Občianstvo a občianska spoločnosť (Stav - Kontexty - Perspektívy)


Gabriel Eštok - Renáta Bzdilová - Jakub Bardovič

Zborník príspevkov z IV. ročníka Vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov konanej 14. a 15. mája 2015 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach v spolupráci s občianskym združením Res Publica je súčasťou riešenia projektu VVGS-2014-214. Názov: Volebný cenzus v 21. storočí.

Zborník je výsledkom v poradí už 4. konferencie tohto druhu, ktorá dáva priestor mladej vedeckej komunite stretnúť sa a diskutovať o politických problémoch Slovenskej republiky i medzinárodnej politickej scény. Navyše, opätovne možno konštatovať, že diskusia bola podnetná a na kvalitatívne vysokej úrovni. Výber tém reflektuje záujmy mladej vedeckej obce. Vo výslednej publikácii je rozoberané a analyzované veľké množstvo rôznorodých problémov a problematík, ktoré mladá vedecká komunita v stredoeurópskom priestore rieši v súvislosti s občianstvom a občianskou spoločnosťou. Témy ako občianska spoločnosť; vzťah medzi občanom a štátom; hypersieťová spoločnosť; potenciál občianskej spoločnosti pri znižovaní korupcie vo verejnej správe v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky; bariéry politickej participácie – volebný cenzus a jeho historický kontext v slovenských podmienkach; dvojité občianstvo; ochrana ľudských práv v demokratickej spoločnosti; materstvo; postavenie žien v islame či postavenie židovských žien; ochrana obetí trestných činov; ženy v revolúciách či rola ženských občianskych združení v kontexte ukrajinskej krízy; záujmy Číňanov v Arktíde či problematika pracovných táborov a porušovanie práv obohacujú túto publikáciu o perspektívy a analýzy mladých ľudí so silným vedeckým potenciálom. Naším spoločným cieľom je podnecovať záujem o štúdium širokého okruhu celospoločenských problémov a prispieť svojim pohľadom k pokusom o riešenie nastoľovaných tém.

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Data sheet

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Gabriel Eštok - Renáta Bzdilová - Jakub Bardovič
Typ dokumentu:
zborník príspevkov
Počet strán:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Filozofická fakulta
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Sociálna práca so skupinou


Lucia Tóthová

Social work with a group, along with social work with individuals, social work with the community and social work with society, is one of the basic methods used in the field of social work, but also in other helping professions. The work of a social worker requires knowledge of these methods but also of the techniques through which these methods are implemented and fulfilled. Understanding and acquiring individual methods for the needs of social practice requires the theoretical mastery of those institutes that are the basis of the method and the interrelationships between these institutes. Therefore, the author proceeded to elaborate a university textbook in which she focuses on one of the basic methods of social work, namely social work with a group.

The university textbook is designed for university students who are focused on social work studies, but also psychology, ethics and other disciplines using the method of working with a group, as it aims to present some facts about social groups and behaviour in them.

The author offers an insight into social work with the group from its historical foundations to today's latest knowledge of this method in accordance with the latest research of work with the group.

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Edukácia, roč. 7, č. 1/2024


Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

Vedecký recenzovaný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

Ciele vedeckého časopisu Edukácia:

  • • prezentovať súčasné postavenie a funkciu pedagóga v edukačnej praxi a jeho perspektívy,
  • • prezentovať aktuálne otázky vzdelávania a výchovy z pohľadu učiteľov, sociálnych pedagógov, špeciálnych pedagógov a psychológov,
  • • prezentovať inovácie v edukačnej praxi; analyzovať stav a problémy prepájania teórie a praxe výchovy a vzdelávania vo vzťahu k moderným
       vyučovacím koncepciám,
  • • prezentovať aktuálne trendy v pregraduálnej príprave pedagógov,
  • • prezentovať výsledky empirických výskumov z oblasti pedagogiky, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky a psychológie v prostredí
       rodiny, školy a mimoškolských výchovných inštitúcií.

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Nová ekológia morálno-filozofickej reflexie...


Ľubov Vladyková

Reflection of technics  is about as old as philosophy. In the presented monograph the author reflects technology and technology as a medium of everyday life. Every technical change is reflected in countless levels of our lives: environmental, economic, political, cultural and personal. The moral-philosophical reflection of technics and  technology aims to understand the complex relationships and effects of technology on the environment, society, culture and our existence. Knowledge (whose scientific knowledge is a special type) is part of the social and technical domains. If we perceive social and technical domains as separate, we deny their functioning as an integral part of our existence. Speaking of 'new ecology of technology and technology'  the term ecology symbolizes the new existing disorder and 'cross-border' in the field of technology and technology reflection as a result of their revolutionary and far-reaching changes, and social change is unpredictable - all the more because technics and technology is the medium of everyday life and determines the future of the human species.

