Lingua Latina – cvičebnica pre filológov


Jana BalegováAnabela Katreničová

The university textbook Lingua Latina – a workbook for philologists is a parallel study material to the textbook Lingua Latina – cursus communis. It is designed for practicing grammatical material at home. The content of the exercises corresponds to the focus of individual lessons in the mentioned textbook, both in terms of the covered grammatical phenomena and vocabulary. For this reason, only vocabulary that was not part of the lessons covered in the textbook is included in the exercises.

A Latin-Slovak dictionary at the end of the workbook contains the entire vocabulary from both the workbook and the textbook. A Slovak-Latin dictionary includes the vocabulary from exercises that require translation into Latin. The vocabulary of this workbook is oriented towards the needs of students specializing in philology and, with regard to the selection of source materials, also includes non-classical lexicon or non-classical meanings of classical words (this lexicon is marked with an asterisk). The workbook includes a key that allows students to directly verify the correctness of their work.

The textbook Lingua Latina – a workbook for philologists is available electronically in PDF format. As part of the educational program, online tests available on the KKF FF UPJŠ website ( also serve to practice the covered material.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Jana Balegová - Anabela Katreničová
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
slovenčina, latinčina
Faculty of Arts
Učebný text Lingua Latina – cvičebnica filológov je výstupom grantového projektu KEGA 010UPJŠ-4/2017.
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Doktorandské miscelaneá 6



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

The current sixth volume of the Doctoral Miscellanea consists of eight contributions from four study programs, with two contributions also involving authors outside of doctoral studies. Given the limitations on the length of individual contributions and the uniqueness of the research, the authors have chosen varying widths and depths in presenting their dissertation topics. Some contributions serve as an introduction to the issues, others provide a summary of previous results, and still others focus on a detailed analysis of a specific problem. These three approaches may not only reveal the stage of research in which the doctoral candidate finds themselves but also their potential research priorities.

The main commonality across all issues of the proceedings remains interdisciplinary diversity, which shows a certain continuity. Specific themes appear regularly. In these cases, alongside alternating doctoral candidates, the key figure is the supervisor (in the role of co-author) and their research focus/project in which the doctoral candidates participate. This development of research continuity is particularly evident in contributions from the field of social work.

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Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...



Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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G. W. Leibniz - filozofia raného a stredného...



Martin Škára

The presented university textbook is a reaction to two fundamental shortcomings. The first one is the absence of a similar, if not equivalent, textbook in the Slovak university environment. The second shortcoming is the mistake that Leibniz's philosophy is a system called monadology.

The presented textbook corrects this mistake and at the same time fills the gap of the absence of this kind of textbook with a Leibniz subject. For the above reasons, the presented textbook brings a new perspective on the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz, especially in the period of early philosophical beginnings with an overlap into the so-called Paris period and the De summa rerum period up to the first philosophical doctrinal formulation expressed in the Discours de métaphysique (Winter 1685-1686). The textbook is conceived as a selection of sections of source texts translated by the author of the textbook from French and partly from Latin and equipped with comments accessible to the target audience.

It is therefore the author's wish that this textbook not only serve as a form of correction for the misinterpretation of Leibniz's philosophy, but as an inspiring text that will introduce the reader to the world of Leibniz's philosophy in its undistorted light.

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Starostlivosť o seba (nielen) pre pomáhajúce...



Soňa Lovašová

The theme of self-care is currently a significant trend, emerging as a protective factor in numerous demanding life situations. The implementation and internalization of self-care are highly desirable in certain life phases. One of the challenging life stages is considered to be higher education. Pursuing studies at a university entails substantial life changes: a new social circle; novel forms of academic workload; the initiation of interpersonal relationships; and the process of self-independence. Self-care offers students the opportunity to establish order in their lives, to pause and contemplate the meaning of things, and to maintain well-being. The aim of the textbook is to assist students in understanding the concept of self-care, its potential benefits, and strategies for implementation. It provides various examples, case studies, and worksheets for initial engagement with self-care practices.

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Súčasná perspektíva sociálnej inklúzie ľudí s...


Tatiana ŽiakováDušan Šlosár

The last decade marks not only the average life expectancy increase in healthy population, but also life expectancy increase in group of people with intellectual disorders/disabilities. Due to their diagnosis that defines and classifies them into specific categories, people with intellectual disability are finding themselves in a constant confrontation with obstacles negatively affecting the saturation of their existential needs. It creates mostly educational, social, cultural, psycho-social and economical disadvantage in the context of their lives. Consequently, their active potential is weakened, making it unable for them to influence public affairs in society from a position of an adult or elderly citizen. Building up on this condition, the focus of this monograph is on understanding and explanation of prevailing concept of social inclusion and related concepts of social exclusion. These concepts influence the way we tend to define and think about the character of society, as such.

