American Ethnic Literatures and Cultures


Zuzana Buráková, Petra Filipová

The canon of American literature has undergone constant revision with many authors who were long excluded from wider recognition now being accepted as significant figures. With the emergence of postcolonial and ethnic studies after the 1960s, the diversity of the literary canon has become greater than ever, and we can now see American literature as remarkably distinctive in this respect. The question of how to define ethnicity and how far an immigrant should go to preserve their ethnic heritage have always been addressed by writers, together with larger issues such as the definition of national identity and national literature, and where we should draw the lines between local and global identities. We understand that a single course in American ethnic literature cannot hope to answer all these complex questions, but we firmly believe that discussing these questions in classes can help us to be more understanding and tolerant of ethnic diversity. For this reason, the main aim of this textbook is to provide an interdisciplinary introduction to American ethnic literatures with an emphasis on their historical and cultural background, to expand students’ knowledge of American literatures and cultures at the master’s level and familiarize them with specific features of ethnic literatures in the contemporary USA. The textbook contains information on Native American, African American, Asian American, Jewish American, and Hispanic American literature, history and culture.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Zuzana Buráková, Petra Filipová
Document type:
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Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
This publication has been supported by VEGA Project 1/0447/20 The Global and the Local in Postmillennial Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media, granted by the Ministry of Education, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
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Dotazník úrovne starostlivosti o seba u...



Františka Petriková - Vladimír LichnerEva Žiaková

The proposed methodological guide focuses on a self-care questionnaire for the target group of adolescents. The creation of this methodology was prompted by its absence in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The methodological guide consists of both theoretical and empirical parts.

In the theoretical part, the authors present theoretical foundations for the proposed methodology—self-care among adolescents—and also provide theoretical definitions of components of self-care in this target group. The second, empirical part of the methodological guide is dedicated to validation methods used to verify the questionnaire. It also presents results examining differences or correlations in the presented issues.

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Výzvy a perspektívy vnútornej a zahraničnej...



Gabriel Eštok- Mária Hrehová- Jakub Bardovič (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z III. ročníka Vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov konanej 23. mája 2014 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Dňa 23. mája 2014 sa na pôde Katedry politológie FF UPJŠ uskutočila konferencia pod názvom „Výzvy a prespektívy vnútornej a zahraničnej politiky“, ktorá bola v poradí už treťou Konferenciou študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov organizovanou Katedrou politológie v spolupráci s OZ Res Publica. Na konferencii vystúpilo mnoho mladých ľudí zaujímajúcich sa o politické problémy súčasného sveta, pričom každý z nich svojím vystúpením nastolil jednu z tém týkajúcu sa domácej alebo zahraničnej politiky. Možno konštatovať, že tieto vystúpenia boli na vysokej odbornej úrovni a podnietili diskusiu o nastolených témach či problémoch.

Publikácia, ktorú držíte v rukách, je súborom odborných prác študentov a mladých odborníkov, ktorí sa venovali štúdiu viacerých tém. Niektorí autori sa venovali skôr otázkam zahraničnej politiky, predovšetkým analýze politík vybraných štátov (Slovenská republika, USA), riešili problematiku iránskeho jadrového programu či skúmali možnosti federalizácie Ukrajiny ako spôsobu riešenia vzniknutej situácie. Pohľad na problematiku zahraničnej politiky z pozície slovenských emigrantov v Austrálii priniesol ďalší z príspevkov.

Napriek širokému spektru tém, ktorým sa autori v jednotlivých príspevkoch venovali, je možné nájsť ich spoločného menovateľa, ktorým je snaha poukázať na určitý problém či navrhnúť jeho riešenie a tým jednak prispievať k napĺňaniu ideálu demokracie, k zlepšeniu fungovania a tvorby politiky, ale predovšetkým k tomu, aby bol tento svet lepším miestom pre život nás všetkých.


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Aplikovaná etika – Kontext a perspektívy III –...


Ľubov Vladyková (ed.)

