Globálne navigačné satelitné systémy: GPS, GLONAS, Galileo, Compass


Vladimír Sedlák

The university textbooks entitled Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONAS, Galileo, Compass present four navigation systems of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems): American NAVSTAR GPS, Russian GLONASS, European Galileo and Chinese Compass. The Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) are also briefly explained. They provide regional service in augmenting the reach and support of signals from satellites of the GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass). Each satellite navigation system in the frame of GNSS is elucidated in terms of its principles of operation, structure, specificities, applications, and future perspectives.

The university textbook aims to improve the reader’s understanding of the principles and activities of the presented GNSS. The book emphasizes the possibilities of GNSS applications in geodesy and geography. The university textbook constitutes the basic study literature for the class Global Navigation Satellite Systems within the study program Geography and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. For a deeper study of the GNSS issue, it is necessary to extend the study materials to include other educational scientific literature dealing with navigation satellite systems and their applications.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Vladimír Sedlák
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
Vysokoškolský učebný text bol editovaný v súvislosti s riešením projektu APVV č. SK-CN-RD-18-0015.
Creative Commons BY NC - SA (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Zachovajte licenciu )
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Všeobecná fyzika IV, 1. časť: Atómová fyzika



Adela KravčákováStanislav VokálJanka Vrláková 

The presented “General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics” is intended as a basic study material for lectures from General Physics IV in the second year of bachelor-level study of physics and interdisciplinary study in combination with physics at the Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The content covers the first part of the given course of physics, devoted to atomic physics.

The aim of the course is to obtain basic information about the structure of the atom and the electron shell of the atom.

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Zborník abstraktov z X. medzinárodného...



Marián Kulla – Ladislav Novotný – Petra Dávidová – Anton Uhrin (eds.)

Danišovce 16. – 18. 10. 2024

Zborník abstraktov, ktorý máte pred sebou, obsahuje príspevky prezentované na X. Medzinárodnom geografickom kolokviu v Danišovciach. Ústav geografie na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach toto podujatie organizuje už od svojho vzniku ako platformu na výmenu vedeckých poznatkov, primárne medzi geografmi zo Slovenska a Česka. Aktuálny jubilejný ročník spoluorganizovali Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach, Slovenská geografická spoločnosť pri SAV v Bratislave v zastúpení jej Košickej pobočky a spoločnosť UMBRA Solutions Košice.

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Pravdepodobnosť v príkladoch
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  • -€9.39

Pravdepodobnosť v príkladoch

€10.39 €1.00 -€9.39
Availability: 90 In Stock

Valéria Skřivánková 

Predložený učebný text sa pokúša ilustrovať možné aplikácie Teórie pravdepodobnosti na príkladoch z oblastí (vo fyzike, chémii,  biológii, ekonomike, finančníctve, atď.), ktoré sú spestrené o úlohy na hľadanie optimálnej stratégie.

Text je určený predovšetkým poslucháčom Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ, budúcim učiteľom matematiky, študentom odboru matematika a informatika prípadne iným záujemcom, ktorí budú aplikovať pravdepodobnostné metódy pri riešení reálnych problémov. Obsahom pokrýva prvú časť predmetu "Pravdepodobnosť a štatistika".


Dátová veda a jej aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the history of data science, basic concepts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or deep learning. We describe the relationships between data science and other disciplines and summarize the tasks of the data scientist. We present an overview of university subjects in the field of data science, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of data science. University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Praktické cvičenia z röntgenovej difraktometrie II



Karel Saksl

Solving crystal structures is the royal discipline of X-ray crystallography. Its primary task, with the exception of defects, is to describe the atomic structure of the motif that, by its repetition, fills the volume of the entire crystal or crystalline phase. This task is nowadays more or less routine for single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which can locate hundreds to thousands of non-hydrogen atoms in large unit cells. However, in real practice, we often have material available only in powder form instead of single crystals. Solving the atomic structure from its X-ray diffraction data is non-trivial, mainly because the three-dimensional diffraction space of a single crystal is reduced to one dimension by measuring a large number of randomly oriented microcrystals (crystallites). Therefore, the solution itself requires, in addition to proper measurement methodology, the selection of suitable tools, procedures, and strategies that, through optimization, will lead to the solution and refinement of the given crystalline phase. The current limit of this method is approximately 100 non-hydrogen atoms in the asymmetric part of the unit cell, which, however, is sufficient for most inorganic materials.

