Práca a kariéra vysokoškolského učiteľa


Gabriela Kravčáková - Jana Lukáčová - Taťjana Búgelová

Vedecká monografia je zameraná na problematiku práce a kariéry vysokoškolského učiteľa a tematicky je rozdelená na tri relatívne nezávislé štúdie. Prvá štúdia, ktorá sa sústreďuje na charakteristiku práce učiteľov, opisuje širšie teoretické východiská a definuje základné pojmy v súvislosti s prácou. Tiež poskytuje analýzu práce vysokoškolského učiteľa, pričom bolo identifikovaných viacero nedostatkov. Výskumné zistenia preukázali signifikantné rozdiely v časovej náročnosti pracovných úloh vykonávaných učiteľmi a tiež v percipovanej významnosti týchto úloh. Učitelia využívajú fond pracovného času nad 100 % a možno očakávať, že populácia učiteľov považuje svoje pracovné úlohy za skôr významné až rozhodne významné. Existuje vzťah medzi odhadovanou časovou náročnosťou niektorých pracovných úloh a percipovanou významnosťou týchto úloh. Na základe zistení sú formulované závery a návrhy intervenčných opatrení a je prezentovaný konštrukt kľúčových kompetentností vysokoškolského učiteľa, ktoré tvoria základné, sociálne, pedagogické, vedecko-výskumné a manažérske kompetentnosti. Druhá štúdia analyzuje mieru spokojnosti, sebauplatnenia, kompetencií v práci učiteľov a prestíž učiteľskej profesie vzhľadom k rodu, akademickej hodnosti, služobnej seniorite a pôsobeniu v konkrétnom vednom odbore. Tretia štúdia, ktorá spracováva tematiku kariéry učiteľa, poskytuje prehľad teoretických východísk kariéry. Analyzuje akademickú kariéru cez objektívne faktory (odborná a riadiaca kariéra, vedenie grantov a výška platu) a subjektívne faktory (kariérová a pracovná spokojnosť). Teoreticky zdôvodňuje úzke prepojenie kariéry a identity učiteľov. Výsledky výskumu preukázali, že sú rozdiely v objektívnych ukazovateľoch kariéry medzi mužmi a ženami v prospech mužov. Ženy dosahovali vyššiu kariérovú spokojnosť ako muži, no v pracovnej spokojnosti sa nelíšili. Pracovná spokojnosť učiteľov s rôznym pracovným zaradením dosahuje mierne pozitívne hodnoty (najspokojnejší sú profesori a doktorandi). Odborná a riadiaca kariéra spolu s výškou zárobku predikujú kariérovú spokojnosť. Podľa analýzy štruktúry identity majú najvýznamnejší post na univerzite vedúci grantov a za nimi nasledujú profesori. Ženy - učiteľky sú hodnotené menej pozitívne ako muži a za negatívny rolový model sú považovaní učitelia bez výskumnej angažovanosti. Štúdia poskytuje odporúčania pre ďalší výskum a prax.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Gabriela Kravčáková - Jana Lukáčová - Taťjana Búgelová
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Public Administration
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Social Justice and Old Age Pension Savings...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Milan DoušaTatiana GmitrováOskar TóthMatúš Vyrostko (eds.)

Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 5th year of the doctoral students' scientific conference, February 6, 2020

The dynamically evolving contemporary society creates expectations and demands among citizens for public administration to be efficient, reliable, open, professional, and fast. New theories of knowledge, in connection with constant changes, must also include practical application and reflection of these characteristics in the public administration system in practice. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to new approaches from both theoretical and practical perspectives to the application of modern public administration in the conditions of the V4 countries.

Given that public administration is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline that utilizes knowledge from a wide range of scientific fields and thus enables a comprehensive approach to solving problems of modern public administration, the peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the doctoral students' scientific conference are divided into three sections: socio-economic, political science, and legal. The sections eruditely respond to current public administration problems from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

PhDr. Milan Douša
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2/2024 (časopis)



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.





Anna Čepelová  - Tomáš Alman (eds.)

A peer-reviewed collection of contributions from the 6th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students, which took place on March 19, 2021 (online via MS Teams).

