Vybrané kapitoly z detskej kardiológie

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 Ingrid Schusterová 

To offer our medical students of 5th and 6th classes as well as to professional public (pediatrics, pediatric cardiologists) integrated information from pediatric cardiology, which is based on scientific knowledge of experts and practical requirements including our experiences. The publication will extend given the discipline of cardiovascular risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease and acquired heart diseases, which are more actual at the present time in the children as we as bring the new didactic methods in pediatric cardiology teaching.




Data sheet

Method of publication:
Printed publication
Ingrid Schusterová
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Medicine

16 other products in the same category:

Medical Biophysics: Practical Exercises

Availability: 20 In Stock

Michal Legiňa kol.

Progress in biology and medicine has always been significantly related to advances in physics. Not only has physics supplied instruments and methods of measurement that have led to many discoveries in physiology and medicine, but methods of physical research have changed many of the older approaches to the biologic sciences. Such circumstances have even led to development of a new scientific field: biophysics, which uses to a great extent physical instrumentation procedures applied to an experimental system. Because any instrument is an additional factor in any experimental system, it may affect the data. To interpret physical data on biological material correctly then, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of instrument response.

A practical course enables a student to acquire some skills, experience and methodological knowledge for performance of experiments and evaluation of measured data. Due to the fast development of instrumentation technology, it is not possible to teach every operation and procedure upon instruments we may use in a future. Besides the basic physical principles, the aim of a practical course is to point out some general rules and skills for instrument operation and for the interpretation of the measured values derived from such operation.

There are two kinds of lessons in practical courses. The first one focuses on laboratory measurements of some important physical quantities and the evaluation of the measured data. These measured quantities are components of the subject “medical biophysics” or of the phenomena studied. Experience provided in managing various scales and tables, as well as in the construction of tables and graphs is substantial. Lessons also enable students to repeat and to strengthen their knowledge of secondary school physics, which is useful for understanding of many phenomena studied in medical biophysics. The second kind of lesson provides experience with some of the diagnostic and therapeutic medical instruments, which can be seen in practical medicine.

The understanding of basic physical principles of corresponding instruments is both recommended and demanded. Theoretical preparation is not only an appropriate condition for the practical managing of the whole lesson, but also helps to avoid injury. This textbook, therefore, intends to help students in preparing for both the practical lessons and the final exam.


Biológia a genetika - pracovný zošit na...

Availability: 20 In Stock

 Terézia Hudáková - Jozef Židzik 

Pomocné učebné texty Biológia a genetika – pracovný zošit pre bakalárske študijné programy na praktické cvičenia z lekárskej biológie a genetiky sú určené predovšetkým pre študentov 1. ročníka bakalárskych odborov na UPJŠ LF v Košiciach (ošetrovateľstvo, fyzioterapia a verejné zdravotníctvo). Sú zamerané tak, aby vybranými praktickými úlohami a modelovými príkladmi vhodne dopĺňali, prehlbovali a ilustrovali látku, ktorú si študent vypočuje na prednáškach, alebo prečíta v učebnici. Dve základné oblasti pokryté v textoch sú cytológia a genetika.



Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny

Availability: 50 In Stock

Miroslav Gajdoš - Vladimír Kaťuch

  „Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny“ je určená pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt. Základné informácie o neurochirurgii získajú aj študenti príbuzných odborov /zubné lekárstvo/, ale aj absolventi lekárskych fakúlt v začiatkoch svojej klinickej praxe.

Učebný text je rozdelený do desiatich kapitol. Tie sa ďalej delia na podkapitoly.

Prvá kapitola je zameraná na dejiny chirurgie, následne na dejiny neurochirurgie. V tejto kapitole autor pripomína, že operované lebky patria k najstarším dôkazom operačnej činnosti našich predkov. 

Druhá a tretia kapitola  je venovaná diagnostike a základným operačným výkonom.

Pre pochopenie patologicko-fyziologických dejov je potrebné pozorne preštudovať štvrtú kapitolu, v ktorej autor popisuje základné patologické mechanizmy, ktoré pôsobia na povrchu ale aj v hĺbke mozgových tkanív.

