Sociálne riziká v spoločnosti XXI. storočia

Lucia TóthováKatarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Current social work addresses the serious development problems of society such as poverty, unemployment, chronic diseases, socially vulnerable groups and others. We must not forget that enough attention must be paid to the discovery of causes and a detailed analysis of these problems. The thing is that social problems have been around for a long time, they just changed their shape, old forms of social risks were replaced by the new ones that need to be explored and analyzed in order to be able to perform measures and remove the causes of social risks of the 21st century. Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation entitled Social Risks in the Society of the XXI. Century is therefore devoted to various perspectives related to social risks of modern society in the variety of contributions, indicating the broad-spectrum not only of the proceedings, but also the social work itself.

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Data sheet

E-kniha (pdf)
Lucia Tóthová, Katarína Šiňanská
Typ dokumentu:
zborník príspevkov
Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
slovenčina, poľština
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Filozofická fakulta
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Adolescents - target group?



Soňa Lovašová - Veronika Bérešová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings from the scientific conference with international participation held on December 1, 2023, in Košice.

This proceedings volume collects contributions from the 11th annual conference focused on adolescents, reflecting current interdisciplinary issues faced by this age group. It consists of 12 scholarly contributions addressing various aspects of adolescent life, including loneliness, risky behavior, and the phenomenon of radicalization. The contributions are organized into thematic sections, facilitating easier navigation for readers. Topics include prevention of radicalization, family factors, and mechanisms of cyberbullying. The proceedings offer both theoretical and practical insights valuable for professionals in social work, psychology, and other helping professions, aiming to enhance understanding of the current challenges faced by adolescents and propose effective solutions.

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Psychológia starších dospelých a poradenstvo...

Availability: 88 In Stock

Stanislav Hvozdík 

Obdobie staršej dospelosti je aj pre psychológiu príležitosť urobiť syntézu svojej prírodovednej tradície a filozofickej tradície. Psychológia sa takto môže lepšie napojiť na mentálnu prácu ľudí žijúcich toto vekové obdobie staršej dospelosti usilujúcich v rozličnej miere o  komplexicitu vo svojom živote. Psychológia môže pomôcť tomuto úsiliu, pretože celistvosť človeka je aj programom jej rozvoja. Publikácia rozpoznáva seniora  nie len ako objekt, ale aj ako subjekt usilujúci o svoju podmetovosť na jeho celoživotnej ceste. Priatie veku hľadá svoje optimálne vyjadrenie a je možné najmä v súvsťažností psychologického a spirituálneho vývinu človeka. Psychológia staršieho človeka objavuje starobu nie ako totalitu vyraďujúcu človeka  z cyklu života, ale ako obdobie výberu pre život dôležitých domén spojených s preladením do vnútra, ktoré doceňuje pokoj. V tejto optike sa selektujú veci a javy tak aby nerušili, ale harmonizovali. To nie je odmietnutie vonkajšieho, ale rozlíšenie kedy dáva zmysel. Staroba preveruje aj spoločnosť , verejnosť, ktorá by mala odrážať úroveň procesov starostlivosti o duševno. Aby svet urobilo užitočným pre človeka, ale je aj dôvodom ako to vyjadril Patočka samotnej starostlivosti o toto duševno. Pozícia starého človeka v spoločnosti je obrazom toho akú váhu spoločnosť prikladá duševnému životu ľudí. Publikácia prináša poznatky psychologickej povahy o tomto vekovom období a v špeciálnej časti informácie okolo pomáhania a poradenstva. 


Sociálna práca so skupinou


Lucia Tóthová

Social work with a group, along with social work with individuals, social work with the community and social work with society, is one of the basic methods used in the field of social work, but also in other helping professions. The work of a social worker requires knowledge of these methods but also of the techniques through which these methods are implemented and fulfilled. Understanding and acquiring individual methods for the needs of social practice requires the theoretical mastery of those institutes that are the basis of the method and the interrelationships between these institutes. Therefore, the author proceeded to elaborate a university textbook in which she focuses on one of the basic methods of social work, namely social work with a group.

The university textbook is designed for university students who are focused on social work studies, but also psychology, ethics and other disciplines using the method of working with a group, as it aims to present some facts about social groups and behaviour in them.

The author offers an insight into social work with the group from its historical foundations to today's latest knowledge of this method in accordance with the latest research of work with the group.

