Doktorandské miscelaneá 7


Lukáš Šutor

The seventh volume of Doctoral Miscellanea was created in this year's specific research and educational situation, which predetermined its character as a non-conference collection.

The previous two editions continued the tradition of domestic scientific events (initially seminars, later conferences) at the Autumn School of Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Arts at UPJŠ in Košice, thereby creating an opportunity to verify more comprehensive scientific conclusions before a diverse audience, not only of experienced educators but also of researchers from their own generation. This phase was narrowed down to communication between the supervisor/reviewer and the doctoral student during the publication's creation. However, this did not automatically mean a less intense dialogue. Many contributions underwent interesting changes and variations.

The resulting studies reflect not only the degree of development of dissertation projects but often also the interest of young scientists in specific issues that have the potential for independent research. After all, they chose our domestic collection for testing their ideas.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Lukáš Šutor
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Year of publication:
1st edition
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Faculty of Arts
CC BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
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16 other products in the same category:

Rizikové správanie onkologicky chorých klientov...


Lucia TóthováEva Žiaková

The current time is fast, hasty, with strongly asserted women's emancipation, absorbed by information and communication technologies that overcome distances but create them at the same time. The lifestyle of humans is changing, many diseases are on the rise, and cancer is becoming a "trend of the present". Claims on man, and especially on women, are now too great. Women perform multiple roles and perform many tasks. They become caregiving mothers, understanding and surrendered wives, workers with professionalism and flexibility, and idols the myth of beauty too. Due to the overlapping of the traditional gender division of labor, the life of women takes place on several levels. Their work day does not end when they leave the job, but they continue to care for their household and their own family. Besides all, they strive to fulfill not only personal expectations, but also the expectations of the family, social environment and society, reject failure and strive for perfectionism.

In our lives, situations that affect and burden us more or less appear. Even though we can not in control everything and everyone, we are able to control situations that are of direct concern to us. In life, we encounter problems in employment, financial problems, illness or death of near. As well as negative, also positive situations affect us. Each responds to each situation different ways.

Monograph is one of the ways in which we aim to draw attention to the so "C-coping style" as a maladaptive way of managing the burden that is typical of oncological ill patients. It is one of the possible concepts that affect the manifestation of breast cancer. Based on this, we have focused on the used coping strategies and we consider the life events to be a significant burden in the lives of cancer patients. The research is aimed at synthesizing the life events and the coping strategies used to coping them, conceived as a risk behavior of patients with breast cancer. As the coping of the burden can be different between men and women, the monograph is intended predominantly for women, to which we have also focused in realized research. They can be patients with oncological diagnosis, but also women who want to prevent this disease by use effective coping life events. We also believe that the monograph will enrich everyone who is interested in the same target group.

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Through Loneliness to Abstinence: Or why...


Ján KahanEva Žiaková

The monograph focuses on the issue of loneliness among substance-addicted people in the context of abstinence prospects and re/lapse prevention. In the monograph these phenomena, several theories were integrated and applied in the context of the ecosystem meta-framework of social work and practical contexts. The ecosystem meta-theory serves as a meta-construct with the ability to encompass the complexity of social phenomena as well as that of human beings within the structure of their living and social environment, formal and informal networks, and close intimate relationships. In this monograph are presented research sample consisted of 235 respondents – hospitalised addicts undergoing urgent treatment, abstaining A-club members as well as members of psychotherapy and self-help groups. The research showed that abstainers were statistically less lonely than the hospitalised respondents. Quantitative data of research are complemented by qualitative data collected in four case studies; two of them focused on two long-term abstainers from alcohol and drugs, while the other two case studies dealt with two respondents in post-hoc treatment undergoing the resocialization process. The research also showed that respondents who broke abstinence felt lonelier than their successfully abstaining counterparts. The results were supported also by the fact that a statistically significant inversely proportional relationship was identified between the duration of abstinence and loneliness rate. Gender differences were found between the hospitalised addicts in all loneliness dimensions. Naturally, the combined research was limited in certain aspects, mainly in terms of the size and proportional distribution of the research sample and its subgroups, test battery extent, and general nature of the population studied. Triangulation among quantitative and qualitative with the theoretical starting points confirmed the existence of a relationship among loneliness, addiction, and prospect of abstinence.

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Časová perspektíva a vybrané aspekty na cieľ...



Pavol Kačmár

Overview of the Issue and Meta-Analysis of Conducted Research.

The publication focuses on two key constructs – time perspective and goal achievement. After describing both constructs, the authors focused on potential connections that can be found at multiple levels of analysis. For the purpose of empirical verification, they conducted a small-scale meta-analysis synthesizing results across eleven studies. The obtained results highlighted the role of time perspective in selected aspects of goal achievement. The publication is intended to serve as a catalyst for further consideration of the issue, thereby encouraging research aimed at verifying how the acquired knowledge can be expanded to improve the quality of our daily lives in the context of cultivating our approach to time.

