Členovia orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti. Obchodné, pracovné a socio-psychologické aspekty


Jaroslav DolnýMonika Seilerová (eds.)

The collection of contributions from the VII. Student Symposium on Commercial Law and Labor Law held on December 5, 2019, at the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

The theme of this year's symposium provided students with the opportunity to choose between addressing issues related to commercial law or focusing on labor law aspects concerning the position of members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, based on an analysis of legal regulations and case law.

The creative exploration of commercial law questions particularly related to areas such as the manner of acting on behalf of a commercial company, the liability of the de facto statutory body of a commercial company, information obligations of the statutory body towards its shareholders, and the remuneration for serving as a member of the board of directors of a joint-stock company. It also addressed the liability of the statutory body for the insolvency of the company and the enforcement of non-competition clauses concerning managing directors of limited liability companies.

The connection between commercial law and labor law was directed towards a legal analysis of personal data protection related to health and its misuse by members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, as well as the legitimacy of concurrently holding a position (as a member) in a statutory body with an employment relationship, and the legal status of senior employees, particularly concerning their duties and responsibilities for ensuring employee health through creating healthy working conditions.

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Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Jaroslav Dolný - Monika Seilerová
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Year of publication:
1st edition
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Faculty of Law
APVV-16-0002 „Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca“ a VVGS -2018-947 „Majetková základňa kapitálových obchodných spoločností v kontexte nových právnych úprav a trendov“.
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Zamestnanec v digitálnom prostredí



Monika MinčičováMarcel DolobáčJana Žuľová

The presented proceedings of papers is the result of the international scientific conference "Employee in the digital environment", which was organized as part of the research project VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee protection in the context of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 - starting points, opportunities and risks. The online scientific conference took place on the 5th of November 2021 under the auspices of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The proceedings includes a variety of scientific papers focused on the study of current issues caused by the digital transformation of society.Authors respond to partial legal problems of labour law and social security law at the theoretical-legal and application level and reflect on the consequences of ongoing phenomena for the labour market and labour law legislation.

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Transteritoriálne správne akty v podmienkach...



Radomír JakabTibor SemanLukáš Jančát

The concept of a transterritorial administrative act is relatively new in administrative law, especially in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. It has practical applicability to the application of European Union law (including international law). Its essence lies in the fact that the effects of such an administrative act issued within one Member State exceed the territory of that Member State, have effects in other Member States, in all Member States of the European Union without being subject to the recognition process.

The purpose of the monograph is to present outputs of the scientific examination of this type of administrative acts, the definition of its characteristics and its effects, the examination of the possibilities of procedural defense against its effects by the State concerned, and possibly the possibility of unifying the action of the Member States of the European Union in case of procedural defense against the effects of transterritorial administrative acts. The monograph also contains analysis of certain types of transterrritorial administrative acts that are commonly used in the conditions of the European union and Slovak republic; they are also categorized under specific criteria.,

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Obchodná spoločnosť ako právnická osoba



Ján Husár - Kristián Csach (eds.)

The collection contains contributions presented at the international conference held on April 1st - 3rd 2014 in Smolenice, organized by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in cooperation with the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Authors are high-profile Slovak and Czech scholars in the field of private law and company law, as well as representatives of new generation of young researchers. Contributions focus on contemporary issues in the field of company law, in particular theoretical basis of corporations, groups of companies, doctrine of abuse of rights, reflective loss and new tendencies in corporate law in foreign legal orders. The first part of the contributions presented at the conference have been already published in the special issue of the theoretical magazine Právny Obzor n. 4/2014. 

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Zborník príspevkov z X. ročníka študentského...



Adam Giertl (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov študentského Sympózia z medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva konaného dňa 28. apríla 2017 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ Košiciach

Študentské sympózium je pravidelne poriadané Ústavom medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva a v roku 2017 je konané už jubilejná desiata edícia študentského sympózia, ktoré postupom času záber záujmu rozšírilo aj do oblasti európskeho práva. S tradíciou konania študentských sympózií je spojený aj dobrý zvyk prípravy zborníka príspevkov z každého podujatia. Desiaty ročník pochopiteľne nie je výnimkou a tak sa čitateľom dostáva „do rúk“ desiata edícia zborníka príspevkov študentského sympózia. Po minulé roky bolo sympózium vždy zamerané na konkrétnu oblasť právnej úpravy medzinárodného a európskeho práva. Tak sa predmetom skúmania účastníkov sympózií stali otázky migrácie (2016), ochrany kultúrnych hodnôt (2015) alebo problematike kyberpriestoru (2013). Tento rok sa vzhľadom na to, že ide o jubilejný desiaty ročník organizátori sympózia poňať zameranie sympózia prierezovo a pripomenúť si niektoré významné míľniky vývoja medzinárodného práva, ktoré sa udiali v rokoch ukončených číslom sedem.

