Miesto a význam regionálnych súdnych orgánov v...
Ján Klučka a kol.
The aim of the current monograph is to provide comprehensive view of the status of regional judicial organs in current conditions of regionalism. Based on selected issues examined in individual chapters research team presents the comprehensive study focused on clarification of the status and significance of regional judicial organs in terms of new regionalism. Research of the role of regional courts in the system of peaceful settlement of disputes demonstrates the significant role of the regional courts within the promotion of the rule of law, regional integration and also significant role of regional courts to ensure legal certainty within the system of compliance with decisions of regional courts. The result of examination of possibilities of individuals to access to regional judicial organs is comparative evaluation of regional possibilities of individual to defend his/her rights within regional courts of various regions. Particular part of this area is the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial as basic rights within the proceedings of regional judicial organs. Within the examination of preliminary rulings of international regional courts of different regions the role of regional judicial organs in the process of effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law was the subject of examination. For the proper functioning of the regional judicial organs as well as independence of judges and legal certainty in International law, the ethical rules of international judicial organs and tribunals, which are the subject of the last chapter, are significant.