Jadrová chémia

Andrea Morovská Turoňová

The discovery of radioactivity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries stimulated the rapid development of nuclear sciences. At the interface between nuclear physics and chemistry, disciplines such as radiochemistry, radiation chemistry and nuclear chemistry were formed. The aim of the Nuclear Chemistry course which is taught at the PF UPJŠ is to provide basic knowledge, with an emphasis on the general value of the subject. It is important to make available the basics of various methods, techniques and their specifics in the application of nuclear phenomena in chemistry and related fields. Emphasis is also placed on the use of correct terminology, knowledge of the context of relationships and basic principles, supplemented by illustrative concrete cases. The choice of material is rather difficult, but we count on additional monographs and textbooks to fill in the gaps of these teaching texts.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Andrea Morovská Turoňová
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Úvod do koordinačnej chémie



Juraj Černák

A significant part of inorganic chemistry is coordination chemistry, which deals with coordination compounds. Coordination compounds are numerous because they arise from the combination of central atoms, mostly metals, with ligands, and every organic compound is a potential ligand. This is confirmed by a recent report that American scientists M. Brookhart, C. Schauer, and their colleagues from universities in North Carolina and Washington described the preparation of a rhodium complex with methane as a ligand.

This textbook is based on the long-term experience of the author in teaching and testing this subject. The subject is well-covered in several textbooks of varying difficulty in English; their partial list can be found by readers in the list of used literature at the end of this textbook. On the other hand, in Slovak language, coordination chemistry issues are only marginally covered in several textbooks focused more on general inorganic chemistry but lack a comprehensive view on this topic. From this follows the goal of this proposed textbook - to cover the lack of study literature in this area for Slovak language.

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2020



Peter Fedoročko (ed.)

Proceedings of the 7th Annual Doctoral Spring School 2020

From November 10 to November 11, 2020, the 7th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Košice in a modified mode in the on-line space. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 2 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 24 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science.

The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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The 5th International Conference on...



Veronika NiščákováIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 5th Intemational Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NF A) 2021 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature four invited lectures and ten registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields.

Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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Názvoslovie organických zlúčenín



Miroslava Martinková

This electronic material provides the basic principles of creating a systematic nomenclature of organic compounds, from the simplest hydrocarbons to the more complicated nomenclature of carbohydrates. For some groups of derivatives, alternative ways of generating system names are also mentioned, as well as the most common trivial names that are still in use in the literature and in practice, in some cases being the characteristic (dominant) ones. In the introductory section, the basic rules to be respected when writing names of organic compounds are discussed. This document is intended primarily for interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate students as support material for the courses Organic Chemistry and Selected Chapters in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. In the final section of this document, solved examples are given so that the student can check how the rules for forming the names of organic compounds have been understood.

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Sekundárny metabolizmus (Úvod do štúdia...



Miroslava Martinková

This electronic material focuses on the subject of secondary metabolism and its products - secondary metabolites. The material gives an overview of the basic building blocks and construction mechanisms through which molecules can be synthesized in living organisms (plants). The processes of formation of the mentioned metabolites are explained using the basic mechanisms of organic reactions. Several of the secondary metabolites presented have a remarkable biological profile and are used as therapeutics or serve as lead compounds for the development of novel pharmacological agents. This electronic document is primarily intended for students of the Master's degree programme in Organic Chemistry as supporting material for the profile subject Chemistry of Natural Products.

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Daniel JancuraErik Sedlák

The textbook "Bioenergetics" should serve as an introduction to the study of bioenergetics. This field of science is currently highly actual, as the results of the bioenergetics research in recent years clearly show that bioenergetics processes in living systems can "serve" not only to transformation of energy, but also affect the course of processes such as apoptosis, aging, origin and development of many diseases (especially neurodegenerative).

These facts clearly indicate the need for the existence of quality teaching texts that would allow students to acquire the necessary information and knowledge in this scientific discipline in an acceptable way. For the above mentioned reasons, we decided to create these textbooks, which are in the form of ten chapters, which naturally and logically follow each other. 

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Praktické cvičenia z fyzikálnej chémie



Andrea Morovská TuroňováRenáta OriňakováFrantišek Kaľavský 

The university textbooks "Practical Exercises in Physical Chemistry" are intended as teaching literature for students of the 2nd year of the Chemistry study program and the 3rd year of the interdisciplinary study program at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The three chapters summarize the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics, the next chapter deals with the measurement of some other physico-chemical quantities. The tasks developed on the basis of cooperation with the Criminalistics and Expertise Institute of the Police in Košice, which also participates in the innovation of practical teaching, are also very attractive and interesting for students. Thematic units are updated and supplemented by new knowledge, principles as well as detailed working procedures using new instrumentation.

