Obchodné a pracovné právo: Na spoločnej vlne


Natália Kalinák-Andrej Oriňak

The Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law together with the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice organized the 8th annual student symposium, this time on commercial, labour and private international law, which took place at the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice on 1 December 2023. The student symposium under the title Commercial and Labour Law on a Common Wave was carried out as part of the research projects VEGA 1/0259/22 and VEGA č. 1/0291/23. The aim of the annual symposia is to create a discussion platform for students under the supervision of mentors from among the members of the department, namely teachers, researchers and PhD students. The theme of this year's symposium brought about discussion of interesting theoretical and practical legal issues thematically focused on the synergy of business law and labour law. The students addressed topical issues related to the status of entrepreneurs, the conduct of companies in labour law relations as well as the duties and responsibilities of employees. The topics of the sharing economy, gender quotas in corporate bodies and unfair bribery were not forgotten. While working on individual topics, students had the opportunity to improve their analytical thinking and argumentation skills, while they could practice writing a legal professional text, which in practice often increases the success of every lawyer. Students had the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and learn how to clearly formulate their own opinions on current legal issues. After the presentation of the papers, not only the team of lecturers and researchers, but also the students themselves engaged in a fruitful discussion, asking a number of original questions. Each student participant was awarded a certificate for their active participation in the symposium. The present proceedings are the outcome of the students' work from this event.

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Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Natália Kalinák, Andrej Oriňak
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Year of publication:
1st edition
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Faculty of Law
Študentské sympózium bolo realizované v rámci riešenia projektov VEGA č. 1/0291/23 „Legislatívne výzvy pre pracovné právo pri tvorbe diverzných a inkluzívnych pracovísk“; VEGA 1/0259/22 „Nové prístupy k riešeniu finančných ťažkostí podnikateľa“
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16 other products in the same category:

Zákonník práce do každej ruky alebo lingvistika...



Jana Žuľová

Zborník príspevkov z II. ročníka študentského sympózia z pracovného práva konaného v dňoch 12. – 13. mája 2017 v Danišovciach

Predkladaný zborník je výstupom vedeckých prác študentov Právnickej fakulty Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach a je systematicky rozdelených do dvoch častí.Prvá časť predstavuje interdisciplinárne prieniky jazykovedy a pracovného práva pri jeho tvorbe, výklade a aplikácii. Druhá časť otvára problematiku postihovania adresáta (pracovno)právnych noriem cez rôzne variácie sankcií. Prílohou zborníka je dotazník zostavený riešiteľmi grantového projektu, ktorého úlohou je zistiť, či a v ktorých aspektoch sa Zákonník práce svojim jazykovo-štylistickým spracovaním vzďaľuje od svojich adresátov. Niet totiž inej právnej normy, ktorá by bola účastníkom pracovnoprávnych vzťahov bližšie, a ktorej porozumenie na najvyššej možnej úrovni je odôvodnené jej každodenným používaním. Predkladaný zborník príspevkov sa tak prezentuje ako forma podpory rozširovania obzorov našich študentov za hranice ich bežného štúdia i ako prostriedok popularizácie vedeckého výskumu. V prípade záujmu cteného čitateľa, je možné vyplnený dotazník poslať na adresu: jana.zulova (@) upjs.sk. 

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10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky, problémy



Ján Klučka(ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 29. – 30. mája 2014 na pôde Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

V prvom polroku tohto roka sa v Košiciach uskutočnila vedecká konferencia 10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky problémy, príspevky z ktorej tvoria obsah predkladaného rovnomenného zborníka. Zámerom jej organizátorov, t.j. Slovenskej asociácie európskeho práva, Zastúpenia Európskej komisie v Slovenskej republike a Ústavu európskeho a oddelenia medzinárodného práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ bolo nielen (čo aj voľne) nadviazať na predošlú konferenciu z r. 2009 Komunitárne právo na Slovensku - päť rokov „po“, ale po piatich rokoch pokračovať v jej hlavnom zámere, t.j. poskytnúť účastníkom ako akademickej, tak aj mimoakademickej obce priestor na ďalšiu analýzu a výmenu názorov na právne problémy späté s členstvom Slovenskej republiky v Európskej únii a viacerými aktuálnymi problémami právneho poriadku Únie. Z naznačeného hľadiska však možno zaznamenať posun v celkovom zameraní príspevkov na konferencii v r. 2009 a 2014. Zatiaľ čo príspevky z prvej konferencie sa sústreďovali predovšetkým na rôzne aspekty pôsobenia unijného práva v slovenskom právnom poriadku a na aplikačné problémy s tým spojené predovšetkým pred súdnymi a inými orgánmi, základné zameranie príspevkov z druhej konferencie je už odlišné. Aj predkladaný zborník potvrdzuje zameranie príspevkov predovšetkým na aktuálne problémy európskeho právneho poriadku a tiež na niektoré aspekty vonkajšej politiky Únie, pričom vzťahom unijného práva k slovenskému právnemu poriadku už nie je venovaná prvoradá pozornosť. Viaceré príspevky sa zameriavajú na oblasti charakteristické určitým prienikom či „kohabitáciou“ unijného práva s medzinárodným právom verejným, medzinárodným právom súkromným, prípadne medzinárodnými vzťahmi v širšom slova zmysle.

