Trauma- informovaný přístup

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Olga Klepáčková - Zuzana Krejčí - Martina Černá

Představuje trauma ojedinělou událost, či se jedná o téměř univerzální zkušenost, která se dotýká přímo či nepřímo každého z nás? Jaké příběhy si nesou ti, kteří potřebují pomoc? Jak lépe rozumět jejich navenek problémovému nebo sebedestruktivnímu chování? Proč je pro mnohé klienty tak těžké vnímat svět jako bezpečné místo i mnoho let po traumatické události? Jak účinně pomoci klientům a přinést jim do života novou naději? Odpovědi na tyto a mnohé další otázky pomáhá najít tato kniha, která je první českou publikací věnovanou tématu trauma-informovaného přístupu v sociální práci. 

Tento přístup klade důraz na silné stránky, resilienci a rozvoj zdravých dovedností klienta místo zaměření výhradně na patologii a pouhé řešení symptomů. 

Kniha srozumitelnou formou přináší zejména odborným pracovníkům pomáhajících profesí a studentům sociálně zaměřených oborů nový úhel pohledu na klienty a jejich potřeby, vlastní roli v životech těchto klientů, na význam a možný přínos vzájemného vztahu a také možnosti, jak zejména klientům zasaženým traumatem lépe porozumět, jak je podpořit a účinně jim v rámci poskytované služby pomoci.
Pomáhá sociálním a dalším odborným pracovníkům najít si cestu i k těm nejzranitelnějším a nejohroženějším klientům, jejichž životy jsou v důsledku prožitého traumatu často plné chaosu, obav a strachu, otřesené ztrátou zdravých vztahů s druhými, ztrátou pocitu důvěry, bezpečí a kontroly. Pomáhá naučit se přijímat klienty s ohleduplnějším a respektujícím postojem a lépe si uvědomit, jak je může minulost ovlivňovat v současnosti a jakou formu podpory a péče skutečně potřebují. 

Publikace se věnuje nejen teoretickým východiskům trauma-informovaného přístupu, ale také jeho využití v práci s vybranými cílovými skupinami a je obohacena o pohled a zkušenosti českých i zahraničních odborných pracovníků z aplikační sféry. Nepřináší však jen odborné poznatky – je také laskavým ujištěním o odvaze, nezlomnosti navzdory okolnostem a síle lidskosti.

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Olga Klepáčková - Zuzana Krejčí - Martina Černá
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16 other products in the same category:

Komunita a komunitná práca


Katarína ŠiňanskáDušan Šlosár

The presented monograph deals with various views on of the community issue and community work, with which  area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know in the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession. The authors consider community work to be one of the possibilities for fully involving the inhabitants in co-responsible decision-making on things that fundamentally affect their lives. The monograph characterizes in  fifteen chapters the community and the processes that takes place in it, outlines a brief history and approaches in community work. It offers theoretical background, which is used in community work as a necessary prerequisite for a professional approach practice. The monograph also points to the important position of professional help in  community.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment. In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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Extrémizmus a radikalizácia v sociálnych...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár a kol.

It is very difficult to refer to any act of extremism or action having extremist characteristics, or to exclude it unambiguously. The boundary between extremism and accepted, conformal behavior is very broad and vaguely worded. Each company tends to set certain criteria to determine what can be considered as unwanted, violent, radical or extreme, or what signs of such a manifestation do not have. Therefore, when comparing the individual countries of the European Union in this area, we come across a different definition of what is or is not considered to be radical or extremist. In essence, the level of tolerance to some of the manifestations and the setting of indicators for the evaluation of the proceedings as extremist.

The presented monograph aims to present the basic social contexts of extremism and radicalization in the form of their philosophical and theoretical backgrounds, influencing the factors, the basic directions. In the author's work, the authors focus on the target group of adolescents, which they consider to be one of the most endangered groups in society in terms of development of the radicalization process. At the conclusion of the monograph is also offered the criminal level of these phenomena, which is not unavoidable in terms of complex analysis.

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Adolescents - target group?



