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Správne právo bez hraníc



Radomír Jakab-Diana Repiščáková-Eva Berníková

Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference was created as part of the international scientific conference entitled "Administrative law without borders" held on October 19 and 20, 2023 in Tokaj in connection with the solution of the scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union " supported by a grant from the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022. The main goal of the mentioned project is the scientific investigation of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions of the member states of the European Union on the territory of other member states for the purpose of knowledge as well as the subsequent assessment of the need and extent of harmonization of the legislation of the member states of the European Union, perceiving the growing necessity of increasing the degree of free movement of administrative decisions in the conditions of the European of the Union. As part of the research project, an international scientific conference was held under the title "Administrative Law without Borders". At the conference, contributions were presented by members of the investigative team, who are also members of the Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, as well as their colleagues from all over Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The main goal of the conference was the presentation and confrontation of knowledge in the field of cross-border effects of administrative acts (primarily in the conditions of the European Union), perceiving the increasingly increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law separately, but in mutual contexts with the legal systems of other states , or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.

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The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept,...



Dominik Šoltys

The scientific monograph The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept, Nature, Features, Development and Forms of Legal Feminism presents for the first time the issue of legal feminism in Slovak jurisprudence in such a comprehensive way. Author analyzes legal feminism as a distinctive movement of legal philosophy and legal theory. He places legal feminism in the broader framework of general feminism. The internal ideological and developmental diversity of legal feminism brings the author´s examinations before the effort to systematize according to ideological and theoretical similarities or differences with emphasize to the development of feminism in different waves. In this regarding, author presents various forms of feminism and legal feminism, including their most important representatives. The increased view of the monograph deals with contemporary Anglo-American feminism since the end of the 1960s till the present, i.e., the period from which legal feminism emerged as a conceptual and critical movement of legal thinking. Author analyzes the critical view of legal feminism on law and current legal policy. He specifies abstract and basic theoretical features of the feminist jurisprudence. In this regard, the author pays attention to important concepts, categories, ideological assumptions, or methodological and methodological frame of feminist legal science. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the development of diverse forms of legal feminism the monograph also focuses on the normative side of feminist theory of law, which challenges the modern jurisprudence in elimination of gender and gender as legally relevant criteria.

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The place, role and significance of domestic law


Dominika BeckováAdam Giertl (eds.)

Collection of Papers of PhD. students and young researchers

Institute of International Law and European Law offered a place to PhD. students and young researchers to publish scientific outputs of their research. Submited collection of scientific contributions is the result of that initiative. Papers deal with the implementation of international law and law of the EU into the domestic legal system. Thematically is the collection of contributions divided into several parts, that are dedicated to contributions dealing with the issues of legal theory and international and european law. Contributions are addressing issues of human rights protection, they aim to the roles of international and supranational judiciary, environment, criminal and public law. Collection of contributions includes also chosen problems of private law and it also dedicates space for contributions focused on foreign investments.

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Novelizovaný obchodný zákonník

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NOVELIZOVANÝ OBCHODNÝ ZÁKONNÍK s aktualizovanými dôvodovými správami

ZÁKON Č. 513/1991 ZB. OBCHODNÝ ZÁKONNÍK V ZNENÍ ZÁKONA Č. 264/1992 ZB., ZÁKONA Č. 600/1992 ZB., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 278/1993 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 249/1994 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 106/1995 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 171/1995 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 58/1996 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 317/1996 Z. Z., ZÁKONA NÁRODNEJ RADY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Č. 373/1996 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 11/1998 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 127/1999 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 263/1999 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 238/2000 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 147/2001 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 500/2001 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 426/2002 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 510/2002 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 526/2002 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 530/2003 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 432/2004 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 315/2005 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 19/2007 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 84/2007 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 657/2007 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 659/2007 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 429/2008 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 454/2008 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 477/2008 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 276/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 487/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 492/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 546/2010 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 193/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 547/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 197/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 246/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 440/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 9/2013 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 352/2013 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 357/2013 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 87/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 117/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 172/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 361/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 389/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 125/2016 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 264/2017 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 112/2018 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 156/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 390/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 198/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 519/2021 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 111/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 407/2022 Z. Z. A ZÁKONA Č. 8/2023 Z. Z.