Simultaneously, we are examining that the quality of coexistence between dominant population and people with intellectual disabilities is dependent on the development of attitudes and opinions of major population towards this specific minority. These attitudes reflect the extent of social tolerance and at the same time serve as a quantification of moral values and equity in the society, whether it concerns any type of small everyday help or professional and institutionalised long-term support.

This monograph focuses on presenting professional care for people with mental disability in form of social services as a dominant type of support in our local environment. We show that the quality of social services inevitably depends on degree of professional competences social workers possess. The significance of professional competences social workers are capable of using is reflected in the degree of the competence and adequacy of their performance. The primary aim, in relation to which professional competences should be accustomed, is to enhance meaningfulness and dignity in life of mentally disabled receivers of the social services.

Competences of social workers are a dynamic phenomenon that modifies along the development of society and also with the frequently altering needs of people with intellectual disability as receivers of the social service. For this reason we designed the presented research to reflect our goal to reappraise the scope of professional competences and define the required professional functions of social workers working with people with intellectual disability. This monograph is dedicated not only to professionals working with this group of people but also aims at answering basic questions to practical issues that families with a intellectualy disabled member are coming into contact with.

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Probácia v systéme trestnej politiky a...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár

Otázky trestania sú priamo spojené s trestnou politikou štátu, ktorá je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou sociálnej politiky. Dlhodobo má štát v oblasti trestania osobitné dominantné postavenie. Ak boli splnené podmienky, za ktorých môže byť uložený trest, štát si splní svoju povinnosť. Trest uloží prostredníctvom nezávislých súdov. Pritom nerieši otázky satisfakcie, ktorá prináleží obeti. Obeť môže byť v podobe konkrétnej fyzickej osoby či právnickej osoby, ktorej trestným činom bola spôsobená škoda. Táto škoda súbežne vzniká aj občianskej spoločnosti ako celku. Priorizuje sa povinnosť štátu trestať a rozhodovať v danej veci, pred odškodnením samotného poškodeného, či odškodnením občianskej spoločnosti. Zmeny, ktoré nastali v oblasti trestného práva v posledných niekoľkých rokoch, vyplynuli aj z právnych predpisov Európskej únie. Demokratizácia spoločnosti nastoľuje potrebu zabezpečiť ochranu práv a slobôd občanov, ako aj ochranu celého demokratického systému prostriedkami restoratívnej, teda netrestajúcej justície. Od priorizovania trestania sa pristupuje k posilneniu práv poškodeného v prípade trestného činu, ktorý sa ho dotýka. Ide o možnosť obete rozhodnúť o opatreniach, ktoré majú postihnúť páchateľa trestného činu tak, aby to samotná obeť považovala za dostatočnú satisfakciu. V tejto súvislosti vzniká aj v Slovenskej republike inštitút probačného a mediačného úradníka a samostatnej pozície mediátora, ako riešiteľa občianskoprávnych, rodinných, pracovných a podobných sporov. Tieto nové inštitúty spájajú prvky trestnej justície, sociálnej práce, psychológie, sociológie a ďalších odborov. Pôsobia najmä v oblasti práva, využívajú metódy a postupy sociálnej práce, čím navodzujú zmenu filozofie trestania v trestnom práve. Výkon mediácie a probácie predpokladá poznanie metód a postupov vlastných sociálnej práci. Z uvedeného dôvodu danú problematiku rozpracovávame z pozícií sociálnej práce a poukazujeme na tie oblasti, ktoré sú jej vlastné. Často sa práve v súvislosti s probáciou a mediáciou stretávame s pojmom „sociálna práca v justícii“. Mediáciou v trestných veciach rozumieme mimosúdne sprostredkovanie riešenia sporu medzi škodcom a poškodeným, za asistencie a osobnej účasti mediátora. Mediátor ako nezávislá a nestranná osoba pomáha stranám identifikovať ich záujmy a podporuje ich v hľadaní spoločných praktických a reálnych riešení v bodoch, ktoré spôsobili ich konflikt. Probáciou sa rozumie vykonávanie kontroly, dohľadu nad obvineným, obžalovaným alebo odsúdeným, ako aj individuálna pomoc páchateľovi a pôsobenie tak, aby viedol riadny život. Znižuje sa riziko recidívy, opakovaného páchania trestnej činnosti.

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Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny. Stretnutie...



Miriama Filčáková (ed.)

Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Conference of Young Historians, organized by the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, on October 19-20, 2021.

Currently, these histories are often presented as an extension of the history of science. The history of knowledge not only expands the boundaries of the history of science but also explores the boundaries between different forms of knowledge and ignorance. Just as studies of historical memory have expanded and complemented their interest in researching forgetting, the history of knowledge includes studies of ignorance. They focus on the change that has occurred over the past decades: from the sacralization of science and respect for professional knowledge to the rejection of science and constant questioning of professional knowledge, to which the history of knowledge must also respond. Findings as a product form the basis of human interactions and have their own past. What was the significance of knowledge and cognition in different historical periods? How did state power influence the development of knowledge and cognition? What can be considered knowledge in a particular historical era or culture? Finally, is there any human activity that cannot be considered knowledge?