Soňa Lovašová - Veronika Bérešová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings from the scientific conference with international participation held on December 1, 2023, in Košice.

This proceedings volume collects contributions from the 11th annual conference focused on adolescents, reflecting current interdisciplinary issues faced by this age group. It consists of 12 scholarly contributions addressing various aspects of adolescent life, including loneliness, risky behavior, and the phenomenon of radicalization. The contributions are organized into thematic sections, facilitating easier navigation for readers. Topics include prevention of radicalization, family factors, and mechanisms of cyberbullying. The proceedings offer both theoretical and practical insights valuable for professionals in social work, psychology, and other helping professions, aiming to enhance understanding of the current challenges faced by adolescents and propose effective solutions.

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Rizikové správanie v teórii a praxi sociálnej...



Soňa Lovašová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou konanej dňa 28. 11. 2014 v Košiciach

Sociálna práca patrí medzi pomáhajúce profesie, ktoré možno považovať z rôznych hľadísk za vysoko rizikové. Klientela využívajúca sociálne služby je veľmi rozmanitá. Často ide o jedincov vo vyhrotených životných situáciách. Typické je vyhľadanie pomoci, až keď sa klient ocitá na dne. Spolu s inými faktormi to môže viesť k vzniku rôznych rizikových situácií. Zborník vznikol v rámci riešenia úlohy VEGA č. 1/0332/12 s názvom Analýza vybraných rizikových faktorov klientskeho násilia v sociálnej práci s dôrazom na prevenciu klientskeho násilia a prípravu sociálnych pracovníkov - Národné zmapovanie výskytu násilia klientov voči sociálnym pracovníkom na Slovensku. Tematické zameranie zborníka je širšie, veď klientske násilie je len jedným z mnohých rizík v sociálnej práci. V zborníku čitateľ nájde 52 článkov, ktoré sa zaoberajú rizikovosťou sociálnej práce z mnohých hľadísk. Ponúkajú zaujímavý prehľad teoretických východísk, ako aj výskumných zistení. Množstvo tematických príspevkov svedčí o tom, že problematika rizika v sociálnej práci je nanajvýš aktuálna a že sa jej venuje pozornosť v oblasti teórie aj praxe. Prepojenie týchto dvoch oblastí je pre elimináciu rizika a jeho zvládanie nevyhnutnosťou. Veď prípravu odborníkov v zmysle rôznych tréningov, vzdelávaní, či vysokoškolských predmetov realizujú aj „teoretici“. Ich východiská, okrem klasických teórií, tvoria poznatky a potreby odborníkov z praxe, ktoré sa snažia zohľadniť a zapracovať do teórie, ktorú môžu následne ponúkať vo vyššej kvalite, s aplikáciou na konkrétnu oblasť sociálnej práce. Ak sa tento cyklus podarí úspešne zavŕšiť, je spolupráca medzi teóriou a praxou určite prínosom. Som veľmi rada, že aj my sme k nej prispeli svojim malým, ale dôležitým podielom a že podobné odborné podujatia sa na pôde Katedry sociálnej práce na Filozofickej fakulte UPJŠ stávajú tradíciou.

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Risk and preventive factors of burn-out in help...


Lenka LukáčováEva Žiaková

The burnout syndrome in the simplest sense is a state of total physical and psychological exhaustion. Its cyclical course may be misleading, often underestimated and neglected on the part of a burned-out individual, as well as by its surroundings. The neglection of warning signals strengthens the field of its occurrence and impact.

Helping professions are characterized by a number of specificities, including phenomenom associated with frequent and intense contact with "unknown" people. In addition to the many positive aspects, work with people also involves burnout syndrome. This is a very unpleasant "experience" with possible devastating effects on a potentially highly effective expert. Burning syndrome affects ot those people who practice their profession with a high intellectual and emotional attitude. The central interest of the helping profession is man in his bio-psycho-socio-spiritual unity. The helping worker in relation to client acts as the main tool and must be able to act against each client / patient not only in the context of these components but also in the context of their individuality. The Combination of lack of social support, inadequate motivation, or dissatisfaction with the work environment, these determinants can lead to the onset of burnout syndrome, which many times represents a treacherous gap that makes  lot of difficulties and can last for several years.