Monika Halánová (ed.)

On June 4-6, 2024, Stará Lesná will host the 10th year of the university-wide event ‘Spring School of Doctoral Students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice’. As part of the professional program, there will be five plenary lectures by prominent experts from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Comenius University, and one workshop will be held. A total of 47 full-time doctoral students will present the results of their scientific research work, of which 23 doctoral students in the section of medical and natural sciences (Faculty of Medicine/Faculty of Science) and 24 doctoral students in the section of social sciences and humanities (Faculty of Law/Faculty of Public Administration/Faculty of Arts). Part of the professional program of the event will be a panel discussion with the Management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Novelizovaný zákonník práce 2023

Availability: 1 In Stock

Novelizovaný zákonník práce s aktualizovanými dôvodovými správami v úplnom znení. ZÁKON Č. 311/2001 Z. Z. ZÁKONNÍK PRÁCE V ZNENÍ ZÁKONA Č. 165/2002 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 408/2002 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 210/2003 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 461/2003 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 5/2004 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 365/2004 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 82/2005 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 131/2005 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 244/2005 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 570/2005 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 124/2006 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 231/2006 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 348/2007 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 200/2008 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 460/2008 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 49/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 184/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 574/2009 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 543/2010 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 48/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 257/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 406/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 512/2011 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 251/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 252/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 345/2012 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 361/2012 Z. Z., NÁLEZU ÚS SR Č. 233/2013 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 58/2014 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 103/2014 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 183/2014 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 307/2014 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 14/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 61/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 351/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 378/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 440/2015 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 82/2017 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 95/2017 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 335/2017 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 63/2018 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 347/2018 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 376/2018 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 307/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 319/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 375/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 380/2019 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 63/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 66/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 157/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 294/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 326/2020 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 76/2021 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 215/2021 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 407/2021 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 412/2021 Z. Z., UZNESENIA ÚS SR Č. 539/2021 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 82/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 125/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 222/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 248/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 350/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 376/2022 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 1/2023 Z. Z., ZÁKONA Č. 50/2023 Z. Z. A ZÁKONA Č. 309/2023 Z. Z

Chronológia rímskych dejín

Availability: 1 In Stock

Pavol Valachovič

Dejiny starovekého Ríma zahŕňajú od založenia mesta až do zániku Západorímskej ríše 13 storočí vývoja. Od malého mestského štátu sa rozvíjal tento štát až na rozsiahlu ríšu, ktorá sa rozprestierala na troch kontinentoch. Od malých hospodárstiev sa rozvinula na štát s vyspelou poľnohospodárskou, remeselnou výrobou a obchodom so zložitou cestnou sieťou, ktorá zahŕňala a ovplyvňovala aj územia za hranice ríše. Pod vplyvom kultúrne vyspelých civilizácií Etruskovia, Gréci, ale aj ďalších sa vyvinula zložitá kultúra, literatúra, umenie, s ktorých zvyškami sa stretávame v Európe, Ázii a Afrike. V neskorších obdobiach táto kultúra ovplyvnila a ovplyvňovala v nasledujúcich obdobiach ďalšie národy a kultúry, dokonca i dnes ovplyvňuje mnohé kultúrne prvky. V prvých štyroch storočiach n. l. sa do susedstva s Rímskou ríšou dostalo aj územie dnešného Slovenska a národy Germáni, Kelti, ktoré tu sídlili. Historici, archeológovia, umeňovedci dodnes odkrývajú stopy dávnej minulosti Slovenska. Predložená Chronológia starovekého Ríma postihuje tento zložitý historický a kultúrny vývoj v uvedenom období. Zahŕňa politické dejiny, ale aj hospodársky a sociálny vývoj a náboženské dejiny, zahrnuli sme do nej i niektoré kultúrne prvky údaje napr. o spisovateľoch, budovaní niektorých umeleckých pamiatok.

Antické paradigmy a Trianonská zmluva



Ľuboš Dobrovič - Vladimír Vrana

The world of diplomacy, whether ancient or modern, is naturally prone to problems associated with cultural clashes and often serves as an “unarmed battlefield” of cultural concepts. International diplomacy, however, stands on the assumption of war, as misunderstandings and cultural discrepancies lead to confusion. Cultural encounters also provide many opportunities for the choice of misunderstanding: the choice to perceive an act as an insult, even if unintended, or the choice to ignore the most blatant intentional insult, all according to momentary expediency.

