Medzinárodné daňové úniky a metódy ich predchádzania


Peter Huba - Jozef Sábo - Martin Štrkolec

Predkladaná monografia si za svoj cieľ kladie priblížiť problematiku medzinárodných daňových únikov ako po stránke jej pojmových východísk, tak aj z hľadiska konkrétnych metód a schém realizácie daňových únikov Členovia autorského kolektívu sa otázkami daňových únikov zaoberali taktiež vo svojich prácach Medzinárodné daňové úniky a daňové raje (JUDr. Jozef Sábo) a Právne aspekty zamedzenia dvojitého zdanenia a zabránenia daňovým únikom (JUDr. Peter Huba). Táto monografia predstavuje syntézu predmetnej výskumnej činnosti členov autorského kolektívu preĺbenú o interdisicplinárny rozmer problému daňových únikov. Zároveň poukazeje na tie nedostatky, ktoré sa javia byť z pohľadu rizika medzinárodných daňových únikov a erózie základu dane na Slovensku najzávažnejšie. V tomto smere sa predkladá komparatívny pohľad na uvedenú problematiku, ktorý vo veľkej miere čerpá zo zdrojov americkej proveniencie, čo je spôsobené najmä kvalitným a dlhodobým výskumom v oblasti medzinárodných daňových únikov v USA.

Autorský kolektív verí, že aj prostredníctvom tejto monografie sa podarí priblížiť problematiku daňových únikov na dani z príjmov právnických osôb a táto získa rovnocennú pozornosť odbornej verejnosti popri daňových podvodoch na dani z pridanej hodnoty a iných vypuklých problémoch súčasnej daňovej legislatívy.

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Peter Huba - Jozef Sábo - Martin Štrkolec
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Právnická fakulta
Táto monografia vznikla ako výstup z riešenia grantovej úlohy projektu VVGS-2013-108 „Formy a predchádzanie daňovým únikom pri medzinárodnom zdaňovaní.“
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Členovia orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti....


Jaroslav Dolný • Monika Seilerová (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov zo VII. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva a pracovného práva konaného dňa 5. decembra 2019 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Katedra obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva spolu s Katedrou pracovného práva a práva sociálneho zabezpečenia Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach zorganizovala v poradí už VII. ročník študentského sympózia z obchodného práva, ktoré sa uskutočnilo dňa 5. decembra 2019 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Podujatie bolo súčasťou riešenia výskumného projektu APVV-16-0002 „Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca“ a VVGS -2018-947 „Majetková základňa kapitálových obchodných spoločností v kontexte nových právnych úprav a trendov“. Cieľom každoročne organizovaných sympózií je vytvoriť diskusnú platformu pre študentov za účasti mentorov z radov členov katedry, a to učiteľov, vedecko-výskumných pracovníkov ako aj doktorandov.

Téma tohtoročného sympózia ponúkla študentom možnosť vybrať si riešenie obchodnoprávnej problematiky alebo upriamiť pozornosť na pracovnoprávne aspekty postavenia členov orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti, a to na podklade analýzy právnej úpravy a judikatúry. Tvorivé spracovanie obchodnoprávnych otázok sa vzťahovalo najmä k oblastiam spôsobu konania v mene obchodnej spoločnosti, zodpovednosti faktického štatutárneho orgánu obchodnej spoločnosti, informačným povinnostiam štatutárneho orgánu voči jej spoločníkom, ale aj odmeňovaniu za výkon funkcie člena predstavenstva akciovej spoločnosti, zodpovednosti štatutárneho orgánu za úpadok spoločnosti či uplatňovaniu zákazu konkurencie vo vzťahu ku konateľovi spoločnosti s ručením obmedzeným. Prepojenie obchodného práva a pracovného práva bolo smerované k právnej analýze ochrany osobných údajov týkajúcich sa zdravia a ich zneužívaniu zo strany členov orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti, oprávnenosti súbehu výkonu funkcie (člena) štatutárneho orgánu s pracovnoprávnym vzťahom a právnemu postaveniu vedúcich zamestnancov predovšetkým s ohľadom na ich povinnosti a zodpovednosť za starostlivosť o zdravie zamestnancov v podobe vytvárania zdravých pracovných podmienok.