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Probácia v systéme trestnej politiky a...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár

Otázky trestania sú priamo spojené s trestnou politikou štátu, ktorá je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou sociálnej politiky. Dlhodobo má štát v oblasti trestania osobitné dominantné postavenie. Ak boli splnené podmienky, za ktorých môže byť uložený trest, štát si splní svoju povinnosť. Trest uloží prostredníctvom nezávislých súdov. Pritom nerieši otázky satisfakcie, ktorá prináleží obeti. Obeť môže byť v podobe konkrétnej fyzickej osoby či právnickej osoby, ktorej trestným činom bola spôsobená škoda. Táto škoda súbežne vzniká aj občianskej spoločnosti ako celku. Priorizuje sa povinnosť štátu trestať a rozhodovať v danej veci, pred odškodnením samotného poškodeného, či odškodnením občianskej spoločnosti. Zmeny, ktoré nastali v oblasti trestného práva v posledných niekoľkých rokoch, vyplynuli aj z právnych predpisov Európskej únie. Demokratizácia spoločnosti nastoľuje potrebu zabezpečiť ochranu práv a slobôd občanov, ako aj ochranu celého demokratického systému prostriedkami restoratívnej, teda netrestajúcej justície. Od priorizovania trestania sa pristupuje k posilneniu práv poškodeného v prípade trestného činu, ktorý sa ho dotýka. Ide o možnosť obete rozhodnúť o opatreniach, ktoré majú postihnúť páchateľa trestného činu tak, aby to samotná obeť považovala za dostatočnú satisfakciu. V tejto súvislosti vzniká aj v Slovenskej republike inštitút probačného a mediačného úradníka a samostatnej pozície mediátora, ako riešiteľa občianskoprávnych, rodinných, pracovných a podobných sporov. Tieto nové inštitúty spájajú prvky trestnej justície, sociálnej práce, psychológie, sociológie a ďalších odborov. Pôsobia najmä v oblasti práva, využívajú metódy a postupy sociálnej práce, čím navodzujú zmenu filozofie trestania v trestnom práve. Výkon mediácie a probácie predpokladá poznanie metód a postupov vlastných sociálnej práci. Z uvedeného dôvodu danú problematiku rozpracovávame z pozícií sociálnej práce a poukazujeme na tie oblasti, ktoré sú jej vlastné. Často sa práve v súvislosti s probáciou a mediáciou stretávame s pojmom „sociálna práca v justícii“. Mediáciou v trestných veciach rozumieme mimosúdne sprostredkovanie riešenia sporu medzi škodcom a poškodeným, za asistencie a osobnej účasti mediátora. Mediátor ako nezávislá a nestranná osoba pomáha stranám identifikovať ich záujmy a podporuje ich v hľadaní spoločných praktických a reálnych riešení v bodoch, ktoré spôsobili ich konflikt. Probáciou sa rozumie vykonávanie kontroly, dohľadu nad obvineným, obžalovaným alebo odsúdeným, ako aj individuálna pomoc páchateľovi a pôsobenie tak, aby viedol riadny život. Znižuje sa riziko recidívy, opakovaného páchania trestnej činnosti.

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Výzva a riziká spoločnosti v 21. storočí


Gabriel Eštok • Gabriela Szabariová • Matúš Béreš (eds.)

Presented publication is an outcome from the scientific conference for students and young scientists that took place on 12th and 13th May 2016 at the Department of Political science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The main aim of the presented is to bring up outcomes of research of young scientists and students from Slovakia, as well as from abroad. Many of the presented papers have become integral part of qualification theses of their authors.

This conference proceedings contains 22 papers in Slovak, Czech and English language thematically creating four different parts. Papers regarding international relations or issues exceeding a level of state power are dealing with issues of globalization, counterculture, international terrorism, extremism and a role of the EU in the Arctic. Papers dealing with the situation in the Slovak republic and abroad cover reform of security in Slovakia and in Romania, issue of dealing with totalitarian history of the states of the Visegrad group as well as development of funding of education system in Slovakia since 1919. In case of authors focusing on the socio-political situation in Slovakia we can find papers analyzing role of a reeve in city of Košice, first great political conflict during a rule of Vladimír Mečiar in Slovakia, role of Roma population in political environment in Slovakia, but also those concerning local activist or action groups and examining attitude of nursing care students towards euthanasia. The conference proceedings contents also four papers regarding theoretical or philosophical issues. Their authors focused on topic of social state, social equality, democratic theories and transformation of human nature in “post-human” era.