The Roman historian Livy recounts an anecdote about the gates of the Temple of Janus, which, when open, signified that Rome was at war. However, the doors of the ancient Temple of Janus were closed only twice from the beginning of the 7th century BC to the end of the 1st century BC. One might ask, how many times and for how long after the signing of the Treaty of Trianon were the metaphorical gates of the European (or global) Temple of Janus closed?

The publication that the reader holds in their hands does not attempt to exhaustively answer all questions of ancient and modern international diplomacy. That is neither possible nor the goal of this scientific monograph. Authors seeking intersections between diplomacy of antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the early 20th century encountered some thought-provoking ideas and controversial debates. Indeed, what other conclusions can the topic of the Treaty of Trianon and the perpetual clash of cultures in the Mediterranean antiquity and medieval Europe bring?

We believe that the topic of ancient and modern diplomacy will inspire the reader and stimulate the professional public to new ideas, reflections, and scholarly activity.

The scientific monograph was prepared as an output of the project of the Agency for the Support of Research and Development No. APVV-19-0419: "100 years of the Treaty of Trianon."

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Transteritoriálne správne akty v podmienkach...


Radomír JakabTibor SemanLukáš Jančát

The concept of a transterritorial administrative act is relatively new in administrative law, especially in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. It has practical applicability to the application of European Union law (including international law). Its essence lies in the fact that the effects of such an administrative act issued within one Member State exceed the territory of that Member State, have effects in other Member States, in all Member States of the European Union without being subject to the recognition process.

The purpose of the monograph is to present outputs of the scientific examination of this type of administrative acts, the definition of its characteristics and its effects, the examination of the possibilities of procedural defense against its effects by the State concerned, and possibly the possibility of unifying the action of the Member States of the European Union in case of procedural defense against the effects of transterritorial administrative acts. The monograph also contains analysis of certain types of transterrritorial administrative acts that are commonly used in the conditions of the European union and Slovak republic; they are also categorized under specific criteria.,

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Obchodné a pracovné právo: Na spoločnej vlne



Natália Kalinák-Andrej Oriňak

The Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law together with the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice organized the 8th annual student symposium, this time on commercial, labour and private international law, which took place at the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice on 1 December 2023. The student symposium under the title Commercial and Labour Law on a Common Wave was carried out as part of the research projects VEGA 1/0259/22 and VEGA č. 1/0291/23. The aim of the annual symposia is to create a discussion platform for students under the supervision of mentors from among the members of the department, namely teachers, researchers and PhD students. The theme of this year's symposium brought about discussion of interesting theoretical and practical legal issues thematically focused on the synergy of business law and labour law. The students addressed topical issues related to the status of entrepreneurs, the conduct of companies in labour law relations as well as the duties and responsibilities of employees. The topics of the sharing economy, gender quotas in corporate bodies and unfair bribery were not forgotten. While working on individual topics, students had the opportunity to improve their analytical thinking and argumentation skills, while they could practice writing a legal professional text, which in practice often increases the success of every lawyer. Students had the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and learn how to clearly formulate their own opinions on current legal issues. After the presentation of the papers, not only the team of lecturers and researchers, but also the students themselves engaged in a fruitful discussion, asking a number of original questions. Each student participant was awarded a certificate for their active participation in the symposium. The present proceedings are the outcome of the students' work from this event.

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Vatican diplomacy around Trianon from a...



Nándor Birher-Péter Tamás Bertalan

The document, titled "Vatican Diplomacy Around Trianon from a Hungarian Perspective," is a scholarly work that examines the geopolitical and ecclesiastical changes in East-Central Europe after the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, with a focus on the role of the Vatican. The book explores the interactions between the Vatican and the reshaped geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the influence of religious and ecclesiastical issues on international relations. The monograph posits that Central Europe is not merely a geographic or economic concept but a "spiritual kingdom" with a shared destiny shaped by interdependence and cultural achievements, despite its history of conflicts. Central Europe's rich intellectual and cultural heritage, deeply influenced by religious convictions and Vatican diplomacy, continues to impact the region's identity and unity. The book suggests that the lessons from the early 20th century, including the Trianon Peace Treaty and subsequent geopolitical shifts, are still relevant in understanding the contemporary political and cultural dynamics of Central Europe. The authors encourage readers to reflect on the past and consider how historical events and decisions have shaped present-day Central Europe. The book aims to provide insights into the region's complex history and its ongoing struggle to find its place in the broader European and global context.

