Cursus Latinus - učebnica


Jana Balegová

University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for students of the study program Latin language and literature. It is divided into „Introduction“ and 37 lessons. The content of lessons is morphology, sentence syntax and selected phenomena of case syntax of the Latin language. Each of the lessons contains a grammatical explanation, followed by sentences designed to demonstrate the forms of grammatical phenomena and the required vocabulary (Dictionary). Using these examples, students learn the basic principles of translation from Latin into Slovak and from Slovak into Latin. The textbook also includes a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing the entire vocabulary used in the textbook. The „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for the interpretation of grammar and the acquisition of grammatical phenomena of the Latin language under the guidance of the teacher. A parallel exercise book (Cursus Latinus – exercise book) is used to practice Latin grammar at home. The exercise book includes a key to the exercises and a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing vocabulary from the textbook and the exercise book. University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is available electronically in PDF format.

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Jana Balegová
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vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá)
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Učebný text Cursus Latinus – cvičebnica je výstupom grantového projektu KEGA Cursus Latinus - vysokoškolské učebné texty latinského jazyka pre študijný program latinský jazyk 009UPJŠ-4/2020.
Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

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Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...



Magdaléna Hovanová

The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).

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Podoby duchovnosti v slovenskej literatúre...



Lívia Barnišinová

The scientific monograph "Spirituality in Slovak Realist and Modernist Literature" reevaluates interpretative approaches to the spiritual dimension in prose texts of Slovak literature from the realist and modernist periods. The author transcends stereotypical views on spirituality, often confined to religious themes, and advocates for an interdisciplinary approach and new methodological approaches in literary-critical research. The monograph focuses on literary characters and their spiritual dimension in connection with other compositional and semantic elements of literary texts. It does not offer a definitive view on the topic but aims to open discussion and highlight the need for a reassessment of the literary canon and the openness of artistic literature to multiple interpretations. The analysis of texts from Slovak realism and literary modernism demonstrated a differentiated spirituality and its artistic portrayal. The phenomenon of spirituality is present in the texts along the axis of explicitness - implicitness - latency and has its specific manifestation in shaping literary characters through psychologization, introspection, and spiritual depth.

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Ako nájsť zmysel života v sociálnej práci s...



Eva Žiaková (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou v rámci projektu VEGA č. 1/0282/12 Interdisciplinárna analýza zmyslu života a jeho komponentov v sociálne významných skupinách adolescentov z hľadiska jeho formovania a možnej intervencie.

Úvodné slovo je veľmi dobrý priestor na to, aby sme spoločne zhodnotili, čo sa nám podarilo uskutočniť pri riešení našej spoločnej vedeckovýskumnej úlohy zameranej na výskum zmyslu života v sociálnej rizikových skupinách adolescentov. Predovšetkým sme si položili otázku, čo sme o zmysle života doteraz zistili, teda, čo o ňom vieme. Druhou otázkou, ktorú sme si položili, je: čo nás na doterajších výsledkoch prekvapilo. Obsahom tretej otázky bola myšlienka, čo chceme urobiť preto, aby sme rozpor toho, čo sme zistili a toho, čo chceme dosiahnuť, odstránili. Poslednou otázkou v hodnotení riešenia vedeckovýskumnej úlohy bola otázka: čo o zmysle života adolescentov (ne)vieme a chceme vedieť v budúcnosti, resp. na čo sa sústrediť, aby sme vedeli vypracovať čo najefektívnejšie logoterapeutické a socioterapeutické metódy k práci sociálnych pracovníkov so sociálne rizikovými skupinami adolescentov.

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Rodina ako priestor sociálnej práce


Magdaléna Hovanová

The university textbook offers a view of the family in social contexts. It deals with the basic characteristics of the family, the life cycle of the family from the choice of partner, through the arrival of children in the family to the end of the family. During its duration, the family performs various functions. A functional family is ideal for a harmonious relationship between partners and a suitable environment for raising children. However, a number of factors enter the life of the family, which directly or indirectly affect the performance of these functions and can cause various disorders. It is here that the task of social work is to offer help to families to cope with their big and small problems. A specific feature of social work is the focus on the whole and a comprehensive assessment of the family, where it is necessary to take into account both the client's point of view and the aspect of the environment in which he lives and which constantly affects him. Therefore, the university textbook offers procedures for social work with the family, from the assessment of the life situation, through the plan of work with the family to social intervention. The university textbook is intended for students of social work, who have the opportunity to practice complex issues within the assessment of the case through the enclosed case studies.

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Kultúrne dejiny talianskej renesancie: Pojmy,...