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Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...



Magdaléna Hovanová

The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).

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Prípadové štúdie a cvičenia z pedagogickej...



Margita Mesárošová-Miroslava Köverová-Radka Miháliková

The publication is a follow-up to the university textbook Progress in Educational Psychology. It is intended for both bachelor and master degree students. It contains questions, tasks, practical exercises, case studies and topics for discussion in the field of educational psychology. The aim of the publication is to support the active involvement of students in teaching, consolidation and deepening of their theoretical knowledge in educational psychology, as well as practicing and improving practical skills.

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The Magic of Sounds


Marián GladišLucia Jasinská (eds.)

This peer-reviewed collection of papers is a publication output of the scientific colloquium named The Magic of Sounds, which was organized by the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication at the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and by the Košice Branch of the Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľudovít Štúr Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Associate Professor PhDr. Jozef Liška, PhD., the founder of the Slovak logopaedics. Participants focused their papers on the analysis of the linguistic and speech therapy work of J. Liška, his contribution to Slovak dialectology and orthoepy, presented him as an Anglicist, and they also dealt with the audio aspect of children's speech, exact methods of disturbances and low voice quality measuring, or machine speech processing. An interpretative paper of the documentary They Will Speak Well, a socially important piece of film work, which was made in 1958 under the supervision of J. Liška, is also included in the proceedings.

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Interdisciplinárne konotácie...



Ľubov Vladyková

Vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje panorámu ekologicko - etických konceptov - ekologické etiky, ako možnosť kultúrneho vývoja a naznačuje pokračujúce hľadanie vzťahov s cieľom uznať význam etiky a jej vplyvu na naše porozumenie a náš vzťah so svetom prírody, vrátane scenárov primerane odrážajúcich interakciu človek - príroda v celej ich zložitosti. Osobitná pozornosť je venovaná otázke vnútorného hodnotenie prírody, ľudského a mimoľudského života, a to tak na individuálnej a holistickej úrovni (biocentrizmu) a hodnote fyzikálnych prvkov ekosystémov (ecocentrism).

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Pedagogická prax študentov učiteľstva...



Silvia Kontírová a kol.

Tento prepracovaný a doplnený učebný text chce byť zrozumiteľným a praktickým pomocníkom pre študentov magisterského stupňa štúdia učiteľstva akademických predmetov na Filozofickej fakulte UPJŠ a Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach absolvujúcich povinné predmety pedagogická prax. Jeho všeobecná časť sa zaoberá poslaním, primárnymi ľudskými činiteľmi, druhmi a formami pedagogickej praxe ako jednej z povinných organizačných foriem učiteľského štúdia a špecifikami pedagogickej praxe v podmienkach UPJŠ. Špeciálna časť obsahuje základné informácie a povinnú dokumentáciu praktikantov k chronologicky zoradeným druhom pedagogických praxí na UPJŠ. Autori Vám budú vďační, ak ich na prípadné chyby a nedostatky učebného textu upozorníte prostredníctvom e-mailovej adresy

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Sociálne riziká v spoločnosti XXI. storočia


Lucia TóthováKatarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Current social work addresses the serious development problems of society such as poverty, unemployment, chronic diseases, socially vulnerable groups and others. We must not forget that enough attention must be paid to the discovery of causes and a detailed analysis of these problems. The thing is that social problems have been around for a long time, they just changed their shape, old forms of social risks were replaced by the new ones that need to be explored and analyzed in order to be able to perform measures and remove the causes of social risks of the 21st century. Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation entitled Social Risks in the Society of the XXI. Century is therefore devoted to various perspectives related to social risks of modern society in the variety of contributions, indicating the broad-spectrum not only of the proceedings, but also the social work itself.

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Úvod do poradenskej psychológie

Availability: 85 In Stock

Stanislav Hvozdík 

Predložený vysokoškolský učebný text „ Úvod do poradenskej psychológie „ poskytuje študentovi jednak komplexnejší pohľad na disciplínu poradenskej psychológie, ale zároveň obsahuje kapitoly, ktoré mu približujú konkrétnejšie samotný proces poradenstva a problematiku pomáhajúcich spôsobilosti v poradenstve. Okrem toho publikácia obsahuje kapitolu, ktorá prináša niektoré paradigmy poradenskej psychológie. Dôležitou časťou publikácie je kapitola v ktorej sa aplikuje vývin do poradenstva. Táto časť práce obsahuje pod kapitoly: poradenstvo deťom, proaktívne poradenstvo adolescentom a poradenstvo starším dospelým. Súčasťou publikácie je kapitola o etike , ktorá súvisí s poradenskou psychológiou. Predložené učebné texty sa opierajú o relevantné teoretické pramene a sprístupňujú ich študentovi. Možno povedať, že predložená práca s inými prispieva svojim dielom k zaplneniu veľkej medzery, ktorá v tejto aplikovanej oblasti psychológie vznikla v posledných dvoch desaťročiach.

