Metanoia v teórii a praxi sociálnej práce


Eva ŽiakováTomáš Šeďo (eds.)

Peer-reviewed collection of contributions from an online scientific conference (9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce) with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021.

The present peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled “Metanoia in social work theory and practice” is an output of the 9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce, an online conference with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021. As the name of the conference implies, the pivotal topic of submitted contributions is metanoia, which represents a change in life attitude. Various interesting and actual issues concerning diverse aspects of social work are discussed in the individual contributions. The present collection comprises contributions oriented towards the issues of social pathology and its prevention, supervision, the importance of digital technologies in social work, research methods, self-care and so forth. The collection further contains several contributions devoted to the exceptionally actual issues of radicalism and extremism, which are widespread and serious occurrences in the present time. The contributions are highly original and beneficial from the point of view of theoretical conceptions and methodological procedures apart from offering quality empirical processing and interesting results.

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Data sheet

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Eva Žiaková - Tomáš Šeďo
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zborník príspevkov
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Filozofická fakulta
Príspevok vznikol v rámci riešenia projektu VEGA 1/0754/21 „Push-pull“ sociálne faktory súvisiace s mierou radikalizácie adolescentov v kontexte sociálnej práce.
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16 other products in the same category:

Vybrané kapitoly z epistemológie (v kontexte...


Štefan Jusko

Vybrané kapitoly z epistemológie sú dielom viacročnej bádateľskej práce autora a tiež istým zúročením požiadaviek z pedagogickej praxe tohto predmetu. Kapitoly v tejto syntetizujúcej podobe publikované ešte neboli a som presvedčený, že práve v tejto podobe môžu nadobudnúť vyššiu hodnotu a väčší reálny dosah na našich študentov filozofie.

Jednotlivé kapitoly sú zamerané na problém poznania v súčasnosti, predovšetkým na problém kritiky metafyziky a na otázky kreovania postmetafyzického myslenia. Nie je žiadnou náhodou, že spoločným menovateľom predložených textov je F. Nietzsche, filozof, ktorý zásadným spôsobom ovplyvnil a naďalej ovplyvňuje terajšie filozofické diskusie a myšlienkové pohyby.

Kapitoly sú písané tak, aby viedli našich študentov či iných čitateľov k premýšľaniu, teda ku kritickému mysleniu, k osobnému rastu a k odbornej samostatnosti.

Do akej miery sa mi podarilo moje zámery a ciele naplniť, to nechávam na čitateľovi.


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Leibniz a Heidegger – veta o (dostatočnom) dôvode



Martin Škára

Filozofia je vo svojich dejinách popretkávaná niekoľkými princípmi, ktoré vnášajú do tohto druhu myslenia svetlo a poriadok, nech už ide o systémovú alebo nesystémovú podobu filozofovania. Každý z princípov predstavuje svojím spôsobom počiatok (ἀρχή) akéhokoľvek deduktívneho usudzovania, no nie všetky filozofické výpovede a koncepcie sú povinné postupovať rovnako, pretože nie všetky filozofické výpovede a koncepcie sú kalkulom. Vlastne, takáto podoba racionalistického filozofovania je v dejinách filozofie skutočne menšinová. No aj napriek svojmu menšinovému zastúpeniu vždy do určitej miery vzbudí pozornosť či už tak, že sa stane pilierom myslenia samotného a nájde si svoje trvalé miesto v jeho základoch, alebo sa stane nevyhnutnou oporou filozofického uvažovania. Princípov v dejinách filozofického myslenia v skutočnosti nie je mnoho. Stav je daný predovšetkým rôznorodou a v mnohých prípadoch neracionalistickou povahou filozofického uvažovania. V tejto súvislosti možno bez váhania na jednej strane spomenúť niektoré princípy logiky ako princíp identity, princíp negácie sporu, princíp vylúčenia tretieho a iné. Na druhej strane spomeniem dva osobitné princípy, ktoré s logikou v skutočnosti majú spoločné len to, že sú z nej odvodené. Prvý z nich je známy ako Occamova britva. Druhý dostal veľmi špecifické pomenovanie, ktoré však príliš veľa svetla do jeho pochopenia neprináša, skôr naopak – už samotné pomenovanie princípu vnáša do jeho pochopenia mnohé prekážky: principium rationis sufficientis alebo princíp dostatočného dôvodu. Po prvýkrát ho formuluje a aj na jeho základe buduje svoju metafyziku (kontingencie) G. W. Leibniz. O takmer tri storočia neskôr prejaví o tento princíp záujem Martin Heidegger. Nenápadnosť a takmer nevysvetliteľná jasnosť tohto princípu ho očarí natoľko, že mu venuje jeden prednáškový kurz v letnom semestri 1928 v Marburgu – kurz známy ako Metafyzické základy logiky podľa Leibniza (Die Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Logik im Ausgang von Leibniz). Definitívne sa k nemu vyjadrí v zimnom semestri 1955-1956 vo Freiburgu v prednáške s názvom Der Satz vom Grund. Heideggerova deštrukcia princípu smeruje od principium rationis sufficientis k pojmu dôvod-základ (Grund). Zámerom, ktorý Heidegger touto cestou sleduje, je premyslenie otázky Bytia bez jestvujúcna, Bytia, ktoré prostredníctvom pojmu dôvod-základ (Grund) nadobúda zakladajúci charakter. Ukazuje sa však, že s definitívnou platnosťou nemožno ani v tomto prípade vyrieknuť ortieľ nad možnosťou myslenia Bytia bez jestvujúcna. Preto pokus o prekonanie metafyziky a nastolenie nového myslenia a jeho úlohy ostáva len pokusom.