In the present text, opinions on environmental literacy are integrated. The most important discoveries of the 21th century exist not in the realm of science, medicine, or technology, but rather in the dawning awareness of the earth's limits and how those limits will affect human evolution. Humanity has reached a crossroad where various ecological catastrophes meet what some call sustainable development. While a great deal of attention has been given to what governments, corporations, utilities, international agencies, and private citizens can do to help in the transition to sustainability, little thought has been given to what schools, colleges, and universities can do. As the health of our planet continues to deteriorate, it is vital to educate and raise ecoliterate citizens.

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Zlomové osmičky


Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóMária Petriková  (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 17 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled The Turning Eights, is to point out the importance of the years ending with number eight, which have significantly affected historical development and appear to be justified in the current political context.

The almanac consists of 11 articles, which are primarily in the Slovak language. The individual contributions deal with aspects of national and foreign policies that are united in theme called The Turning Eightswith the individual interest of each author.

The topics of the almanac are the municipal elections, the position of municipalities at the public administration system, development in self-governing regions and the non-governmental organizations. The presented publication also contains articles that deal with topics in specific countries, such as China, Israel and Russia.

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Nová ekológia morálno-filozofickej reflexie...


Ľubov Vladyková

Reflection of technics  is about as old as philosophy. In the presented monograph the author reflects technology and technology as a medium of everyday life. Every technical change is reflected in countless levels of our lives: environmental, economic, political, cultural and personal. The moral-philosophical reflection of technics and  technology aims to understand the complex relationships and effects of technology on the environment, society, culture and our existence. Knowledge (whose scientific knowledge is a special type) is part of the social and technical domains. If we perceive social and technical domains as separate, we deny their functioning as an integral part of our existence. Speaking of 'new ecology of technology and technology'  the term ecology symbolizes the new existing disorder and 'cross-border' in the field of technology and technology reflection as a result of their revolutionary and far-reaching changes, and social change is unpredictable - all the more because technics and technology is the medium of everyday life and determines the future of the human species.

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Bedeker onkologickej liečby



Lucia TóthováKatarína ŠiňanskáEva Žiaková

Here is the translation of the provided text into English: A guide to oncological treatment was created at a time when the importance of health became even more emphasized, becoming a kind of mega-value for the new modern "pandemic" human. The use of the term "pandemic" person arose, of course, in connection with the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, but primarily because other dangerous long-term diseases that threaten contemporary humans are somehow being pushed into the background.

The severity of such diseases (including cancer) does not diminish just because attention has shifted to something more acute. It is very important to realize this and not fall under the illusion that if we overcome an acute danger, then automatically improve conditions for chronic diseases as well. We believe it's quite the opposite; prolonged stress and social negative factors constantly affecting us—among which undoubtedly includes pandemic situations—worsen not only psychological but also somatic states.

The guide to oncological treatment aims precisely at highlighting those psychological and social factors that negatively "support" cancer development in any form and can positively influence treatment and coping with illness. The guide offers opportunities for social engagement with groups of people undergoing similar oncological treatments, allowing them to share psychologically as well as professionally similar situations with those facing similar problems in treatment. The authors hope that this guidebook will reach those who will become more self-sufficient in overcoming such a formidable enemy as cancer.


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Margita MesárošováJozef BavoľárMiriam Slavkovská 

The current situation in the world education system, which declares the need to educate students for knowledge society, for improving the graduate employability is behind the motivation of authors to address competencies and key competencies for the knowledge society. The authors present theoretical and empirical investigations based on the application of scientific methods of competency assessment and the use of contemporary scientific paradigms. The starting point is the concept of competencies in the context of current approaches of scientific psychology, which resonates in the official documents of the European Union and has been elaborated and enriched by the authors. The monograph focuses on a selected set of competencies, namely: competence to act as a self-regulated person, self-development, decision-making competencies, social and metacognitive competencies in the context of motivation. Knowledge about nature, the structure of competencies are presented, as well as their relations with personal and environmental variables. The effort of the authors is also aimed at making available knowledge about the possibilities of assessing these competencies using current methods. Authors communicate the results of the creation and verification of competency assessment methods. The implementation of the research results presented in the monograph is perspective in the education and counseling of the target group of university students.