Hegel v kontextoch Heideggerovej a Patočkovej...



Vladimír Leško - Pavol Tholt (eds.)

Zborník z III. medzinárodnej filozofickej konferencie Hegel v kontextoch Heideggerovej a Patočkovej filozofie,  ktorá sa uskutočnila v dňoch 1. - 2. októbra 2009.

Filozofický zborník je prezentáciou výsledkov práce bádateľských kolektívov výskumných projektov VEGA 1/0650/08 - Heidegger a dejiny filozofie a VEGA 1/4679/07 - Asubjektívna fenomenológia Jana Patočku a dejiny filozofie riešených na katedre filozofie a dejín filozofie FF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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Etika starostlivosti



Adriana Jesenková

Etika starostlivosti ponúka inšpiratívne spôsoby, ako premýšľať o vzťahoch a spojeniach, ktorých sme súčasťou. Poskytuje nové/ neobvyklé čítanie/ porozumenie ľudských vzťahov, a tým nám umožňuje novým spôsobom a adekvátne reagovať na niektoré empirické výzvy (Pettersen 2011, s. 51). Ešte pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi bolo uvažovanie o starostlivosti spojené s rozhodnutiami žien v privátnej sfére týkajúcimi sa ich osobných dilem a problémov. V priebehu posledných dvoch desaťročí zástancovia etiky starostlivosti ukázali, že ideál starostlivosti má potenciál byť regulatívom nielen súkromného správania, ale aj ľudských interakcií vo všeobecnosti. V súčasnosti majú myšlienky o starostlivosti silu meniť spôsob, ako hodnotíme osobné vzťahy, profesionálne správanie, verejnú politiku, medzinárodné vzťahy a globálne otázky. Relevancia etiky starostlivosti v toľkých širokých oblastiach života, z ktorých mnohé sa vyznačujú vzájomnými inkompatibilitami a protichodnými záujmami, je podmienená viacerými faktormi, avšak jedným z najvýznamnejších je práve tvorivosť a plodnosť myslenia predstaviteliek a predstaviteľov etiky starostlivosti, ktoré/í vyvíjajú etické koncepcie, modely a metódy schopné uchopiť a analyzovať ľudské vzťahy v celej ich rôznosti (Petersen 2011, s. 52). Etika starostlivosti totiž v porovnaní s tradičnými etickými koncepciami a teóriami z oblasti morálnej filozofie prináša radikálne odlišné súbory modelov a normatívnych koncepcií. V súčasnosti je to práve feministická etika starostlivosti, ktorá ponúka kritické premyslenie starostlivosti v priestore morálnej filozofie, etiky a sociálnej filozofie.

Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je identifikovať pojem, predmet, prístup, filozofické základy a východiská, ako aj možnosti aplikácie etiky starostlivosti ako špecifického morálneho prístupu, a zároveň ako špecifickej morálnej teórie na poli spoločenskovedného a humanitného skúmania. V slovenskom akademickom prostredí na uplatnenie etiky starostlivosti ako špecifického morálno-filozofického prístupu zamerala svoju pozornosť najmä Zuzana Kiczková, a to osobitne v oblasti ekofilozofie, rodových štúdií a bioetiky, pričom čiastkové problémy etiky starostlivosti rozpracovávala aj Marianna Szapuová.

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Študentská vedecká a odborná činnosť v...



Magdaléna Halachová - Vladimír Lichner - Katarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 25.4.2013 v Košiciach

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie vznikol v rámci celoslovenského kola podujatia  Študentskej vedeckej a odbornej činnosti v študijnom odbore 3.1.14 Sociálna práca, ktoré sa konalo dňa 25.4.2013 v Košiciach. Ústrednou témou zborníka je rozpracovanie rôznych problémových okruhov z oblasti sociálnej práce ako vednej disciplíny i praktickej činnosti študentmi, mladými vedeckými pracovníkmi pod gesciou skúsených odborníkov. Príspevky v zborníku pojednávajú napríklad o tematike sociálnych služieb, terénnej sociálnej práce, školskej sociálnej práce a podobne. Taktiež upozorňujú na nebezpečenstvo sociálno-patologických javov, ako napríklad záškoláctvo, drogové závislosti, chudoba, šikanovania a podobne. Prezentované výsledky jednoznačne poukazujú na význam sociálnej práce a iných  pomáhajúcich profesií pri práci s jednotlivými klientskými skupinami.

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