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English for Chemists



Božena Velebná

The following material has been created during the two years of teaching English for Chemists at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University and is therefore designed to meet the needs of this course. The main motivation was the lack of appropriate materials, especially as the groups generally comprise students with a very diverse level of English. This diversity therefore became the main criterion determining both the form and the content of this text.

In the ten units that provide material for a one semester course, the emphasis is put on teaching the students vocabulary and terminology, which is introduced via authentic texts, depending on the topic of each unit. Students are encouraged to learn the meaning of new words in context. Grammar is included too, with the aim of demonstrating and explaining grammatical rules by means of examples taken directly from the texts. For the more advanced students, grammatical exercises in this material can serve for revision while the beginners might need more supplementary materials.

I hope that this material, the preparation of which has been a challenging as well as enjoyable experience will be useful for future teachers and the students of this course.

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The Magic of Sounds


Marián GladišLucia Jasinská (eds.)

This peer-reviewed collection of papers is a publication output of the scientific colloquium named The Magic of Sounds, which was organized by the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication at the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and by the Košice Branch of the Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľudovít Štúr Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Associate Professor PhDr. Jozef Liška, PhD., the founder of the Slovak logopaedics. Participants focused their papers on the analysis of the linguistic and speech therapy work of J. Liška, his contribution to Slovak dialectology and orthoepy, presented him as an Anglicist, and they also dealt with the audio aspect of children's speech, exact methods of disturbances and low voice quality measuring, or machine speech processing. An interpretative paper of the documentary They Will Speak Well, a socially important piece of film work, which was made in 1958 under the supervision of J. Liška, is also included in the proceedings.

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Kant, fenomenológia a analytická filozofia



Vladimír Leško - Milovan Ješič - Eugen Andreanský

Filozofické dielo zakladateľa nemeckého klasického idealizmu Immanuela Kanta patrí k tým, ktoré je silou svojho teoretického odkazu permanentne inšpirujúce aj v súčasných dobových filozofických aktivitách. To je neodškriepiteľnou skutočnosťou, voči ktorej nemožno vážnejšie namietať. Dôkazom tejto skutočnosti sú aj filozofické učenia zakladateľa fenomenológie Edmunda Husserla, jeho pokračovateľa Martina Heideggera a tiež viacerých predstaviteľov analytickej filozofie. Uvedená skutočnosť priviedla autorov tejto práce k myšlienke, aby naznačenej problematike venovali samostatnú kolektívnu monografiu.

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Pohyb ku kognitívnym adaptačným štúdiám....



Peter Getlík

The main goal of the monograph "Moving Towards Cognitive Adaptation Studies: Adaptation as Play" was to orient current research in adaptation studies towards the empirically responsible cognitive branch of non-radical constructivism. This intention results from the rapid progressive differentiation of adaptation studies research, which has mainly manifested itself in this area in the last two decades. With the model of adaptation as play in a cognitive-scientific perspective, author provides the possibility of predicting the nature (also in a broader sense) of the experience of adaptation. Since the form of this experience significantly shapes the products of the adaptation process into their final form, the model of adaptation as play can be applied even in the interpretation of individual adaptations. In the monograph, the author synthesized the model of adaptation as play based on the knowledge of various disciplines. In the field of cognitive sciences, he saw help from the starting points of philosophy, linguistics, informatics, psychology, anthropology, biology and neuroscience – especially affective neuroscience, which also deals with the emotional dimension of the play. In the intersection with the essential interdisciplinary components of adaptation research, he also used the knowledge of classical and cognitive variations of literary science, film science (also theatrology) and media studies to a large extent. Consistent with other similar results of cognitive sciences, it turns out that even seemingly serious adaptations, like in many aspects of our culture, have a ludic base.

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Mária Mičaninová - Ivica Hajdučeková (eds.)

In the framework of the project VEGA of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic 1/0330/12 The Function of Metaphor in the Philosophy of Shlomo ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol and Shihab al-Din Yahya al-Suhrawardi, project leader Assoc. Prof. Mária Mičaninová, CSc., under the patronage of the rector of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, The Slovak Republic, Prof. MUDr. Ladislav Mirossay, DrSc., and of The Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the same University, took place on 4th – 5th October 2013 an International conference on The Function of Metaphor in Medieval Neoplatonism. Two days´conference was opened by Dean of the Faculty of Arts of P. J. Šafárik University, Prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.,in the presence of Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Leško, CSc., Head of The Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy, and of foreign guests and students of the University.

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Data-based prevention of substance use among...


Oľga OrosováMarcela ŠtefaňákováMária BačíkováBeáta GajdošováAnna Janovská

The research monograph is focused on studying the effectiveness of the Unplugged prevention program conducted at primary schools across Slovakia. Using two large datasets with repeated measures, the monograph contributes to research knowledge about substance use prevention. The authors studied protective and risk factors, developmental trends of smoking and alcohol consumption as well as the effectiveness of the Unplugged prevention program – its effect on psychological and behavioural indicators of health-related behaviour. Considering the complexity of the analyses on two datasets with 5 waves of data, each chapter is presented as a separate research study. The findings serve as a basis for recommendations for parents and teachers and also for school management at primary schools that support effective school policy aimed at the prevention and promotion of the health in schoolchildren.

