
Dominika Cukerová - Andrej Oriňak - Kateřina Hrabánková (eds.)

The proceedings offers contributions from the international scientific conference of doctoral students and young researchers held on 25 April 2024 at the Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice, which was thematically oriented on Innovative Law and Innovations in Law. The authors of the papers confirmed that innovation in law can take many forms. The first part of the papers, which pays attention to how law can respond to innovations, is a manifestation of this. These are the papers by Jana Cihanová, Andrej Oriňák, Denisa Rudžiková and Matej Biroš, who presented the use of deepfake technology, artificial intelligence and software tools in legal practice in the context of their legal regulation. Looking at familiar things differently can also be a source of innovation. In this vein, Dominik Mizerski, Juraj Valentovič, Lucián Török and Kateřina Hrabánková presented interpretive and application innovations in the field of private law. The third part of the papers by Michaela Szittyaiová, Natália Priateľová, Filip Baláži, Elena Lazoríková and Laura Gazdagová offers a preview of the innovations that the public law section is facing today. Finally, the fourth and last group of papers specifically explains innovations against the background of criminal law regulation. These are contributions by Michal Novák, Miroslav Srholec, Vladimír Petrila and Martina Makaturová. The variety of topics covered in this proceedings shows that each area of legal regulation can be characterised by specific innovations and, in this context, by the dynamics with which they permeate legal regulation.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Dominika Cukerová - Andrej Oriňak - Kateřina Hrabánková
Document type:
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Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Law
Zborník bol vydaný v rámci riešenia grantových úloh APVV-19-0424 „Inovatívna obchodná spoločnosť: vnútrokorporátne premeny, digitálne výzvy a nástup umelej inteligencie“ a APVV-21-0336 „Analýza súdnych rozhodnutí metódami umelej inteligencie“.
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Právo na spravodlivý proces podľa Dohovoru a...



Lukáš Jančát

The Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the case-law of the ECtHR represent a decisive legal instrument for the evolution of the right to a fair trial in the member states of the Council of Europe and the European Union, including the Slovak Republic, which affects the minimum level of procedural guarantees for individuals in judicial and administrative proceedings.

The primary purpose of the textbook is to fill the gap consisting in the absence of a comprehensive study text for undergraduate students at Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Law for the planned subject Right to a fair trial in administrative issues, and doctoral students at this faculty for the subject Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in criminal matters according to the case-law of the ECtHR.

However, this textbook is also intended as a supplementary study aid for bachelor students in order to deepen their knowledge of the subject Administrative Law II, the result of which is to acquire knowledge about procedural administrative law in the Slovak Republic, as well as the subject of European Administrative Law, the result of which is the acquisition of knowledge about the influence of Council of Europe law on the national administrative law of the Slovak Republic.

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Impact of the European Union on Criminal Law of...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Reviewed collection of papers of the international scientific conference is the output of the international scientific conference held on 7th October 2022 within the framework of the project APVV-18-0421 „European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law“.

Unlike other areas of activities of the European Union, the European Union did not begin to enter the area of criminal law and criminal policy until much later. The reason is that the sphere of criminal law has traditionally been associated with the sovereignty of the state, which is why the Member States of the European Union are very slow to allow the European Union into it. The issue of the European Union's influence on the criminal law of its Member States is therefore becoming actual and raises many questions and application problems. In their papers, the authors address the various problems posed by the European Union's influence in the area of criminal law. Among the scientific problems and issues that the authors paid attention to in their works are the following: reasons for competence of the European Union within the field of criminal law; Impact of the EU legislation on criminal law of EU Member States; proposals to improve existing legislation, whether at European Union or national level, cooperation of the Court of Justice of the European Union and national judges via preliminary proceedings within the field of criminal law; as well as the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

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Privatizácia verejného práva verzus publicita...



Lukáš MichaľovKatarína Koromházová (eds.)

The Collection of scientific contributions "Privatization of public law versus publicity of private law" is an output of the International scientific conference of Phd. students and scientific researchers organized by the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University.

The collection contains contributions focused on the issues of the intersection of private and public law, specifically on the privatization of public law and publicity of private law. This is a highly important topic, because the elements of privatization can be found across the entire public law, not only in the field of criminal law, but also in other legal branches of public law.Recently, there have been significant elements of publicity of private law, especially commercial or civil law. Therefore, we consider the topic of the conference and the title of the collection to be appropriately chosen and up to date without any significant limits in scientific research. The participants of theInternational scientific conference in their contributions also focused on de lege ferenda considerations and offer a new perspective on the formation of public or private law.

The aim of the published Collection of scientific contributions isto continue in improving and developing new knowledge of the public law in the field of its privatization and private law in the field of its publicity.

