Comparative Phonetics and Phonology of the English and the Slovak Language


Renáta Gregová

The book is primary designed for the first-year students of the study programme “English Language for European Institutions and Economy” and its subject “Comparative Phonetics and Phonology”. Following the structure of this subject, the textbook is divided into eleven chapters whose content provides the reader with the essential theoretical information about the given issue from the sound subsystems of the English and the Slovak languages. The structure of each chapter is as follows: (1) theoretical explanation of the topic, (2) Suggestions for further reading recommending additional sources that develop the topic, (3) exercises whose aim is to evaluate students’ theoretical knowledge of the theme presented in the particular chapter, as well as its practical application in the process of communication. Considering the content of the book, it can be also used a study material for the students of all philological study programmes whose content encompasses the sound system of the English and/or the Slovak language.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Renáta Gregová
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Doktorandské miscelaneá 6



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

The current sixth volume of the Doctoral Miscellanea consists of eight contributions from four study programs, with two contributions also involving authors outside of doctoral studies. Given the limitations on the length of individual contributions and the uniqueness of the research, the authors have chosen varying widths and depths in presenting their dissertation topics. Some contributions serve as an introduction to the issues, others provide a summary of previous results, and still others focus on a detailed analysis of a specific problem. These three approaches may not only reveal the stage of research in which the doctoral candidate finds themselves but also their potential research priorities.

The main commonality across all issues of the proceedings remains interdisciplinary diversity, which shows a certain continuity. Specific themes appear regularly. In these cases, alongside alternating doctoral candidates, the key figure is the supervisor (in the role of co-author) and their research focus/project in which the doctoral candidates participate. This development of research continuity is particularly evident in contributions from the field of social work.

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Praktická didaktika slovenčiny ako cudzieho...



Marianna Sedláková a kol.

The textbook is intended for students of Slovak studies to study the subject of didactics of Slovak as a foreign language.

Its core consists of relevant knowledge gained from the didactics of Slovak as a foreign language, with references to other professional literature. The textbook also includes practical guides for teaching specific language phenomena in schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction or in schools where students predominantly have a mother tongue other than Slovak, such as Romani. Essentially, it involves transforming knowledge acquired and verified in teaching adult foreigners, mainly at universities, into a didactic context for the second level of elementary school and high school, with appropriate emphasis on teaching Slovak as a foreign language at the first level of elementary school as the starting point for the educational process.

The textbook builds on the findings of real research on the state of teaching Slovak as a foreign language in elementary and secondary schools in eastern Slovakia, conducted in projects (EXPERT and DiSaC) implemented at UPJŠ in Košice from 2012 to 2015.

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Rozhodovanie a proces dosahovania cieľov



Jozef BavoľárLadislav LovašSimona Ďurbisová

The process of achieving goals is one that has traditionally received significant attention in psychology. This attention is not only directed by researchers focused on motivation, with which the process of achieving goals is classically associated, but also from a wide range of other areas (e.g., emotions, personality). One aspect of goal-directed behavior that has received minimal, if not virtually no, attention is decision-making.

It is surprising to realize that various aspects of decision-making are present throughout the entire process of achieving goals - from evaluating different aspects of multiple alternative goals, through selecting among them, deciding on resource allocation (effort, time, finances, relationships...), continuously monitoring progress, to evaluating the outcome and its impact on future goal-directed behavior.

Even more surprising is that decision-making is directly addressed by one of the dominant theories explaining goal-directed behavior - the theory of mental action phases (mindset theory of action phases; Gollwitzer 1999, 2012). This theory distinguishes the pre-decisional and post-decisional phases as the first two phases of this behavior, separated precisely by the decision about which goal to pursue.

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Essentials of Language Typology



Lívia Körtvélyessy

Táto vysokoškolská učebnica vysvetľuje študentom, ktorí absolvujú kurz Jazyková typológia a univerzálie, základnú terminológiu, teoretické prístupy a metódy výskumu. Učebnica je rozdelená na jedenásť kapitol. Každá z nich obsahuje prístupným spôsobom prezentované teoretické poznatky ako aj praktické úlohy, ktorých cieľom je rozvíjať zručnosti študentov v predmetnej oblasti.

Učebnica pokrýva nasledujúce témy: predmet a povaha jazykovej typológie, stručná história tejto lingvistickej disciplíny, genealogická klasifikácia jazykov, rôzne prístupy a hlavné ciele typológie jednotlivých jazykových rovín (fonológia, morfológia, syntax, lexika) ako aj areálnej typológie, zložité problémy jazykových univerzálií a povaha a podstata práce typológov. Vzhľadom na bohaté výskumné aktivity lingvistov KAA UPJŠ v Košiciach, učebnica oboznamuje študentov s ich dosiahnutými výsledkami tejto intenzívne sa rozvíjajúcej oblasti lingvistiky.

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Patočka a novoveká filozofia

Availability: 1 In Stock

Vladimír Leško - Věra SchifferováRóbert Stojka - Pavol Tholt  a kol.