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Self-reflection teaching diary


Renáta OrosováKatarína PetríkováLucia Diheneščíková

Teaching belongs among the oldest professions in human history. Despite all efforts to innovate education by substituting the teacher using the products of the rapidly developing information and communication technologies in modern teaching concepts, the teacher continues to play a decisive role in the education process. If it is to be controlled, it cannot work without a teacher.

To be a teacher means to accept the responsibility for the education of the next generation: to prepare young people for their life and future profession. To be a good teacher means to possess certain characteristics related to professionalism, thinking, expectations and leadership. It means to master different teaching and learning strategies as well as motivation methods, endure the stress and pressure of the school environment, use basic social and communication skills actively and efficiently, follow the progress of their pupils to help them improve, and also to be capable of optimally resolving emerging educational situations and issues (Rovňanová, 2015).

It suggests that the teacher must be a “master” in their profession, i. e. they must never stop learning, improving themselves, creatively working with the educational content and innovating the process of education. Innovations can come along as early as during the initial stages of one’s teaching career. Practical professional training for future teachers largely focuses on the development of subject-related and didactic skills, however, self-reflection is paid little attention. Self-reflective techniques and methods may be incorporated in the practical professional training for students in model situations in the faculty environment as well as in the actual school environments during their teaching practice.

Based on the analysis of self-reflection competences in future teachers, opinions of the mentor teachers and their recommendations and the set of pupil-oriented and educational process-oriented competences, a protocol for using self-reflection methods has been created. More precisely, it is a self-reflection teaching diary. It is an innovative method of self-reflection competence development in teaching students in their practical specialized preparation, particularly the self-reflective observation practice and conversation.

The Self-Reflection Teaching Diary is the outcome of the VVGS “Innovation in self-reflection competence development teaching methods in the practical specialized training of future teachers” grant project solving. It is an innovative and creative text-based tool not only for teaching students but also for university teachers specializing in their practical preparation as well as mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools. Its English version can be used by teaching students on their study stays abroad. It is also a transparent and unified tool in the practical preparation of future teachers aiming at the development of their self-reflection competences.


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Risk and preventive factors of burn-out in help...


Lenka LukáčováEva Žiaková

The burnout syndrome in the simplest sense is a state of total physical and psychological exhaustion. Its cyclical course may be misleading, often underestimated and neglected on the part of a burned-out individual, as well as by its surroundings. The neglection of warning signals strengthens the field of its occurrence and impact.

Helping professions are characterized by a number of specificities, including phenomenom associated with frequent and intense contact with "unknown" people. In addition to the many positive aspects, work with people also involves burnout syndrome. This is a very unpleasant "experience" with possible devastating effects on a potentially highly effective expert. Burning syndrome affects ot those people who practice their profession with a high intellectual and emotional attitude. The central interest of the helping profession is man in his bio-psycho-socio-spiritual unity. The helping worker in relation to client acts as the main tool and must be able to act against each client / patient not only in the context of these components but also in the context of their individuality. The Combination of lack of social support, inadequate motivation, or dissatisfaction with the work environment, these determinants can lead to the onset of burnout syndrome, which many times represents a treacherous gap that makes  lot of difficulties and can last for several years.

Monography is one of the methods with which we strive to draw attention to the problem of burnout syndrome in the performance of a helping profession. Based on this, we have focused on determining the frequency of occurrence of burnout syndrome in assisting professions based on predetermined risk factors (specific profesion, length of practice, motivators) in order to verify, confirm or refute  predefined factors. The subject of this research was also to examine the correlation between the aforementioned factors, the quality of professional life and the strategies for managing stress and stress situations. The monography is intended for helping profesions e.g. social workers, nurses, doctors etc. We also believe that, this monography will be also benefit for a wider range of helping professions, as well for all those involved in the his problematics.

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Research Methodology Exercises



Soňa Lovašová

If we were to conduct a study on the popularity of subjects among social work students, the subjects of Research Methodology and Statistics would likely rank low on the list. It is precisely the lack of popularity of research methodology among students that led to the preparation of this textbook. The stylistic approach of this text was chosen with the intention of introducing the fundamentals of methodology to students encountering it for the first time, without alienating methodologists. The text primarily serves as a teaching aid for the course "Exercise in Research Methodology" and the seminars "Bachelor Thesis Seminar" and "Master's Thesis Seminar." Throughout the entire textbook, examples and case studies are interwoven and visually highlighted. The text endeavors to address the fundamental question that is key to motivating and understanding the essence of research methodology: why is research necessary for social workers? The aim of the textbook is to facilitate students' preparation for the Research Methodology course and to enhance their understanding of the basics of research methodology.

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