Peter Fedorčák

When studying the Renaissance, researchers utilize various critical and core terms and concepts which it is necessary to characterize. However, many such points, notably the following, are problematic: The relationship between the Renaissance and the antiquity; The connection with the Middle Ages; The transformation to Mannerism and Baroque; Realism and Secularism in Renaissance art; The individualism of the Renaissance artist; The reasons for the creation of Renaissance art in Italy, its determinants and stimulators; Distinguishing between the analysis of the genesis of the Renaissance and the analysis of the creation of the period’s art generally; Regional differences in Italy and their impact on the art; Chronological limits of the Renaissance and its milestones; The terms “Medieval Ages” and “Early Modern Period”; The impact, and its extent, of the artistic influences of the Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque arts on the Renaissance. The term “Renaissance” itself, its content and existence, are also the subject of the discussion with students, alongside learning how such terms and definitions came about and continue to evolve, how they attain their content, how this content morphs in the historical discourse, what academical pluralism and freedom of thinking look like in the discourse led by historians, what the differences are between scientists and schools of thought on the same subject and how it is possible that they are so numerous. The students will come to recognize the leading scholars in the field, and follow their arguments and methodological approaches. They shall be invited to closely trace and scrutinize the logic which those historians use in building their argumentation. It shall be seen that the freedom to create terms, concepts and new definitions cannot stand on an ignorance of the (historical) facts, as becomes clear with expanding knowledge of those historical facts, the variability of their interpretation growing in tandem. This approach, actually used across the whole range of seminars and lectures, shall drive discussion on the topics covered, students being invited to formulate their own theses and antitheses.

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Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and...


Ľubov Vladyková

The present monograph titled Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and Challenges discusses a range of problems, theoretical concepts, and beliefs from the perspective of evolutionary ethics. The term evolution has become one of the central terms in contemporary science and philosophy. In social sciences in general, and in socio-biology and evolutionary psychology in particular, evolution has had great impact on our understanding of the genesis of culture. Evolutionary theories play a similar role within the theory of consciousness and of the mind (evolutionary epistemology). The interrelation between our evolutionary past and our sense of good and evil is also a subject of heightened interest in ethics; it has in fact become one of its challenges. The concept of evolution challenges the way we create thought patterns through which we understand, or hope to understand, ourselves and the world around us. This monograph represents a general summary of selected issues in evolutionary ethics, touching upon various aspects of current research into evolutionary ethics and the related domains of evolution, science, ethics, and morals. Evolutionary ethics has become a project which presupposes that in order to understand the essence and basis of morals one must turn to the process of evolution of thought, and to the theories put forth by evolutionists, specifically evolutionary biologists. The structure of this monograph, as well as its potential usefulness for research and education clearly show that the analysis of the problems discussed here has significant implications for domains far removed from the purely theoretical parts of moral philosophy or biology. The advantage of such discourse is that it enables the implementation of evolutionary ethics in social and ethical issues of public interest (for example Sex Literacy, Sex Education), and this should be recognised and welcome.

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Maša Haľamová in the Dar – Červený mak – Smrť...



Ivica HajdučekováIveta Bónová

The monograph Maša Haľamová in the triad Dar – červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem was created as part of the project APVV-19-0244 (Methodological Approaches in Literary Research with an Impact on the Media Environment) in collaboration between Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová.

In two parts – Personal History and (Re)interpretation of Maša Haľamová's Poetry, and Phonetic-Rhythmic Embodiment of Maša Haľamová's Poetry – it presents the results of archival research (reconstruction of life events, notes on poetic inspiration, consensus in the opinions of literary critics of the 20th and 21st centuries), (re)interpretations of three poetic collections focusing on the spiritual dimension and the process of spiritualization, and an in-depth analysis of the phonetic-rhythmic qualities of verse structure.

In conclusion, the authors suggest that the Slovak poet Maša Haľamová can be considered a representative of spiritual poetry, which in the Slovak interwar literature follows a specific type of confessional (Protestant) tradition, and at the level of phonetic embodiment, her sound-rhythmic potential acts in the name of subtlety of expression.

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Dejiny filozofie ako filozofický problém



Vladimír Leško - Pavol Tholt (eds.)

Zborník štúdií z IV. medzinárodného filozofického sympózia Dejiny filozofie ako filozofický problém, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 14. - 15. októbra 2010

Filozofický zborník je záverečnou prezentáciou výsledkov práce bádateľských kolektívov výskumných projektov VEGA 1/0650/08 - Heidegger a dejiny filozofie a VEGA 1/4679/07 - Asubjektívna fenomenológia Jana Patočku a dejiny filozofie riešených na katedre filozofie a dejín filozofie FF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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Intervenčný program starostlivosti o seba pre...