Filozofické dedičstvo Jana Patočku ponúka vo svojom celku významné reflektovanie novovekého filozofického myslenia. V našich doterajších domácich historicko-filozofických skúmaniach sa však doposiaľ tejto skutočnosti venovala len veľmi malá pozornosť. Z uvedeného dôvodu je preto prirodzené, že sa chceme po prvýkrát pokúsiť o celostnejšie zachytenie Patočkovho chápania novovekej filozofie. Kolektívna monografia Patočka a grécka filozofia, ktorú sme spracovali ako prvý výstup riešenia projektu APVV, dostáva tak svoje pokračovanie v druhej monografii Patočka a novoveká filozofia. Zavŕšenie nášho úsilia bude potom predstavovať kolektívna monografia Patočka a filozofia 20. storočia.

V predkladanej práci nám ide o predstavenie rozhodujúceho odkazu novovekej filozofie v Patočkovom filozofickom diele. Význam jeho filozofickej výpovede k tomuto dejinno-filozofickému útvaru je prekvapujúco stále živým, aktuálnym filozofickým dedičstvom, bez pochopenia ktorého sa dá len veľmi ťažko komplexne uchopiť hodnota Patočkovho filozofického odkazu. Tomuto poznaniu sme podriadili ako výber, tak aj obsahové naplnenie jednotlivých kapitol našej novej práce.

Reflexia pedagogických možností vých. systémov...



Ján Juščák - Milan Darák

II.časť: Komparácia, klasifikácia a generalizácia spoločných prvkov činnosti

Cieľom monografie bolo analyzovať pedagogické možnosti výchovných systémov detských a mládežníckych organizácií s dôrazom na tie, ktoré sa zameriavajú na vekovú kategóriu detí do 15 rokov. Východiskom bol rozbor aktuálneho stavu teórie a praxe detskej a mládežníckej organizácie so snahou opísať prevládajúce trendy v jej vývine a činnosti. Táto publikácia úzko nadväzuje na predchádzajúcu monografiu (Juščák, J. – Darák, M.: 2015), kde sme spracovali podľa jednotnej metodiky a s využitím všeobecne akceptovanej pedagogickej terminológie zhromaždené dostupné materiály o výchovných systémoch vybraných (najreprezentatívnejších) detských a mládežníckych organizácií v SR. Nasledujúcou komparáciou získaných empirických dát o výchovných systémoch sme sa snažili dospieť k identifikácii ich podobných (rovnakých) i špecifických (odlišných) prvkov ako základu na stanovenie kategorizačných kritérií ich klasifikácie. Vyústením celej našej snahy bol pokus o charakteristiku detskej organizácie ako výchovnej inštitúcie s opisom jej charakteristických znakov, funkcií, cieľov, obsahu, zásad a metodiky výchovy.

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Sociálne a politické analýzy 1-2014



Juraj Schenk a kol.

Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
- metodologické štúdie
- výskumné správy
- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie

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e-Slovenčina pre zubárov v praxi – kazuistiky



Beáta JurečkováLívia Barnišinová

The e-Slovak textbook for dentists in practice - case studies is intended for foreign students of dentistry. It is primarily intended for students of the Slovak language as a foreign language, but the knowledge of the grammatical and lexical basics of the Slovak language at the A1, A2 level is needed.

The textbook consists of eight lessons, which are focused on listening comprehension (audio recordings), vocabulary expansion, systematisation of grammar and development of speech skills (case studies). The two lessons consist of repetitive, concluding exercises. The primary goal of the textbook is to connect language training with professional dental practice.

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Mám či nemám: Etika v psychologickej praxi



Monika Hricová

Despite the fact that a psychologist may have a good moral background, it is necessary for everyone to know and act in accordance with ethical professional principles in order not to harm the clients with whom they work in the course of psychological practice. There are many case studies in the professional literature that describe serious situations of violations of psychological ethics. On the one hand, they depict conscious professional misconduct or ignorance. On the other hand, they have contributed to the introduction of even legal standards for the ethical behavior of psychologists as professionals. Completion of a course or training in the topic of psychological ethics is required by several professional associations abroad, especially in the last years of undergraduate studies. Their goal is to supervise the quality and preparation of future psychologists. The university textbook Do I Have It or Not: Ethics in Psychological Practice provides a summary of essential information on the ethics of conducting psychological practice, the boundaries of the relationship with the client, and the rules of confidentiality. The goal is not for the student, as a future psychologist, to know ethical rules word for word, but for them to be sufficiently ethically sensitive.

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Čo prinieslo sociálnej práci 100 rokov? Minulé...



Katarína ŠiňanskáFrantiška Petriková (eds.)

The present proceedings is devoted to different perspectives on the problems addressed by the field of social work and also the changes in the orientation of social work with respect to the current requirements of society. Proceeding is made up of a wide range of contributions from various spheres belonging to the sphere of social work. Contributions are devoted to the cyber world of social work, supervision, self-care, risk behavior, but also social work in the past.