Doctoral studies, as the highest level of higher education, prepare students interested in further education to acquire new knowledge and creatively apply it in their future scientific work. Students of doctoral studies actively participate in obtaining new, original scientific results and thus contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in their field.

Doctoral studies play a crucial role in educating top experts. From this perspective, we consider it essential to emphasize creativity and originality in research work, the development of critical thinking, the ability to discuss specific professional problems in broader contexts, and the ability to present achieved results. The Faculty of Public Administration at P.J. Šafárik University in Košice also created space for such professional discussions and presentations of achieved results by organizing the 6th annual scientific conference "Theory and Practice of Public Administration," which took place on March 19, 2021. Public administration is an integral part of every democratic state, influencing each of our lives; therefore, discussing its current issues and familiarizing ourselves with new solutions is necessary. The scientific conference was attended by 33 participants from the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia. The contributions presented focused on current public administration issues from legal, economic, social, and political perspectives.

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Organizačné správanie - cvičebnica



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

University Exercise Book Organizational Behavior adds content as University Textbook with the same name and completes the overall view of the behavior of people in organizations with respect to the classical approaches and new trends on a subject. The authors are university teachers, scientific researchers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities and their texts formed the basis of analysis and comparison of theoretical knowledge of both home and foreign resources, research results, as well as monitoring requirements of practice imposed on the behavior of employees organizations. Submitted publication has 26 separate chapters focusing on work, personality, work groups and teams, team roles, communication organization, social, communication and management skills, social audit, job satisfaction and motivation, loyalty to the organization, organizational culture, social responsibility organization, talent management, performance management, learning and learning organization, negative phenomena at work, unemployment as a social problem, acceptance of risk in the organization, system of strategic tuning of organization and empirical social research. Each chapter contains a brief summary of the information on the chosen theme, theses and questions to replicate the tasks and activities in which there are used innovative and creative teaching methods (case studies, role playing, mental mapping, etc.) With a view to increase the active participation of students or other participants, actors in addressing current issues and problems in practice. University Exercise Book may therefore serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool in various outdoor and indoor training activities in the process of learning in organizations, or. the interaction of academic theory and economic reality.

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Attachments (zip)

Jarná škola doktorandov 2022



Peter Fedoročko (eds.)

From June 14 to June 17, 2022, the 8th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Liptovský Ján. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 3 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts and 1 workshop. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 26 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť



Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová - Veronika Džatková - Jana Volochová (eds.)

A peer-reviewed proceeding of contributions from the 9th international scientific conference “Public Administration and Society” which was held on September 30th, 2022 at the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The content of the proceeding consists of the latest scientific knowledge of domestic and foreign authors conceived in thematic areas of law, sociology, economics and political science. The focus of the conference was to present the results of scientific research activities in the field of modern theory and practice of public administration, as well as the opportunities to share practical experiences, to create space for establishing and deepening cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, public administration institutions and bodies and to exchange the experiences and knowledge by public servants.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová - Darina Koreňová (eds.)

The peer-reviewed non-conference proceedings entitled: "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions" is one of the outputs of the VEGA project no. 1/0055/22 "The importance of smart technologies in the process of mitigating the economic and socio-psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of population.", which is being addressed at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Economics and Public Administration Management. The papers published in this proceedings support the research part of the investigators of the scientific project with their content. At the same time, they create a professional and scientific diapasone for further investigation and creation of scientific hypotheses.

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Ústavné právo Európskej únie

Availability: 2 In Stock

Tomáš Alman

Vysokoškolské učebné texty sú adresne koncipované pre študentov Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach v rámci výučby vybraných predmetov čomu zodpovedajú a sú prispôsobené ich obsahové zameranie, štruktúra a metodika výučby. Ambíciou vysokoškolských učebných textov v tomto smere nie je poskytnúť detailný  a vyčerpávajúci výklad problematiky ústavného práva Európskej únie v celej svojej komplexnosti, ale prednostne oboznámiť študentov o právnych aspektoch európskeho integračného procesu, existencii a pôsobení Európskej únie vo vybraných oblastiach. Študenti získajú základný obraz o právnom systéme Európskej únie, spôsobe jeho tvorby ako aj o hlavných inštitúciách a orgánoch Európskej únie, prostredníctvom ktorých Európska únia vykonáva svoje právomoci.