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Edukácia, roč. 4, č. 2/2021



Renáta Orosová

The scientific and professional journal Edukácia focuses on issues related to education and upbringing in the areas of primary, secondary, and higher education. It emphasizes the current state and perspectives of educational practice, current aspects of pre-graduate teacher training, social pedagogy, special pedagogy, as well as pedagogical and psychological aspects of upbringing in basic educational institutions from the perspective of the broader pedagogical public. It is intended for scientific workers, young university teachers, doctoral students, as well as professional and pedagogical staff, with the aim of presenting trends in education and stimulating discussion on current issues in the presented areas of education and upbringing.

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Hortus Graeco-Latinus Cassoviensis IV



Jana Balegová-Erika Brodňanská (eds.)

It has been eleven years since the Department of Classical Philology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice opened the gates of its imaginary colourful garden for the first time. At that time, the Hortus Graeco-Latinus Cassoviensis provided a space to present the results of work from all fields of the classical, Latin medieval, and Neo-Latin studies to colleagues from Slovakia. Five years later, the "garden" was enriched by colleagues from Bohemia and Moravia, and this time, at its fourth opening, colleagues from Greece and Germany also honoured it with their works. Variety remained its characteristic feature. Papers on ancient history, the linguistics of classical languages, ancient and medieval literature, ancient philosophy, the history of ancient medicine and Neo-Latin studies, as well as contributions on the teaching of classical languages, are presented in the proceedings. Moreover, the volume is published as an output of two seemingly disparate VEGA projects carried out at the department: No. 1/0109/21 Poemata de se ipso by Gregory of Nazianzus and No. 1/0255/22 Medicus poeta. Neo-Latin literature of medical authors associated with Slovakia. However, appearances are deceptive, because Gregor of Nazianzus, although a church father, also wrote poetry, his works contain numerous allusions to the medical milieu, and he had a brother who was a physician. His entire work is characterised by the variety of the themes he explores. References to the Bible are not uncommon in the works of medical poets. Just as the projects differ and simultaneously overlap with each other, the themes of the individual contributions also differ and overlap.

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Pomáhajúce profesie a starostlivosť o seba z...


Miroslava Köverová • Margita Mesárošová (eds.)

The publication „Helping professions and self-care from the perspective of psychology and social work“ includes research studies focused on self-care, and the positive and negative effects of helping among specific groups of helping professionals – psychologists and social workers. A number of Slovak as well as foreign authors contributed to the book of proceedings. The contributions are theoretical studies, research studies and case studies. The theoretical and research studies are focused on important issues of professional helping: self-care, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout, perceived stress, secondary traumatic stress, mindfulness, empathy, job satisfaction and turnover among psychologists and social workers. Research interest in the phenomena is especially important in the context of the mental health of helping professionals and in reducing the negative consequences of helping. 

