Vybrané experimentálne úlohy z koloidiky


Daniela Kladeková

Tento vysokoškolský učebný text je určený študentom chemických a ekologických odborov na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach a má poslúžiť ako pomôcka pre experimentálne cvičenie z koloidnej chémie. Koloidná chémia je významnou súčasťou teoretického základu chemických vied, patrí medzi novšie interdisciplinárne odbory prírodných vied. Spája poznatky z oblasti fyzikálnej chémie, fyziky a biológie, pričom využíva aj solídne znalosti z matematiky a ďalších vedných odborov. Pri pochopení problémov koloidnej chémie sú často nevyhnutné aj experimenty, ktoré modelujú predstavy o priebehu javov a zákonitostí, ktorými sa tento vedný odbor zaoberá. Preto je pre zvládnutie učebnej látky z koloidnej chémie také dôležité a podstatné aktívne absolvovanie experimentálneho cvičenia. Pri výbere úloh pre tieto skriptá bolo treba rešpektovať aj značné obmedzenia dané možnosťami laboratórne prístrojového a materiálového vybavenia nášho pracoviska. Napriek tomuto obmedzeniu však môžu študentom ilustrovať základné teoretické fyzikálno-chemické princípy koloidne disperzných sústav, a čo je dôležité – ich pochopenie môže prispieť k porozumeniu niektorých dôležitejších zvláštností koloidných javov.

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Daniela Kladeková
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16 other products in the same category:

Úvod do porovnávacej morfológie živočíchov


Andrej Mock

The structure of the animal body is extremely varied. Each species has its distinctive morphological features, which bears as a testimony to long-term development and belonging to the developmental lineage. At the same time, the body has been tested for a long time by natural conditions, resulting in unique adaptations to the environment and life strategy. Despite this admirable variety - which includes both recent and fossil animals and which we have far from mapped – a comparison of body parts brings knowledge we can generalize: the main building principles, and boundaries within which phenotypic diversity is realized. Comparative animal morphology today uses the latest methodological material and knowledge from other disciplines, from genetics, molecular biology and experimental embryology, through progressive imaging methods (e.g. electron microscopy, computer micro-tomography) and the possibilities of subsequent software processing of image material (measurement, staining, etc.) to the view of physics, chemistry, statics and geometry on the structures (to nanostructures) of the living body. Detailed knowledge of historical and contemporary conditions on Earth is an important interpretative context in the study of animal morphology. Surprisingly, the knowledge accumulated after centuries of research is now rapidly supplemented by new knowledge, and often the traditional knowledge is subsequently reinterpreted. Finally, and no less important, in studying animal (and human) morphology, we learn surprising knowledge about ourselves. The author of the presented textbook had the ambition in a simplified form to introduce the reader, especially the student of biological studies, into a dynamic and fascinating scientific discipline, as the current comparative animal morphology is.

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS,...


Vladimír Sedlák

The university textbooks entitled Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONAS, Galileo, Compass present four navigation systems of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems): American NAVSTAR GPS, Russian GLONASS, European Galileo and Chinese Compass. The Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) are also briefly explained. They provide regional service in augmenting the reach and support of signals from satellites of the GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass).Each satellite navigation system in the frame of GNSS is elucidated in terms of its principles of operation, structure, specificities, applications, and future perspectives.The university textbook aims to improve the reader’s understanding of the principles and activities of the presented GNSS. The book emphasizes the possibilities of GNSS applications in geodesy and geography.The university textbook constitutes the basic study literature for the class Global Navigation Satellite Systems within the study program Geography and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. For a deeper study of the GNSS issue, it is necessary to extend the study materials to include other educational scientific literature dealing with navigation satellite systems and their applications.

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Cvičenia z imunológie


Vlasta Demečková, Petra Hradická, Petra Adamková

Practical Immunology is a basic text aimed at students of PF UPJŠ in Košice who study Biology need a comprehensive overview of the methodology of immunology. While studying Biology, students need to thoroughly understand not only the basics of each discipline, but also to acquire practical skills, including the ability to design scientific experiments, select adequate analytical techniques as well as to interpret and present experimental data. The aim of this new publication is therefore to provide master's degree students with practical reference study material that will support and expand their knowledge of the basic principles of Immunology

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Ecology I (General Ecology)
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Ecology I (General Ecology)

€11.35 €1.00 -€10.35
Availability: 80 In Stock

Igor HudecĽubomír Kováč 

The study course provides the basic knowledge on the fundamental parameters, relationships and processes in ecological sciences. Brief content: ecological factors and relations to environment (air, water, soil); influence of ecological factors upon organisms (morphological adaptations, behavioural responses); populations and communities (external and internal parameters of populations, population dynamics); ecosystems (impact assessment) and biomes (basic features and human impact); cycles (hydrologic, gaseous, sedimentation) of basic elements on Earth.  