The goal of these educational texts is to provide students in the second and third levels of university studies with specific guidance on solving crystal structures from powder X-ray diffraction data. These scripts build upon my first monograph and require practical knowledge of its content. Similar to my previous monograph, I offer solved examples without a deep theoretical introduction, demonstrating procedures and strategies leading to the correct solution of crystalline phases using the freely available GSAS-II program. The examples are arranged from simpler to more complex, and the reader will find many useful pieces of information in the literature references as well as in the comments below the line. Part of these scripts are data intended for your individual practice of the described procedures. 

Karel Sakls

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Internet vecí a jeho aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the basics of the Internet of Things, its origin and technological development, concept. We classify Internet of Things applications into the areas of healthcare, intelligent environment, personal and social areas, transport and logistics, smart cities.

We present an overview of university subjects in the field of the Internet of Things, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of the Internet of Things.

University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2016



Vladimír Zeleňák (ed.)

Zborník abstraktov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ

Charakteristickou črtou vzdelávania na kvalitných vysokých školách, ku ktorým Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach patrí, je úzke prepojenie vzdelávania a vedeckého výskumu. Poznatky a vedomosti z odboru štúdia získavajú študenti nielen teoretickým štúdiom jednotlivých disciplín, ale aj aktívnym zapojením sa do riešenia čiastkových vedeckých úloh v rámci výskumných tímov či už pri vypracovávaní záverečných prác alebo formou nástroja Študentských pomocných vedeckých síl (ŠPVS), ktorých činnosť sa na fakulte revitalizovala v roku 2015.

Študentská vedecká konferencia (ŠVK) je jedným z tradičných podujatí fakulty, ktoré je organizované počas Prírodovedeckých dní ako súčasť Sciencefestu. Svojou povahou prirodzene zapadá do spomínaného súkolia prepojenia vzdelávania a vedy a dlhodobo sa teší veľkej popularite a záujmu študentov. V roku 2016 na ŠVK vystúpilo 125 študentov Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, v rámci 16 sekcií. Prehľad o zameraní a cieľoch študentských prác podáva tento zborník. Veríme, že bude inšpiráciou pre ďalších potenciálnych záujemcov o vystúpenie na ŠVK, ale bude zaujímavý aj pre širšiu verejnosť, ktorej môže podať doplnkový pohľad na činnosť fakulty.

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Jozef Bednarčík

Crystallography deals with discerning the arrangement and bonding of atoms in crystalline solids. Almost immediately after their discovery, X-rays began to be used to study the internal structure of substances. The first chapter of this textbook deals with the basic concepts of crystallography. At the beginning, crystalline solids are characterized. In the next section, the basic types of bonds and their characteristics are briefly presented. The main subject of this chapter is the interpretation of basic concepts such as symmetry operations, translational periodicity, grid, elementary cell. Spatial lattices and crystal systems are presented. At the end of this chapter, attention is paid to the description of individual types of defects in crystal structures. In the second chapter, the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is presented. Individual quantum numbers and their meaning are given. Next, energy levels and allowed transitions within an atom with multiple electrons are described. The second chapter concludes with the characterization of the basic absorption and emission processes. The third chapter is devoted to the production of X-ray radiation and its properties. Sources of X-ray radiation and a description of their operation are presented. Interaction of X-ray radiation with matter, absorption and detection of X-ray radiation are the subject of the last part of this chapter.

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Základné fyzikálne praktikum II.
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  • -€9.55

Základné fyzikálne praktikum II.

€10.55 €1.00 -€9.55
Availability: 30 In Stock

Peter Kollár a kol. 

Skriptá Základné fyzikálne praktikum II. sú určené pre študentov Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach študujúcich na študijných programoch fyzika a medziodborových programoch v kombinácii s fyzikou. Obsahom skrípt sú úlohy z elektriny, magnetizmu a optiky. Podľa študijných programov sú zaradené do 3.semestra bakalárskeho štúdia, v ktorom by už študenti mali mať absolvovaný predmet všeobecná fyzika II. (elektrina a magnetizmus). Súčasťou každej úlohy sú základné poznatky venované javom, ktoré sú obsahom samotnej úlohy.


Praktické cvičenia z fyzikálnej chémie



Andrea Morovská TuroňováRenáta OriňakováFrantišek Kaľavský 

The university textbooks "Practical Exercises in Physical Chemistry" are intended as teaching literature for students of the 2nd year of the Chemistry study program and the 3rd year of the interdisciplinary study program at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The three chapters summarize the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics, the next chapter deals with the measurement of some other physico-chemical quantities. The tasks developed on the basis of cooperation with the Criminalistics and Expertise Institute of the Police in Košice, which also participates in the innovation of practical teaching, are also very attractive and interesting for students. Thematic units are updated and supplemented by new knowledge, principles as well as detailed working procedures using new instrumentation.