Pri spracovaní jednotlivých tém študenti mali možnoť zdokonaliť svoje analytické myslenie a argumentačné schopnosti ako aj  rozvíjať svoje kritické myslenie. V rámci diskusie sa zrodili ďalšie zaujímavé pohľady a názory, ktoré viedli účastníkov sympózia k aktívnemu zapojeniu sa k príspevkom ďalších účastníkov sympózia. Predkladaný zborník je výstupom prác študentov z tohto podujatia.

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Vybrané otázky sociálneho práva Európskej únie

€21.80 €10.90 -50%
Availability: 39 In Stock

 Marcel Dolobáč a kol. 

Učebnica s názvom Vybrané otázky sociálneho práva Európskej únie prierezovo spracúva najzásadnejšie otázky pracovného práva a práva sociálneho zabezpečenia v Európskej únii. V úvodných statiach učebnice sa autori zamerali na objasnenie základnej terminológie a stručne poukazujú na vývoj sociálneho práva v Únii. Ďalšie kapitoly práce postupne vysvetľujú vybranú problematiku ktorá celkovo dotvára sociálne právo Európskej únie, konkrétne – voľný pohyb zamestnancov, zákaz diskriminácie, flexibilitu pracovných vzťahov prostredníctvom atypických pracovných pomerov, dočasné pridelenie zamestnancov, ochranu osobitných kategórií zamestnancov, ochranu osobných údajov, oblasť bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci, ochranu práv zamestnancov pri prevode, prechode zamestnávateľa a jeho platobnej neschopnosti, kolektívnu ochranu práv zamestnancov a napokon uplatňovanie systémov sociálneho zabezpečenia. Učebnica analyzuje predovšetkým úniovú úpravu s akcentom na rozhodnú judikatúru Súdneho dvora Európskej únie, vnútroštátny právny poriadok objasňuje iba vo vybraných problematických oblastiach. 


Condition and perspectives of financial law and...



Adrián PopovičJozef SáboAnna Vartašová (eds.)

The International Scientific Conference on the topic Condition and perspectives of public finances in the EU was held 2nd – 3rd June 2022in Košice focused on the topics of the EU Budget and Real Estate in taxation. On this occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Condition and perspectives of financial law and tax law" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 1st June 2022. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of the grant project VEGA no. 1/0485/21: „Simultaneity and possibilities of reforming the system of own resources of the EU budget (legal and economic aspects also in the context of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic)“, of the grant project VEGA no. 1/0214/21: „Taxation of real property – legal status and potential“ and of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled "Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, shared economy, virtual currencies)", which are currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the current challenges of financial law and tax law. In this context, students examine not only the issue of current challenges in the field of real estate tax and the introduction of taxation based on their market value of real estate and the institute of remedies in tax procedural law, but also the current issue of EU budget law with a focus on the revenue side of the EU budget.

The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvement of several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.

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Miroslav Štrkolec, Anna Vartašová, Monika Stojáková, Soňa Simić

Taxation of Virtual Currency and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers

This Proceedings presents papers from international scientific conference IV SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW on the topic: "Taxation of Virtual Currencies and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law" held on 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice, Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the grant No. APVV-19-0124 “Tax Law and New Phenomena in the Economy (Digital Services, Sharing Economy, Virtual Currencies)”.

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Právny štát, spravodlivosť a budúcnosť demokracie



Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

Collection of papers from session of the slovak section of the IVR

In accordance with its name, the collection is devoted to three framework areas consisting of the rule of law, justice and the future of democracy, reflecting the focus of the 31st World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Published contributions of the slovak section of the IVR are devoted to the present questions of the rule of law in relation to the democratic legal state. Principles of the rule of law and present questions connected to the democratic character of the Slovak republic, including the democratic procedures on the local level, are juxtaposed with shifts on the international and global scene. Individual contributions are thus devoted to the technical and biotechnological challenges of contemporary democracy, the manifestation of game theory in the search for consensus in collegial judicial bodies, or to the concept of loyal opposition in the ongoing judicial dialogue surrounding the application of law in the european legal space. Space is also devoted to the universal questions of the nature of legal science, and to the present and future of the rule of law. The collection thus goes beyond the borders of the slovak legal space and aims to understand current trends in a broader context.