Piata kapitola je venovaná závažnej problematike  -  vrodeným chybám mozgu, miechy a ich podporných štruktúr.

Nie menej závažnou problematikou pre neurochirurgov sú nádory CNS,  periférnych nervov, lebky a chrbtice. Tie sú popísané v šiestej kapitole.                 

V siedmej kapitole sú popísané cievne ochorenia CNS: autor popisuje aneuryzmy mozgových ciev, ich diagnostiku a liečbu, ďalej cievne malformácie mozgu, artériovenózne malformácie mozgu a v neposlednom rade spinálne artériovenózne malformácie.

8. kapitola je čo do obsahu najrozsiahlejšia. Prináša informácie o poranení pacientov pri úraze. O ich závažnosti, diagnostike a možnej liečbe – konzervatívnej a chirurgickej.

9. kapitola je venovaná nie menej závažnej problematike, a to degeneratívnym ochoreniam chrbtice.

V 10. kapitole sa autor venuje najnovším metódam liečby chronickej bolesti a epileptochirurgii.

Plastic surgery

Availability: 100 In Stock

Martina Vidová Ugurbas

Plastická chirurgia je vysokošpecializovaný medicínsky odbor.

 Náplňou plastickej chirurgie je korekcia rôznych defektov,vrodených i získaných.Medzi vrodené chyby patria deformity tváre,rázštepy pery a podnebia,deformity ušnice,vrodené vývojové chyby končatín.Najčastejšie získané defekty sú po poraneniach,po chirurgických výkonoch,po fyzikálnych poškodeniach kože a štruktúr krytých kožou.

Súčasťou plastickej  chirurgie je estetická chirurgia, onkochirurgia a mikrochirurgia,  ktorá si zaslúži osobitnú pozornosť. Novými trendami v estetickej chirurgii je rekonštrukcia pomocou tukového tkaniva,kmeňových buniek,používanie rôznych umelých materiálov a implantátov.

Predložené učebné texty v jednotlivých kapitolách popisujú základné princípy plastickej chirurgie,používanie lalokových plastík a iné možnosti krytia defektov. V deviatich kapitolách sú jednotlivo popísané chirurgické možnosti rekonštrukcie tváre,trupu a  končatín.  Učebné texty venujú pozornosť malígnym  a benígnym kožným tumorom a ich liečbe.Posledná kapitola sa zaoberá najčastejšími estetickými operáciami.

Textbook of practical physiology: part I -...

Availability: 10 In Stock

Mária Pallayová - Štefan Kujaník

The “Textbook of Practical Physiology, Part I - Cardiovascular Physiology” by Mária Pallayová and Štefan Kujaník is a practical textbook of Human Physiology intended for English speaking medical students from general medicine and dentistry curricula.

The textbook covers basic principles in cardiovascular physiology and methods of the cardiovascular examination. Adequate knowledge of the cardiovascular physiology is important for the understanding of cardiovascular system function, as well as for the diagnosis and proper treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases. The practical tasks are constructed to facilitate knowledge acquisition and encourage students to develop practical skills, for instance the ability to follow experimental protocols, to work as part of a team, and to interpret data.

The textbook is written in English and comprises 91 pages in B5 format, grouped into twelve chapters. Each chapter is divided into six sections (Introduction, Principle, Importance, Materials, Procedure, and Protocol) to facilitate students’ understanding of the topics and assist them with preparation of the laboratory reports. The text is accompanied by explanatory figures, graphs, and tables that contribute to the learning experience.


Psychológia zdravia • Psychológia zdravia v...



Zuzana Dankulincová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z 8. celoslovenskej konferencie Psychológie zdravia s medzinárodnou účasťou 15. máj 2013, Košice, SR

Proceedings of Health Psychology within a multidisciplinary view on health: Proceedings of the 8th national conference with international participation present a set of scientific contributions presented on the occasion of the 8th nationwide health psychology conference with international participation and provides an overview of various topics dealt with by experts in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, covering a wide range of health psychology discipline.