Základy astronómie a astrofyziky



Rudolf Gális

Predkladaná práca podáva základné poznatky z astronómie a astrofyziky úplne novou multimediálnou formou. Rozsah podávaných poznatkov je zameraný hlavne na stelárnu astrofyziku a doplnený o kozmológiu nad rámec názvu práce. 
Novým prístupom v práci je veľký podiel obrazového materiálu, grafov a videoklipov a naopak stručnosť sprievodného textu. Takáto forma predkladania poznatkov v danej problematike nemá zatiaľ na Slovensku obdobu, a preto túto prácu môžeme považovať za úplne novátorské dielo. Treba však zdôrazniť, že pútavá forma predkladaných poznatkov nie je na úkor ich obsahu. V práci sú všetky potrebné informácie, ktoré by mal zvládnuť študent fyziky hlavne pedagogického zamerania. Práca taktiež môže byť neoceniteľnou pomôckou pedagógom na stredných, ale aj základných školách, ako aj profesionálnym pracovníkom – astronómom pri popularizovaní astronomických poznatkov. Toto naznačuje, že práca pokrýva pomerne široké spektrum potrieb na rôznych pracoviskách zaoberajúcich sa astronómiou, a to od univerzít, cez pedagogické fakulty a gymnáziá až po hvezdárne, planetáriá a astronomické krúžky.

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Základy organickej chémie. Vysokoškolský...



Mária Vilková - Zuzana Kudličková - Ján Elečko

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon. Organic compounds in the form of large molecules (macromolecules), such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are the basic elements of living organisms. This study material is created for non-chemistry students, especially students of biology. Most of these students have little or no knowledge of organic chemistry. Therefore, we proceed from the basic principles of organic chemistry to biochemistry.

The basic principles of organic chemistry and biochemistry are briefly summarized in individual chapters, but the main content consists of tasks for practising basic knowledge. To check the correctness of solving the tasks, the correct solutions are also given. The importance of this study material lies in the fact that students will get additional study material that they will use in studying the subject Basics of Chemistry.

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The 5th International Conference on...


Veronika NiščákováIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 5th Intemational Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NF A) 2021 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature four invited lectures and ten registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields. Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference „New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice 2020“. The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Vybrané kapitoly z koloidnej chémie



Daniela Kladeková

Práca s učebným textom predpokladá primerané znalosti z oblasti fyzikálnej chémie, fyziky a biológie, bez ktorých je orientácia v predkladanom študijnom materiáli zložitá. Solídne znalosti z matematiky sú nevyhnutné a pomáhajú pri pochopení problémov koloidnej chémie. V skriptách, ktoré sa členia na jednotlivé kapitoly, po klasifikácii a charakterizácii disperzných sústav sa najprv rozoberajú optické a molekulovo-kinetické vlastnosti. 
Mimoriadne veľký medzifázový povrch, ktorý je charakteristický hlavne pre koloidne disperzné sústavy, pripisuje zvlášť dôležitú úlohu javom, ktoré prebiehajú na fázovom rozhraní, t.j. povrchovým javom. V súvislosti s týmto poznatkom diskutujú sa vlastnosti mobilných fázových rozhraní a fázového rozhrania tuhá látka/plyn a tuhá látka/kvapalina. Významná je následne zaradená kapitola o elektrických vlastnostiach disperzných sústav. Táto kapitola je tesne spojená s otázkami vzniku, štruktúry, stability a deštrukcie disperzií; pozornosť sa venuje predovšetkým koloidným sústavám. Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou je aj kapitola, ktorá popisuje reologické vlastnosti disperzných sústav. Ďalšie kapitoly uvádzajú jednotlivé typy disperzných sústav.