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Finančné právo a daňové právo v 21. storočí -...



Adrián Popovič, Jozef Sábo, Anna Vartašová

The Intemational Scientific Conference - V. Slovak-Czech days of tax law on the topic Tax Law and New Phenomena in the Economy was held 5th - 6th June 2023 in Košice. Onthis occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Financial Law and Tax Law in the 21st Century" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 7th June 2023. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of thegrant project VEGA no. 1/0485/21: "Simultaneity and possibilities of reforming the system ofown resources of the EU budget (legal and economic aspects also in the context of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic) ",of the grant project VEGA no.1/0214/21: "Taxa/ionof real property - legal status and polential" and of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled" Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, sharedeconomy,virtualcurrencies) ", which are currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the issues of new phenomena in the digital economy (virtual currencies and the shared economy), but also the iss ues of the budget process, thedecision - making activity of the Court of Justice of the EU and theoretical - legal issues of tax justice with regard to the development of tax law.

The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvementof several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.

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Medzinárodné právo súkromné



Kristián Csach - Ľubica Širicová

Medzinárodné právo súkromné doznalo v poslednom období dramatických zmien. Plne rozbehnutý proces komunitarizácie tohto právneho odvetvia nateraz nebol – a asi ani nemohol byť – účinne reflektovaný vnútroštátnym zákonodarcom. Za súčasného právneho stavu sa tak nezriedka v tej istej právnej otázke prelínajú právne predpisy komunitárneho pôvodu a úprava vnútroštátna (zosobnená najmä zákonom č. 97/1963 Zb. o medzinárodnom práve súkromnom a procesnom) . Otázniky o obsolentnosti niektorých ustanovení tohto donedávna univerzálneho kodifikovaného predpisu medzinárodného práva súkromného vyvoláva predo- všetkým (nie však bezvýhradne) kolízna úprava obsiahnutá v tzv. nariadení „Rím I“ o rozhodnom práve pre zmluvné záväzky, v tzv. nariadení „Rím II“ o rozhodnom práve pre mimozmluvné záväzky a najnovšie aj v nariadení Rady (ES) č. 4/2009 z 18. decembra 2008 o právomoci, rozhodnom práve, uznávaní a výkone rozhodnutí a o spolupráci vo veciach vyživovacej povinnosti. Rešpektujúc princíp prednosti všeobecne záväzných aktov Spoločenstva pred zákonom sa správna aplikácia normatívnych textov nezaobíde bez schopnosti pohotovej orientácie v normách a ich následnej komparácie. Študent a ktokoľvek iný je preto konfrontovaný s množstvom právnych predpisov podstatného rozsahu a detailnosti úpravy. V súčasnosti okrem systematicky usporiadaných odkazov na internetových stránkach Ministerstva spravodlivosti nenachádzame ucelený materiál, ktorý by ponúkal prehľad právnych predpisov v oblasti medzinárodného práva súkromného a procesného.

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Učíme právo zážitkovo



Daniela Lamačková-Renáta Orosová- Beáta Sakalová- Diana Repiščáková

Methodological guide for teachers for classroom lessons and civics Teaching law experientially? Is it even possible? The answers to these questions are provided by a methodological guide that uniquely links experiential learning methods with legal content. This methodological guide is a set of techniques based on the use of interactive and participatory learning methods, focusing on selected human rights and value-oriented topics, which also have the potential to develop other key competences of students, such as their communication skills, their ability to learn and educate independently, their ability to think critically, their ability to work with and analyse texts, their ability to discuss and express their opinions, and their ability to listen to each other. The methodological guide consists of a set of training activities - techniques, while each technique contains a precise description of the procedure for conducting a specific activity, the expected duration of the activity, aids, discussion topics and also a short pedagogical and legal commentary, precisely "tailored" to the specific legal topic. The legal topics are chosen to be generally applicable to both classroom and civics lessons, to raise questions about the functioning of rules and the need to respect them, mutual respect and tolerance, and to encourage reflection on the limits of individual rights and on responsibility in exercising one's rights. The techniques use training methods such as group work, brainstorming, role-playing, dealing with model situations, as well as a simulated court process. The methodological guide is intended for classroom teachers in the implementation of classroom lessons, and also for the purposes of the subject of civics, as well as for students of pedagogy at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Sergej Romža - Dávid Priščák - Matej Biroš (eds.)