Monography is one of the methods with which we strive to draw attention to the problem of burnout syndrome in the performance of a helping profession. Based on this, we have focused on determining the frequency of occurrence of burnout syndrome in assisting professions based on predetermined risk factors (specific profesion, length of practice, motivators) in order to verify, confirm or refute  predefined factors. The subject of this research was also to examine the correlation between the aforementioned factors, the quality of professional life and the strategies for managing stress and stress situations. The monography is intended for helping profesions e.g. social workers, nurses, doctors etc. We also believe that, this monography will be also benefit for a wider range of helping professions, as well for all those involved in the his problematics.

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Through Loneliness to Abstinence: Or why...


Ján KahanEva Žiaková

The monograph focuses on the issue of loneliness among substance-addicted people in the context of abstinence prospects and re/lapse prevention. In the monograph these phenomena, several theories were integrated and applied in the context of the ecosystem meta-framework of social work and practical contexts. The ecosystem meta-theory serves as a meta-construct with the ability to encompass the complexity of social phenomena as well as that of human beings within the structure of their living and social environment, formal and informal networks, and close intimate relationships. In this monograph are presented research sample consisted of 235 respondents – hospitalised addicts undergoing urgent treatment, abstaining A-club members as well as members of psychotherapy and self-help groups. The research showed that abstainers were statistically less lonely than the hospitalised respondents. Quantitative data of research are complemented by qualitative data collected in four case studies; two of them focused on two long-term abstainers from alcohol and drugs, while the other two case studies dealt with two respondents in post-hoc treatment undergoing the resocialization process. The research also showed that respondents who broke abstinence felt lonelier than their successfully abstaining counterparts. The results were supported also by the fact that a statistically significant inversely proportional relationship was identified between the duration of abstinence and loneliness rate. Gender differences were found between the hospitalised addicts in all loneliness dimensions. Naturally, the combined research was limited in certain aspects, mainly in terms of the size and proportional distribution of the research sample and its subgroups, test battery extent, and general nature of the population studied. Triangulation among quantitative and qualitative with the theoretical starting points confirmed the existence of a relationship among loneliness, addiction, and prospect of abstinence.

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Psychológia starších dospelých a poradenstvo...

Availability: 88 In Stock

Stanislav Hvozdík 

Obdobie staršej dospelosti je aj pre psychológiu príležitosť urobiť syntézu svojej prírodovednej tradície a filozofickej tradície. Psychológia sa takto môže lepšie napojiť na mentálnu prácu ľudí žijúcich toto vekové obdobie staršej dospelosti usilujúcich v rozličnej miere o  komplexicitu vo svojom živote. Psychológia môže pomôcť tomuto úsiliu, pretože celistvosť človeka je aj programom jej rozvoja. Publikácia rozpoznáva seniora  nie len ako objekt, ale aj ako subjekt usilujúci o svoju podmetovosť na jeho celoživotnej ceste. Priatie veku hľadá svoje optimálne vyjadrenie a je možné najmä v súvsťažností psychologického a spirituálneho vývinu človeka. Psychológia staršieho človeka objavuje starobu nie ako totalitu vyraďujúcu človeka  z cyklu života, ale ako obdobie výberu pre život dôležitých domén spojených s preladením do vnútra, ktoré doceňuje pokoj. V tejto optike sa selektujú veci a javy tak aby nerušili, ale harmonizovali. To nie je odmietnutie vonkajšieho, ale rozlíšenie kedy dáva zmysel. Staroba preveruje aj spoločnosť , verejnosť, ktorá by mala odrážať úroveň procesov starostlivosti o duševno. Aby svet urobilo užitočným pre človeka, ale je aj dôvodom ako to vyjadril Patočka samotnej starostlivosti o toto duševno. Pozícia starého človeka v spoločnosti je obrazom toho akú váhu spoločnosť prikladá duševnému životu ľudí. Publikácia prináša poznatky psychologickej povahy o tomto vekovom období a v špeciálnej časti informácie okolo pomáhania a poradenstva. 