Currently, in the field of the history of knowledge, a significant surge in research, publishing, and the emergence of new institutions can be observed. The eleventh doctoral conference—Meeting of Young Historians XI, organized by the Department of History at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences—will contribute to expanding the perspective on the past of knowledge and cognition. The conference, intended for Slovak and foreign doctoral students, aims to provide a space for presenting the latest results of scientific research, professional discussion, establishing contacts, developing cooperation, and exchanging experiences among the broader historical community. The starting point for the conference is a peer-reviewed proceedings volume consisting of publication outputs from active participants.

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O lyrickom triptychu Maše Haľamovej (život a...



Ivica Hajdučeková - Iveta Bónová

The first personal monograph, On the Lyrical Triptych of Maša Haľamová (Life and Work), by co-authors Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová, presents the results of archival research and analytical-interpretative insights into the structure of poetic texts. Life events at key points (V znamení osmičiek, Domov na brehu jazera, V ruchu redakčnej práce, Fáza po Mladých letách) are reconstructed based on autobiographical memories, archival documents, personal correspondence, as well as unpublished or published articles and interviews. An intriguing perspective on the author´s work is offered by self-referential notes and a reconstruction of opinions on her poetics and the artistic value of her poetry from the years 1928 – 2017, as expressed by contemporary and modern literary critics. The reconstruction of the genesis of the poem Dar (Gift), which relates to her connections with A. Kostolný and E.B. Lukáč, revealed the underpinnings of poetic inspiration and confirmed the productivity of archival research and exegetical methods. The analytical-interpretative insight into lyrical triptych Dar – Červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem, realized through a spectrum of differentiated spirituality and the method of hermeneutic reading with an emphasis on the function of polyvocality, demonstrated that meta-empirical reality is shaped through natural imagery and the function of allusion. Across the three poetry collections, the lyrical parable and the process of spiritualization or spiritual growth of the lyrical subject are depicted, emblemized by the red poppy, blooming limber pine, and flowering moss. In conjunction with the analysis of the rhythmic-melodic structure of free yet phonetically organized verse – utilizing not only the folkloric inspirations of folk songs and ballads but also the religious tradition of spiritual hymns, prayers, and psalms – which confirmed that the poet´s sense and sensitivity for the „colourfulness“ of sounds and the „melodiousness“ of tones contributed to the architectural formation of the final form. This form is inseparably infused with the meta-empirical dimension of spirituality (eisos – eidos – Logos).

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Gadamer a grécka filozofia

Availability: 2 In Stock

Kristína Bosáková

Pokus o konfrontáciu Gadamerovho učenia nielen s velikánmi gréckej filozofie, ale aj s Hegelom a Heideggerom nie je jednoduchá úloha. Celá Gadamerova historicko-filozofická tvorba je však najvýraznejšie spojená s týmito antickými mysliteľmi a s dvoma géniami nemeckého filozofického myslenia. Preto niet vyhnutia. Bez tejto konfrontácie by bolo celé moje úsilie v istom zmysle zbytočné. To, či a ako sa mi to podarí, je už iná otázka. Každý čitateľ si určite vytvorí svoj vlastný úsudok.

Výsledky vedeckého výskumu ako inšpirácia pre...


Eva ŽiakováLucia Tóthová a kol.

The scientific monograph was developed within the framework of the grant project Vega 1/0230/15 entitled "Social and Personality Characteristics of Oncological Ill Men and Women as one of the most important factors of sociotherapy with this group of men and women clients", with the aim of finding some common personal characteristics oncological men and women patients, to focus on choosing their coping strategies that can be significant in terms of oncological disease as well as suggesting ways and means of using the basic methods of sociotherapy as one of the most important methods of social work in working with this group of men and women clients, from the knowledge of their personal and social characteristics.

It is also a starting point for other necessary steps, namely to link the results of research to prax the themselves oncologists to hospitals, their outpatient clinics and patients as well as to support the merit of developing the sociooncology, a specific science discipline.

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Ako nájsť zmysel života v sociálnej práci s...



Eva Žiaková (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou v rámci projektu VEGA č. 1/0282/12 Interdisciplinárna analýza zmyslu života a jeho komponentov v sociálne významných skupinách adolescentov z hľadiska jeho formovania a možnej intervencie.

