Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2023



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Marián Kireš
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Adriana Zeleňáková

One of the fundamental characteristics of the magnetic state of ferromagnetic materials is the existence of a domain structure. The university textbook "MAGNETIC DOMAINS: SPECIAL PHYSICAL PRACTICE 1" is intended primarily for students of the Master's programme in Physics of Condensed Matter FKLm and for the PhD programme in Progressive Materials PMd within the profile subject Special Practice 1 at the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.  The textbook is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the basics of domain theory, including the history of domain observation and the specification of different types of energies in ferromagnetic body. The second chapter presents the relationship between domain structure and magnetisation processes in ferromagnetic materials The third chapter describes the different types of domain-wall interactions with the defect. The fourth chapter illustrates examples of domain structure in selected ferromagnetic body such as grain oriented and non-grain oriented electrical steels, amorphous and nanocrystalline ribbons. The fifth chapter summarises an overview of the different experimental methods used to visualise the domain structure and their advantages or disadvantages with respect to the structure of ferromagnetic materials. The last two chapters, the sixth and the seventh, are devoted to specific experimental tasks for observing the domain structure of a selected polycrystalline sample using the optical microscope Bitter powder method and the MFM (magnetic force microscopy) method. During the preparation of this undergraduate text, its individual parts were developed using the foreign language literature listed in the recommended references.

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Ľubomír Kováč

Učebný text „Zoogeografia“ objasňuje základné princípy a historický vývoj rozšírenia živočíchov na Zemi, a ďalej analyzuje faktory, ktoré ho ovplyvňujú. Vďaka moderným vedeckým metódam a technikám výskumu je zoogeografia veľmi dynamicky sa rozvíjajúcou disciplínou. Z geologických etáp je podrobnejšie spracovaná problematika paleoklimatických cyklov kvartéru, holocénu a vývoja postglaciálnej klímy, ktoré zohrali významnú úlohu pri dynamike vývoja živočíšnych areálov. Areálová analýza charakterizuje a triedi areály živočíchov a ich dynamiku v nadväznosti na speciáciu. Podrobne je spracovaná problematika zoogeografických oblastí s dôrazom na palearktickú oblasť. Časť zameraná na dynamickú zoogeografiu rieši najmä problematiku refúgií a reliktov v súvislosti s vývojom pleistocénnej paleoklímy. Text stručnou formou sumarizuje základné antropogénne faktory, ktoré v recentnej dobe drastickým spôsobom limitujú rozšírenie živočíchov v rýchlo ubúdajúcom prírodnom prostredí na Zemi. Text ďalej prehľadným spôsobom charakterizuje biogeografiu Karpát a faunu územia Slovenska. Záverečná časť prezentuje fylogeografiu ako modernú vednú disciplínu zameranú na rekonštrukciu migračných ciest v postglaciáli, ktorá je podložená analýzou molekulárnych markerov populácií živočíchov v širšom geografickom kontexte. 


Stresová fyziológia rastlín - Návody na cvičenia



Jozef Kováčik

Tieto „Návody na cvičenia“ prezentujú stručný prehľad bežne používaných metodík i progresívne metodiky napr. s použitím kvapalinovej chromatografie a fluorescenčného mikroskopu. Jednotlivé úlohy sa selektovali na základe výskumného zamerania Katedry botaniky PF UPJŠ v Košiciach z hľadiska „stresovej fyziológie“. Niektoré úlohy je tiež možné využiť v rámci predmetu „Ekológia rastlín“. Ako modelová rastlina pre jednotlivé úlohy sa typicky používa rumanček kamilkový z dôvodu dlhoročnej histórie jeho výskumu na Katedre botaniky PF UPJŠ a jeho nenáročnosti na kultiváciu v laboratórnych podmienkach. Jednotlivé kapitoly prezentujú aj stručný význam sledovaných parametrov, princíp stanovenia a metabolizmus (vznik alebo odbúravanie) s cieľom naznačiť ich vzájomný kontext, keďže stanovenie individuálneho parametra nemôže poskytnúť všeobecnejšiu výpoveď o celkových príčinách a dopadoch pozorovanej zmeny (ale naopak, môže poskytnúť predpoklad pre preverenie hypotézy na úrovni iných parametrov...). Pre hlbšie štúdium jednotlivých problematík existuje dostatok kvalitných zahraničných monografií a prehľadových (tzv. „review“) článkov. 

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Zbierka úloh z fyziky elementárnych častíc



Marek Bombara

The collection of exercises summarises and supplements the exercises realised at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice within the lecture course Elementary Particle Physics. The collection is intended for the master students of the Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics subject, but it could be beneficial also for other physics subjects or even for interdisciplinary study. 

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Digitálna forenzná analýza I.



Pavol Sokol - Ladislav Bačo - Tomáš Bajtoš

In the university textbook, we present the theoretical foundations and technical details of the activities of a forensic investigator. We describe the identification and provision of digital tracks, file system analysis. analysis of various artifacts of the Windows operating system, analysis of the operating memory. The textbook is also supplemented by a chapter devoted to the analysis of malicious code (malware). University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Štruktúra a reaktivita – riešené príklady a...