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Možnosti sociálnej práce v školskom prostredí v...


Veronika VasiľováSoňa Lovašová

The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a completed process because of with changes in society also change social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and interventing these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and react to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad.In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is still missing.Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia. The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a complete process, as changes in society also change the social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and intervening these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and respond to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad. In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is a large reserve. Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia.

The monograph is primarily intended for the professionals working in the field of social work and in the third sector with children and youth.

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Political Systems of the BRICS States



Patrik Furik Michaela RužičkováDávid GajdoščíkPeter DubócziBarbora LinhartováLucia Grieger

The textbook entitled Political Systems of the BRICS States is published as an output of the KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2020 Innovative Model of Education Leading to Active Citizenship as a Prevention of the Rise of Political Extremism among Students. The aim of the given publication is to present the basic principles of the political systems of the BRICS bloc states and to provide the reader with the nature and character of the bloc's functioning.

The textbook consists of an introduction and five further chapters. All sections are written in Slovak. The individual chapters focus primarily on characterizing the historical development of the BRICS states, the evolution of their constitutionalism, public administration, and on defining the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of power

The individual chapters describe the political systems of the states: Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa. The introductory chapter of the textbook contains the characteristics of the development and formation of the bloc, as well as information on the cooperation among the BRICS members.

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Edukácia, roč. 6, č. 1/2023



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.


Gadamer a grécka filozofia

Availability: 2 In Stock

Kristína Bosáková

Pokus o konfrontáciu Gadamerovho učenia nielen s velikánmi gréckej filozofie, ale aj s Hegelom a Heideggerom nie je jednoduchá úloha. Celá Gadamerova historicko-filozofická tvorba je však najvýraznejšie spojená s týmito antickými mysliteľmi a s dvoma géniami nemeckého filozofického myslenia. Preto niet vyhnutia. Bez tejto konfrontácie by bolo celé moje úsilie v istom zmysle zbytočné. To, či a ako sa mi to podarí, je už iná otázka. Každý čitateľ si určite vytvorí svoj vlastný úsudok.

Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...



Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková

An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.

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Etika vedy a techniky (vybrané problémy)



Ľubov VladykováMarián Bednár a kol.

The university textbook Ethics of Science and Technique (Selected Problems) is a collection of contributions by various authors who deal with selected problems and areas of science and technique. For the last hundred years, we can observe the rapid development of science and technique (technology). The transition of society in the 20th century into the information age and in the current 21st century into the digital age brings radical challenges and changes in all areas of human life, but especially in the moral field.

Ethical discussions, responding to the development of science and technique (technology), have stimulated the emergence of ethics of science and technique, which as a subdiscipline of applied ethics is a way out of the conflict between professional autonomy, social control and self-regulation of action and behaviour; not only in science and technique, but also in economy and politics. In the digital age, technique, technology and science are fundamentally changing our lives; from the way we work to the way we communicate, how we fight local and global problems, and how we try to solve societal problems.

These radical changes are not without controversy, and many provoke intense debates that are often polarized or associated with scientific ambiguities or dishonest demagoguery and ideology.

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Historický prameň v súčasnosti – archívy,...



Mária Fedorčáková, Miriama Filčáková (eds.)

The theme of the conference proceedings is the issue of sources, their interpretation and use of current digital technologies in their research and access. The proceedings constit of 7 papers by authors working in Slovak and Czech universities. The digitisation of seals is the subject of the paper by Barbora Borůvková. Michael Dudzik deals with the problem of building the road network in modern France and written and cartographic sources. Trends of digitization in Slovak archives and their perception by researchers are elaborated by in Miriama Fialkovičová´s study. Miriama Filčáková dealt with sources on the history of tertiary education in Košice in connection with the establishment of the UPJŠ. The possibilities of researching sources on the electrification of Slovakia are dealt with in the study by Dominik Hrtus. Ondrej Šály in his paper treated the letters of serfs in the 18th century as a source for economic history. Vavrinec Žeňuch discusses the possibilities of researching the eclesiastical history of the Uh county in the modern period.

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