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+421 55 234 1635Gabriela Štefková - Mária Zamboriová
We would like to introduce the study material „A small phrases book for Nursing Care“, which was developed to help foreign medical students, who study at Slovak medical faculties, to communicate, in Slovak with patients and medical staff.
The book is English based and is therefore suitable for both classroom use and for self-study. It provides a key for vocabulary, useful phrases, since it is likely that patients will use them.
Vocabulary is organized according to specific nursing area from a few basic nursing condition and its aim is to intensify the learning process.
We hope that this textbook will help you to overcome some difficulties in Slovak communication and make your training in hospitals easier and more efficient. The authors take no personal responsibility for any effects resulting from the act of the following procedure.
Data sheet
Táto vedecká monografia je komplexnou vedeckou prácou zameranou na prítomnosť a pôsobenie ortuti v životnom prostredí, ale aj na rizikové faktory zdravia, ktoré sú s ňou spojené. Monografia predstavuje charakteristiku ortuti v multidisciplinárnom zábere, prezentuje využitie v priemysle a v zdravotníctve, popisuje negatívne vplyvy ortuti v životnom prostredí, na zdravotný stav obyvateľstva. Zároveň prináša návrhy a odporúčania pre rizikové skupiny ľudí. Súčasťou monografie je komplexný výskum koncentrácie ortuti vo vzorkách komodít domácej i zahraničnej produkcie a vo vzorkách rastlín pomocou atómového absorpčného spektrometra AMA 254. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, veterinárnych, prírodovedných a poľnohospodárskych odborov ako aj pre študentov verejného zdravotníctva všetkých troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená aj pre všetkých záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.
The publication is available for purchase through our online store.>>
Medicína stále napreduje, je stále vo vývoji. Rádiologické zobrazovacie metódy prežívajú stále výrazný rozvoj vďaka prístrojovej technike, ktorá umožňuje zavádzať nové diagnostické metódy, ako sú USG vyšetrenia s kontrastnou látkou, špeciálne CT vyšetrenia, ku ktorým je potrebný viacradový CT prístroj – CT angiografia, CT enteroklýza, CT irigografia, CT virtuálna kolonoskopia. Magnetická rezonancia už v dnešnej dobe nie je nedostupné vyšetrenie, predstavuje výrazný pokrok v diagnostike.
Vďaka moderným prístrojom môžeme vykonávať rôzne intervenčné diagnostické aj terapeutické výkony, ako sú biopsie, drenáže...
Tieto učebné texty sú určené študentom lekárskych fakúlt, obsahuje základné poznatky z rádiológie.
Publikácia je rozdelená na všeobecnú a špeciálnu časť s následným delením podľa jednotlivých modalít a vyšetrovaných orgánov.
Rádiológia predstavuje prácu s obrazovou dokumentáciou, preto aj táto publikácia je obohatená veľkým počtom obrázkov z jednotlivých rádiologických vyšetrovacích modalít.
Sylvia Dražilová - Laura Gombošová - Martin Janičko - Ľubomír Skladaný - Eduard Veseliny
University textbooks are focused on undergraduate medical students and young doctors engaged in specialized training in gastroenterology, hepatology, and internal medicine.
The authors aimed to somewhat replace the lack of a concise and straightforward textbook on gastroenterology and hepatology for medical students, while also providing specific, directly applicable information for young doctors in inpatient departments caring for these patients.
Táto príručka vychádza ako pomocné metodické skriptá pre študentov bakalárskych a magisterských odborov lekárskych fakúlt - hlavne bakalárskeho a magisterského odboru „Verejné zdravotníctvo“. Študenti všeobecného lekárstva a stomatológie môžu tiež tieto učebné texty používať ako vzdelávaciu pomôcku pri štúdiu predmetu “Hygiena“, ktorý sa vyučuje buď samostatne, alebo v rámci širšie koncipovaných predmetov napr. „Verejné zdravotníctvo“.
Michal Legiňa kol.
Progress in biology and medicine has always been significantly related to advances in physics. Not only has physics supplied instruments and methods of measurement that have led to many discoveries in physiology and medicine, but methods of physical research have changed many of the older approaches to the biologic sciences. Such circumstances have even led to development of a new scientific field: biophysics, which uses to a great extent physical instrumentation procedures applied to an experimental system. Because any instrument is an additional factor in any experimental system, it may affect the data. To interpret physical data on biological material correctly then, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of instrument response.
