Organizačné správanie - cvičebnica


Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

University Exercise Book Organizational Behavior adds content as University Textbook with the same name and completes the overall view of the behavior of people in organizations with respect to the classical approaches and new trends on a subject. The authors are university teachers, scientific researchers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities and their texts formed the basis of analysis and comparison of theoretical knowledge of both home and foreign resources, research results, as well as monitoring requirements of practice imposed on the behavior of employees organizations. Submitted publication has 26 separate chapters focusing on work, personality, work groups and teams, team roles, communication organization, social, communication and management skills, social audit, job satisfaction and motivation, loyalty to the organization, organizational culture, social responsibility organization, talent management, performance management, learning and learning organization, negative phenomena at work, unemployment as a social problem, acceptance of risk in the organization, system of strategic tuning of organization and empirical social research. Each chapter contains a brief summary of the information on the chosen theme, theses and questions to replicate the tasks and activities in which there are used innovative and creative teaching methods (case studies, role playing, mental mapping, etc.) With a view to increase the active participation of students or other participants, actors in addressing current issues and problems in practice. University Exercise Book may therefore serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool in various outdoor and indoor training activities in the process of learning in organizations, or. the interaction of academic theory and economic reality.

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Gabriela Kravčáková
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pracovné listy
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Fakulta verejnej správy
Príspevok je čiastkovým výstupom grantovej úlohy KEGA č. 013UPJŠ-4/2013
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16 other products in the same category:

Development of professional competencies


Denisa Rovenská

The textbook focuses on development of professional competencies and analyzes fields such as communication, leadership, goal setting, decision making, time management, teamwork, conflict and conflict strategies and stress management. Particular chapters offer a summary of information needed to build a theoretical framework of the competencies along with various tasks or activities that should motivate to transform gained knowledge to practical level. The professional competencies need to be developed and maintain in practical level, because this is the only way how to spread potential of knowledge and become truly competent in professional and private life, as well.

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Theory of Public Administration


Stanislav Konečný

This university textbook is the most extensive publication on the theory of public administration in Slovakia to date. In the introductory chapters, after clarifying the basic relations with other sciences, it gives an overview of what all the authors from Plato to today have dealt with, examining the subject from philosophical, theological, legal, economic, organizational, managerial, psychological, sociological and political science perspectives, and on the basis of which it is possible to formulate a demand for public administration to become legitimate, costeffective, flexible, comprehensible, open, participatory and democratic, and for its theory to be truly interdisciplinary. In the chapter on the actors of public administration, attention is paid not only to the state administration at all levels, but also to local, special interest and special interest selfgovernments, other public corporations and institutions and other actors of public administration, but also, in a framework, to providers of public services. The final chapter is devoted to public administration transformations and reforms. All the chapters are based on a rich factual literature, both domestic and foreign. The publication is supplemented by a list of references, containing more than 500 titles by domestic but mainly foreign authors. In this way, the textbook can be a welcome source of information and suggestions for the wider professional public.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť



Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová - Veronika Džatková - Jana Volochová (eds.)

A peer-reviewed proceeding of contributions from the 9th international scientific conference “Public Administration and Society” which was held on September 30th, 2022 at the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The content of the proceeding consists of the latest scientific knowledge of domestic and foreign authors conceived in thematic areas of law, sociology, economics and political science. The focus of the conference was to present the results of scientific research activities in the field of modern theory and practice of public administration, as well as the opportunities to share practical experiences, to create space for establishing and deepening cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, public administration institutions and bodies and to exchange the experiences and knowledge by public servants.

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Osobitné kategórie zamestnancov

Availability: 20 In Stock

Vladimíra Žofčinová

Meniace sa podmienky na trhu práce prinášajú aj nové výzvy pre pracovné právo. Pôvodne relatívne homogénny charakter pracovných síl je minulosťou a dochádza ku stále väčšej fragmentácii. Štandardná práca v pracovnom pomere na neurčitý čas a na plný úväzok je na ústupe, rozširujú sa najrôznejšie formy atypických zamestnaní. Osobitná regulácia právneho postavenia zamestnaných osôb môže byť  determinantom ovplyvňujúcim zachovávanie dôstojnosti a ich ochrany v pracovnom procese. Osobitné kategórie zamestnancov, ktorým v tejto monografii venujeme pozornosť sú určitým spôsobom „povýšené“ z hľadiska ochrany a  u niektorých  kategórií zamestnancov zaznamenávame práve medzerovitosť v ochrannej zložke pracovného práva. Trendom vývoja pracovného práva je okrem iného prirodzená miera upúšťania od prílišnej kogentnosti a rigidnosti právnej úpravy. Paradoxne nastupujúca ,,rigidná“ požiadavka flexibility pracovnoprávnych vzťahov a jej postupné „zapracovanie„ do jednotlivých právnych inštitútov Zákonníka práce či iných pracovnoprávnych predpisov,  spôsobuje ďalšie významné prehlbovanie zaostávania posilňovania ochrany zamestnanca (pri telepráci, pri platformových zamestnancoch).