The cyberspace in social work is elaborated in several contributions, suggesting a new dimension of social work. In the contributions about cybe world, the authors consider “cyberspace” as a new form of counseling and assistance to clients, as the present time is more online-oriented. Proceedings of international conference "What has brought social work 100 years?"

The past and present forms of social work are therefore devoted to various themes, incentives and insights into the benefits of the contribution of social work over 100 years, examining and evaluating past, present but also future forms of social work as a science.

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Rizikové správanie onkologicky chorých klientov...


Lucia TóthováEva Žiaková

The current time is fast, hasty, with strongly asserted women's emancipation, absorbed by information and communication technologies that overcome distances but create them at the same time. The lifestyle of humans is changing, many diseases are on the rise, and cancer is becoming a "trend of the present". Claims on man, and especially on women, are now too great. Women perform multiple roles and perform many tasks. They become caregiving mothers, understanding and surrendered wives, workers with professionalism and flexibility, and idols the myth of beauty too. Due to the overlapping of the traditional gender division of labor, the life of women takes place on several levels. Their work day does not end when they leave the job, but they continue to care for their household and their own family. Besides all, they strive to fulfill not only personal expectations, but also the expectations of the family, social environment and society, reject failure and strive for perfectionism.

In our lives, situations that affect and burden us more or less appear. Even though we can not in control everything and everyone, we are able to control situations that are of direct concern to us. In life, we encounter problems in employment, financial problems, illness or death of near. As well as negative, also positive situations affect us. Each responds to each situation different ways.

Monograph is one of the ways in which we aim to draw attention to the so "C-coping style" as a maladaptive way of managing the burden that is typical of oncological ill patients. It is one of the possible concepts that affect the manifestation of breast cancer. Based on this, we have focused on the used coping strategies and we consider the life events to be a significant burden in the lives of cancer patients. The research is aimed at synthesizing the life events and the coping strategies used to coping them, conceived as a risk behavior of patients with breast cancer. As the coping of the burden can be different between men and women, the monograph is intended predominantly for women, to which we have also focused in realized research. They can be patients with oncological diagnosis, but also women who want to prevent this disease by use effective coping life events. We also believe that the monograph will enrich everyone who is interested in the same target group.

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Veda bez bariér



Iveta BónováIvica HajdučekováLucia Jasinská (eds.)

The proceedings maps three significant events organised in 2018 – 2019 within the project KEGA No. 008UPJŠ-4/2017 Science without barriers (Interdisciplinary inspirations of contemporary literary scholarship and linguistics in university educational practice; principal investigator prof. PhDr. J. Gbúr, CSc.) at the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The first activity was a scholarly and artistic symposium Science without barriers held in March 6 – 8, 2019 on the occassion of the 80th birthday of Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Ján Sabol, DrSc. It brought extended abstracts of participants in two sections (Slovak studies and literary scholarship in interdisciplinary contexts) as its outcome. The next two parts describe artistically oriented events: Interpretational afternoon (a competition for the best interpretation of Ján Sabol´s book of verse Love in Blue) with the winning works added, and the vernissage Literature through an objective lens with the share of students of the School of Industrial Visual Arts in Košice.

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Násilie v sociálnej práci


Soňa Lovašová - Katarína ŠiňanskáMagdaléna Halachová  - Vladimír Lichner (eds.)

Ústrednou témou konferencie je násilie v sociálnej práci. Násilie sa v sociálnej práci vyskytuje v rôznych formách. Či už ako práca s klientmi – obeťami rôznych typov násilia, alebo ako práca s agresívnym klientom, keď obeťou je sám sociálny pracovník. Násilie v spoločnosti prudko narastá a sociálna práca je vedou, ktorá sa spoločnosti nutne musí prispôsobovať; je to jej podstata. Preto zvládanie agresívnych situácií v akejkoľvek podobe je pre sociálneho pracovníka dôležitou súčasťou osobnostnej výbavy. Žiaľ, aj ochrana sociálneho pracovníka pred násilím sa postupne stane nutnosťou a nás možno v budúcnosti neminie nácvik sebaobrany a znižovania agresivity ako súčasť prípravy na povolanie, či celoživotného vzdelávania. Zámerom tohoto zborníka je priblížiť odbornej aj laickej verejnosti problematiku násilia v sociálnej práci z rôznych uhlov pohľadu. Veríme, že sa tomuto vážnemu problému bude venovať čoraz viac pozornosti a že jednotlivé príspevky pomôžu čitateľovi pochopiť rozsah problému násilia v sociálnej práci.

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Možnosti sociálnej práce v školskom prostredí v...


Veronika VasiľováSoňa Lovašová

The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a completed process because of with changes in society also change social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and interventing these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and react to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad.In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is still missing.Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia. The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a complete process, as changes in society also change the social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and intervening these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and respond to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad. In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is a large reserve. Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia.

The monograph is primarily intended for the professionals working in the field of social work and in the third sector with children and youth.

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