A practical course enables a student to acquire some skills, experience and methodological knowledge for performance of experiments and evaluation of measured data. Due to the fast development of instrumentation technology, it is not possible to teach every operation and procedure upon instruments we may use in a future. Besides the basic physical principles, the aim of a practical course is to point out some general rules and skills for instrument operation and for the interpretation of the measured values derived from such operation.
There are two kinds of lessons in practical courses. The first one focuses on laboratory measurements of some important physical quantities and the evaluation of the measured data. These measured quantities are components of the subject “medical biophysics” or of the phenomena studied. Experience provided in managing various scales and tables, as well as in the construction of tables and graphs is substantial. Lessons also enable students to repeat and to strengthen their knowledge of secondary school physics, which is useful for understanding of many phenomena studied in medical biophysics. The second kind of lesson provides experience with some of the diagnostic and therapeutic medical instruments, which can be seen in practical medicine.
The understanding of basic physical principles of corresponding instruments is both recommended and demanded. Theoretical preparation is not only an appropriate condition for the practical managing of the whole lesson, but also helps to avoid injury. This textbook, therefore, intends to help students in preparing for both the practical lessons and the final exam.
Pavol Pobeha - Ivana Paraničová - Pavol Joppa
The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine.
This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.
With the development of endovascular surgery, there is a gradual advancement in ACI stenting. The minimally invasive approach has made this methodology suitable for patients with serious concomitant cardiac or pulmonary diseases. Another advantage compared to surgical treatment was better access to the ICA in patients after radiotherapy, after previous neck surgeries, as well as in patients with stenoses close to the skull base.
The comparison of CEA vs CAS is an interesting and debatable topic in many studies. However, despite the massive global development of endovascular treatment, carotid endarterectomy remains the gold standard for treating ICA stenosis in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. In this monograph, we would like to accentuate and systematize the issue of surgical stroke prevention from the perspective of a vascular surgeon.
Adriana Boleková (ed.)
Proceedings of Scientific Works
The Košice Morphological Day is an annual May meeting of morphologists, primarily attended by Košice morphological workplaces. On this occasion, a collection of scientific works is regularly published.
This year's collection was published on the occasion of the 23rd Košice Morphological Day, which did not take place due to the poor epidemiological situation.
In the collection, the authors present the results of their scientific-research and pedagogical activities, which are in the form of theoretical overview studies and research works.
Magdaléna Hagovská a kol.
Vysokoškolská učebnica Praktická kinezioterapia je určená fyzioterapeutom v rámci pregraduálneho, ale aj postgraduálneho vzdelávania. Je komplexne prepracovanou, opravenou a rozšírenou publikáciou pôvodného textu skrípt Najčastejšie používané liečebné metodiky pre fyzioterapeutov (Hagovská, Mihalečková, 2012).
Fyzioterapia sa dotýka takmer všetkých základných klinických odborov. Z toho vyplýva, že fyzioterapeuti by mali ovládať základné poznatky o špeciálnych metódach, ktoré sa zaoberajú fyzioterapiou vertebrologických a neurologických pacientov, pacientov s ortopedickým ochorením, s gynekologickými a urologickými problémami, a pacientov s psychosomatickou diagnózou. Väčšina popísaných najznámejších 44 liečebných metód obsahuje obrázkovú prílohu, na základe ktorej študenti dokážu lepšie pochopiť uvádzané techniky a predísť chybnému vykonávaniu jednotlivých techník.
Renáta Suchanová - Lucia Dimunová
The following textbook deals with issues related to communication in medical practice which significantly affects the survival and behaviour of a patient. Communication skills and the attitude of healthcare professionals exercised towards a patient have significant impact on patient’s ability to handle treatment and his or hers co-operation during the process.
This publication is intended to serve as a guide applicable towards deeper knowledge, better comprehension and overall understanding of the mental state of an ill person, his or her needs, stances, behaviour patterns, but also his or her management of the illness. Attention is also paid to the active building of a relationship between the healthcare professional and the patient, with emphasis on respect, truthfulness, and mutual understanding in communication. Particularly accentuated are issues related to specific effective communication skills, methods, and techniques serviceable during interactions with a patient; application of empathy and proactive approach are highlighted.
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To offer our medical students of 5th and 6th classes as well as to professional public (pediatrics, pediatric cardiologists) integrated information from pediatric cardiology, which is based on scientific knowledge of experts and practical requirements including our experiences. The publication will extend given the discipline of cardiovascular risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease and acquired heart diseases, which are more actual at the present time in the children as we as bring the new didactic methods in pediatric cardiology teaching.
Martina Šemeláková (ed.)
