NOVEL TRENDS IN CHEMISTRY, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice 2022


Monika Tvrdoňová, Miroslava Martinková

The scientific book of abstracts from conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2022“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry, didactics of chemistry and NMR spectroscopy.

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Data sheet

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Monika Tvrdoňová, Miroslava Martinková
Typ dokumentu:
zborník abstraktov
Počet strán:
Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
CC BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

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Názvoslovie organických zlúčenín



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This electronic material provides the basic principles of creating a systematic nomenclature of organic compounds, from the simplest hydrocarbons to the more complicated nomenclature of carbohydrates. For some groups of derivatives, alternative ways of generating system names are also mentioned, as well as the most common trivial names that are still in use in the literature and in practice, in some cases being the characteristic (dominant) ones. In the introductory section, the basic rules to be respected when writing names of organic compounds are discussed. This document is intended primarily for interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate students as support material for the courses Organic Chemistry and Selected Chapters in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. In the final section of this document, solved examples are given so that the student can check how the rules for forming the names of organic compounds have been understood.

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Zoológia bezchordátov

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 Ľubomír Panigaj - Peter Ľuptáčik 

(Náčrt systému a fylogenézy)

Učebný text je primárne určený pre študentov jednoodborového štúdia biológie a všeobecnej ekológie, ako aj odborom učiteľského štúdia v rôznych kombináciách s biológiou. Venuje sa v nich opisu jednotlivých skupín živočíchov, ich morfológiu a anatómiu ilustruje na obrazových materiáloch. K jednotlivým morfologickým a anatomickým štruktúram sa v texte nevyjadrujeme podrobnejšie, nakoľko text nadväzuje na predmet Porovnávacia morfológia živočíchov, kde na úrovni organológie boli tieto najvýznamnejšie štruktúry v rámci prednášok a cvičení detailne vysvetlené a opísané. Rozsah učebného textu nie je veľký, podávame v ňom základné minimum poznatkov, čo je podmienené jednak rozsahom predmetu, ktorý je len jednosemestrový, jednak tým, že ďalšie, špecializované predmety rozširujú spektrum poznatkov napr. na úrovni entomológie, hydrobiológie alebo pôdnej biológie. V zavere niektorých kapitol formulujeme niekoľko cvičných otázok, ktoré si študenti môžu na základe predchádzajúceho textu zodpovedať, s podobnými otázkami sa totiž môžu stretnúť na skúške alebo na štátniciach.




Daniel JancuraErik Sedlák

The textbook "Bioenergetics" should serve as an introduction to the study of bioenergetics. This field of science is currently highly actual, as the results of the bioenergetics research in recent years clearly show that bioenergetics processes in living systems can "serve" not only to transformation of energy, but also affect the course of processes such as apoptosis, aging, origin and development of many diseases (especially neurodegenerative). These facts clearly indicate the need for the existence of quality teaching texts that would allow students to acquire the necessary information and knowledge in this scientific discipline in an acceptable way. For the above mentioned reasons, we decided to create these textbooks, which are in the form of ten chapters, which naturally and logically follow each other. One chapter basically presents one lecture within the course of Bioenergetics, which is realized at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice at the master's and doctoral degree of the study program "Biophysics". At the same time, these texts can also be used for teaching in the study subject Biochemistry, which is taught in the bachelor's and master's degree programs of the study programs "Biochemistry" resp. “Biophysics”. We would like to express our conviction that this textbook could in some way also help researchers working in the field of the energy transformation in biological organisms and the phenomena associated with this transformation. This textbook presents knowledge about the basic concepts of bioenergetics, the mechanisms of processes such as glycolysis and the Krebs cycle (in addition to a detailed and comprehensive description of these processes, there is also a general view of the interconnectedness of these processes and their incorporation into a compact view of the overall energy transformation in biological organisms), the structure and functionality of biological membranes (this area is necessary for a better understanding of the knowledge presented in the following chapters). In the following chapters, the textbook deals with the description of the structure and function of mitochondria, with great emphasis on the properties and mechanisms of functioning of the four complexes of the respiratory chain and ATP-synthase. These complexes create the basis for the existence of the "most important" process in bioenergetics, oxidative phosphorylation. In the final two chapters, the mechanisms of the processes that produce photosynthesis, its light and dark phases, are presented. There is presented relevant information about this "second" most important bioenergetics process taking place in many biological organisms and providing the possibility of transforming the energy of electromagnetic radiation into energy "hidden" in the chemical bonds of certain chemical molecules. We want to express our conviction that the textbooks "Bioenergetics" will be a good "helper and inspirer" for many students who want to learn as much as possible about the fascinating structures and mechanisms for energy transformation in living systems, without which it would not be possible existence of life as we know it.

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Vybrané kapitoly z elektrochémie



Kveta Markušová - Daniela Kladeková

Elektrochémia je veda, ktorá študuje iónové systémy a také procesy alebo javy, ktoré prebiehajú na hranici iónových systémov s kovmi alebo s polovodičmi. V súčasnom štádiu rozvoja môžeme elektrochémiu rozdeliť podľa jej zamerania na dve oblasti. Prvá z nich - ionika - sa zaoberá vlastnosťami iónových sústav (roztoky, taveniny, tuhé elektrolyty). Druhá oblasť - elektrodika - sa zaoberá javmi na fázovom rozhraní elektróda/iónová sústava.

Ionika aj elektrodika skúmajú rovnovážne aj nerovnovážne javy a procesy. Výskumom vlastností iónových sústav za rovnovážnych podmienok získavame informácie a predstavy o štruktúre a zložení roztokov a tavenín elektrolytov, ako aj tuhých elektrolytov, kým merania za nerovnovážnych podmienok referujú o elektrickej vodivosti iónových sústav. V oblasti elektrodiky sa štúdiom rovnováh na rozhraní elektróda/roztok (prípadne tavenina) zaoberá elektrochemická termodynamika. Meranie rýchlostí procesov prebiehajúcich na tomto fázovom rozhraní a vysvetlenie zákonitostí, ktorými sa tieto procesy riadia, je predmetom kinetiky elektródových procesov alebo elektrochemickej kinetiky.

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