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Aktuálne otázky trestného práva z pohľadu...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Proceedings of Papers of XVIth year of the student symposium of the Institute of International Law and European Law is devoted to selected aspects of the place and role of criminal law from the point of view of contemporary EU law and international law. In their contributions, students deal with current topics of criminal law in the law of the European Union and international law. In the EU law, the most actual issue is the European Public Prosecutor's Office, a body of the EU responsible for investigateing and prosecuting criminal offenses affecting the Union's financial interests. The first part of papers dealt with the reasons for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, its structure and tasks, the issue of conducting the investigation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the conditions of the Slovak Republic, as well as with the relations of the European Public Prosecutor's Office with its closest partner, the European Anti-Fraud Office. The second part of the contributions reflects current issues and challenges of criminal law in international law. Authors in their papers focused on the issue of the International Criminal Tribunal for Ukraine, the legal problems and challenges associated with its creation, on the issue of the crime of aggression before the International Criminal Court, as well as on issues of immunity of state representatives before national courts.

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Návrh metodického postupu medzinárodných...


Lucia BakošováĽudmila ElbertĽubica Gregová Širicová 

Disasters, whether natural or industrial, have a serious impact on the functioning of society and are a negative phenomenon which, with the increasing impact of climate change, is increasingly affecting the sustainable development and prosperity of States. Their increasing regularity and intensity affect the current evolution not only of social life, but also of legal debates on the necessity of responding to international and national disaster response, eliminating their negative consequences and protecting affected persons. No State is immune to the occurrence of disasters, and this also applies to the Slovak Republic, which is mostly affected by sudden natural disasters, namely floods, landslides, droughts, fires, windstorms and snow calamities. In the event of a disaster, the state authorities of the Slovak Republic have a primary role in the protection of persons and coordination of rescue operations. In the event that the consequences of disasters clearly exceed available capacities, state officials are obliged to seek assistance from other States, the United Nations, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other actors whose numbers have increased significantly in recent years. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, together with the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are operating in almost every country of the world, is a major player in the international disaster response, resulting in their regular participation in rescue operations. Non-governmental organizations (hereinafter “NGOs”), which are key providers of humanitarian assistance, are also involved in rescue and humanitarian operations. Activities of the NGOs are not governed by any coherent legal source. The subject of this publication is the proposal of the methodological guidelines regulating the activities of NGOs in case of disaster, as well as cooperation with the state affected by the disaster, and the glossary of legal terms which need to be clear and unified in case of disaster. Slovak and English version of the proposal is basic precondition of its usability not only for the state organs of the Slovak republic and Slovak NGOs, but also for foreign NGOs.The Proposal of the methodological guidelines is the result of the research project VVGS-PCOV 2018-459: Návrh metodického postupu mimovládnych organizácií v prípade katastrofy v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky (The Proposal of the methodological guidelines for the non-governmental organisations in case of disaster in conditions of the Slovak republic).

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Právo informačných a komunikačných technológií

Availability: 5 In Stock

Regina Hučková - Diana Treščáková - Laura Rózenfeldová

Vysokoškolská učebnica Právo informačných a komunikačných technológií je určená študentom vysokých škôl vo všeobecnosti, najmä však študentom Právnickej fakulty, ktorí majú záujem o štúdium práva v spojení s informačnými a komunikačnými technológiami. Učebnica predstavuje zdroj informácií potrebných nielen pre štúdium tejto problematiky, ale aj pre rozšírenie celkového obzoru v danej problematike.

Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané...



Žofia MrázováJán HusárJaroslav Dolný a kol.

The publication "Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané otázky" focuses on the assessment of legal aspects of the performance of corporate boards members and on solving application problems regarding relations arising between members of the board of directors and supervisory board and the company itself.

The first part of the publication deals with the basic conceptual preconditions to become members of elected corporate boards, including conditions for their appointment and removal. Among the issues addressed is also the required standard of performance of corporate boards members in relation to the concept of professional care and duty of loyalty. Remuneration of elected board members as well as the possibility of opposing the contract for performance are also analysed.

The application problems partly extend to bankruptcy law when examining the obligations of board of directors after the bankruptcy of a company, specifically in matters of the emergence of special liability of the board of directors as well as their performance even after the bankruptcy.