The aim of laboratory exercises in physical chemistry is to illustrate and confirm the physicochemical laws and correlations that apply to the quantitative description of chemical phenomena. Students will learn to use instruments and equipment that occur in physico-chemical laboratories, they will learn the principles of accurate and correct quantitative measurement of physical quantities, important from a chemical point of view. They can also develop professional and scientific communication skills, and we want to support their creative approach to making measurement protocols.

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Chémia súbor otázok na prijímacie skúšky

Availability: 90 In Stock

Mária Mareková - Marek StupákPeter UrbanJana  Mašlanková -

Beáta Hupková - Miroslava Rabajdová

Publikácia je určená záujemcom o štúdium na UPJŠ v Košiciach, Lekárskej fakulte v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. Obsahuje 1500 modelových otázok z chémie, ktoré sú spracované v súlade so vzdelávacím programom na gymnáziách a ktoré tvoria podklady písomných testov na prijímacích skúškach. Otázky na prijímacích skúškach však nemusia presne kopírovať otázky v tejto publikácii. Odpovede na otázky sú riešené formou ponúkaných variantných odpovedí obsahujúcich správne aj nesprávne možností, pričom správne odpovede sú uvedené v kľúči na konci publikácie. Táto publikácia vám poskytne možnosť overiť si hĺbku a rozsah vašich vedomostí z chémie, ktoré ste nadobudli počas stredoškolského štúdia a zároveň vám uľahčí prípravu na úspešné absolvovanie prijímacej skúšky. Autori problematiku rozdelili do kapitol, čo vám umožní rýchlo sa zorientovať a zistiť, ktorej oblasti sa musíte v štúdiu viac venovať. Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je umožniť každému uchádzačovi, ktorý má o štúdium na lekárskej fakulte vážny záujem, dobre sa pripraviť na prijímacie konanie a v prípade prijatia, mať dobrý základ na štúdium daného odboru.

Štruktúra a reaktivita – riešené príklady a...



Slávka Hamuľaková

The textbook "Structure and reactivity - solved examples and tasks, part 1" is the basis for teaching the subject "Structure and reactivity" for students of the 1st year of master's studies at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, department of Organic Chemistry. The textbook is divided into individual chapters, each chapter offering students examples of chemical reactions, where their course is explained on the basis of appropriate reaction mechanisms. A substantial part of the textbook consists of unresolved tasks, the main goal of which is the development of students' knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the textbook is focused on only one semester of study, it cannot cover all reactions, rather it is only representative examples of different types of reactions, such as: addition reactions, elimination reactions, aromatic substitution, addition-elimination reactions, radical reactions and pericyclic reactions.

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Vybrané úlohy a výpočty z biochémie – metabolizmus



Nataša Tomášková

Selected tasks and problems from biochemistry – metabolism follow biochemistry lectures on metabolism and individual metabolic pathways for students of the second and third year of the bachelor’s degree in the fields of chemistry, biology and their combinations with other fields. Scripts provide an opportunity to better understand the lectured subject matter of metabolism through the solution of tasks and problems as serve as a basis for one-hour exercises. The scripts are divided thematically into eleven chapters, and each chapter contains 10 tasks and 7 problems. At the beginning of the chapters there is a short description and explanation of the given metabolic pathway. However, when solving the tasks, the student must focus mainly on the curriculum that was presented on the given topic in the lecture. Subsequently, at the end of chapter, answers to problems are also presented. These scripts are intentionally accessible only in electronic form. The reason is the effort to continuously update and modernize individual tasks.

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Pokročilé elektrochemické metódy



Ivana Šišoláková - Radka Gorejová - Jana Shepa - Renáta Oriňaková

The university textbook "Advanced Electrochemical Methods" is a teaching aid intended for master's or doctoral students studying electrochemical subjects at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. These textbooks follow and further develop textbooks focused on the basic electrochemical methods currently used in modern research. The presented teaching texts are processed in sixteen clear chapters, where they provide a theoretical principle and derivation of electrochemical processes and mechanisms in individual methods. Teaching texts also consist of practical laboratory exercises, in which students can try out the real application of the studied electrochemical methods. The practical tasks are focused primarily on the demonstration of research that is carried out at our workplace. Students will be able to try, for example, electrochemical modification of the electrode surface, preparation of electrochemical sensors for the determination of analytes, preparation and characterization of a dye-sensitized solar cell or electrochemical evolution of hydrogen.

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Základy organickej chémie. Vysokoškolský...



Mária Vilková - Zuzana Kudličková - Ján Elečko

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon. Organic compounds in the form of large molecules (macromolecules), such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are the basic elements of living organisms. This study material is created for non-chemistry students, especially students of biology. Most of these students have little or no knowledge of organic chemistry. Therefore, we proceed from the basic principles of organic chemistry to biochemistry.

The basic principles of organic chemistry and biochemistry are briefly summarized in individual chapters, but the main content consists of tasks for practising basic knowledge. To check the correctness of solving the tasks, the correct solutions are also given. The importance of this study material lies in the fact that students will get additional study material that they will use in studying the subject Basics of Chemistry.

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