Manuál dobrého spravovania pre budúcich...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The University Textbook is the first one of two publications prepared for the newly created study subject "Competencies of Capacities in Public Institutions ", implemented within the activity "Cooperation of Public Institutions in Youth's Education" of the project "Future of Public Administration" (FoPA), which is implemented in the Good Governance and Cross-Border Cooperation program, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. However, the consistent implementation of the concept of Good Governance requires an in-depth understanding of the aspects that are associated in practice with the application of individual principles of Good Governance. The presented university textbook "Good Governance manual for Future Experts in Public Institutions" has ambition in fulfilling the 12 principles of Good Governance.

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Human Resources Management



Gabriela Kravčáková

Publication of Human Resources Management is draw up as a university textbook designed especially for students of field of Public Administration. The intention of the authors was to develop the problem areas of personal management comprehensively. Texts were made on the basis of current theoretical knowledge in the field of human resources, research results, as well as monitoring of practice. The text provides theoretical knowledge so that the reader could learn basic terminology, the organization and the role of human resources management, personal functions and understand that the theoretical and application-level knew used the method personal management. University Textbooks are 9 separate chapters focusing on individual personal actions (personal planning, design and redesign of job, acquisition candidates to occupy the job and work for the organization, selection of candidates, employee evaluation, employee mobility, compensation of employees) and contribution of human resource management to the success of the organization. Each chapter contains a task-oriented organization of public administration, the situation applied in practice and questions for repeats. University Textbooks may serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool for the professional public.

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Teória ústavy a ústavné systémy demokratických...

Availability: 5 In Stock

Ladislav Orosz

Vysokoškolská učebnica pripravená pre štúdium verejnoprávnych disciplín na Fakulte verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá je využiteľná ako študijná literatúra aj pre študentov právnických fakúlt a politológie. V prvej časti učebnice je predmetom výkladu a analýzy teória ústavy. Autor kladie v tejto časti osobitný zreteľ  na dynamicky sa rozvíjajúce časti ústavnej teórie, ku ktorým patrí najmä problematika materiálneho jadra ústavy a súdna kontrola ústavnosti. Druhá časť učebnice má komparatívny charakter. Autor v nej analyzuje genézu a rozbor súčasného stavu ústavných modelov tradičných demokracií (USA,  Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska, Francúzska a SRN), ako štátov zoskupenia V4 (Poľská republika, Maďarsko, Česká republika, Slovenská republika).

Kompetencie obecnej samosprávy a podiel štátu...


Martin VernarskýRastislav KrálOndrej MitaľJana Volochová (eds.)

The competences of local self-government units, together with the state's participation in their execution, represent a combination of factors that substantially determine image of contemporary local self-government subsystem in Slovak Republic. Mentioned combination is not only a model that sets the way for the optimal adjustment of the local self-government functioning, but also represents authentic testimony of the state's attitude to the real importance of local self-government units as decentralized entity of public power. Conference proceedings have a cross-sectional character. In this sense, the papers are not limited by the views of a single discipline. However, the key contribution of included papers might be a comprehensive view, how to improve actual tensions in local self-government theory and practice, which from the conceptional point of view deals with issues of local self-government units. Moreover, it fulfils the ambition of multidisciplinary scientific analysis focused on the position and competences of the local self-government in the context of an economic, political and legal perspective.

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Učtovníctvo rozpočtových organizácií



Eva Mihaliková

Predložená publikácia ponúka prierez problematikou účtovníctva a svojim obsahom je orientovaná na vedenie účtovníctva v rozpočtových organizáciách zriadených obcou a vyšším územným celkom. V úvode poukazuje na základné princípy vedenia účtovníctva a potrebu harmonizácie. Následne sa zameriava na špecifiká financovania v samosprávnych rozpočtových organizáciách a ich účtovné vyjadrenie. Ďalšie časti sú venované jednotlivým účtovým triedam, kde sa vymedzujú základné pojmy a vysvetľujú zápisy vybraných účtovných prípadov. Poslednú časť tvorí účtovná uzávierka, ktorá vymedzuje činnosti spojené s uzatváraním účtovného obdobia a poukazuje na proces zostavenia účtovnej závierky. Rozpočtové organizácie patria k subjektom verejnej správy, ktoré zostavujú iba individuálnu účtovnú závierku, ktorá ale vstupuje do konsolidovanej účtovnej závierky ich zriaďovateľa. Odvíjajúc sa od toho sú záverečné podkapitoly venované aj stručnému vysvetleniu podstaty konsolidácie, potreby auditu a spôsobu zverejňovania údajov z účtovných závierok.  