Sociálne kompetentnosti starostov obcí na...


Eliška Župová

Monografia je zameraná na problematiku sociálnej (interpersonálnej) kompetentnosti u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností starostom obce je dôležitá k dosiahnutiu sociálneho správania. Výskumom bola zisťovaná miera zvládania vybraných interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 787 starostov zo všetkých oslovených 2753 starostov obcí na Slovensku. Na získanie empirických dát bol použitý Dotazník interpersonálnej kompetentnosti starostov obcí (DIKSO). Zistená bola vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí.

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Finančná analýza organizácie

Availability: 8 In Stock

Eva Mihaliková - Zuzana Hrabovská

Nestálosť trhového prostredia môže ovplyvniť finančnú situáciu v podniku. Preto je základom jeho úspešnej adaptácie vykonávanie objektívnych finančných analýz a hodnotení vlastných finančných možností. Na základe toho je nevyhnutné poznať systém kvalitatívnych finančných ukazovateľov, prostredníctvom ktorých dokážeme posúdiť finančnú situáciu a výkonnosť. Učebné texty poukazujú aj na výpočet konkrétnych ukazovateľov, identifikáciu vzájomných vzťahov medzi ukazovateľmi a ich dynamiku, vyjadrujúcu tendencie vo vývoji finančnej situácie v časovom horizonte.


Sociologické aspekty verejnej správy



Eliška Župová

University textbooks are dedicated to the theoretical issues of sociological aspects for the needs of students in the study program of public administration and the study program of European public administration.

The publication's first chapter focuses on the attention of sociology from the perspective of its subject and its relationship to other scientific disciplines. The second part consists of chapters two to five and is dedicated to the history of sociology and the most significant figures in sociology from its inception to the present, as well as the developmental directions of classical and contemporary sociology. The third area addresses systematic sociology.

From a range of sociological topics, paradigms, and problems, this part of the publication is structured to provide students with fundamental knowledge from selected sociological aspects for their studies.

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Organizational Behavior



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

The second revised and extended edition of University textbook Organizational Behavior is the work of an international team of authors. University teachers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities are the authors of this book. Problem areas of organizational behavior and its processing comprehensively was the intention of the authors. University textbook is complemented by 10 chapters, other chapters are significantly revised. University textbook is thematically divided into five parts. The first part treats the issue of organizational behavior as a discipline. Organizational behavior is theoretically defined, there is indicated the subject matter of the discipline, relationship with other sciences, historical and scientific foundations of organizational behavior. There are also presented knowledge about formal organizations and bureaucracy. Final of the first part is dedicated to social science research and social audit in organizations. The second part is called Individual aspects of organizational behavior and there are included themes as personality, work and its role in human life, job satisfaction, work motivation and loyalty of employees. This part is complemented by the issue of personality, competency and power of manager and career issues. Interpersonal interaction and group processes in an organization is the name of the third part of the book. It includes the chapters as working group, team and team roles, leadership and its impact on human personality, communication, performance management, friendships and loneliness in the organization. This section was complemented by the issue of interculturar communication in the international organizational context, conflicts in the workplace and workplace misbehavior. Fourth, complemented part is called Resources and means of ensuring employees and there are included themes such as external and internal mobility of workers, personal marketing, and unemployed as a potential source of workforce and talent management. The fifth part is called The organization as a culture and organizational dynamics. Authors included topics such as organizational culture, social responsibility of organizations and added the themes ethics on workplace, change management and radical change – reengineering. University textbook presents current theoretical knowledge and also the results of relevant research. Contents of chapters are complemented by practical examples of organizations. There are included questions for reflection and tasks at the end of each chapter. Tasks that help students and professional public apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. This University textbook comes with support KEGA no. 013-UPJŠ 4/2013 titled Organizational Behavior - University textbook for the compulsory subject of the new study program.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2024



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Digitale und grüne Gemeinden und Städte verstehen



Franziska Cecon - Belinda Hanner - Dominik Prüller (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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