Obchodné záväzky: Všeobecná časť


Dominika Zavadová(ed.)

Zborník z III. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva

V novembri 2015 sa v univerzitnom účelovom zariadení v Danišovciach uskutočnil už tretí ročník študentského sympózia z obchodného práva. Po dvoch rokoch sympózií zameraných na právo obchodných spoločností bola strešnou témou tretieho ročníka všeobecná časť obchodného záväzkového práva. Aj v tomto roku ostalo cieľom študentského sympózia vytvoriť väčší priestor formulovať vlastný pohľad na určitú aktuálnu právnu problematiku a prezentovať výsledky vlastnej práce.
Strešná problematika umožnila zadať viaceré aktuálne témy a študenti tak mohli spracovať problémy, s ktorými sa pravdepodobne budú boriť aj v budúcej praxi. Zvolené témy nepatria medzi témy jednohlasne vnímané právnou doktrínou, resp. ustálenou judikatúrou. Práve naopak, zámerne boli zvolené témy, o ktorých niet mnoho tuzemských literárnych zdrojov. Na spracovanie jednotlivých tém tak nepostačovali bežné učebnicové či komentárové znalosti.
Zapojení členovia katedry, tak z radov učiteľov, ako aj doktorandov, pôsobili aj v tomto roku skôr ako kontaktné osoby, než ako konzultanti či vedúci práce študentov.
Primárnym účelom sympózii na fakulte je umožniť študentom prejavujúcim záujem o obchodné právo rozvinúť analytické či argumentačné schopnosti, ale aj prejavenie osobnosti študenta. Chceme, aby poslucháči rozvíjali nielen odborné znalosti, ale aj osobné schopnosti, tzv. soft skills, umenie prezentovať vlastný názor a presvedčivo argumentovať.
Výsledky práce študentov môžete vidieť v tomto zborníku.
Nám ostáva dúfať, že aj iní poslucháči budú mať záujem prehĺbiť svoje poznatky a prezentovať výsledky vlastnej práce na nasledujúcich sympóziách. Veríme, že školské kurikulum sa už nadlho podarilo rozšíriť o ďalšie fakultatívne podujatie.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Dominika Zavadová
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Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Law
Študentské sympózium bolo realizované v rámci riešenia projektu APVV-0809-12.
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16 other products in the same category:




Jozef Suchoža-Ján Husár-Regina Hučková

The Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium "LA W-BUSINESS-ECONOMICS XII" is a collection of scientific works by authors participating in the symposium of the same name. The publication focuses primarily on the area of representation in private law, related pai1ies in corporate and bankruptcy law, and current issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. The authors of indivídua! contributions are erudite experts from various branches of law. The collection of scientific papers is a complete work in the form of a collection, with an overlap into private and public law sectors. Readers are presented with scientific outputs from authors from the Slovak legal environment, as well as from foreign authors. Several authors' paper provide a European legal perspective or an international comparative perspective.

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Orgány obchodných spoločností



Kristián Csach - Dušan Rostáš (eds.)