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Sociální péče 2. díl

Availability: 1 In Stock

Anna Arnoldová

Kniha je základní odbornou učebnicí pro studijní obor zaměřený na sociální činnosti. Jejím cílem je seznámit žáky se základy sociální péče, poskytované jednotlivým skupinám obyvatel. Umožní jim získat všeobecný přehled v oblasti komplexní sociální péče, orientaci v systému sociálních služeb, možnost aplikovat vhodné přístupy, organizaci a metody při práci s klienty různých skupin obyvatel dle věku a formy postižení, sociální péči o jednotlivce, rodinu, komunitu.

Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...


Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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Risk and preventive factors of burn-out in help...


Lenka LukáčováEva Žiaková

The burnout syndrome in the simplest sense is a state of total physical and psychological exhaustion. Its cyclical course may be misleading, often underestimated and neglected on the part of a burned-out individual, as well as by its surroundings. The neglection of warning signals strengthens the field of its occurrence and impact.

Helping professions are characterized by a number of specificities, including phenomenom associated with frequent and intense contact with "unknown" people. In addition to the many positive aspects, work with people also involves burnout syndrome. This is a very unpleasant "experience" with possible devastating effects on a potentially highly effective expert. Burning syndrome affects ot those people who practice their profession with a high intellectual and emotional attitude. The central interest of the helping profession is man in his bio-psycho-socio-spiritual unity. The helping worker in relation to client acts as the main tool and must be able to act against each client / patient not only in the context of these components but also in the context of their individuality. The Combination of lack of social support, inadequate motivation, or dissatisfaction with the work environment, these determinants can lead to the onset of burnout syndrome, which many times represents a treacherous gap that makes  lot of difficulties and can last for several years.

Monography is one of the methods with which we strive to draw attention to the problem of burnout syndrome in the performance of a helping profession. Based on this, we have focused on determining the frequency of occurrence of burnout syndrome in assisting professions based on predetermined risk factors (specific profesion, length of practice, motivators) in order to verify, confirm or refute  predefined factors. The subject of this research was also to examine the correlation between the aforementioned factors, the quality of professional life and the strategies for managing stress and stress situations. The monography is intended for helping profesions e.g. social workers, nurses, doctors etc. We also believe that, this monography will be also benefit for a wider range of helping professions, as well for all those involved in the his problematics.

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Sociálna práca: formy, postupy a metódy



Soňa Lovašová

Pred sebou máte učebnicu, ktorej cieľom je najmä priblížiť čitateľom problematiku metód, metodológie, metodiky a metodológie výskumu v sociálnej práci. Kniha je obsahovo rozdelená do štyroch celkov, ktorých usporiadanie má svoj význam. Ten spočíva najmä v obsahovej nadväznosti učebnice ako takej. Prvou časťou sú kapitoly, ktoré sa zaoberajú odbornou terminológiou, vývojom metodiky sociálnej práce a klasifikáciou metód. Druhú časť tvoria výskumné metódy sociálnej práce, kde autorka venuje priestor metodológii výskumu sociálnej práce. Cieľom týchto kapitol nie je predložiť čitateľovi metodologické minimum, len ho zorientovať v základných typoch výskumov a ukázať ako postupne, krok za krokom vytvoriť projekt výskumu. Tretia časť predstavuje prierez jednotlivými formami sociálnej práce: sociálnou prácou s jednotlivcom, rodinou, skupinou, komunitou a spoločnosťou. Každá z týchto kapitol obsahuje v úvode krátky historický vstup do problematiky. Poslednú časť učebnice predstavujú kapitoly o práci s agresiou v praxi sociálnej práce a jej rôznych podobách. Verím, že učebnica bude nápomocná študentom pri štúdiu a že svojou skladbou čitateľov osloví.

Soňa Lovašová

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Sanácia dysfunkčnej rodiny v pomáhajúcich...