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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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Ownership rights protection in Polish and...



Milan Sudzina, Renata Świrgoń-Skok, Wojciech J. Kosior

Given the importance of the ownership right, the aim of this monograph is to provide an analysis, a clear systematic interpretation and an evaluation of the above issue, not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the point of view of legal practice. The protection of ownership relations is ensured in various ways. It is judicial protection, protection provided by local self-government authorities, self-help, public registration of real property and other instruments of administrative and criminal law. In connection with the transformation of legislation in Slovakia and Poland after the fall of the socialist regime, there have been many changes in the legislation of both countries concerning the protection of ownership rights. A number of private law institutions related to the ownership of real property, the use of which was impossible or limited during the socialist period, have been restored. Legislation has also been adopted to alleviate the consequences of certain property and other injustices caused by the deprivation of ownership of real property during the socialist period. The adoption of restitution legislation was the basis for restoring the ownership rights of the original owners, who were allowed to get back their real property that had been used by socialist organisations. After the end of the socialist regime, the various forms of ownership, which until then had favoured the state ownership, were abolished. Changes were made to ensure that the ownership rights of all owners had the same content and enjoyed the same legal protection. The monograph is structured in such a way as to enable a comparison of individual institutions of rights in rem under Polish and Slovak law. The monograph also analyses the relevant decision-making practice of the supreme judicial authorities. The scientific methods applied enabled the authors not only to analyse and evaluate the historical context and the current legal regulation of ownership rights in Poland and Slovakia, but also to point out possible gaps and shortcomings and to elaborate de lege ferenda proposals that can be used in future legislative activity.

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Jozef SuchožaJán HusárRegina Hučková (eds.)

Collection of scientific works

The year 2020 has been marked globally by an unprecedented situation related to the spread of Covid-19 since its beginning. At the start of this calendar year, as our organizational team began preparing for another edition, we still hoped that our traditional autumn conference was far away, and in this maximum optimism, we launched the organization of the jubilee 10th edition of our now-traditional conference. This conference has become a stable part of scientific and professional conference events under domestic conditions and has become a stable part of many people's work programs. However, 2020 was almost entirely filled with restrictions from its start, with these restrictions affecting even the organization of conferences. Our 10th Law – Business – Economy Conference fell victim to this current situation and had to be canceled "with gritted teeth." The situation allows us nothing but hope that in 2021 we will be able to meet at our traditional location in High Tatras. We take these meetings for granted; if this situation is good for nothing else, it at least serves as a slowdown and an awareness of our own vulnerability.

See you at the next edition of Law-Business-Economics in October 2021.

You are receiving a collection of scientific papers published in connection with the resolution of scientific projects at the Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law as the main organizer of the scientific conference, as well as other departments of the Faculty of Law at UPJŠ in Košice, and many academic workplaces both domestically and abroad. The collection is published with support from the Agency for Support of Research and Development. The editors thank all who contributed to it with their scientific articles, as well as reviewers for their valuable comments and recommendations.

On behalf of the editors: Regina Hučková

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Hranice Československej republiky optikou...



Dominika Kováčová- Lucia Pištejová- Ivan Vaňa

The present monograph deals with the post-war settlement of relations and peace negotiations related to the settlement of the borders of the newly established Czechoslovak Republic. The work discusses in detail the negotiation processes related to the preparation and signing of the Versailles and Saint-Germain Peace Treaties. Similarly, it then discusses in detail the peripeties related to the drafting of the Treaty of Trianon dealing with the border with Hungary and its subsequent delineation in the field. Last but not least, the thesis captures the settling of Czechoslovakia's international relations with Poland and their common border, with a particular focus on the arbitration settlement on the territory of Orava and Spiš.

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Právne postavenie spoločníka v obchodnej...



Žofia Šuleková (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov zo IV. študentského sympózia z práva obchodných spoločností konaného v dňoch 24.-25. novembra 2016 v učebno-výcvikovom zariadení UPJŠ v Danišovciach.

Katedra obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach zorganizovala v poradí už IV. ročník študentského sympózia, tentokrát z práva obchodných spoločností, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 24. – 25. novembra 2016 v učebno-výcvikovom zariadení UPJŠ v Danišovciach. Cieľom každoročne organizovaných sympózií je vytvoriť diskusnú platformu pre študentov za účasti mentorov z radov členov katedry, a to učiteľov, vedecko-výskumných pracovníkov ako aj doktorandov. Téma tohtoročného sympózia bola zameraná na problematické otázky spojené s právnym postavením spoločníka v obchodnej spoločnosti. Jednotlivé témy boli zadávané tak, aby študenti mohli preukázať a rozvíjať svoje analytické a argumentačné schopnosti, a zároveň sa zdokonalili v prezentácii a formulácii vlastných názorov a pohľadov. Predkladaný zborník je výstupom prác študentov z tohto podujatia.