Zborník z II. študentského sympózia z práva obchodných spoločností

V novembri 2014 sa v univerzitnom účelovom zariadení v Danišovciach uskutočnil už druhý ročník študentského sympózia z obchodného práva, presnejšie z práva obchodných spoločností. Aj v tomto roku ostalo cieľom študentského sympózia vytvoriť väčší priestor formulovať vlastný pohľad na určitú aktuálnu právnu problematiku a prezentovať výsledky vlastnej práce.
Témou druhého sympózia boli orgány obchodných spoločností, čím sa aj toto sympózium tematicky priblížilo projektu APVV riešeného jednotlivými členmi Katedry obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva na našej Právnickej fakulte.
Strešná problematika umožnila zadať viaceré aktuálne témy a študenti tak mohli spracovať problémy, s ktorými sa pravdepodobne budú boriť aj v budúcej praxi. Zvolené témy nepatria medzi témy jednohlasne vnímané právnou doktrínou, resp. ustálenou judikatúrou. Práve naopak, zámerne boli zvolené témy, o ktorých niet mnoho tuzemských literárnych zdrojov. Na spracovanie jednotlivých tém tak nepostačovali bežné učebnicové či komentárové znalosti.
Zapojení členovia katedry, tak z radov učiteľov, ako aj doktorandov, pôsobili aj v tomto roku skôr ako kontaktné osoby, než ako konzultanti či vedúci prá-ce študentov. Primárnym účelom sympózii na fakulte je umožniť študentom prejavujúcim záujem o obchodné právo rozvinúť analytické či argumentačné schopnosti ale aj prejavenie osobnosti študenta. Chceme, aby poslucháči rozvíjali nielen odborné znalosti, ale aj osobné schopnosti, tzv. soft skills, umenie prezentovať vlastný názor a presvedčivo argumentovať. Výsledky práce študentov môžete vidieť v tomto zborníku.
Nám ostáva dúfať, že aj iní poslucháči budú mať záujem prehĺbiť svoje poznatky a prezentovať výsledky vlastnej práce na nasledujúcich sympóziách. Veríme, že školské kurikulum sa už nadlho podarilo rozšíriť o ďalšie fakultatívne podujatie.
Záverom ostáva aj v tento rok poďakovať Mgr. Dušanovi Rostášovi za veľký kus práce odvedenej pri záverečnej redakcii a typografických úpravách zborníka.

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Správne právo bez hraníc



Radomír Jakab-Diana Repiščáková-Eva Berníková

Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference was created as part of the international scientific conference entitled "Administrative law without borders" held on October 19 and 20, 2023 in Tokaj in connection with the solution of the scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union " supported by a grant from the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022. The main goal of the mentioned project is the scientific investigation of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions of the member states of the European Union on the territory of other member states for the purpose of knowledge as well as the subsequent assessment of the need and extent of harmonization of the legislation of the member states of the European Union, perceiving the growing necessity of increasing the degree of free movement of administrative decisions in the conditions of the European of the Union. As part of the research project, an international scientific conference was held under the title "Administrative Law without Borders". At the conference, contributions were presented by members of the investigative team, who are also members of the Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, as well as their colleagues from all over Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The main goal of the conference was the presentation and confrontation of knowledge in the field of cross-border effects of administrative acts (primarily in the conditions of the European Union), perceiving the increasingly increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law separately, but in mutual contexts with the legal systems of other states , or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.

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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy - diplomacia, štát...



Erik ŠtenpienIvan Svatuška (eds.)

The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference: 100 Years of Treaty of Trianon – Diplomacy, State and Law on the Turn of the Century.

The presented publication is the first of a series of proceedings published within the solution of the grant APVV-19-0419. The conference took place from 14 to 15 October 2021 with the participation of experts from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. The ambition of the research team, composed of legal historians and positive lawyers from three countries, is to provide a comprehensive, unbiased view of the peace negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary. The conference, the result of which is the presented collection, was devoted to the causes of possible disputes in Europe - focusing on diplomacy and constitutional development of Central European countries at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, ie in the period immediately preceding the outbreak of World War I.

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Diverzné a inkluzívne pracoviská - legislatívne...



Jana Žuľová,Denisa Rudžiková

In the environment of Slovak employers, an active approach to diversity and inclusion in the workplace is coming to the fore. Targeted diversity and inclusion programs help make employers more attractive on the labor market and attract more job seekers. Proactively, better working conditions are created for employees with responsibilities to the family (in most cases still in relation to mothers), groups of people who have been on the fringes of interest until now are also employed (elderly, disabled, LGBT groups, minorities, graduates of secondary and higher education schools). The presented collection of abstracts responds to the outlined facts, which is a grouping of the starting motives and conclusions of the contributions presented at the scientific conference Diverse and inclusive workplaces - legislative starting points organized by the department of labor law and social security law of the Faculty of Law of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, which took place on September 29, 2023 in a hybrid form. With their abstracts, the authors point to a range of problematic areas that are not only a reflection of academic considerations, but also those legal questions that have to be dealt with in ordinary legal practice. The goal is to use analysis and explanation to define the existing labor law measures/tools applicable to the implementation of diversity and inclusion in the workplace according to the current Slovak legal framework and the EU legal framework and thus emphasize the starting point of any effort to build diversity and the implementation of inclusion in the workplace.

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Sergej Romža - Dávid Priščák - Matej Biroš (eds.)