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Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané...



Žofia MrázováJán HusárJaroslav Dolný a kol.

The publication "Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané otázky" focuses on the assessment of legal aspects of the performance of corporate boards members and on solving application problems regarding relations arising between members of the board of directors and supervisory board and the company itself.

The first part of the publication deals with the basic conceptual preconditions to become members of elected corporate boards, including conditions for their appointment and removal. Among the issues addressed is also the required standard of performance of corporate boards members in relation to the concept of professional care and duty of loyalty. Remuneration of elected board members as well as the possibility of opposing the contract for performance are also analysed.

The application problems partly extend to bankruptcy law when examining the obligations of board of directors after the bankruptcy of a company, specifically in matters of the emergence of special liability of the board of directors as well as their performance even after the bankruptcy.

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Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a...



Alena Krunková (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 28.6.2016 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach v súvislosti s riešením projektu Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike - schválený pod číslom MVZP – SK PRES/2016/134

Slovenská republika, ako členský štát Európskej únie, sa zhosťuje  historickej úlohy súvisiacej s realizáciou predsedníctva Rady Európskej únie v rámci predsedníckeho tria. Začiatkom roka 2016 vyhlásilo Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Výzvu na predkladanie žiadostí o dotáciu na rok 2016 v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a zahraničnej politiky SR zameranú práve na predsedníctvo Slovenskej republiky v Rade Európskej Únie. Na túto výzvu zareagovala Právnická fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach a získala projekt pre realizáciu výskumných aktivít prostredníctvom série podujatí zameraných na regionálnu samosprávu Slovenskej republiky v súvislosti s jej pôsobením v rámci Európskej únie. Problematike práva Európskej únie sa fakulta venuje dlhodobo jednak v pedagogickom procese, no i vo vedeckovýskumnej činnosti jednotlivých pedagógov. Riešený projekt má ambíciu obohatiť toto portfólio o osobitné aktivity zamerané nielen na odbornú sféru, no i na samotných študentov a laickú verejnosť.

Ako prvá aktivita projektu bola realizovaná  konferencia s názvom „Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike – doterajší vývoj a aktuálny stav, perspektívy“. Zúčastnili sa jej pozvaní verejní činitelia, zástupcovia akademickej sféry, no i predstavitelia samosprávy, nakoľko jedným z hlavných cieľov projektu je prepojiť akademickú obec so sférou praktickou a zapojiť tak predstaviteľov praxe do plánovaných aktivít v rámci riešenia projektu.

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Probácia v systéme trestnej politiky a...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár

Otázky trestania sú priamo spojené s trestnou politikou štátu, ktorá je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou sociálnej politiky. Dlhodobo má štát v oblasti trestania osobitné dominantné postavenie. Ak boli splnené podmienky, za ktorých môže byť uložený trest, štát si splní svoju povinnosť. Trest uloží prostredníctvom nezávislých súdov. Pritom nerieši otázky satisfakcie, ktorá prináleží obeti. Obeť môže byť v podobe konkrétnej fyzickej osoby či právnickej osoby, ktorej trestným činom bola spôsobená škoda. Táto škoda súbežne vzniká aj občianskej spoločnosti ako celku. Priorizuje sa povinnosť štátu trestať a rozhodovať v danej veci, pred odškodnením samotného poškodeného, či odškodnením občianskej spoločnosti. Zmeny, ktoré nastali v oblasti trestného práva v posledných niekoľkých rokoch, vyplynuli aj z právnych predpisov Európskej únie. Demokratizácia spoločnosti nastoľuje potrebu zabezpečiť ochranu práv a slobôd občanov, ako aj ochranu celého demokratického systému prostriedkami restoratívnej, teda netrestajúcej justície. Od priorizovania trestania sa pristupuje k posilneniu práv poškodeného v prípade trestného činu, ktorý sa ho dotýka. Ide o možnosť obete rozhodnúť o opatreniach, ktoré majú postihnúť páchateľa trestného činu tak, aby to samotná obeť považovala za dostatočnú satisfakciu. V tejto súvislosti vzniká aj v Slovenskej republike inštitút probačného a mediačného úradníka a samostatnej pozície mediátora, ako riešiteľa občianskoprávnych, rodinných, pracovných a podobných sporov. Tieto nové inštitúty spájajú prvky trestnej justície, sociálnej práce, psychológie, sociológie a ďalších odborov. Pôsobia najmä v oblasti práva, využívajú metódy a postupy sociálnej práce, čím navodzujú zmenu filozofie trestania v trestnom práve. Výkon mediácie a probácie predpokladá poznanie metód a postupov vlastných sociálnej práci. Z uvedeného dôvodu danú problematiku rozpracovávame z pozícií sociálnej práce a poukazujeme na tie oblasti, ktoré sú jej vlastné. Často sa práve v súvislosti s probáciou a mediáciou stretávame s pojmom „sociálna práca v justícii“. Mediáciou v trestných veciach rozumieme mimosúdne sprostredkovanie riešenia sporu medzi škodcom a poškodeným, za asistencie a osobnej účasti mediátora. Mediátor ako nezávislá a nestranná osoba pomáha stranám identifikovať ich záujmy a podporuje ich v hľadaní spoločných praktických a reálnych riešení v bodoch, ktoré spôsobili ich konflikt. Probáciou sa rozumie vykonávanie kontroly, dohľadu nad obvineným, obžalovaným alebo odsúdeným, ako aj individuálna pomoc páchateľovi a pôsobenie tak, aby viedol riadny život. Znižuje sa riziko recidívy, opakovaného páchania trestnej činnosti.

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The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of...


Terézia HišemováDarina Kmecová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers of Conference of Slovak and Czech law romanists, which take place at May, 10.-11.5.2018, at Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice.

The submitted reviewed proceeding of scientific papers on „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of roman - law basics and problems of application practice.”  is prepared within the solution of the grant project VEGA on: „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of historical - law basics and problems of application practice.”, no. p. 1/0198/17.

The authors of papers are important personalities of Roman law working in the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as PhD students and young scientists from Slovak and foreign universities who are active in the academic environment as well as in legal practice. The main goal of the editors is to help improve the current legal situation, which is assessed as unsatisfactory, and through a historical excursion of the development of the loan institute and then the forced execution of the decision, to create de lege ferenda proposals considering all areas of research.

The Proceedings trace the interrelationships between the substantive law institute in terms of the Roman law of contractus unilaterales - mutuum in its various types, often realized by the attachment of high interest rates, which bordered on the insurrection and the procedural law of individual lawsuits enforced in the legislative, formular and cognitive process. If there was no possibility to impose certain behaviour on the obligated person (the debtor, the sentenced person), then the declared general obligation to enforce the legal norms was only a legal term. It has always been the case that every internally well-organized state, whether antique or present, has to use power tools - often with the use of gross violence - but within the limits of the law, to promote what it has declared valid law. It must protect creditors on the one hand, but it must also prevent self-help and the use of illegal, unjustified and disproportionate violence.

The loan contract as a real contract has often become an integral part and relatively the most frequent reason leading to the compulsory enforcement, especially when contracting parties often agree on the connection of interest - sometimes within the legal limit, sometimes exceeding the legal framework - and in this way the potential future creditor (the plaintiff) significantly increased the insolvency risk of the debtor (the defendant, the sentenced) and of the subsequent execution. The pronounced and deepening social stratification of the Roman population and the secondary depreciation effort, the cancellation of the debts of the poor part of the population logically culminated in social unrest and revolt against the enforcement of the enforcement law.

The proceedings capture not only the rich scientific discussion of Slovak and Czech legal Romanists, but also the opinions, experience and knowledge of experts on contemporary law dealing with this type of issues. As a result, it provides a unique interdisciplinary view of the subject and raises many stimulus points for future research. This work proves that the problems encountered by the various representatives of the Roman jurisprudence and their legal and theoretical bases and solutions are undoubtedly useful and serve as a guideline also for solving legal issues in the field of modern enforcement proceedings.

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