Public Administration as a Provider of Public Services of a Social State

Utilising Foreign Experience for Reforms in the Slovak Republic

Stanislav Konečný

The topic of our research task of the same name VEGA 1/0757/17 was based on the question – and was likewise defined in its approved project – how public administration as one of the providers of public services can act as efficiently as possible in favour of making these services available from the aspect (place of permanent residence) of the citizen. This can be done with a certain optimality in the structure of public administration, primarily at the local, but also at the supra-local, e.g. regional, level. If, for example, the settlement structure is too disintegrated, or conversely the regional structure is too aggregated (or even too fragmented), various alternative solutions must be sought that are rational and optimal for satisfying citizens and that will not waste public resources. In this, it is also questionable how the system of state administration authorities and local government authorities is reflected in this structure (in the case of known differences in their operation in both these regimes, or in a regime of delegated performance of state administration), including the conditions of funding these services as public services.

This level of the issue relates not just to competences in the field of social assistance, as sometimes emphasised in Slovakia, but relates to all competences that the state delegates to local government. The delegation of competences means not just the amendment of a law, but also creating conditions for its efficient application for which it is necessary that municipalities or regions perform delegated competences for a certain territory (e.g. for an appropriate number of inhabitants) (Bodnárová - Džambazovič 2011, pp. 20-21), or as M. Jílek (2008, p. 39) writes “an optimal number of citizens of a territorial self-government authority for a given quantity of goods provided will be determined by the maximum positive difference between total utility from consumption per person and total costs for providing the goods per person”. The requirement that municipalities and regions have available a public services infrastructure (Dušek 2016) must thus be confronted with certain capacity possibilities and efficiently and appropriately assessed by the need for various public services in relation to the territorial unit for which the infrastructure is to provide these services.

In terms of economic decentralisation, or fiscal federalism, this concerns the wellknown Oates decentralisation theorem, according to which any public service should be provided by a unit governing the smallest possible geographical area in which the costs and utility of the provided service can be internalised (Oates 1999), whereby the author very clearly highlighted the efficiency limits of decentralisation. This was something that was largely disregarded in Slovakia and surrounding countries at the start of the 1990s, with political arguments dominating (to bring the exercise of public power closer to the citizen).

It would thus be possible by means of economic modelling to determine normatively the most suitable size of units for each kind of public service, assuming that for various public services we would arrive at different sizes of these units for different public services – in the end some optimising compromise would still have to be found in order for there to be a meaningful, but in particular, realistic and applicable structure of these units in practice. We chose a different, non-normative approach, an empirical and analytical approach, characteristic (together with a comparison method) for public policy theory. It is based in general on the fact that we compared actually existing units operating as public service providers in various countries, and in this comparison we attempted to identify the limits of their efficient functionality. The benefit of this approach, in contrast to the previous normative approach, is that the solution offered is tangibly available in existing practice and is not simply a theoretical (calculated) concept.

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Data sheet

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Stanislav Konečný
Výkonný redaktor
prof. Ing. Viktória Bobáková, CSc.
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Fakulta verejnej správy
The paper is part of the VEGA project no. 1/0757/17 “Public administration as a provider of public services of the welfare state - utilising of foreign experience for reforms in the Slovak Republic.”
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Aktuálne otázky trvalo udržateľného rozvoja...


Darina Koreňová

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Košice 19. mája 2017

Katedra ekonomiky a riadenia verejnej správy, Fakulty verejnej správy, Univerzity P. J. Šafárika zorganizovala dňa 19. mája 2017 medzinárodnú vedeckú konferenciu "Aktuálne otázky trvalo udržateľného rozvoja miest a obcí". Zborník príspevkov obsahuje výsledky vedeckovýskumnej činnosti autorov jednotlivých príspevkov, ktoré boli prezentované na konferencii. Zborník prináša aktuálne pohľady na široké spektrum problémov, s ktorými sa stretáva územná samospráva nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v zahraničí. Zborník obsahuje 32 príspevkov, ktoré sú v prevažnej miere zamerané na udržateľný rozvoj územnej samosprávy, zdroje financovania územnej samosprávy, inovácie metód a myslenia vo verejnom sektore a ďalšie zaujímavé témy vyžadujúce riešenia.