The aim of laboratory exercises in physical chemistry is to illustrate and confirm the physicochemical laws and correlations that apply to the quantitative description of chemical phenomena. Students will learn to use instruments and equipment that occur in physico-chemical laboratories, they will learn the principles of accurate and correct quantitative measurement of physical quantities, important from a chemical point of view. They can also develop professional and scientific communication skills, and we want to support their creative approach to making measurement protocols.

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Biochemická terminológia

Availability: 45 In Stock

 Mária KožurkováMartin Putala 

Cieľom tejto knihy je spracovať názvoslovné zásady a pravidlá, podľa ktorých sa tvoria slovenské názvy biochemických zlúčenín. Táto monografia je po dlhšom čase prvým pokusom o spracovanie tohto problému, a preto dúfame, že bude pomôckou a prínosom nielen pre študentov a učiteľov ale aj vedeckých pracovníkov. Poslúži aj študentom stredných škôl, ktorí majú záujem o biochémiu a molekulovú biológiu. Kniha obsahuje najnovšie názvoslovie, zásady a pravidlá pri tvorbe názvov biochemických zlúčenín. Kniha plne aplikuje odporúčania spoločnej komisie Medzinárodnej únie pre teoretickú a aplikovanú chémiu (IUPAC) a Medzinárodnej únie pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu (IUBMB) so zahrnutím aktuálnych úprav názvoslovia, stereochémie a grafického znázornenia štruktúr podľa IUPAC. 


The 7th International Conference on Novel...



Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 7th International Conference on Novel Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2023 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 3 invited lecture and 40 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on novel materials and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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Metódy prípravy nanoštruktúr I



Vladimír Komanický

The aim of this textbook is to acquaint students in physics, chemistry and material science on both undergraduate and graduate level, with the techniques used to prepare micro-electromechanical devices, nanoobjects and nanostructures using the so called top down methodologies. The is no requirement for this course to pass any prior courses. The introduction part of the text defines the forces that affect nanoobjects and the interactions between them. Reader can understand in detail why properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures are so different when comprared to their macroscopic counterparts. Text gives also an overview of thin film preparation technologies as precursors for the preparation of nanostructures. The main emphasis in Volume I is on conventional lithographic technologies for the preparation and shaping of nanostructures, methods for characterization of thin films, nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Unconventional lithographic methods will also be discussed in the prepared upcoming Volume II. Student will also get acquainted with the applications of nanostructures in research focused on nanophysics, nanocatalysis and nanoelectronics. The textbook is used as a study material for the course ÚFV / MPN / 14 - Methods of preparation and characterization of nanostructures. Part of the course is also a laboratory exercise in which the student gets acquainted with the techiques used for the preparation and characterization of thin films and top-down technologies used for the preparation of nanostructures.

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Vybrané kapitoly z elektrochémie



Kveta Markušová - Daniela Kladeková

Elektrochémia je veda, ktorá študuje iónové systémy a také procesy alebo javy, ktoré prebiehajú na hranici iónových systémov s kovmi alebo s polovodičmi. V súčasnom štádiu rozvoja môžeme elektrochémiu rozdeliť podľa jej zamerania na dve oblasti. Prvá z nich - ionika - sa zaoberá vlastnosťami iónových sústav (roztoky, taveniny, tuhé elektrolyty). Druhá oblasť - elektrodika - sa zaoberá javmi na fázovom rozhraní elektróda/iónová sústava.

Ionika aj elektrodika skúmajú rovnovážne aj nerovnovážne javy a procesy. Výskumom vlastností iónových sústav za rovnovážnych podmienok získavame informácie a predstavy o štruktúre a zložení roztokov a tavenín elektrolytov, ako aj tuhých elektrolytov, kým merania za nerovnovážnych podmienok referujú o elektrickej vodivosti iónových sústav. V oblasti elektrodiky sa štúdiom rovnováh na rozhraní elektróda/roztok (prípadne tavenina) zaoberá elektrochemická termodynamika. Meranie rýchlostí procesov prebiehajúcich na tomto fázovom rozhraní a vysvetlenie zákonitostí, ktorými sa tieto procesy riadia, je predmetom kinetiky elektródových procesov alebo elektrochemickej kinetiky.

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Overview of biology, medicine and pharmacy history


Martin BačkorMiriam Bačkorová

The presented text is devoted to the history of biology, medicine and pharmacy studies, as scientific disciplines, from ancient time, Middle age, and modern era. In the text are chronologically arranged the most important representatives of the history of the study of biological scientific disciplines, the basic characteristics of significant historical discoveries and the reassessment of their significance from the point of view of contemporary science of the 21st century.


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