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Slovensko-maďarské vzťahy v čase



Ján Sabol ml., Lena Ivančová (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z historicko-kulturologickej vedeckej konferencie konanej 7. mája 2024 v Košiciach

Zborník príspevkov z historicko-kulturologickej vedeckej konferencie Slovensko-maďarské vzťahy v čase pokrýva široké spektrum historických, kulturologických, literárnovedných, teatrologických, mediálnych, politických i sociálnych aspektov slovensko-maďarských vzťahov a poskytuje tak hlbší pohľad na ich vnútornú kontinuitu a dynamiku. Jednotlivé vedecké príspevky hodnotia vplyv histórie a vzájomnej koexistencie na divadlo, literatúru, film i ďalšie tvorivé prejavy. Zborník koncepčne vyzdvihuje dôležitosť interdisciplinárneho prístupu k štúdiu slovensko-maďarských vzťahov. Potvrdzuje význam dialógu a tvorivej spolupráce medzi národmi, kolektívmi, jednotlivcami.

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Pohyb ku kognitívnym adaptačným štúdiám....



Peter Getlík

The main goal of the monograph "Moving Towards Cognitive Adaptation Studies: Adaptation as Play" was to orient current research in adaptation studies towards the empirically responsible cognitive branch of non-radical constructivism. This intention results from the rapid progressive differentiation of adaptation studies research, which has mainly manifested itself in this area in the last two decades. With the model of adaptation as play in a cognitive-scientific perspective, author provides the possibility of predicting the nature (also in a broader sense) of the experience of adaptation. Since the form of this experience significantly shapes the products of the adaptation process into their final form, the model of adaptation as play can be applied even in the interpretation of individual adaptations. In the monograph, the author synthesized the model of adaptation as play based on the knowledge of various disciplines. In the field of cognitive sciences, he saw help from the starting points of philosophy, linguistics, informatics, psychology, anthropology, biology and neuroscience – especially affective neuroscience, which also deals with the emotional dimension of the play. In the intersection with the essential interdisciplinary components of adaptation research, he also used the knowledge of classical and cognitive variations of literary science, film science (also theatrology) and media studies to a large extent. Consistent with other similar results of cognitive sciences, it turns out that even seemingly serious adaptations, like in many aspects of our culture, have a ludic base.

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Gadamer a grécka filozofia

Availability: 2 In Stock

Kristína Bosáková

Pokus o konfrontáciu Gadamerovho učenia nielen s velikánmi gréckej filozofie, ale aj s Hegelom a Heideggerom nie je jednoduchá úloha. Celá Gadamerova historicko-filozofická tvorba je však najvýraznejšie spojená s týmito antickými mysliteľmi a s dvoma géniami nemeckého filozofického myslenia. Preto niet vyhnutia. Bez tejto konfrontácie by bolo celé moje úsilie v istom zmysle zbytočné. To, či a ako sa mi to podarí, je už iná otázka. Každý čitateľ si určite vytvorí svoj vlastný úsudok.

Philosophical Education in Košice in the...



Mária Fedorčáková - Miriama Filčáková

Current publication is dealing with the history of philosophical education in Košice since the beginning to the foundation of the Faculty of Arts at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in 2007. Beginnings of philosophical education in Košice are connected to the fundation of the University of Košice in 1657, which was originally founded as Jesuit university with two faculties – Faculty of Theology and Faculy of Arts. The publication is dealing with the philosophy teaching in the Faculty of Arts and examines the philosophy teachers and students. Another interest is given to decline of philosophy teaching caused by transformation of the University into the Royal Academy and the Academy of Law at the end of the 18 and during 19 century. The second part of the publication is dealing with the history of higher education after the second world war and the foundation of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice. The authoress focuses on circumstances of the foundation of the Faculty of Arts in Prešov and its history and later development after 1989, which included also division of the university in 1997. The last part of publication presents the history of the university buildings, in which the Faculty of Arts is situated.

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Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents in...


Vladimír Lichner - Dušan Šlosár

The scientific monograph focuses on the issue of adolescent risk behaviors on the internet in the form of its problematic use in the context of valid theories and practices of a social work. Text of the monograph is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the multidisciplinary definition of a risk behavior on the internet. It offers an up-to-date literary overview of the issue through the latest, especially foreign, theoretical knowledge. The second part focuses on the problematic use of the internet in contexts of valid origins of the social work. The third part focuses on the presentation of the most important psychosocial factors correlating with the problematic internet use in the adolescent´s group. The theoretical knowledge is supplemented by the authors research into the present factors. The final part is application-oriented and focuses on the possibilities that the social work offers at the praxis level to prevent and solve the presented problems.

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