Slávka Hamuľaková

The textbook "Structure and reactivity - solved examples and tasks, part 1" is the basis for teaching the subject "Structure and reactivity" for students of the 1st year of master's studies at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, department of Organic Chemistry. The textbook is divided into individual chapters, each chapter offering students examples of chemical reactions, where their course is explained on the basis of appropriate reaction mechanisms. A substantial part of the textbook consists of unresolved tasks, the main goal of which is the development of students' knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the textbook is focused on only one semester of study, it cannot cover all reactions, rather it is only representative examples of different types of reactions, such as: addition reactions, elimination reactions, aromatic substitution, addition-elimination reactions, radical reactions and pericyclic reactions.

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Výpočtová a kognitívna neuroveda II (Návody na...



Norbert Kopčo

Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field of science at the interface of biological, psychological and computer sciences, which aims to describe the functioning of the brain and mind. Computational and cognitive neuroscience are subfields of neuroscience focused on the study of information processing in the human and animal nervous systems, and on the theoretical description of the brain and mind. This university textbook contains several assignments that provide an overview of the methods used in computational and cognitive neuroscience, with an emphasis on mathematical modeling and on the behavioral study of cognitive processes. The textbook builds on the author's previous works.

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Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics



Jozef Strečka

Over the past fifteen years, the course on ’Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics’ has become an indispensable ground of the study programme ’Theoretical Physics’ at Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef ˇSaf´arik University in Koˇsice. At first, the course based on the first edition of this textbook was intended for undergraduate students only, however, I have later prepared follow-up course taught at a postgraduate level on demand of several ambitious students who wished to continue in studying this exciting research field. It is already more than decade when our students enrolled in the study programme ’Theoretical Physics’ graduate from ’Introduction to Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics’ at a master level and ’Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics’ at a postgraduate level. Of course, it was necessary somehow to rearrange topics for the courses of undergraduate and postgraduate students. More specifically, a few more challenging topics concerned with exact solutions of 2D Ising model (chapter 3) were moved to a more advanced course intended for the postgraduate students, while an introductory course intended for the undergraduate students was contrarily supplemented with a few new topics requiring the second edition of this textbook. The second edition of this textbook thus contains a completely new chapter 4 devoted to the exact solution of the Ising model on the Bethe lattice using the method of exact recursion relations, while the chapter 5 was supplemented by exact results for ground state of a few frustrated Heisenberg spin models using the variational method. It is my hope that the next edition of this textbook will come soon and it will involve all topics specifically taught within the postgraduate course as well. 

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Názvoslovie organických zlúčenín



Miroslava Martinková

This electronic material provides the basic principles of creating a systematic nomenclature of organic compounds, from the simplest hydrocarbons to the more complicated nomenclature of carbohydrates. For some groups of derivatives, alternative ways of generating system names are also mentioned, as well as the most common trivial names that are still in use in the literature and in practice, in some cases being the characteristic (dominant) ones. In the introductory section, the basic rules to be respected when writing names of organic compounds are discussed. This document is intended primarily for interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate students as support material for the courses Organic Chemistry and Selected Chapters in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. In the final section of this document, solved examples are given so that the student can check how the rules for forming the names of organic compounds have been understood.

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Teória vypočítateľnosti



Ľubomír Antoni-Stanislav Krajči

An important part of theoretical computer science is the problem of Turing machines. This computational model has two basic properties: like any other computational program, the software of a Turing machine is composed of instructions, but in its case they are all of a single type. Every other (so far known) computer program can be transformed into a Turing machine program without loss of information. While the second feature reduces the question of what a calculator cannot do to the question of what a Turing machine cannot do, the first feature allows a much simpler investigation of such a question. Using this computational model, we can thus find concrete problems that no automaton can ever deal with (perhaps the most famous is the problem of the Turing machine stopping). Their existence demonstrates the fundamental limitations of (not only ideal) computational means, and thus encourages both criticality and humility in our thinking.

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Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky



Janka Vrláková - Adela Kravčáková - Stanislav Vokál

Predkladaná „Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky“ je určená ako základný študijný materiál k prednáškam zo Všeobecnej fyziky IV v druhom ročníku bakalárskeho jednoodborového štúdia fyziky a medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s fyzikou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Jej cieľom je podporiť samostatnú prácu študentov a riešením vybraných úloh prehĺbiť získané poznatky z daného kurzu fyziky. Je rozdelená na tri hlavné časti: Atómovú fyziku, Jadrovú fyziku a Experimentálne metódy jadrovej fyziky. Každá tematická kapitola obsahuje prehľad základných pojmov, vzťahov a vzorcov, potrebných na lepšie pochopenie vzorových príkladov a na vyriešenie priloženého súboru neriešených príkladov.

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