Proceedings of scientific papers „ Elimination of racism, xenophobia and otherforms of intolerance by means of criminal law. Recodification of Criminal Codes - Current Challenges and Perspectives. " is the output of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with intemational participation organized by the Department of Criminal Law ofthe Faculty ofLaw of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice. The proceedings contain contributions focused on the issues of elimination of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law and on the issues of recodification of criminal codes, their current challenges and perspectives, both in the field of substantíve and procedural law.
This is a highly topical issue, as the need to eliminate racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law is an important topic with regard to the social situation. The recodification of the criminal codes in 2024 has significantly affected both the substantíve and procedural areas of criminal law, which is the means of ultima ratio. Considering the social developments and the recent amendments to the pena! codes, we consider the theme of the conference and the titlc of the proceedings to be highly topical, containing a significant scope for scientific research.
The participants of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation in their contributions also dealt with de lege ferenda considerations and at the same time offered solutions to application problems in the field.
The aim of the published proceedings is to continue to improve and develop new knowledge in the field of criminal law, while respecting human rights and freedoms, based on the existing professional knowledge.

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Ownership rights protection in Polish and...



Milan Sudzina, Renata Świrgoń-Skok, Wojciech J. Kosior

Given the importance of the ownership right, the aim of this monograph is to provide an analysis, a clear systematic interpretation and an evaluation of the above issue, not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the point of view of legal practice. The protection of ownership relations is ensured in various ways. It is judicial protection, protection provided by local self-government authorities, self-help, public registration of real property and other instruments of administrative and criminal law. In connection with the transformation of legislation in Slovakia and Poland after the fall of the socialist regime, there have been many changes in the legislation of both countries concerning the protection of ownership rights. A number of private law institutions related to the ownership of real property, the use of which was impossible or limited during the socialist period, have been restored. Legislation has also been adopted to alleviate the consequences of certain property and other injustices caused by the deprivation of ownership of real property during the socialist period. The adoption of restitution legislation was the basis for restoring the ownership rights of the original owners, who were allowed to get back their real property that had been used by socialist organisations. After the end of the socialist regime, the various forms of ownership, which until then had favoured the state ownership, were abolished. Changes were made to ensure that the ownership rights of all owners had the same content and enjoyed the same legal protection. The monograph is structured in such a way as to enable a comparison of individual institutions of rights in rem under Polish and Slovak law. The monograph also analyses the relevant decision-making practice of the supreme judicial authorities. The scientific methods applied enabled the authors not only to analyse and evaluate the historical context and the current legal regulation of ownership rights in Poland and Slovakia, but also to point out possible gaps and shortcomings and to elaborate de lege ferenda proposals that can be used in future legislative activity.

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Hranice Československej republiky optikou...



Dominika Kováčová- Lucia Pištejová- Ivan Vaňa

The present monograph deals with the post-war settlement of relations and peace negotiations related to the settlement of the borders of the newly established Czechoslovak Republic. The work discusses in detail the negotiation processes related to the preparation and signing of the Versailles and Saint-Germain Peace Treaties. Similarly, it then discusses in detail the peripeties related to the drafting of the Treaty of Trianon dealing with the border with Hungary and its subsequent delineation in the field. Last but not least, the thesis captures the settling of Czechoslovakia's international relations with Poland and their common border, with a particular focus on the arbitration settlement on the territory of Orava and Spiš.

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Obchodná spoločnosť ako právnická osoba



Ján Husár - Kristián Csach (eds.)

The collection contains contributions presented at the international conference held on April 1st - 3rd 2014 in Smolenice, organized by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in cooperation with the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Authors are high-profile Slovak and Czech scholars in the field of private law and company law, as well as representatives of new generation of young researchers. Contributions focus on contemporary issues in the field of company law, in particular theoretical basis of corporations, groups of companies, doctrine of abuse of rights, reflective loss and new tendencies in corporate law in foreign legal orders. The first part of the contributions presented at the conference have been already published in the special issue of the theoretical magazine Právny Obzor n. 4/2014. 