Proceedings contain abstracts from participants of the scientific conference with international participation under the name: Student scientific international conference GenICa”, supported by the project "Bilateral relations and common knowledge between Slovakia and Iceland research at Universities on the topic "Genomic instability and cancer "GenICa", funded under the EEA and Norwegian 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism Programme (FBR02, bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at national level co-financed by EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021) which took place on 19 - 21 June 2024 in the premises of Hotel Sorea Trigan, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.
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Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková
Annotation: The publication entitled Health Psychology serves as background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field, and practical tips. It provides comprehensive information on key areas of the field of health psychology and is designed for students to acquire and deepen their knowledge that could be implemented in their everyday practice.
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Zuzana Dankulincová a kol.
The scientific monograph is the output of the Care4Youth project, which aimed to map the current system of care for adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) in Slovakia. It captures what the care system is and what its possible shortcomings are from the perspective of all those affected (adolescents with problems, their parents, care providers and other institutions involved).
It also looks at the trajectory of adolescents with EBP in the care system, i.e. when and how adolescents with problems enter and leave the care system, or pass from one type of care to another and what impact different trajectories have on them.
Last but not least, the aim of the monograph was to provide expert information on what are the risk and protective factors that will affect their success in the care system or, conversely, that threaten them. All this in order to support the proposal for improvements in the care system that would benefit all stakeholders.
Mária Sováriová Soósová a kol.
Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica prináša poznatky z oblasti ošetrovateľstva vo vnútornom lekárstve. Je určená predovšetkým poslucháčom odboru ošetrovateľstvo, ale i sestrám pracujúcim v tejto špecializácii.
Vysokoškolská učebnica nadväzuje na predchádzajúce dve časti Ošetrovateľský proces vo vnútornom lekárstve I (Sováriová Soósová, 2006) a Ošetrovateľský proces vo vnútornom lekárstve II (Suchanová, 2007). Učebnica je členená do štyroch kapitol, v ktorých sa venujeme poruchám vodného a elektrolytového hospodárstva a acidobázickej rovnováhy, ochoreniam obličiek a močových ciest, chorobám endokrinného a pohybového systému. Kapitoly sú rovnako členené. Každá kapitola začína vyšetrovacími metódami najčastejšie používanými v danej oblasti. Ďalšie subkapitoly sú zamerané na ošetrovateľskú starostlivosť pri vybraných ochoreniach určitého telesného systému. Každá subkapitola pozostáva z klinického úvodu (charakteristika ochorenia, jeho etiológia, klinický obraz, diagnostika a liečba) a ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti pri danom ochorení, ktorá zahŕňa posúdenie, stanovenie ošetrovateľských diagnóz a plánovanie ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti (stanovenie cieľov, výsledných kritérií a plán možných intervencií). Predstavuje určitú modelovú jednotku poskytujúcu rámec a algoritmus postupov na zvládnutie ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti metódou ošetrovateľského procesu. Pri posúdení sa sústreďujeme hlavne na opis najzávažnejších symptómov a znakov, ktoré sú charakteristické pre dané ochorenie vo vzťahu k doménam a triedam podľa klasifikácie NANDA International taxonómie II (NANDA-I, North American Nursing Diagnosis Association). Pri stanovovaní ošetrovateľských diagnóz vychádzame rovnako z klasifikácie NANDA-I (viď príloha). Plánovanie ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti sa viaže na stanovené ošetrovateľské diagnózy.
Pre správne interpretovanie nových poznatkov, ich modifikovanie a efektívne uplatnenie v konkrétnej situácii v ošetrovateľskej praxi je nevyhnutné využívanie medzipredmetových vzťahov. Záujemcov o ďalšie prehĺbenie svojich vedomostí odkazujeme na publikácie a odborné monografie predovšetkým z ošetrovateľstva, klinickej propedeutiky, internej medicíny, farmakológie, psychológie a ďalších medicínskych a humanitných disciplín.
Silvia Danková,Lucia Dimunová, Beáta Grešš Halász, Jana Sušinková
The present multimedia university textbook is intended for students of the bachelor's degree programme in nursing, not excluding both medical and nursing degree courses. The purpose of the present publication is to provide a comprehensive view of the nature of surgical nursing, focusing on the method of providing nursing care - the nursing process. It comprehensively describes the individual steps of perioperative nursing care and the subsequent possible complications associated with surgical procedures. Documents the depth of knowledge and skills training in chronic wound care management issues. Respects the culture of patient and healthcare professional safety. The college textbook uses e-learning methods in combination with traditional face-to-face education. Based on the latest resources, it respects the concept of health care delivery and professional training of nurses.
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