Úvodné slovo je veľmi dobrý priestor na to, aby sme spoločne zhodnotili, čo sa nám podarilo uskutočniť pri riešení našej spoločnej vedeckovýskumnej úlohy zameranej na výskum zmyslu života v sociálnej rizikových skupinách adolescentov. Predovšetkým sme si položili otázku, čo sme o zmysle života doteraz zistili, teda, čo o ňom vieme. Druhou otázkou, ktorú sme si položili, je: čo nás na doterajších výsledkoch prekvapilo. Obsahom tretej otázky bola myšlienka, čo chceme urobiť preto, aby sme rozpor toho, čo sme zistili a toho, čo chceme dosiahnuť, odstránili. Poslednou otázkou v hodnotení riešenia vedeckovýskumnej úlohy bola otázka: čo o zmysle života adolescentov (ne)vieme a chceme vedieť v budúcnosti, resp. na čo sa sústrediť, aby sme vedeli vypracovať čo najefektívnejšie logoterapeutické a socioterapeutické metódy k práci sociálnych pracovníkov so sociálne rizikovými skupinami adolescentov.

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Praktická didaktika slovenčiny ako cudzieho...



Marianna Sedláková a kol.

The textbook is intended for students of Slovak studies to study the subject of didactics of Slovak as a foreign language.

Its core consists of relevant knowledge gained from the didactics of Slovak as a foreign language, with references to other professional literature. The textbook also includes practical guides for teaching specific language phenomena in schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction or in schools where students predominantly have a mother tongue other than Slovak, such as Romani. Essentially, it involves transforming knowledge acquired and verified in teaching adult foreigners, mainly at universities, into a didactic context for the second level of elementary school and high school, with appropriate emphasis on teaching Slovak as a foreign language at the first level of elementary school as the starting point for the educational process.

The textbook builds on the findings of real research on the state of teaching Slovak as a foreign language in elementary and secondary schools in eastern Slovakia, conducted in projects (EXPERT and DiSaC) implemented at UPJŠ in Košice from 2012 to 2015.

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Rodina ako priestor sociálnej práce



Magdaléna Hovanová

The university textbook offers a view of the family in social contexts. It deals with the basic characteristics of the family, the life cycle of the family from the choice of partner, through the arrival of children in the family to the end of the family. During its duration, the family performs various functions. A functional family is ideal for a harmonious relationship between partners and a suitable environment for raising children.

However, a number of factors enter the life of the family, which directly or indirectly affect the performance of these functions and can cause various disorders. It is here that the task of social work is to offer help to families to cope with their big and small problems. A specific feature of social work is the focus on the whole and a comprehensive assessment of the family, where it is necessary to take into account both the client's point of view and the aspect of the environment in which he lives and which constantly affects him. Therefore, the university textbook offers procedures for social work with the family, from the assessment of the life situation, through the plan of work with the family to social intervention.

The university textbook is intended for students of social work, who have the opportunity to practice complex issues within the assessment of the case through the enclosed case studies.

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Možnosti sociálnej práce v školskom prostredí v...



Veronika VasiľováSoňa Lovašová

The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a completed process because of with changes in society also change social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and interventing these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and react to the needs of society.

Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad.In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is still missing.Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia. 

The monograph is primarily intended for the professionals working in the field of social work and in the third sector with children and youth.

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Myths and Manipulation in Political Discourse



Jaroslav Marcin - Viktória Marcinová a kol.

This little book started out in a way that probably many other scholarly publications do: When the five of us met as doctoral students and instructors in the Department of British and American Studies, we soon realized that our research overlapped on a number of points. Most prominent among those was our interest in political or politicallymotivated discourse and the study of myths and manipulation that it employed. 

In the end, we decided to pool the results of our research together in order to create a more complex picture, providing a variety of perspectives and voices. In our endeavor, we were greatly aided by the financial support we received from a grant offered by the Šafárik University. The outcome of these efforts is the five chapters of this brief, but hopefully informative and insightful monograph.

In Chapter 1, Viktória Marcinová deals with the impact of totalitarian ideology on the translation of so-called “capitalist” drama during the first stage of normalization in Slovakia (1948-1968). In Chapter 2, the focus shifts to political discourse and manipulation in a democracy, as Jaroslav Marcin takes a closer look at the wartime rhetoric of American presidents. USA remains the focus also in Chapter 3, but this time the question, addressed by Martina Martausová, will be one of the myth of the American Dream and its presentation in post-9/11 United States. A similar idea, though in a different geographical-cultural context, is dealt with in Chapter 4, where Božena Velebná identifies myths of Scottish identity as portrayed in historic films. Finally, in Chapter 5, Eduard Soták will take a look at the role of the mass media within the topic of politically-motivated discourse and spread of political ideology.

It is our hope that in this way we can contribute to a better understanding of politically-motivated discourse, manipulation and the use of myths. Through interweaving the results of our research and our analyses, we hope to provide a more complex look at the topic in question, which we feel is missing at the moment.

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