NOVEL TRENDS IN CHEMISTRY, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice 2023


Miroslav Almáši

The scientific book of abstracts from the conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2023“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry, didactics of chemistry, and NMR spectroscopy.

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Data sheet

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Miroslav Almáši
Typ dokumentu:
zborník abstraktov
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Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
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Gregor Bánó

Photonics is an application-oriented discipline at the interface of optics, opto-electronics and quantum optics. It includes classical optics extended by the description of physical phenomena and optical devices that rely on quantum (photon) nature of light.
The main objective of the Photonics course is to provide a comprehensive overview of essential optical and photonic phenomena routinely applied in experimental scientific research while working with various light sources (e.g. in the field of biophotonics). The first chapters are devoted to the description of light at different levels. The logical order of subsections in this part corresponds to the structure of the textbook: B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics. The following chapters contain a description of laser operation and an overview of selected optical instruments and their applications.
The body text is complemented by practical notes on the use of theoretical knowledge during daily work in the laboratory. The course of Photonics requires a basic knowledge of mathematics, electromagnetism and optics, and thus it is recommended to students who previously passed through the courses of the Bachelor's program in Physics.

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice under the auspices of Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH in Hamburg organizes School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users 2024 (SFEL 2024). The school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022. The aim of the SFEL2024 school is to facilitate the growth of new Slovak research community of high expertise in high-efficiency RTG laser and synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-how in these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2024 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and forming scientific teams of XFEL users. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of European XFEL GmbH Company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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Počítačová fyzika II



Milan Žukovič

This textbook is intended for master's degree students and is a follow-up to the Computational Physics I course studied at the bachelor's level. The content of the textbook Computational Physics II focuses on stochastic methods of solving physical problems, mainly on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of many-particle systems. The focus on this computationally intensive approach is motivated by the gradual increase in the computing capacities of ordinary computers as well as the introduction of high-performance computing clusters. This has led to significant progress in the development of new simulation techniques, thanks to which MC simulations have found application in various areas of research and application practice. Considering the main research focus of the department, this text is particularly devoted to the presentation of basic and more advanced MC simulation techniques applied to a simple Ising spin model in order to investigate its magnetic, thermodynamic and critical properties. The next part is devoted to MC simulations of random processes. It focuses on the simplest but also the most basic random walk process and demonstrates its applications in financial analysis and the solution of a quantum system described by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The last part is dedicated to the basics of molecular dynamics, applied to simulating the classical movement of atoms in a given force field. By mastering the problems addressed in this course, students will obtain a potential tool for working out of their diploma theses, or a methodology useful for their further scientific and research practice in the field of investigating of complex systems. The lectured topic is subsequently exercised in the form of preparing projects implemented in the freely distributable software Octave, which is easy on the user's programming skills and which students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with in the previous study.

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General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics


Adela KravčákováStanislav VokálJanka Vrláková 

The presented “General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics” is intended as a basic study material for lectures from General Physics IV in the second year of bachelor-level study of physics and interdisciplinary study in combination with physics at the Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The content covers the first part of the given course of physics, devoted to atomic physics. The aim of the course is to obtain basic information about the structure of the atom and the electron shell of the atom.

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Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical...


Jozef StrečkaHana ČenčarikováAndrej Gendiar (eds.)

June 7th - 8th, 2019, Košsice, Slovakia

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which will be held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia. The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference „New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice 2020“. The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Štruktúra a reaktivita – riešené príklady a...



Slávka Hamuľaková

The textbook "Structure and reactivity - solved examples and tasks, part 1" is the basis for teaching the subject "Structure and reactivity" for students of the 1st year of master's studies at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, department of Organic Chemistry. The textbook is divided into individual chapters, each chapter offering students examples of chemical reactions, where their course is explained on the basis of appropriate reaction mechanisms. A substantial part of the textbook consists of unresolved tasks, the main goal of which is the development of students' knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the textbook is focused on only one semester of study, it cannot cover all reactions, rather it is only representative examples of different types of reactions, such as: addition reactions, elimination reactions, aromatic substitution, addition-elimination reactions, radical reactions and pericyclic reactions.

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Juraj ŠevcFilip Mochnacký

Students studying biology as the single-subject or as a part of two-subject programs on various faculties of sciences are often encountered with the problem, how to limit the topics in the subject Human anatomy. This List of anatomical terms is aiming to help the non-medical students to get acquainted with the extensive anatomical nomenclature and to optimize the number of anatomical terms, which should be memorized, to preserve the sufficient capacity of the students for another knowledge of the field of systemic, comparative, developmental and functional anatomy. The emphasis on the arrangement of individual anatomical terms into the logical units supports the hierarchical view on the architecture of the human body. Despite the common opinion, anatomical nomenclature represents a framework, which is during the further study gradually enveloped with the knowledge of more or less related disciplines concerning with the human body and its biological processes. Moreover, besides this ambition, which exceeds the area of the human anatomy, this List of anatomical terms continues the long tradition with respect to the valid Latin and Slovak anatomical terminology.