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EU Initiatives to Prevent Tax Evasions and Tax...


Adrián Popovič a kol.

The possibility of solving the grant project VVGS-2016-284 has provided a unique opportunity for members of the author´s team in the interdisciplinary composition to examine the issue not only from a tax-law point of view, but also from a political point of viewIn the presented monograph, the authors focused on the characterization of different aspects of the EU in order to allow the reader correctly understand its position in relation to the outside world and to its inward relations within its Member States in the context of the creation and implementation of the EU tax policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the relationship between national tax legislation and EU law, the impact of the EU's tax policy on the national laws of its Member States, with reference to the identification of the harmonized areas with the approximation of their current stage of development and the final objective. This definition can be seen as a prerequisite for a correct and comprehensive understanding of the application and implementation of EU institutions' initiatives to prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and their implementation into the national legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the last part of the monograph, the authors focused on defining individual EU initiatives to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as a means of implementing its tax policy, in the area of ​​indirect taxation, in particular in the field of value added tax and in the field of direct taxation, especially with regard to corporate taxation, and to evaluate their projection into the national tax legislation of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, in these chapters, they assessed the real impact and effect of the measures admitted on the basis of the initiatives in practice.

The presented work is intended for a university student studying in the field of Tax Law and European Law, as well as the broader legal and economic community. However, in view of the scope and recency of the subject under consideration, the authors believe that the publication will find its application not only in the theoretical field but also in the practical field.

 JUDr. Adrián Popovič

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Law without borders



Eva Berníková - Dominika PisarčíkováDiana Repiščáková (eds.)

Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was created as part of the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers entitled "Law without borders" held on April 27, 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in connection with the solution of a scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union" supported by the Grant of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022.

The aim of the mentioned project is the scientific examination of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions in the conditiions of the European Union, in order to determine and subsequently assess the necessity, as well as the extent of harmonization of the legal regulation of the member states of the European Union, based on the growing need to increase the level of free movement of administrative decisions within the European Union.

As part of the research project, an international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was held entitled "Law without borders". PhD. students and young researchers were not only from Slovak republic but also from foreign universities. The main goal of the conference was to emphasize the increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law in isolation, but in correlation with the legal systems of other states, or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.

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Zborník príspevkov z X. ročníka študentského...



Adam Giertl (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov študentského Sympózia z medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva konaného dňa 28. apríla 2017 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ Košiciach

Študentské sympózium je pravidelne poriadané Ústavom medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva a v roku 2017 je konané už jubilejná desiata edícia študentského sympózia, ktoré postupom času záber záujmu rozšírilo aj do oblasti európskeho práva. S tradíciou konania študentských sympózií je spojený aj dobrý zvyk prípravy zborníka príspevkov z každého podujatia. Desiaty ročník pochopiteľne nie je výnimkou a tak sa čitateľom dostáva „do rúk“ desiata edícia zborníka príspevkov študentského sympózia. Po minulé roky bolo sympózium vždy zamerané na konkrétnu oblasť právnej úpravy medzinárodného a európskeho práva. Tak sa predmetom skúmania účastníkov sympózií stali otázky migrácie (2016), ochrany kultúrnych hodnôt (2015) alebo problematike kyberpriestoru (2013). Tento rok sa vzhľadom na to, že ide o jubilejný desiaty ročník organizátori sympózia poňať zameranie sympózia prierezovo a pripomenúť si niektoré významné míľniky vývoja medzinárodného práva, ktoré sa udiali v rokoch ukončených číslom sedem.

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Municipálne zákonodarstvo Uhorska ako predobraz...



Erik Štenpien

The presented monograph is dedicated to the reforms of local administration in the middle of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of municipalism - the nationalization of local administration. The work is primarily devoted to the analysis of the differences between legal articles 42/1870 and 21/1884, the second of which has so far been considered by Slovak legal historians as an amendment. I will explain the differences in the text of both standards, as well as by pointing out the practice of applying both standards in local practice in Abov and Turňa, the legal article 21/1884 is applicable, it is recoded and after the thresholds of the Czechoslovakia it was received as an obligation of the local sparva in Slovakia and is valid even in the time of Conclusion The Trianon peace treaty.

