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Vatican diplomacy around Trianon from a...
Nándor Birher-Péter Tamás Bertalan
The document, titled "Vatican Diplomacy Around Trianon from a Hungarian Perspective," is a scholarly work that examines the geopolitical and ecclesiastical changes in East-Central Europe after the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, with a focus on the role of the Vatican. The book explores the interactions between the Vatican and the reshaped geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the influence of religious and ecclesiastical issues on international relations. The monograph posits that Central Europe is not merely a geographic or economic concept but a "spiritual kingdom" with a shared destiny shaped by interdependence and cultural achievements, despite its history of conflicts. Central Europe's rich intellectual and cultural heritage, deeply influenced by religious convictions and Vatican diplomacy, continues to impact the region's identity and unity. The book suggests that the lessons from the early 20th century, including the Trianon Peace Treaty and subsequent geopolitical shifts, are still relevant in understanding the contemporary political and cultural dynamics of Central Europe. The authors encourage readers to reflect on the past and consider how historical events and decisions have shaped present-day Central Europe. The book aims to provide insights into the region's complex history and its ongoing struggle to find its place in the broader European and global context.
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