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Antické paradigmy a Trianonská zmluva



Ľuboš Dobrovič - Vladimír Vrana

The world of diplomacy, whether ancient or modern, is naturally prone to problems associated with cultural clashes and often serves as an “unarmed battlefield” of cultural concepts. International diplomacy, however, stands on the assumption of war, as misunderstandings and cultural discrepancies lead to confusion. Cultural encounters also provide many opportunities for the choice of misunderstanding: the choice to perceive an act as an insult, even if unintended, or the choice to ignore the most blatant intentional insult, all according to momentary expediency.

The Roman historian Livy recounts an anecdote about the gates of the Temple of Janus, which, when open, signified that Rome was at war. However, the doors of the ancient Temple of Janus were closed only twice from the beginning of the 7th century BC to the end of the 1st century BC. One might ask, how many times and for how long after the signing of the Treaty of Trianon were the metaphorical gates of the European (or global) Temple of Janus closed?

The publication that the reader holds in their hands does not attempt to exhaustively answer all questions of ancient and modern international diplomacy. That is neither possible nor the goal of this scientific monograph. Authors seeking intersections between diplomacy of antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the early 20th century encountered some thought-provoking ideas and controversial debates. Indeed, what other conclusions can the topic of the Treaty of Trianon and the perpetual clash of cultures in the Mediterranean antiquity and medieval Europe bring?

We believe that the topic of ancient and modern diplomacy will inspire the reader and stimulate the professional public to new ideas, reflections, and scholarly activity.

The scientific monograph was prepared as an output of the project of the Agency for the Support of Research and Development No. APVV-19-0419: "100 years of the Treaty of Trianon."

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Impact of legislation and law enforcement on...



Péter Miskolczi Bodnár

This monograph examines when the state has the right to intervene in the legal relationship between contracting parties, and if it is possible, when it can act as a legislator and/or a law applier and what the nature of the intervention may be. In this study, the limits related to the rights and obligations of the parties are scrutinized. The monograph delineates the theoretical frameworks of state intervention. The author distinguishes the forms of intervention concerning future contracts and those already concluded. The study lists the circumstances grounding the mandatory norms concerning future contracts with the presentation of Roman law. In the context of state influence on the content of contracts already concluded, judicial decisions play a stronger role than legislation and government measures also appear. The monograph presents the legislative measures affecting the contracts already concluded and the reasons thereof in a differentiated way, divided into different periods. In the author's view, World War I and especially the subsequent Treaty of Trianon brought a significant change in the assessment of state intervention, and therefore, he devotes special attention to the examination of this period. The monograph provides an outline of overview of the international tendencies of the period from the peace treaty to the present day. The study presents the era of Hungarian legislation being prone to make mandatory rules and delineates the relevant provisions of the applicable Hungarian law. At the end of the monograph the reader can find the author’s evaluative comments. While acknowledging the positive aspects of state involvement, attention should also be paid to the dangers of excessive state intervention in Eastern Europe.

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Ownership rights protection in Polish and...



Milan Sudzina, Renata Świrgoń-Skok, Wojciech J. Kosior

Given the importance of the ownership right, the aim of this monograph is to provide an analysis, a clear systematic interpretation and an evaluation of the above issue, not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the point of view of legal practice. The protection of ownership relations is ensured in various ways. It is judicial protection, protection provided by local self-government authorities, self-help, public registration of real property and other instruments of administrative and criminal law. In connection with the transformation of legislation in Slovakia and Poland after the fall of the socialist regime, there have been many changes in the legislation of both countries concerning the protection of ownership rights. A number of private law institutions related to the ownership of real property, the use of which was impossible or limited during the socialist period, have been restored. Legislation has also been adopted to alleviate the consequences of certain property and other injustices caused by the deprivation of ownership of real property during the socialist period. The adoption of restitution legislation was the basis for restoring the ownership rights of the original owners, who were allowed to get back their real property that had been used by socialist organisations. After the end of the socialist regime, the various forms of ownership, which until then had favoured the state ownership, were abolished. Changes were made to ensure that the ownership rights of all owners had the same content and enjoyed the same legal protection. The monograph is structured in such a way as to enable a comparison of individual institutions of rights in rem under Polish and Slovak law. The monograph also analyses the relevant decision-making practice of the supreme judicial authorities. The scientific methods applied enabled the authors not only to analyse and evaluate the historical context and the current legal regulation of ownership rights in Poland and Slovakia, but also to point out possible gaps and shortcomings and to elaborate de lege ferenda proposals that can be used in future legislative activity.

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