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Zamestnanec v digitálnom prostredí



Monika MinčičováMarcel DolobáčJana Žuľová

The presented proceedings of papers is the result of the international scientific conference "Employee in the digital environment", which was organized as part of the research project VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee protection in the context of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 - starting points, opportunities and risks. The online scientific conference took place on the 5th of November 2021 under the auspices of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The proceedings includes a variety of scientific papers focused on the study of current issues caused by the digital transformation of society.Authors respond to partial legal problems of labour law and social security law at the theoretical-legal and application level and reflect on the consequences of ongoing phenomena for the labour market and labour law legislation.

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Ochrana (duševného) zdravia zamestnanca


Milena Barinková (ed.)

Komplex právnych noriem ochrany práce, sledujúcich zaistenie bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci je rozsahom veľmi široký, presahujúci hranice Zákonníka práce v celom rade ďalších osobitných právnych predpisov zákonmi počnúc, kolektívnymi zmluvami a vykonávacími právnymi predpismi pokračujúc a vnútropodnikovými normatívnymi aktami končiac. Ochrana zdravia zamestnancov pri práci pred rizikovými vplyvmi pracovného prostredia je ústrednou požiadavkou, z ktorej vychádzajú základné ľudské práva garantované Ústavou Slovenskej republiky a v záujme jej univerzálneho zabezpečenia vo všetkých zamestnávateľských subjektoch súkromného i verejného sektora je jej prísna regulácia kogentnými normami plne opodstatnená. Oznámenie Komisie Európskemu parlamentu, Rade, Európskemu hospodárskemu a sociálnemu výboru a Výboru regiónov o strategickom rámci EÚ v oblasti ochrany zdravia a bezpečnosti pri práci na obdobie rokov 2014 – 2020 (COM (2014) 332 final) reaguje na potrebu zohľadnenia zmien na trhu práce vyplývajúcich z demografického vývoja, starnutia pracovnej populácie a technologického vývoja.

Požiadavky na pracovné tempo sa znásobujú, novým technológiám a zmenám v organizácii práce a v štruktúre pracovných miest sa musia prispôsobiť všetky vekové kategórie zamestnancov. S tým stúpajú i nároky na zdravotnú spôsobilosť ľudí, ktorú je potrebné si udržať počas celej profesijnej kariéry. Imanentnou súčasťou požiadaviek na zabezpečenie zdravotnej spôsobilosti je i spôsobilosť v rovine duševného zdravia, ktorého kvalite nie je špecificky venovaná osobitná pozornosť. Práve pri ochrane duševného zdravia zohráva významnú úlohu prevencia.

Všetky preventívne opatrenia prijímané zamestnávateľmi na pracoviskách je možno uplatniť až vtedy, keď poznáme a identifikujeme riziká ohrozujúce duševné zdravie zamestnancov. Sú všetky preventívne opatrenia dostatočné? Prijímajú sa vôbec také, ktoré by sledovali zachovanie nielen fyzickej zdravotnej spôsobilosti, ale aj psychického zdravia?

Vedecké študentské sympózium konané v dňoch 6. a 7. apríla 2018 v učebno-výcvikovom zariadení v Danišovciach bolo plánovanou súčasťou riešenia výskumného projektu APVV-16-0002 „Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca“. Zborník publikovaných výstupov je rovnako podporený finančnou pomocou Agentúry pre výskum a vývoj SR.

III. ročník študentského sympózia z pracovného práva bol platformou, na ktorej mohli vysokoškolskí učitelia katedry pracovného práva a práva sociálneho zabezpečenia Univezity P. J. Šafárika, Právnickej fakulty v Košiciach spolu so študentmi diskutovať o aktuálnych otázkach ochrany a zachovania zdravia zamestnancov, a kde študenti prezentovali svoje príspevky z tejto oblasti. Pozornosť venovali všeobecným otázkam bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia zamestnanca pri práci, skúmaniu fyzických a mentálnych aspektov zdravia z pohľadu práva na ochranu súkromia a práva na ochranu osobných údajov, vrátane prístupu súdnej praxe, posúdeniu pracovnoprávnej zodpovednosti zamestnávateľa za škodu na zdraví zamestnanca spôsobenú pôsobením nepriaznivých faktorov pracovného prostredia či nerovnakému zaobchádzaniu s osobami so zdravotným postihnutím. Zaujímavé boli názory študentov, na ktoré nadviazala obsahom bohatá diskusia všetkých zúčastnených.

Za tretí ročník sympózia patrí poďakovanie všetkým zúčastneným študentom a členom katedry pracovného práva a práva sociálneho zabezpečenia ktorí sa podieľali na jeho odbornom garantovaní a organizačnom zabezpečení.

Košice, máj 2018

doc. JUDr. Milena Barinková, CSc.


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