Špecifiká práce s mládežou v neziskovom sektore


Katarína Šiňanská

The presented university textbook deals with various views on the issue of youth work in the non-governmental non-profit sector, with which the area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know during the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession. It also offers an application through practical demonstrations. The area of youth work is frequent in the non-profit sector. Many diverse activities and projects are being developed based on the basic concept of empowerment. Their aim is to involve young people as much as possible in public life. In addition, with a specific focus on those young people who are struggling with some form of disadvantage.

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Adolescent´s Virtual and Real Environment


Magdaléna Halachová - Denisa Rovenská

The monograph theoretically analyzes the virtual environment and its aspects, offers insight into the identity of the child in the virtual environment, the necessity of social support and the diversity of social relationships in the real world and virtual reality. Furthermore, it contains the fundamental training program designed to minimize the risks of the virtual reality, because adolescents are often exposed to risks uncontrollably. For that reason it focuses on adolescent and empowering optimal self-image, as well as creating and maintaining real social networks. The set of experiential-educational activities is conceptually divided into two main areas. The first one is content-focused on the adolescent, his/her psychological capability including opinions, attitudes, emotions, competences, and self-reflection. The second one focuses on interpersonal real and virtual relationships, the recognition of the advantages and disadvantages of internet communication and face-to-face interaction, and last but not least for more optimal use of the Internet and preference for real social interaction.


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Metanoia v teórii a praxi sociálnej práce



Eva ŽiakováTomáš Šeďo (eds.)

Peer-reviewed collection of contributions from an online scientific conference (9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce) with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021.

The present peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled “Metanoia in social work theory and practice” is an output of the 9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce, an online conference with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021. As the name of the conference implies, the pivotal topic of submitted contributions is metanoia, which represents a change in life attitude. Various interesting and actual issues concerning diverse aspects of social work are discussed in the individual contributions. The present collection comprises contributions oriented towards the issues of social pathology and its prevention, supervision, the importance of digital technologies in social work, research methods, self-care and so forth. The collection further contains several contributions devoted to the exceptionally actual issues of radicalism and extremism, which are widespread and serious occurrences in the present time. The contributions are highly original and beneficial from the point of view of theoretical conceptions and methodological procedures apart from offering quality empirical processing and interesting results.

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Manifestations of Radicalism and Extremism in...


Lucia TóthováDušan Šlosár

The publication "Manifestations of Radicalism and Extremism in Social Relations" is an input analysis of the individual areas that the authors want to focus on in their research activities in the study of radicalism and extremism. The context of the study is in the possibility of social work in influencing radical and extremist tendencies in those areas that we can designate as working fields of social work. The authors of the individual papers focus on the theoretical definition of extremism and radicalism, types and forms of extremism, factors affecting the formation of the radical and extremist thoughts, focusing on specific target groups (especially youth) and the role of social work in the issue of radicalism and extremism, and they also represent the results of research in the field.

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Študentská vedecká a odborná činnosť v...



Magdaléna Halachová - Vladimír Lichner - Katarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 25.4.2013 v Košiciach

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie vznikol v rámci celoslovenského kola podujatia  Študentskej vedeckej a odbornej činnosti v študijnom odbore 3.1.14 Sociálna práca, ktoré sa konalo dňa 25.4.2013 v Košiciach. Ústrednou témou zborníka je rozpracovanie rôznych problémových okruhov z oblasti sociálnej práce ako vednej disciplíny i praktickej činnosti študentmi, mladými vedeckými pracovníkmi pod gesciou skúsených odborníkov. Príspevky v zborníku pojednávajú napríklad o tematike sociálnych služieb, terénnej sociálnej práce, školskej sociálnej práce a podobne. Taktiež upozorňujú na nebezpečenstvo sociálno-patologických javov, ako napríklad záškoláctvo, drogové závislosti, chudoba, šikanovania a podobne. Prezentované výsledky jednoznačne poukazujú na význam sociálnej práce a iných  pomáhajúcich profesií pri práci s jednotlivými klientskými skupinami.

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