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

Monografia sa zaoberá problematikou funkčných rodín, rodín ktoré sú dysfunkčné alebo ovplyvnené krízou. Analyzuje jednotlivé determinanty, ktoré vyvolávajú dysfunkčnosť rodín. Zároveň identifikuje faktory rodinných kríz a destabilizácie rodinných vzťahov. Osobitnú pozornosť venuje práci s dysfunkčnými rodinami najmä prostredníctvom sanácie rodiny, metód, foriem a postupov, využívaných najmä pomáhajúcimi profesionálmi. Monografia sa zaoberá aj súčasnými formami párového spolunažívania a faktormi, ktoré spôsobili zmeny v tejto oblasti. Rodina je skúmaná z pohľadu pomáhajúcich profesií, najmä psychologického, sociologického, andragogického, zdravotného, právneho a ekonomického. Jednotlivé perspektívy vytvárajú ucelený pohľad na skúmanú problematiku a vytvárajú multidisciplinárny priestor pre riešenie problémov v rodinnom systéme. Funkčná rodina je základom spoločnosti a preto spoločnosť musí vytvárať nástroje na pomoc rodinám pokiaľ samé nie sú schopné riešiť problémy, ktoré ovplyvňujú ich funkčnosť.

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Homosexualita a homofóbia v kontexte sociálnej...


Ján Šimko, Dušan Šlosár

The monograph is dealing with the issue of homosexuality and homophobia in the context of social work and it is divided into five chapters, which are devoted to individual fields of the tackled issue. The first chapter is describing the phenomenon of homosexuality in the society; the focus is put on human sexuality and sexual orientation. The following chapter is clarifying the formation of homosexual identity in connection to coming out and it describes its frequently utilized models. The third chapter is devoted to the concepts of heteronormativity and heterosexism in the social context. Furthermore, the chapter is dealing with the formation of attitudes towards this issue from the point of view of religion and masculinity. Another chapter is describing homophobia as the result of heteronormativity, stereotypes and prejudice. In the last chapter, the authors are introducing selected social work theories dealing with the homosexual minority, the approaches to LGBT+ community and suggestions towards elimination of homophobia within the social work environment.

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Analysis of radical and extremist groups,...


Vladimír Lichner

The scientific monograph focuses on the analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic. It provides a theoretical insight into the issues of specific organizations and movements that have been characterized in the past, or are currently characterized by belonging to ideologies that we might call anti-social. It does not focus unilaterally on one type of violent extremism, but focuses on the issue of both right-wing and left-wing religious groups. In the final part it offers a brief suggestion of prevention procedures, which could significantly influence the increase of extremist manifestations especially in young people.

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Výsledky vedeckého výskumu ako inšpirácia pre...


Eva ŽiakováLucia Tóthová a kol.

The scientific monograph was developed within the framework of the grant project Vega 1/0230/15 entitled "Social and Personality Characteristics of Oncological Ill Men and Women as one of the most important factors of sociotherapy with this group of men and women clients", with the aim of finding some common personal characteristics oncological men and women patients, to focus on choosing their coping strategies that can be significant in terms of oncological disease as well as suggesting ways and means of using the basic methods of sociotherapy as one of the most important methods of social work in working with this group of men and women clients, from the knowledge of their personal and social characteristics.

It is also a starting point for other necessary steps, namely to link the results of research to prax the themselves oncologists to hospitals, their outpatient clinics and patients as well as to support the merit of developing the sociooncology, a specific science discipline.

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Komunita a komunitná práca


Katarína ŠiňanskáDušan Šlosár

The presented monograph deals with various views on of the community issue and community work, with which  area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know in the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession. The authors consider community work to be one of the possibilities for fully involving the inhabitants in co-responsible decision-making on things that fundamentally affect their lives. The monograph characterizes in  fifteen chapters the community and the processes that takes place in it, outlines a brief history and approaches in community work. It offers theoretical background, which is used in community work as a necessary prerequisite for a professional approach practice. The monograph also points to the important position of professional help in  community.

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Čo prinieslo sociálnej práci 100 rokov? Minulé...


Katarína ŠiňanskáFrantiška Petriková (eds.)

The present proceedings is devoted to different perspectives on the problems addressed by the field of social work and also the changes in the orientation of social work with respect to the current requirements of society. Proceeding is made up of a wide range of contributions from various spheres belonging to the sphere of social work. Contributions are devoted to the cyber world of social work, supervision, self-care, risk behavior, but also social work in the past. 
The cyberspace in social work is elaborated in several contributions, suggesting a new dimension of social work. In the contributions about cybe world, the authors consider “cyberspace” as a new form of counseling and assistance to clients, as the present time is more online-oriented. Proceedings of international conference "What has brought social work 100 years?" The past and present forms of social work are therefore devoted to various themes, incentives and insights into the benefits of the contribution of social work over 100 years, examining and evaluating past, present but also future forms of social work as a science.

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