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Teória ústavy a ústavné systémy demokratických...

Availability: 5 In Stock

Ladislav Orosz

Vysokoškolská učebnica pripravená pre štúdium verejnoprávnych disciplín na Fakulte verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá je využiteľná ako študijná literatúra aj pre študentov právnických fakúlt a politológie. V prvej časti učebnice je predmetom výkladu a analýzy teória ústavy. Autor kladie v tejto časti osobitný zreteľ  na dynamicky sa rozvíjajúce časti ústavnej teórie, ku ktorým patrí najmä problematika materiálneho jadra ústavy a súdna kontrola ústavnosti. Druhá časť učebnice má komparatívny charakter. Autor v nej analyzuje genézu a rozbor súčasného stavu ústavných modelov tradičných demokracií (USA,  Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska, Francúzska a SRN), ako štátov zoskupenia V4 (Poľská republika, Maďarsko, Česká republika, Slovenská republika).

Alla scoperta di conce digitali e verdi per...



Josef Bernhart - Peter Decarli - Davide Maffei (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Manuál dobrého spravovania pre budúcich...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The University Textbook is the first one of two publications prepared for the newly created study subject "Competencies of Capacities in Public Institutions ", implemented within the activity "Cooperation of Public Institutions in Youth's Education" of the project "Future of Public Administration" (FoPA), which is implemented in the Good Governance and Cross-Border Cooperation program, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. However, the consistent implementation of the concept of Good Governance requires an in-depth understanding of the aspects that are associated in practice with the application of individual principles of Good Governance. The presented university textbook "Good Governance manual for Future Experts in Public Institutions" has ambition in fulfilling the 12 principles of Good Governance.

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Aktuálne otázky obecnej samosprávy v Slovenskej...



Michal Jesenko - Jana Volochová - Andrea KošíkováPatrik Fajak

The methodological manual is thematically focused on the identification and analysis of key problems of self-government of "small" municipalities in selected areas. We specified the basic areas: financing of municipal competences, waste management and its financing, management of municipal waste. Subsequently, attention is paid to the creation of appropriate strategic solutions to the identified problems through a methodological manual, while maintaining the basic principles of public administration. The result of our identification and subsequent analysis of selected problems is to offer possible solutions and point out the justification of the need to solve selected problems of self-government, which can be used in practice and offer possible solutions to correct the negative situation.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť



Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová - Veronika Džatková - Jana Volochová (eds.)

A peer-reviewed proceeding of contributions from the 9th international scientific conference “Public Administration and Society” which was held on September 30th, 2022 at the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The content of the proceeding consists of the latest scientific knowledge of domestic and foreign authors conceived in thematic areas of law, sociology, economics and political science. The focus of the conference was to present the results of scientific research activities in the field of modern theory and practice of public administration, as well as the opportunities to share practical experiences, to create space for establishing and deepening cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, public administration institutions and bodies and to exchange the experiences and knowledge by public servants.

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Sociálna politika včera a dnes

Availability: 30 In Stock

Richard Geffert

Táto kniha je určená študentom spoločenských a behaviorálnych vied, zvlášť odborom, ako verejná politika a verejná správa, politológia, ale aj sociológia, či história a filozofia. Mnohé informácie v nej sú zaujímavé aj pre študentov humanitných odborov a filozofických či pedagogických fakúlt.  Explicitne je určená k predmetom Sociálna politika a Európska sociálna politika, tiež ako základ k predmetu Aplikovaná sociálna politika pre odbory verejná politika a verejná správa a európska verejná správa fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach. Ponúka množstvo informácií o sociálnej politike, ako aplikovanej vednej disciplíne, ktorá je predovšetkým vedou pre prax (nie výskumom pre výskum). Vznikla sumarizáciou a syntézou mnohých domácich aj zahraničných autorov z rôznych vedných disciplín – politológia, ekonómia, právo, sociológia, ale aj sociálna práca či filozofia. Ponúka multiparadigmatický pohľad na sociálnu politiku Západnej civilizácie s jej axiologickým fundamentom, ktorý má svoj základ v historickom odkaze Starovekého Grécka, skrz kresťanstvo; predovšetkým kresťanské sociálne učenie, až po postmodernú polyparadigmatickú súčasnosť nového storočia a tisícročia. Je rozdelená do šestnástich základných kapitol, ktoré postupne predstavujú  sociálnu politiku od jej základných charakteristík a pojmov, cez aktérov  a  historický development, až po jej šesť základných integrálnych súčastí.

Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a...


Igor Palúš • Ondrej Mitaľ • Vladimíra Žofčinová

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie organizovanej pri príležitosti 20. výročia vzniku Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach konanej dňa 15. novembra 2018 v Košiciach.

Dňa 15. novembra 2018 sa v priestoroch Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach konala medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a právnom štáte“. Vedeckým podujatím, ktorého sa zúčastnilo viac ako 60 odborníkov z domácich i zahraničných vysokých škôl a fakúlt, ale aj predstaviteľov rôznych inštitúcií z prostredia verejnej správy, si Fakulta verejnej správy pripomenula 20. výročie svojho vzniku. Prvá časť konferencie prebiehala v rámci plenárneho zasadnutia, druhá pokračovala rokovaním v štyroch sekciách, ktorých názvy sa zhodujú s prioritnou vedeckou orientáciou jednotlivých katedier fakulty. Na plenárnom zasadnutí, ako aj v odborných sekciách odznelo veľa obsahovo kvalitných a podnetných vystúpení, ktoré nesporne prispejú k ďalšiemu rozvíjaniu teórie verejnej správy – všeobecne, a k rozvíjaniu čiastkových vedeckých tém riešených katedrami fakulty – zvlášť. Vedeckú konferenciu sprevádzal pracovný charakter, kultivované vedecké a odborné prostredie, v jeho rámci nespočetné diskusie účastníkov viažuce sa k aktuálnym otázkam a problémom verejnej správy, ale aj formulovaniu návrhov na ďalšiu možnú spoluprácu v oblasti vedy a vzdelania. Fakulta vydáva z vedeckej konferencie recenzovaný vedecký zborník, ktorý bude mať dve časti, vzhľadom na veľký počet aktívnych účastníkov. V prvej časti sú zahrnuté tri vystúpenia z plenárneho zasadnutia korešpondujúce s obsahom príspevkov, ktoré odzneli v rámci rokovania sekcií garantovaných Katedrou verejnej politiky a teórie verejnej správy a Katedrou verejnoprávnych disciplín. V druhej časti sú dve vystúpenia z plenárneho zasadnutia, ktoré obsahovo súvisia s rokovaním sekcií garantovaných Katedrou sociálnych vied a Katedrou ekonomiky a riadenia verejnej správy. Poďakovanie patrí všetkým aktívnym účastníkom vedeckej konferencie, ale aj tým, ktorí sa na jej príprave a priebehu organizačne podieľali.

prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.
predseda organizačného výboru

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Ondrej Mitaľ - Eliška Župová a kol.

The textbook follows the publication "Good governance manual for future experts of public institutions". The publication complements the previous university textbook with case studies of the various principles of Good Governance. The case studies thematically copy the chapters of the university textbook and, with their unique, original and each author's own way of processing the case study, enrich the teaching of the study subject focused on the principles of Good Governance.