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Príklady dobrej praxe dobrého spravovania pre...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The textbook follows the publication "Good governance manual for future experts of public institutions". The publication complements the previous university textbook with case studies of the various principles of Good Governance. The case studies thematically copy the chapters of the university textbook and, with their unique, original and each author's own way of processing the case study, enrich the teaching of the study subject focused on the principles of Good Governance.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová

The non-conference collection of scientific papers "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions II." presents the current state and possible trends in improving the quality of life of citizens in the post-covid period. The authors of the papers processed a whole range of information that focuses on the use of smart technologies in the conditions of contemporary society. The published outputs are thematically focused on the following areas: determinants affecting the quality of life of citizens, legislative changes as a solution tool impacts of the pandemic on quality of life, quality of life of citizens and social exclusion, smart technologies as a tool influencing the quality of separate waste collection, use of smart technologies in healthcare provision, use of artificial intelligence in social life.

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Understanding Digital and Green Municipalities...



Silvia Ručinská - Josef Bernhart - Franziska Cecon - George Cornel Dumitrescu (eds.)

The publication is designed as an interdisciplinary knowledge base encompassing foundations, common themes, and challenges relevant to local governance, digitalization at the municipal level, and green transformation topics. The primary target groups for this publication are teachers and researchers, university students in public administration, political science, and related fields, as well as professionals already working in local government bodies. Experts from various universities and research institutions contribute to enriching scientific discussions through this publication, addressing urgent and relevant issues concerning digital and green transformation with a focus on municipal governance.

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Obecné zriadenie – interpretácia kompetencií



Vladimíra Žofčinová - Rastislav Král  - Viktória Kráľová

A work entitled “General Establishment - Interpretation of Competences. A peer-reviewed collection of papers from the scientific conference." is a summary output of 25 papers presented at the scientific conference, which took place online on November 9, 2021. The conference was the final activity in solving the scientific research project entitled "Competences of Municipal Self-Government and the State's Participation in Their Implementation", implemented at the Faculty of Public Administration, University P.J. Šafárik in Košice with the financial support of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 1/0367/19. The contributions provide a multidisciplinary view of the still living topic of defining competencies in the performance of the administration of the municipal territory between the state and the municipality, as the basic unit of territorial self-government in Slovakia. The articles analyze the issue from the perspective of not only administrative or constitutional law, but it is also possible to find among them those that describe problems and propose solutions at the political and economic level.

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Hospodárska politika

Availability: 20 In Stock

Silvia Ručinská  - Miroslav FečkoOndrej Mitaľ

Vysokoškolská učebnica poskytuje ucelený prehľad teoretických východísk, základných myšlienok, koncepcií a súvislostí v problematike cieľov a nástrojov hospodárskej politiky. Učebnica sa zameriava na kombináciu teórie a praxe hospodárskej politiky a sumarizuje reálie v rámci cieľov hospodárskej politiky a jednotlivých druhov politík ako súčasti cyklu verejnej politiky v súčasných demokratických a právnych štátoch. Hospodársku politiku autori vnímajú ako verejnú politiku, ktorá je praktickou činnosťou vlád štátov, a zároveň aj etablovanou teoretickou vednou disciplínou, ktorá má svoje teoretické východiská a koncepcie. Autori hospodársku politiku sledujú aj v jej praktických implikáciách, ktoré sa prejavujú v jednotlivých parciálnych politikách. Vzhľadom na celospoločenskú významnosť a schopnosti ovplyvniť správanie ekonomických subjektov, štátu a verejnej správy, autori upriamujú pozornosť na menovú politiku, fiškálnu politiku, zahranično-obchodnú politiku, stabilizačnú politiku, politiku hospodárskej súťaže a štruktúrnu politiku a na celkové hodnotenie účinnosti hospodárskej politiky. Jednotlivé hospodárske politiky autori rozpracovávajú samostatne, a následne aj v ich vzájomných súvislostiach. Vysokoškolská učebnica je súhrnnou publikáciou približujúcou čitateľovi teóriu a prax hospodárskej politiky v Slovenskej republike a v širšom európskom priestore.

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