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Jana Shepa (ed.)
The book of abstracts from the second year of the international conference Spring electrochemical meeting is composed of contributions from the participants of this student conference.
The conference consisted of one invited lecture and ten competing student lectures. The message of this meeting is to create a dialogue between students of electrochemistry and the mutual exchange of knowledge. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.
Data sheet
Vladimír Zeleňák (ed.)
Zborník obsahuje príspevky účastníkov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá sa konala 24. apríla 2014
The textbook "Structure and reactivity - solved examples and tasks, part 1" is the basis for teaching the subject "Structure and reactivity" for students of the 1st year of master's studies at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, department of Organic Chemistry. The textbook is divided into individual chapters, each chapter offering students examples of chemical reactions, where their course is explained on the basis of appropriate reaction mechanisms. A substantial part of the textbook consists of unresolved tasks, the main goal of which is the development of students' knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the textbook is focused on only one semester of study, it cannot cover all reactions, rather it is only representative examples of different types of reactions, such as: addition reactions, elimination reactions, aromatic substitution, addition-elimination reactions, radical reactions and pericyclic reactions.
The collection of exercises summarises and supplements the exercises realised at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice within the lecture course Elementary Particle Physics. The collection is intended for the master students of the Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics subject, but it could be beneficial also for other physics subjects or even for interdisciplinary study.
Adriana Zeleňáková - Jozef Bednarčík
Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie NANOVIR
Hlavným cieľom vedeckej konferencie NANOVIR bola prezentácia vedeckých výsledkov, získaných počas riešenia projektu NANOVIR – Nanočastice pre riešenie diagnosticko- terapeutických problémov s COVID-19, spolufinancovaného z Európskeho Fondu Regionálneho Rozvoja v Operačnom Programe Integrovaná Infraštruktúra 2014 – 2020, ITMS: 313011AUW7. Projekt bol riešený v období 1.1.2021 – 30.6.2023 a bol podporený sumou 1 916 004,79 EUR. Spolupodieľali sa na ňom tri spoluriešiteľské organizácie: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach ako hlavný riešiteľ, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach ako partner č. 1 a Ústav experimentálnej fyziky Slovenskej akadémie vied ako partner č. 2.
Selected tasks and problems from biochemistry – metabolism follow biochemistry lectures on metabolism and individual metabolic pathways for students of the second and third year of the bachelor’s degree in the fields of chemistry, biology and their combinations with other fields. Scripts provide an opportunity to better understand the lectured subject matter of metabolism through the solution of tasks and problems as serve as a basis for one-hour exercises. The scripts are divided thematically into eleven chapters, and each chapter contains 10 tasks and 7 problems. At the beginning of the chapters there is a short description and explanation of the given metabolic pathway. However, when solving the tasks, the student must focus mainly on the curriculum that was presented on the given topic in the lecture. Subsequently, at the end of chapter, answers to problems are also presented. These scripts are intentionally accessible only in electronic form. The reason is the effort to continuously update and modernize individual tasks.
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Vysokoškolský učebný text určený pre poslucháčov vyšších ročníkov z bioanorganickej chémie. Štúdium bioanorganickej chémie si vyžaduje vedomosti z predchádzajúcich chemický disciplín nižších ročníkov - všeobecnej, anorganickej, organickej, fyzikálnej chémie a biochémie.
Peter Fedoročko a kol.
Vysokoškolský učebný text Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ.
University textbooks present the basics of knowledge systems, which are divided into two parts. The first part of the publication is devoted to the basis of Formal Concept Analysis, ie the method of data analysis, knowledge representation and information processing, which is based on the formalization of the concept. In the second part we deal with the basics of logic programming, procedural semantics of logic programming, ie programs - theories, questions, SLD-derivation, SLD-tree, search strategies.
University textbooks are intended for students of master's degree programs in computer science.
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Mária Kožurková - Martin Putala
Cieľom tejto knihy je spracovať názvoslovné zásady a pravidlá, podľa ktorých sa tvoria slovenské názvy biochemických zlúčenín. Táto monografia je po dlhšom čase prvým pokusom o spracovanie tohto problému, a preto dúfame, že bude pomôckou a prínosom nielen pre študentov a učiteľov ale aj vedeckých pracovníkov. Poslúži aj študentom stredných škôl, ktorí majú záujem o biochémiu a molekulovú biológiu. Kniha obsahuje najnovšie názvoslovie, zásady a pravidlá pri tvorbe názvov biochemických zlúčenín. Kniha plne aplikuje odporúčania spoločnej komisie Medzinárodnej únie pre teoretickú a aplikovanú chémiu (IUPAC) a Medzinárodnej únie pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu (IUBMB) so zahrnutím aktuálnych úprav názvoslovia, stereochémie a grafického znázornenia štruktúr podľa IUPAC.
Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda - Peter Kaňuch
Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.
Mária Vilková - Zuzana Kudličková - Ján Elečko
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon. Organic compounds in the form of large molecules (macromolecules), such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are the basic elements of living organisms. This study material is created for non-chemistry students, especially students of biology. Most of these students have little or no knowledge of organic chemistry. Therefore, we proceed from the basic principles of organic chemistry to biochemistry.
The basic principles of organic chemistry and biochemistry are briefly summarized in individual chapters, but the main content consists of tasks for practising basic knowledge. To check the correctness of solving the tasks, the correct solutions are also given. The importance of this study material lies in the fact that students will get additional study material that they will use in studying the subject Basics of Chemistry.
Gabriel Semanišin - Emil Hutňan - Jana Oleničová
Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevkov účastníkov konferencie UNIFOS 2014,
Univerzitné informačné systémy v Košiciach, ktorá sa konala 27. – 29. októbra 2014.
Linear programming belongs to parts of mathematics with the greatest number of real applications. This Slovak-English problem collection provides an overview of basic knowledge in the area, application problems as well as problems to acquire routine in calculations. It is complemented by questions motivating the student to look for further theoretical principles, construct conterexamples and formulate arguments to explain the studied phenomena.
Učebnica má slúžiť na prípravu študentov, ktorí sa budú venovať experimentálnemu štúdiu vlastností kondenzovaných látok. Ukazuje sa, že súčasný experimentálny fyzik musí mať nielen dostatočne podrobné vedomosti o fyzikálnych procesoch odohrávajúcich sa v objekte, ktorý je predmetom štúdia, ale aj o spôsoboch vytvorenia experimentálnych podmienok, v akých sa experiment uskutočňuje. Aktívna znalosť spôsobu činnosti celej experimentálnej zostavy môže mať zásadný význam pri implementácii resp. potenciálnej úprave používanej meracej metodiky.
Vlasta Demečková - Petra Hradická - Petra Adamková
The learning material for the course Practice in Immunology is based on several years of experience with teaching this subject, but mainly to provide students from the Biology Department at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, UPJŠ in Košice with sufficient theoretical background for practical exercises. It also serves as a scientific diary for detailed recording of all experimental data necessary for preparing laboratory protocols from individual exercises.
In studying biology, it is essential that students thoroughly understand not only the basics of each discipline but also acquire practical skills, including designing scientific experiments, selecting appropriate analytical/investigative techniques up to interpreting and presenting experimental data. The goal of this new publication is therefore to provide master's students with a practical study guide that supports and expands their knowledge about basic immunology principles.
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