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Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

Download the e-book for free  (pdf)

Pán doktor, hovoríte po slovensky?

Availability: 20 In Stock

Ingrid Madárová - Lívia Barnišinová - Veronika Pálová

Táto učebnica je určená pre zahraničných študentov medicíny – začiatočníkov – ako slovenčina na špecifický účel výučby. Jej cieľom je pomôcť zahraničným študentom, ktorí (1) študujú medicínu (2) v cudzom jazyku (anglický jazyk) a (3) v zahraničí (Slovensko) zvládnuť výzvu pri príprave na praktickú časť ich štúdia – konverzácia s pacientom v Slovenskom jazyku.Zámerom je poskytnúť študentom krok za krokom najfrekventovanejšie slovné spojenia a výrazy potrebné pri komunikácii s pacientom. Lekcie sa zameriavajú hlavne na slovnú zásobu týkajúcu sa častí ľudského tela a na základné symptómy a príznaky chorôb.Dôraz je kladený na krátke dialógy medzi lekárom a pacientom. Pri precvičovaní dialógov sú študenti vedení k nácviku komunikácie so zreteľom na porozumenie, bez prípadných obáv o gramatickú správnosť. Gramatické javy sú predstavované postupne, cez jednoduché  pomôcky – „tipy“.V prípade potreby si môžu študenti nájsť a doplniť si „chýbajúce časti gramatiky“ prostredníctvom odkazov na odporúčanú literatúru. Cieľom tejto knihy je uľahčiť a zefektívniť celý proces štúdia/osvojenia si (lekárskej) slovenčiny.

Examination methods and injection technique in...



Ahmad GharaibehMarek Lacko

Authors describe the clinical and paraclinical examination methods necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic diseases in both children and adults.

The examination methods are categorized based on individual anatomical locations. A valuable chapter discusses joint aspirations, detailing their indications, techniques for performing them, and potential complications. The chapter showcasing patient documentation for students serves as a significant aid for practical exams before the state final examination in surgery.

This work appropriately complements the available educational literature required for international undergraduate students in general medicine, as well as for physicians in specialized training in orthopedics and related fields.

Download e-book for free (pdf)

Neuroanatómia pre psychológov

Availability: 8 In Stock

Květuše Lovásová a kol. 

Despite the wide range of high quality textbooks offered on the Slovak market there is no publication with colorful pictures and schemes that can serve as an principal tool for practical and theoretical teaching of neuroanatomy for future psychologists in non-medical academic programmes of Arts and Science Faculties. Following new trends in methods of teaching, it is necessary to pay more attention to quality, depth, and effectiveness of education.

Such kind of illustrated textbook with the interesting graphic design should connect this important morphological subject and clinical medicine to understand the nervous system in the clinical context. This publication was created by using of original, new detailed pictures, and graphic schemes and was supplemented with a short clinical notes. It will be very helpfull to understand the details of neuroanatomical structures and brain regions.

We hope that originality and details of this book will find its application in studies of neuroanatomy for psychologists. 

CYTOCHROME P-450: genetic and population aspects


I. R. MavlyanovA. K. AshirmetovZ. I. MavlyanovG. J. Jarilkasinova

Need of carrying out a pharmacological genotyping for providing the individualized pharmacotherapy is shown in the monograph based on the analysis of own and literary data of the central link of drug pharmacokinetics– systems of cytochrome P-450, taking into account its genetic polymorphysm.
The monograph is intended for the clinical pharmacologists, geneticists and experts dealing with this problem.

Download the e-book for free (pdf)

Histology (Practical lessons)

Availability: 50 In Stock

Eva Mechírová - Iveta Domoráková

The content of this "Practical lessons" represents a record of the appearance, under the light microscope of the tissues, organs and systems of the human body. In addition, it provides visual guidelines during the practical phase of a histology course. It is hoped that this book will be especially useful to students to understand fully the microscopic structure of human tissues and organs.


Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

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