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Vladimír BabčákAdrián PopovičJozef Sábo (eds.)

Within the project APVV-16-0160 "Tax evasion and tax avoidance (motivation factors , formation and elimination)" was organized conference called III. SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW " Positive and Negative Stimulation of the State in the Area of Taxation ". From this conference was prepared the eponymous output in the form of reviewed proceedings of scientific works.

In this publication is published the contributions from several prominent personalities of tax law science in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. lndividual contributions map tax legislation and also changes due to the development of tax legislation , especially under the influence of European Union law. Th ese changes are approached in the context of their specific economic impacts and their impact on status and legal relations in the business and social field . The main topics elaborated in the individual contributions are in particular: EU activities in relation to tax fraud and tax evasion, the impact of tax construction on the act of the addressees of tax law and tax policy of the state and its economic impacts.

The publication presents one of the most actual topics in the current legal and economic environment.

Prof. h.c. prof. JUDr. Vladimír Babčák, CSc.

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EU Initiatives to Prevent Tax Evasions and Tax...


Adrián Popovič a kol.

The possibility of solving the grant project VVGS-2016-284 has provided a unique opportunity for members of the author´s team in the interdisciplinary composition to examine the issue not only from a tax-law point of view, but also from a political point of viewIn the presented monograph, the authors focused on the characterization of different aspects of the EU in order to allow the reader correctly understand its position in relation to the outside world and to its inward relations within its Member States in the context of the creation and implementation of the EU tax policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the relationship between national tax legislation and EU law, the impact of the EU's tax policy on the national laws of its Member States, with reference to the identification of the harmonized areas with the approximation of their current stage of development and the final objective. This definition can be seen as a prerequisite for a correct and comprehensive understanding of the application and implementation of EU institutions' initiatives to prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and their implementation into the national legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the last part of the monograph, the authors focused on defining individual EU initiatives to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as a means of implementing its tax policy, in the area of ​​indirect taxation, in particular in the field of value added tax and in the field of direct taxation, especially with regard to corporate taxation, and to evaluate their projection into the national tax legislation of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, in these chapters, they assessed the real impact and effect of the measures admitted on the basis of the initiatives in practice.

The presented work is intended for a university student studying in the field of Tax Law and European Law, as well as the broader legal and economic community. However, in view of the scope and recency of the subject under consideration, the authors believe that the publication will find its application not only in the theoretical field but also in the practical field.

 JUDr. Adrián Popovič

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Impact of the European Union on Criminal Law of...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Reviewed collection of papers of the international scientific conference is the output of the international scientific conference held on 7th October 2022 within the framework of the project APVV-18-0421 „European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law“.

Unlike other areas of activities of the European Union, the European Union did not begin to enter the area of criminal law and criminal policy until much later. The reason is that the sphere of criminal law has traditionally been associated with the sovereignty of the state, which is why the Member States of the European Union are very slow to allow the European Union into it. The issue of the European Union's influence on the criminal law of its Member States is therefore becoming actual and raises many questions and application problems. In their papers, the authors address the various problems posed by the European Union's influence in the area of criminal law. Among the scientific problems and issues that the authors paid attention to in their works are the following: reasons for competence of the European Union within the field of criminal law; Impact of the EU legislation on criminal law of EU Member States; proposals to improve existing legislation, whether at European Union or national level, cooperation of the Court of Justice of the European Union and national judges via preliminary proceedings within the field of criminal law; as well as the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

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Svetové dejiny štátu a práva



Erik Štenpien

This university textbook named "The World History of State and Law" serve as teaching aid to Students of 1. year-class of Faculty of Law. He addicted to history of state and law of oriental despoties and chosen states of ancient Greece. Exactly interpreted the law history of medieval and feudal states and cities and institutes of medieval law with the accent to civil law. Next he interpreted the history of constitutions of the european states (Netherland, Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy) and USA, also the modern law of 19. Century. A special chapter deals with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and the system of treaties adopted during it.

At the end he interpreted the legal history of chosen states of Europe and USA - state system with the accent to type of the regime (democracy, dictature).

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Hranice Československej republiky optikou...