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Sankcie v pracovnom práve



Marcel DolobáčĽuboš DobrovičIvan Kundrát

Hypothesis, disposition, sanction. The standard tripartite structure of a legal norm, which is taught to first-year law students. Three concepts that students undoubtedly master from their perspective, yet they simultaneously challenge legal science, which repeatedly revisits them. The publication does not aim to theoretically address all aspects of the legal norm; it focuses solely on one of them, and as the title suggests, that is the sanction.

The monograph has been developed by three authors, whose contributions are equal; they engaged in debates and often could not reach a consensus. We hope that the reader will also join this debate and that the presented monograph will inspire further reflection and scientific activity.

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Právo na spravodlivý proces podľa Dohovoru a...



Lukáš Jančát

The Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the case-law of the ECtHR represent a decisive legal instrument for the evolution of the right to a fair trial in the member states of the Council of Europe and the European Union, including the Slovak Republic, which affects the minimum level of procedural guarantees for individuals in judicial and administrative proceedings.

The primary purpose of the textbook is to fill the gap consisting in the absence of a comprehensive study text for undergraduate students at Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Law for the planned subject Right to a fair trial in administrative issues, and doctoral students at this faculty for the subject Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in criminal matters according to the case-law of the ECtHR.

However, this textbook is also intended as a supplementary study aid for bachelor students in order to deepen their knowledge of the subject Administrative Law II, the result of which is to acquire knowledge about procedural administrative law in the Slovak Republic, as well as the subject of European Administrative Law, the result of which is the acquisition of knowledge about the influence of Council of Europe law on the national administrative law of the Slovak Republic.

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Aktuálne problémy medzinárodného leteckého a...



Adam Giertl (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov zo VII. ročníka študentského sympózia z medzinárodného práva konaného v dňoch 11. – 12. apríla 2014 v učebno-výcvikovom zariadení UPJŠ v Danišovciach

Napriek tomu je dnes lietanie a cestovanie do kozmu bežnou súčasťou ľudskej civilizácie. Aká je úloha práva v tomto procese? To je otázka, ktorú si položili organizátori VII. ročníka študentského sympózia z medzinárodného práva sledujúc ambíciu zhodnotiť prínos medzinárodného práva v oblasti letectva a kozmických letov najmä vo svetle aktuálneho vývoja. Jednotlivých tém sa zhostili študenti druhého, tretieho, ale aj vyšších ročníkov Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Výsledkom ich práce na zverených témach, ktoré mohli autori konzultovať s členmi Ústavu európskeho práva a oddelenia medzinárodného práva, je predkladané dielo. Zborník je tematicky rozdelený na dve časti. Prvá časť oboznámi čitateľa s vybranými témami súvisiacimi s leteckým právom a druhá časť je venovaná medzinárodnému kozmickému právu. Svojim zameraním má zborník aj širší dosah, keďže v niektorých aspektoch zapadá do širšieho kontextu výskumu, ktorý prebieha na Ústave európskeho práva a oddelení medzinárodného práva a ktorý sa zameriava na skúmanie vplyvu regionalizmu na všeobecné medzinárodné právo a vice versa. Túto problematiku odrážajú aj témy jednotlivých príspevkov.

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Aktuálne výzvy daňového práva



Adrián Popovič  - Jozef Sábo

Reviewed proceedings from the student symposium organized on the occasion of IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law.

The International Scientific Conference IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law was held 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice (Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice). On this occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Current Challenges of Tax Law" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 15th June 2021. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled "Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, shared economy, virtual currencies)", which is currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the current challenges of tax law. In this context, students examine not only the current challenges in the field of real estate tax and the introduction of taxation based on their market value of real estate, the decision-making of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of direct taxation and indirect taxation, but also new and extremely current taxation issues of cryptoactive (virtual currency) taxation, not only in the Slovak Republic but also in the world. The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvement of several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.

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Prípady z medzinárodného práva verejného


Ľudmila Elbert • Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to study and analyze the decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies in order to fully understand the subject of the Public International Law or disciplines closely related to it. Since the Slovak literature in the field of Public International Law does not contain any electronic textbook of selected decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies, the authors of the submitted publication aim to eliminate this gap by elaborating the “Public International Law Casebook”, which will primarily be intended for undergraduate students of the law faculties in the Slovak republic and the Czech republic. The proposed publication seeks to make the study of international law more attractive through a publication that will make students familiar with the decisions translated into the Slovak language in a popular electronic form.

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