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Organizational Behavior



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

The second revised and extended edition of University textbook Organizational Behavior is the work of an international team of authors. University teachers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities are the authors of this book. Problem areas of organizational behavior and its processing comprehensively was the intention of the authors. University textbook is complemented by 10 chapters, other chapters are significantly revised. University textbook is thematically divided into five parts. The first part treats the issue of organizational behavior as a discipline. Organizational behavior is theoretically defined, there is indicated the subject matter of the discipline, relationship with other sciences, historical and scientific foundations of organizational behavior. There are also presented knowledge about formal organizations and bureaucracy. Final of the first part is dedicated to social science research and social audit in organizations. The second part is called Individual aspects of organizational behavior and there are included themes as personality, work and its role in human life, job satisfaction, work motivation and loyalty of employees. This part is complemented by the issue of personality, competency and power of manager and career issues. Interpersonal interaction and group processes in an organization is the name of the third part of the book. It includes the chapters as working group, team and team roles, leadership and its impact on human personality, communication, performance management, friendships and loneliness in the organization. This section was complemented by the issue of interculturar communication in the international organizational context, conflicts in the workplace and workplace misbehavior. Fourth, complemented part is called Resources and means of ensuring employees and there are included themes such as external and internal mobility of workers, personal marketing, and unemployed as a potential source of workforce and talent management. The fifth part is called The organization as a culture and organizational dynamics. Authors included topics such as organizational culture, social responsibility of organizations and added the themes ethics on workplace, change management and radical change – reengineering. University textbook presents current theoretical knowledge and also the results of relevant research. Contents of chapters are complemented by practical examples of organizations. There are included questions for reflection and tasks at the end of each chapter. Tasks that help students and professional public apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. This University textbook comes with support KEGA no. 013-UPJŠ 4/2013 titled Organizational Behavior - University textbook for the compulsory subject of the new study program.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Veronika Šafárová (ed.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, 15. február 2017

Obsah zborníka tvoria príspevky účastníkov 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, ktorá sa konala na pôde Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach. Celkovo zahŕňa 21 príspevkov, ktoré sú podľa ich obsahového zamerania rozdelené do politologickej, právnej a sociálno-ekonomickej sekcie. Účastníci konferencie predstavili príspevky zamerané na teoretické a praktické aspekty verejnej správy. Zahrnuli do nich mnoho dôležitých postrehov, názorov, skúseností a poznatkov. Všetky publikované príspevky zároveň poskytujú priestor pre hlbšiu kvalifikovanú diskusiu.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová - Darina Koreňová (eds.)

The peer-reviewed non-conference proceedings entitled: "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions" is one of the outputs of the VEGA project no. 1/0055/22 "The importance of smart technologies in the process of mitigating the economic and socio-psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of population.", which is being addressed at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Economics and Public Administration Management. The papers published in this proceedings support the research part of the investigators of the scientific project with their content. At the same time, they create a professional and scientific diapasone for further investigation and creation of scientific hypotheses.

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Sociálna spravodlivosť a starobné dôchodkové...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Sociologické aspekty verejnej správy


Eliška Župová

Vysokoškolské učebné texty sú venované teoretickej problematike sociologických aspektov pre potreby študentov študijného programu verejná správa a študijnému programu európska verejná správa. Publikácia sa vo svojej prvej kapitole venuje pozornosť sociológie z hľadiska jej predmetu a vzťahu k iným vedným disciplínam. Druhá časť je tvorená kapitolami dva až päť a je venovaná histórii sociológie a najvýznamnejším postavám sociológie od jej vzniku až po súčasnosť a vývojovým smerom klasickej a súčasnej sociológie. Tretí okruh sa venuje systematickej sociológii. Z množstva sociologickým tém, paradigiem a problémov je táto časť publikácie zostavená tak, aby študentom poskytla základné poznatky z vybraných sociologických aspektov pre potreby ich štúdia.

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Organizačné správanie - cvičebnica



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

University Exercise Book Organizational Behavior adds content as University Textbook with the same name and completes the overall view of the behavior of people in organizations with respect to the classical approaches and new trends on a subject. The authors are university teachers, scientific researchers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities and their texts formed the basis of analysis and comparison of theoretical knowledge of both home and foreign resources, research results, as well as monitoring requirements of practice imposed on the behavior of employees organizations. Submitted publication has 26 separate chapters focusing on work, personality, work groups and teams, team roles, communication organization, social, communication and management skills, social audit, job satisfaction and motivation, loyalty to the organization, organizational culture, social responsibility organization, talent management, performance management, learning and learning organization, negative phenomena at work, unemployment as a social problem, acceptance of risk in the organization, system of strategic tuning of organization and empirical social research. Each chapter contains a brief summary of the information on the chosen theme, theses and questions to replicate the tasks and activities in which there are used innovative and creative teaching methods (case studies, role playing, mental mapping, etc.) With a view to increase the active participation of students or other participants, actors in addressing current issues and problems in practice. University Exercise Book may therefore serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool in various outdoor and indoor training activities in the process of learning in organizations, or. the interaction of academic theory and economic reality.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment. In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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