Tento vysokoškolský učebný text je určený najmä študentom chemických a ekologických odborov na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Nekladie si za cieľ vyčerpávajúco rozoberať do detailov celú problematiku, lebo o nej pojednávajú monografie nielen z koloidnej a makromolekulovej chémie, často možno nájsť detailné rozpracovanie aj v základných učebniciach fyzikálnej chémie.

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Základy geografie obyvateľstva a demografie I....



Janetta Nestorová Dická

The university handbook Elementals of Population Geography and Demography - Part I, as an introduction to population studies, is primary study material for students of the geography study program, as well as for students of the Information Systems in Public Administration study program at the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, but also for the wider public interested in about population phenomena and their spatiality. Among other things, the handbook offers the latest population reports in the world and its regions. The aim of the handbook is to introduce young geographers to the basics of population research, which includes the most frequently used tools and methods in geographic analysis. The first part of the handbook contains an introduction to the scientific disciplines of population geography and demography with an overview of basic sources of demographic data. The next part discusses the issue of anthropogenesis, i.e. the development of humans from our ancestors and the spatial spread of humans across our Earth. Part of this part is the recent development of the world population and changes in the size and distribution of the global population over time. The last part analyses how the population is distributed in the world and in relation to the geographical components of the space.

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Ecology of Soil Animals



Natália Raschmanová - Ľubomír Kováč

The text summarizes the basic knowledge about the functioning of the soil ecosystem with a focus on soil protists and dominant groups of soil animals. Characteristics of each soil animal group include basic morphology, ecology, distribution, population dynamics and their importance in the soil ecosystem. The aim of the text is to gain a basic understanding of the diversity and interactions of soil fauna with the soil environment. It deals with the ecological classification of soil fauna on the basis of body size, presence in the soil during the life cycle, food preference and by locomotion. It highlights important morphological and ecophysiological adaptations of soil fauna to physical and chemical environmental factors. The text also gives an overview of the basic methods in the field collection of soil fauna and their extraction from soil samples under laboratory conditions. It further informs on the method of taxonomic identification and ecological evaluation of soil fauna communities. Discusses the soil fauna of different types of ecosystems. It highlights the differences in soil fauna communities that inhabit grassland and forest habitats, and agricultural soils. This teaching material is intended for students in biology degree programmes.

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Metódy prípravy nanoštruktúr I



Vladimír Komanický

The aim of this textbook is to acquaint students in physics, chemistry and material science on both undergraduate and graduate level, with the techniques used to prepare micro-electromechanical devices, nanoobjects and nanostructures using the so called top down methodologies. The is no requirement for this course to pass any prior courses. The introduction part of the text defines the forces that affect nanoobjects and the interactions between them. Reader can understand in detail why properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures are so different when comprared to their macroscopic counterparts. Text gives also an overview of thin film preparation technologies as precursors for the preparation of nanostructures. The main emphasis in Volume I is on conventional lithographic technologies for the preparation and shaping of nanostructures, methods for characterization of thin films, nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Unconventional lithographic methods will also be discussed in the prepared upcoming Volume II. Student will also get acquainted with the applications of nanostructures in research focused on nanophysics, nanocatalysis and nanoelectronics. The textbook is used as a study material for the course ÚFV / MPN / 14 - Methods of preparation and characterization of nanostructures. Part of the course is also a laboratory exercise in which the student gets acquainted with the techiques used for the preparation and characterization of thin films and top-down technologies used for the preparation of nanostructures.

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Tvorba úloh pre programátorské súťaže



Ľubomír ŠnajderJán Guniš

The publication lists interim results of qualitative educational research focused on the development and evaluation of programming tasks being carried out by authors since 2005 in the frame of programming competition PALMA junior. The publication consists of three chapters: Computer science competitions in Slovakia, Tasks in computer science education, Selected problems of PALMA junior competition. The first chapter provides an overview of computer science competitions for a primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. The second chapter described the issue of learning tasks - their components, focus, formulation types, and development system of tasks. The third chapter contains the assignments and commented author solutions of selected problems represented focus of PALMA junior competition – programming, algorithms and mathematics. For each problem is mentioned analysis of pupils’ solutions aimed to ways of thinking, typical misconceptions, sets of preparatory and extended problems. The publication is addressed to computer science teacher trainers, authors of programming competitions problems, and computer science teachers.  

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