Proceedings of scientific papers „ Elimination of racism, xenophobia and otherforms of intolerance by means of criminal law. Recodification of Criminal Codes - Current Challenges and Perspectives. " is the output of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with intemational participation organized by the Department of Criminal Law ofthe Faculty ofLaw of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice. The proceedings contain contributions focused on the issues of elimination of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law and on the issues of recodification of criminal codes, their current challenges and perspectives, both in the field of substantíve and procedural law.
This is a highly topical issue, as the need to eliminate racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law is an important topic with regard to the social situation. The recodification of the criminal codes in 2024 has significantly affected both the substantíve and procedural areas of criminal law, which is the means of ultima ratio. Considering the social developments and the recent amendments to the pena! codes, we consider the theme of the conference and the titlc of the proceedings to be highly topical, containing a significant scope for scientific research.
The participants of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation in their contributions also dealt with de lege ferenda considerations and at the same time offered solutions to application problems in the field.
The aim of the published proceedings is to continue to improve and develop new knowledge in the field of criminal law, while respecting human rights and freedoms, based on the existing professional knowledge.

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Členovia orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti....



Jaroslav DolnýMonika Seilerová (eds.)

The collection of contributions from the VII. Student Symposium on Commercial Law and Labor Law held on December 5, 2019, at the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

The theme of this year's symposium provided students with the opportunity to choose between addressing issues related to commercial law or focusing on labor law aspects concerning the position of members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, based on an analysis of legal regulations and case law.

The creative exploration of commercial law questions particularly related to areas such as the manner of acting on behalf of a commercial company, the liability of the de facto statutory body of a commercial company, information obligations of the statutory body towards its shareholders, and the remuneration for serving as a member of the board of directors of a joint-stock company. It also addressed the liability of the statutory body for the insolvency of the company and the enforcement of non-competition clauses concerning managing directors of limited liability companies.

The connection between commercial law and labor law was directed towards a legal analysis of personal data protection related to health and its misuse by members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, as well as the legitimacy of concurrently holding a position (as a member) in a statutory body with an employment relationship, and the legal status of senior employees, particularly concerning their duties and responsibilities for ensuring employee health through creating healthy working conditions.

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Zamestnanec v digitálnom prostredí



Monika MinčičováMarcel DolobáčJana Žuľová

The presented proceedings of papers is the result of the international scientific conference "Employee in the digital environment", which was organized as part of the research project VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee protection in the context of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 - starting points, opportunities and risks. The online scientific conference took place on the 5th of November 2021 under the auspices of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The proceedings includes a variety of scientific papers focused on the study of current issues caused by the digital transformation of society.Authors respond to partial legal problems of labour law and social security law at the theoretical-legal and application level and reflect on the consequences of ongoing phenomena for the labour market and labour law legislation.

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EU Initiatives to Prevent Tax Evasions and Tax...


Adrián Popovič a kol.

The possibility of solving the grant project VVGS-2016-284 has provided a unique opportunity for members of the author´s team in the interdisciplinary composition to examine the issue not only from a tax-law point of view, but also from a political point of viewIn the presented monograph, the authors focused on the characterization of different aspects of the EU in order to allow the reader correctly understand its position in relation to the outside world and to its inward relations within its Member States in the context of the creation and implementation of the EU tax policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the relationship between national tax legislation and EU law, the impact of the EU's tax policy on the national laws of its Member States, with reference to the identification of the harmonized areas with the approximation of their current stage of development and the final objective. This definition can be seen as a prerequisite for a correct and comprehensive understanding of the application and implementation of EU institutions' initiatives to prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and their implementation into the national legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the last part of the monograph, the authors focused on defining individual EU initiatives to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as a means of implementing its tax policy, in the area of ​​indirect taxation, in particular in the field of value added tax and in the field of direct taxation, especially with regard to corporate taxation, and to evaluate their projection into the national tax legislation of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, in these chapters, they assessed the real impact and effect of the measures admitted on the basis of the initiatives in practice.