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Teória vypočítateľnosti



Ľubomír Antoni-Stanislav Krajči

An important part of theoretical computer science is the problem of Turing machines. This computational model has two basic properties: like any other computational program, the software of a Turing machine is composed of instructions, but in its case they are all of a single type. Every other (so far known) computer program can be transformed into a Turing machine program without loss of information. While the second feature reduces the question of what a calculator cannot do to the question of what a Turing machine cannot do, the first feature allows a much simpler investigation of such a question. Using this computational model, we can thus find concrete problems that no automaton can ever deal with (perhaps the most famous is the problem of the Turing machine stopping). Their existence demonstrates the fundamental limitations of (not only ideal) computational means, and thus encourages both criticality and humility in our thinking.

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Cytológia pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia

Availability: 50 In Stock

Ján Kleban a kolektív

Predkladaný pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia z cytológie je určený poslucháčom 1. ročníka bakalárskeho štúdia biológie a 1. ročníka bakalárskeho medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s biológiou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Slúži ako návod, ktorý má študentom uľahčiť prácu a umožniť rýchlejšiu orientáciu v zadanej úlohe. Úprava pracovného zošita do formy protokolov umožňuje študentom zakresliť vlastné pozorovanie a tým stimuluje študentov k presnejšiemu a trvalejšiemu zapamätaniu si precvičovanej úlohy a zároveň umožňuje spätnú kontrolu pedagógom. Počas cvičení sa študenti postupne oboznámia so základnými pojmami optiky, s aplikáciami využívajúcimi mikroskopickú techniku, ale aj so základnými rozdielmi medzi štruktúrou rastlinnej a živočíšnej bunky a ich organelami.

14.česko-slovenská študentská vedecká...



Adriana Zeleňáková - Zuzana Ješková - Adela Kravčáková - Gabriela Fabriciová - Erik Čižmár - Róbert Tarasenko - Jaroslava Szűcsová - Ľuboš Nagy (eds.)

Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevkov účastníkov 14. česko - slovenskej študentskej vedeckej konferencie vo fyzike, ktorá sa konala 2.-3.mája 2024 na PF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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Základy experimentálnych metód vo fyzike...



Martin Orendáč

Učebnica má slúžiť na prípravu študentov, ktorí sa budú venovať experimentálnemu štúdiu vlastností kondenzovaných látok. Ukazuje sa, že súčasný experimentálny fyzik musí mať nielen dostatočne podrobné vedomosti o fyzikálnych procesoch odohrávajúcich sa v objekte, ktorý je predmetom štúdia, ale aj o spôsoboch vytvorenia experimentálnych podmienok, v akých sa experiment uskutočňuje. Aktívna znalosť spôsobu činnosti celej experimentálnej zostavy môže mať zásadný význam pri implementácii resp. potenciálnej úprave používanej meracej metodiky.

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Availability: 59 In Stock

 Andrej Oriňak - Renáta Oriňaková - Andrea Fedorková

Nanotechnology represent the fastest developing science in the present. They are based on the technologies that enable the matter manipulation at atomic level. Nanotechnology offer prepartion of the new materials with unknown and very specific properties and functions.Recent nanotechnology still stay in formative phase of their development. But more and more they are visible with nano-specific phenomenons in the fundamental control of the properties as well mater behaviour. This is quite possible that without nanotechnology will not work any science to the future, moreover that science will not exist anymore. Nanotechnolgy will give a chance and force to transform world to more environmental and comfortable. Expected is expansion of the nanotechnolgy to molecular nanosystems – heterogenous nets, in which molecules and supramolecules work as the nanodevices. The computers and robots will be reduced to the small and ultrasmall dimensions. In medicine will foremost the application of nanotechnology in genetic therapy and elimination of ageing. Nanosurgery will work at molecular level, cancer cells will be identified early and filtered , then substituted with healthy and unchanged. It is necessary to inform university or high school students  about principles of nanotechnolgy, preparation of the nanostructures, functionality of them and to offer full representation about molecular systems and nanodevices; the methods of nanostructures characterization and about application in miniaturized systems. 


Pravdepodobnosť v príkladoch
  • On sale!
  • -€9.39

Pravdepodobnosť v príkladoch

€10.39 €1.00 -€9.39
Availability: 91 In Stock

Valéria Skřivánková 

Predložený učebný text sa pokúša ilustrovať možné aplikácie Teórie pravdepodobnosti na príkladoch z oblastí (vo fyzike, chémii,  biológii, ekonomike, finančníctve, atď.), ktoré sú spestrené o úlohy na hľadanie optimálnej stratégie.

Text je určený predovšetkým poslucháčom Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ, budúcim učiteľom matematiky, študentom odboru matematika a informatika prípadne iným záujemcom, ktorí budú aplikovať pravdepodobnostné metódy pri riešení reálnych problémov. Obsahom pokrýva prvú časť predmetu "Pravdepodobnosť a štatistika".


Zbierka úloh z matematiky pre nematematické odbory
  • On sale!
  • -€7.79

Zbierka úloh z matematiky pre nematematické odbory

€8.79 €1.00 -€7.79
Availability: 50 In Stock

Danica Studenovská a kol. 

Táto zbierka úloh je určená poslucháčom Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ, ktorí sa v rámci predmetu Matematika I. zoznamujú s pojmami funkcie, limity, derivácie, integrálu a ich aplikáciami. Ide najmä o študentov nematematických odborov a učiteľských kombinácií, avšak táto zbierka je vhodná aj pre iných študentov a záujemcov o základy matematickej analýzy.


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