Dominika Kováčová- Lucia Pištejová- Ivan Vaňa

The present monograph deals with the post-war settlement of relations and peace negotiations related to the settlement of the borders of the newly established Czechoslovak Republic. The work discusses in detail the negotiation processes related to the preparation and signing of the Versailles and Saint-Germain Peace Treaties. Similarly, it then discusses in detail the peripeties related to the drafting of the Treaty of Trianon dealing with the border with Hungary and its subsequent delineation in the field. Last but not least, the thesis captures the settling of Czechoslovakia's international relations with Poland and their common border, with a particular focus on the arbitration settlement on the territory of Orava and Spiš.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2024



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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The Impact of industrial and technological...



bolya Katalin Koncz

The exploration of the interplay between innovation and society elucidates fundamental connections between human advancement and societal transformation. Technological development and its dissemination profoundly influence both the economy and social structures, often restructuring them while presenting new challenges and opportunities. This monograph delves into the theme of "Innovation and Society", focusing specifically on how technological advancements impact various facets of society ‒ from the realm of work to social policies and the evolution of gender roles. These areas are approached through a novel lens, examining them from the perspective of legislative reforms enacted and endorsed by the state. The monograph examines the characteristics and legal framework of 20th-century Hungarian society using diverse laws, regulations, and statistical data. Through analyses and documented evidence, it offers a comprehensive understanding of societal structure and operations, encompassing aspects such as the labor market, female employment, the status of industry and commerce, and shifts in legal frameworks. Detailed statistical insights into population dynamics, labor market trends, and economic sectors further deepen our comprehension of social processes. The documents scrutinize the employment distribution and conditions across different sectors, including food processing and milling, while also providing specific details on the roles, distribution, and wages of women in the workforce, with particular emphasis on occupations where women are prominently engaged. The analysis of legislative provisions delineates the historical backdrop and measures enacted for fostering social and economic transformations, covering issues such as patent legislation, guardianship laws, and family law. This compilation offers an exhaustive overview of 20th-century Hungarian society and its legal underpinnings, enriching scholarly inquiries into historical and sociological dimensions within this domain.

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Municipálne zákonodarstvo Uhorska ako predobraz...



Erik Štenpien

The presented monograph is dedicated to the reforms of local administration in the middle of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of municipalism - the nationalization of local administration. The work is primarily devoted to the analysis of the differences between legal articles 42/1870 and 21/1884, the second of which has so far been considered by Slovak legal historians as an amendment. I will explain the differences in the text of both standards, as well as by pointing out the practice of applying both standards in local practice in Abov and Turňa, the legal article 21/1884 is applicable, it is recoded and after the thresholds of the Czechoslovakia it was received as an obligation of the local sparva in Slovakia and is valid even in the time of Conclusion The Trianon peace treaty.

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Všeobecná štátoveda

Availability: 11 In Stock

Alexander Bröstl

Učebnica Všeobecnej štátovedy predstavuje tradičný obsah predmetu, ako sa rozvinul v európskej kontinentálnej podobe (altematívou štátovedy je dnes na viacerých univerzitách, aj mimo právnických fakúlt, politická veda). Medzi dvanástimi kapitolami  sa okrem viac-menej stabilne prítomných  (1. Jednotlivca spoločnosť; 2. Teórie o príčinách vzniku štátu a o účele štátu; 3. Znaky (prvky)štátu; 8. Politické strany a štát) nachádzajú aj kapitoly, ktoré spravidla nie sú, alebo doteraz neboli predmetom štandardného záujmu (5. Politický spor, zmena ústavy,  revolúcia,  právo  na  odpor;  6. Rozpadnuté  a stroskotané  štáty;  7. Štát a cirkev).Niektoré kapitoly predstavujú návrat k pôvodným štátovedným klasifikáciám (9. Funkcie štátu). V rámci prezentácie historických a aktuálnych otázok týkajúcich sa Formy štátu (najrozsiahlejšia 1O. kapitola)ide o pokus objasnit' nové aspekty problematiky(napríklad, podkapitoly ako Parlamentná opozícia, Ústavné súdnictvo). Záverečná časť učebnice sa venuje Modernému ústavnému štátu: právnemu štátu(12.kapitola)a možno ju považovat' za príspevok k analýze princípov právneho štátu a jeho viacerých teórií. Úmyslom autora bolo tiež prispieť k autentickému výkladu názorov niektorých myslitel'ov  predošlých období, návratom k pôvodným textom ich diel. Všeobecná štátoveda, adresovaná predovšetkým študentom, má za ciel' tvoriť úvod do právnického štúdia ako jeho osvedčená základňa, zdroj i východisko.

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