Základy histológie I. Učebnica a mikroskopický atlas buniek a tkanív


Iveta Domoráková - Štefan Tóth - Zuzana Fagová - Kristína Čurgali - Viera Eliášová - Alexandra Kunová - Monika Holodová

The peer-reviewed textbook and microscopic atlas is aimed at understanding the basic microscopic structure of cells and tissues in a light microscope. Texts in the textbook are complemented by a rich set of histologic micrographs with basic and specific staining techniques. All histologic micrographs were prepared by the author's team at the Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ.

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Data sheet

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Iveta Domoráková • Štefan Tóth • Zuzana Fagová • Kristína Čurgali • Viera Eliášová • Alexandra Kunová • Monika Holodová
Typ dokumentu:
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Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Lekárska fakulta
Táto publikácia bola realizovaná v rámci projektových aktivít grantu KEGA 024 UPJŠ-4-2021
Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

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Improvement of best practices in the provision...


A.A. AhmetovaA.A. SeidakhmetovaN.D. Kalmenov a kol.

Improving the best practices in the provision of the first pre-medical care is one of the priority areas of clinical medicine in most countries of the world. Despite the success in improving the provision of medical care at the level of FPMA and emergency medical care, it is the provision of skilled care at the earliest stages of the disease or emergency conditions that determines the quality of all medical care and the future of the patient. When rendering emergency care to the sick and injured, the time factor is very important, it prevents irreversible disturbances in the body and creates a good help for the complete cure of the patient. Textbook is designed to improve awareness of the importance of pre-medical aid to non-medical students in central Asian countries.

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Nursing care - clinical procedure I

Availability: 10 In Stock

Gabriela Štefková - Mária ZamboriováMária Sováriová SoósováRenáta Shafout

We would like to introduce the study material/textbook Nursing Care Clinical Procedures I, which was developed to cover the curriculum of Nursing Care 1 for medical students. Clinical procedures are an essential component of nursing practice. The textbook contains four main chapters. Each chapter begins with a general explanation of the topic, followed by detailed method description of procedures to help students deliver high - quality care to patients. Some chapters also include appendi xes in order to pick up some special examples from clinical practice. The textbook strongly describes bandages because a carelessly or improperly applied bandage can cause discomfort to the patient, in many cases it may expose the wound to the danger of infection. To the best of wound knowledge, these procedures reflect currently accepted clinical practice and up-to-date information. The textbook can be easily integrated into an educational programme and can be used in the laboratory as well as in clinical practice. During the preparation of this textbook the information, facts, notes, publications, books and literature presented in the references section were also used. The publication include DVD, which is concentrated on applying bandages from head to lower extremity. DVD was developed in cooperation during IRES project. The student can also find additional information to study by following references. The reading level of Nursing Care Clinical Procedures I is designed to be comprehensible to as many students as possible, including those for whom Engl ish is a second language. We hope that this textbook will be useful to all readers. The authors take no personal responsibility for applying this information to a particular clinical practice

Príručka receptúrnej propedeutiky

Availability: 116 In Stock

Martina Čižmáriková a kol. 

The textbook "The Pharmaceutical Compounding Propedeutics for Medical Fields" provides a systematic and comprehensive overview in the field of drug prescription, which is a very important part of pharmacology education for medical and pharmaceutical faculties. In addition to prescribing prescription drugs it also addresses the prescription of dietary foods and medical devices. A significant part of the text is dedicated to the prescription of compounded (extemporaneous) preparations which we consider irreplaceable in many fields of medicine including e. g. paediatrics or dermatology enabling personalized pharmacotherapy.

Importantly, the authors have taken into account recent changes in legislation of the Slovak Republic, including the gradual acceptance of the European Pharmacopoeia since 1995 and the introduction of generic prescription in 2011.

The book consists of the general and special section including 19 pictures, 13 tables and 11 supplements. The great contribution of the publication are abundant examples, quiz questions and tasks which help reader to better understand the particular theoretical basis. The textbook is primary intended for the student of medical and pharmaceutical faculties but it also serves as a great source of information in postgradual education of physicians and pharmacists.


Autonómny nervový systém v klinickej praxi



Ladislav Kočan-Dušan Rybár-Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors. The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine. This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Chirurgická propedeutika

Availability: 50 In Stock

Jozef Radoňak a kol.

Skriptá chirurgická propedeutika predstavujú učebné texty prinášajúce pohl'ad do histórie chirurgie cez všeobecne platné princípy chirurgie, moderné diagnostické a terapeutické metó­dy. Patričná pozornost' sa venuje základom chirurgickej onkológie, úrazovej chirurgie, anesteziológie a resuscitácie ako aj liečbe krvácania, infekcie, šoku či transplantáciám. Súčas­ťou textu sú aj kapitoly z vojnovej chirurgie.

Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

Vybrané kapitoly z gerontológie a geriatrie....



Peter Olexa

Učebné texty „Vybrané kapitoly z gerontológie a geriatrie" sú určené pre štúdium študentov medicíny na Lekárskej fakulty UPJŠ v odbore Všeobecné lekárstvo v rámci výučby klinických špecializačných blokov v odbore Interná medicína - Geriatria .

Vo svojom úvode sa učebné texty venujú demografii z pohľadu starnutia populácie, vysvetľujú základné pojmy ako gerontológia, jej rozdelenie a následne sa zaoberajú aj úlohou a poslaním klinického odboru geriatria. Následne zrozumiteľne opisujú a vysvetľujú základné piliere geriatrickej medicíny, ktorými sú komplexné geriatrické vyšetrenie, základné geriatrické syndrómy, kam patrí krehkosť, malnutrícia, sarkopénia, kognitívne poruchy, a polyfarmácia . V závere sa venujú ageizmu, ktorý je tiež dôležitým javom v dnešnej klinickej medicíne.

MUDr. Peter Olexa, PhD.

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Základy lekárskej,klinickej a laboratórnej...

Availability: 10 In Stock

Mária Mareková a kol.

Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje základy biochémie a je určená predovšetkým pre bakalárske  študijné programy (napr. ošetrovateľstvo, fyzioterapia, verejné zdravotníctvo). Vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje zjednodušenú alternatívu lekárskej biochémie a je svojím obsahom aj rozsahom vhodná pre študentov nelekárskych študijných odborov. Okrem priblíženia základných metabolických dejov prebiehajúcich v organizme človeka, ponúka aj stručný prehľad klinicko-biochemických parametrov štandardne vyšetrovaných pri podozrení na ich poruchy. Snaží sa poskytnúť študentom, predovšetkým zdravotníckych študijných programov, základy lekárskej a klinickej biochémie a oboznámiť ich s najčastejšie používanými metódami v biochemickom laboratóriu v primeranom rozsahu. Chce prispieť k prehĺbeniu vedomostí o metabolizme zdravého, ale i chorého človeka, resp. o klinicko-biochemických diagnostických postupoch a laboratórnych vyšetreniach a vzbudiť záujem o ďalšie vzdelávanie. Budeme radi, ak poslúži nielen ako príprava na skúšku, ale bude inšpiráciou napr. pre realizáciu diplomových prác zameraných na vedecko-výskumnú oblasť klinickej biochémie či laboratórnej medicíny. 


Clinical Biochemistry

Availability: 48 In Stock

 Eva Ďurovcová - Mária Mareková 

The presented textbook is intended for students of general medicine and should support their knowledge about indication and interpretation of basic biochemical tests. Clinical biochemistry continues to be one of the most rapidly advancing areas of laboratory medicine, which in line with using of modern technology more and more emphasizes the evidence-based medicine in order to improve diagnosis and monitoring of patients. Selected topics have an ambition to outline and explain the most common issues of biochemical diagnosis of in internal medicine. Individual chapters are devoted to disorders of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, kidney and liver disease, diabetes mellitus, and biomarkers used in the diagnosis of cardiac necrosis and heart failure. Given the limited range, the textbook merely summarizes the basic knowledge that students have obtained during the study of other subjects, such as medical biochemistry, pathophysiology and internal medicine, and emphasis is given to laboratory diagnosis in accordance with the newer guidelines of professional societies. We hope that the textbook will be helpful in the study of clinical subjects and encourage students' interest in laboratory medicine.


Histology (Practical lessons)

Availability: 50 In Stock

Eva Mechírová - Iveta Domoráková

The content of this "Practical lessons" represents a record of the appearance, under the light microscope of the tissues, organs and systems of the human body. In addition, it provides visual guidelines during the practical phase of a histology course. It is hoped that this book will be especially useful to students to understand fully the microscopic structure of human tissues and organs.


Surgery for medical students

Availability: 100 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

CYTOCHROME P-450: genetic and population aspects


I. R. MavlyanovA. K. AshirmetovZ. I. MavlyanovG. J. Jarilkasinova

Need of carrying out a pharmacological genotyping for providing the individualized pharmacotherapy is shown in the monograph based on the analysis of own and literary data of the central link of drug pharmacokinetics– systems of cytochrome P-450, taking into account its genetic polymorphysm.
The monograph is intended for the clinical pharmacologists, geneticists and experts dealing with this problem.

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