The presented work is intended for a university student studying in the field of Tax Law and European Law, as well as the broader legal and economic community. However, in view of the scope and recency of the subject under consideration, the authors believe that the publication will find its application not only in the theoretical field but also in the practical field.

 JUDr. Adrián Popovič

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Svetové dejiny štátu a práva



Erik Štenpien

This university textbook named "The World History of State and Law" serve as teaching aid to Students of 1. year-class of Faculty of Law. He addicted to history of state and law of oriental despoties and chosen states of ancient Greece. Exactly interpreted the law history of medieval and feudal states and cities and institutes of medieval law with the accent to civil law. Next he interpreted the history of constitutions of the european states (Netherland, Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy) and USA, also the modern law of 19. Century. A special chapter deals with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and the system of treaties adopted during it.

At the end he interpreted the legal history of chosen states of Europe and USA - state system with the accent to type of the regime (democracy, dictature).

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Ochrana proti obmedzovaniu hospodárskej súťaže


Žofia Mrázová(ed.)

Zborník príspevkov zo VI. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva konaného dňa 28. novembra 2018 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Katedra obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach zorganizovala v poradí už VI. ročník študentského sympózia z obchodného práva, ktoré sa uskutočnilo dňa 28. novembra 2018 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Podujatie bolo súčasťou riešenia výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0917/16 „Atypické a faktické vzťahy v obchodnom práve“. Cieľom každoročne organizovaných sympózií je vytvoriť diskusnú platformu pre študentov za účasti mentorov z radov členov katedry, a to učiteľov, vedecko-výskumných pracovníkov ako aj doktorandov.

Téma tohtoročného sympózia sa niesla v znamení ochrany proti obmedzovaniu hospodárskej súťaže. Obmedzovanie súťaže bez možnosti právneho postihu a nápravy by znamenalo pre obmedzovateľa ekonomickú výhodu na úkor ostatných súťažiteľov a ohrozenie celého trhu založenom na slobodnej súťaži. Študenti sa venovali viacerým problematickým otázkam súvisiacim s témou hospodárskej súťaže, pričom analyzovali slovenskú a európsku právnu úpravu, ako aj judikatúru súdov a rozhodnutia iných orgánov.

Pri spracovaní jednotlivých tém študenti mali možnoť zdokonaliť svoje analytické myslenie a argumentačné schopnosti ako aj rozvíjať svoje kritické myslenie. V rámci diskusie sa zrodili ďalšie zaujímave pohľady a názory, ktoré viedli účastníkov sympózia k aktívnemu zapojeniu sa k príspevkom ďalších účastníkov sympózia. Predkladaný zborník je výstupom prác študentov z tohto podujatia.


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The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept,...



Dominik Šoltys

The scientific monograph The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept, Nature, Features, Development and Forms of Legal Feminism presents for the first time the issue of legal feminism in Slovak jurisprudence in such a comprehensive way. Author analyzes legal feminism as a distinctive movement of legal philosophy and legal theory. He places legal feminism in the broader framework of general feminism. The internal ideological and developmental diversity of legal feminism brings the author´s examinations before the effort to systematize according to ideological and theoretical similarities or differences with emphasize to the development of feminism in different waves. In this regarding, author presents various forms of feminism and legal feminism, including their most important representatives. The increased view of the monograph deals with contemporary Anglo-American feminism since the end of the 1960s till the present, i.e., the period from which legal feminism emerged as a conceptual and critical movement of legal thinking. Author analyzes the critical view of legal feminism on law and current legal policy. He specifies abstract and basic theoretical features of the feminist jurisprudence. In this regard, the author pays attention to important concepts, categories, ideological assumptions, or methodological and methodological frame of feminist legal science. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the development of diverse forms of legal feminism the monograph also focuses on the normative side of feminist theory of law, which challenges the modern jurisprudence in elimination of gender and gender as legally relevant criteria.

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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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100 rokov Trianonskej zmluvy - diplomacia, štát...



Erik ŠtenpienIvan Svatuška (eds.)

The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference: 100 Years of Treaty of Trianon – Diplomacy, State and Law on the Turn of the Century.

The presented publication is the first of a series of proceedings published within the solution of the grant APVV-19-0419. The conference took place from 14 to 15 October 2021 with the participation of experts from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. The ambition of the research team, composed of legal historians and positive lawyers from three countries, is to provide a comprehensive, unbiased view of the peace negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary. The conference, the result of which is the presented collection, was devoted to the causes of possible disputes in Europe - focusing on diplomacy and constitutional development of Central European countries at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, ie in the period immediately preceding the outbreak of World War I.

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