Margita Mesárošová, Miroslava Köverová, Soňa Lovašová

Intervenčný program na podporu starostlivosti o seba pre pomáhajúce profesie s názvom Ako sa o seba starám? vznikol v rámci riešenia výskumnej úlohy APVV14-0921 „Starostlivosť o seba ako faktor vyrovnávania sa s negatívnymi dôsledkami vykonávania pomáhajúcich profesií“. Jeho špecifikum spočíva v tom, že bol vytvorený na základe konkrétnych výskumných výstupov samotných autorov programu a projektu. V prvej kapitole autorky ponúkajú pohľad na prípravu intervenčného programu so zdôvodnením teoretických východísk, metód a špecifík účastníkov programu. Poskytujú tiež prehľad výskumov efektivity rozmanitých intervenčných programov zacielených na redukciu negatívnych dôsledkov pomáhania a posilňovanie starostlivosti o seba a iných pozitívnych efektov vykonávania pomáhajúcej profesie. Ďalšie kapitoly sú zamerané na podrobnú analýzu a zhodnotenie efektivity intervenčného programu Ako sa o seba starám? a jeho komparáciu s efektivitou iných programov, ktoré boli rôzne zamerané, určené rôznym populáciám pomáhajúcich profesionálov, ako aj mali odlišné teoretické a praktické zacielenie a základy. Väčšina týchto výskumov preukázala iba v ojedinelých prípadoch pozitívne zmeny, a to vďaka rôznym metodologickým nedostatkom, často spojených s praktickou aplikáciou.

To, čo diferencuje intervenčný program prezentovaný v tejto monografii, je účasť pomáhajúcich profesionálov aktívne vykonávajúcich prax v sociálnej oblasti, oproti väčšine intervenčných programov zostavených a overovaných pre študentov týchto profesií. Študentská populácia, ako ľahšie prístupná pre výskumníkov, umožňuje kvalitnejšiu metodológiu, zahrnúť väčší počet účastníkov, ako aj experimentálnu manipuláciu a vyváženie skupín. V prípade účastníkov overovania programu Ako sa o seba starám? išlo o praktikov, ktorí sú zapojení v každodennom pracovnom procese a tréning absolvovali vo svojom pracovnom voľne, čo kládlo vysoké nároky na zladenie ich pracovných, osobných úloh. Domnievame sa, že tie dôsledky, ktoré sme v rámci overovania efektivity prezentovaného intervenčného programu odhalili, nie vždy boli jasne matematicky uchopiteľné, ale boli zrejmé z individuálnych spätných väzieb.

Predkladáme text tejto monografie odbornej verejnosti, s cieľom poukázať na prínosy, limity intervenčného programu, ako aj inšpirovať výskumníkov a praktikov k ďalšej práci v tejto oblasti.


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Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...



Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková

An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.

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O lyrickom triptychu Maše Haľamovej (život a...



Ivica Hajdučeková - Iveta Bónová

The first personal monograph, On the Lyrical Triptych of Maša Haľamová (Life and Work), by co-authors Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová, presents the results of archival research and analytical-interpretative insights into the structure of poetic texts. Life events at key points (V znamení osmičiek, Domov na brehu jazera, V ruchu redakčnej práce, Fáza po Mladých letách) are reconstructed based on autobiographical memories, archival documents, personal correspondence, as well as unpublished or published articles and interviews. An intriguing perspective on the author´s work is offered by self-referential notes and a reconstruction of opinions on her poetics and the artistic value of her poetry from the years 1928 – 2017, as expressed by contemporary and modern literary critics. The reconstruction of the genesis of the poem Dar (Gift), which relates to her connections with A. Kostolný and E.B. Lukáč, revealed the underpinnings of poetic inspiration and confirmed the productivity of archival research and exegetical methods. The analytical-interpretative insight into lyrical triptych Dar – Červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem, realized through a spectrum of differentiated spirituality and the method of hermeneutic reading with an emphasis on the function of polyvocality, demonstrated that meta-empirical reality is shaped through natural imagery and the function of allusion. Across the three poetry collections, the lyrical parable and the process of spiritualization or spiritual growth of the lyrical subject are depicted, emblemized by the red poppy, blooming limber pine, and flowering moss. In conjunction with the analysis of the rhythmic-melodic structure of free yet phonetically organized verse – utilizing not only the folkloric inspirations of folk songs and ballads but also the religious tradition of spiritual hymns, prayers, and psalms – which confirmed that the poet´s sense and sensitivity for the „colourfulness“ of sounds and the „melodiousness“ of tones contributed to the architectural formation of the final form. This form is inseparably infused with the meta-empirical dimension of spirituality (eisos – eidos – Logos).

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