of the textbook: B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics. The following chapters contain a description of laser operation and an overview of selected optical instruments and their applications.
The body text is complemented by practical notes on the use of theoretical knowledge during daily work in the laboratory. The course of Photonics requires a basic knowledge of mathematics, electromagnetism and optics, and thus it is recommended to students who previously passed through the courses of the Bachelor's program in Physics.

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