Teória efektívneho poľa pre lokalizované spinové modely



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Základy chiropterológie

Availability: 15 In Stock

Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda -  Peter Kaňuch

Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.

Praktické cvičenia z fyzikálnej chémie


Andrea Morovská TuroňováRenáta OriňakováFrantišek Kaľavský 

The university textbooks "Practical Exercises in Physical Chemistry" are intended as teaching literature for students of the 2nd year of the Chemistry study program and the 3rd year of the interdisciplinary study program at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The three chapters summarize the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics, the next chapter deals with the measurement of some other physico-chemical quantities. The tasks developed on the basis of cooperation with the Criminalistics and Expertise Institute of the Police in Košice, which also participates in the innovation of practical teaching, are also very attractive and interesting for students. Thematic units are updated and supplemented by new knowledge, principles as well as detailed working procedures using new instrumentation.

The aim of laboratory exercises in physical chemistry is to illustrate and confirm the physicochemical laws and correlations that apply to the quantitative description of chemical phenomena. Students will learn to use instruments and equipment that occur in physico-chemical laboratories, they will learn the principles of accurate and correct quantitative measurement of physical quantities, important from a chemical point of view. They can also develop professional and scientific communication skills, and we want to support their creative approach to making measurement protocols.

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Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách



Peter Paľove-Balang

Predložený učebný text „Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách“ v slovenskom jazyku poskytuje v zrozumiteľnej podobe všeobecný prehľad v problematike príjmu a distribúcie látok. Jednotlivé kapitoly zoznámia študentov z vlastnosťami pôdneho prostredia, ktoré majú výrazný vplyv na dostupnosť látok, ďalej s transportom látok cez membrány ako aj na stredné a dlhé vzdialenosti. Text obsahuje najnovšie poznatky z anglickej literatúry, doplnené schémami a grafmi, ktoré vytvoril autor na základe vlastného výskumu, alebo spracovaním viacerých zdrojov.

Učebné texty sú určené predovšetkým pre študentov magisterského štúdia v odbore biológia, alebo ekológia a predpokladajú aspoň základné poznatky z fyziológie rastlín.

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New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference „New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice 2020“. The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky



Janka Vrláková - Adela Kravčáková - Stanislav Vokál

Predkladaná „Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky“ je určená ako základný študijný materiál k prednáškam zo Všeobecnej fyziky IV v druhom ročníku bakalárskeho jednoodborového štúdia fyziky a medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s fyzikou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Jej cieľom je podporiť samostatnú prácu študentov a riešením vybraných úloh prehĺbiť získané poznatky z daného kurzu fyziky. Je rozdelená na tri hlavné časti: Atómovú fyziku, Jadrovú fyziku a Experimentálne metódy jadrovej fyziky. Každá tematická kapitola obsahuje prehľad základných pojmov, vzťahov a vzorcov, potrebných na lepšie pochopenie vzorových príkladov a na vyriešenie priloženého súboru neriešených príkladov.

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Availability: 59 In Stock

 Andrej Oriňak - Renáta Oriňaková - Andrea Fedorková

Nanotechnology represent the fastest developing science in the present. They are based on the technologies that enable the matter manipulation at atomic level. Nanotechnology offer prepartion of the new materials with unknown and very specific properties and functions.Recent nanotechnology still stay in formative phase of their development. But more and more they are visible with nano-specific phenomenons in the fundamental control of the properties as well mater behaviour. This is quite possible that without nanotechnology will not work any science to the future, moreover that science will not exist anymore. Nanotechnolgy will give a chance and force to transform world to more environmental and comfortable. Expected is expansion of the nanotechnolgy to molecular nanosystems – heterogenous nets, in which molecules and supramolecules work as the nanodevices. The computers and robots will be reduced to the small and ultrasmall dimensions. In medicine will foremost the application of nanotechnology in genetic therapy and elimination of ageing. Nanosurgery will work at molecular level, cancer cells will be identified early and filtered , then substituted with healthy and unchanged. It is necessary to inform university or high school students  about principles of nanotechnolgy, preparation of the nanostructures, functionality of them and to offer full representation about molecular systems and nanodevices; the methods of nanostructures characterization and about application in miniaturized systems. 


Digitálna forenzná analýza I.



Pavol Sokol - Ladislav Bačo - Tomáš Bajtoš

In the university textbook, we present the theoretical foundations and technical details of the activities of a forensic investigator. We describe the identification and provision of digital tracks, file system analysis. analysis of various artifacts of the Windows operating system, analysis of the operating memory. The textbook is also supplemented by a chapter devoted to the analysis of malicious code (malware). University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Adriana Zeleňáková

One of the fundamental characteristics of the magnetic state of ferromagnetic materials is the existence of a domain structure. The university textbook "MAGNETIC DOMAINS: SPECIAL PHYSICAL PRACTICE 1" is intended primarily for students of the Master's programme in Physics of Condensed Matter FKLm and for the PhD programme in Progressive Materials PMd within the profile subject Special Practice 1 at the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.  The textbook is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the basics of domain theory, including the history of domain observation and the specification of different types of energies in ferromagnetic body. The second chapter presents the relationship between domain structure and magnetisation processes in ferromagnetic materials The third chapter describes the different types of domain-wall interactions with the defect. The fourth chapter illustrates examples of domain structure in selected ferromagnetic body such as grain oriented and non-grain oriented electrical steels, amorphous and nanocrystalline ribbons. The fifth chapter summarises an overview of the different experimental methods used to visualise the domain structure and their advantages or disadvantages with respect to the structure of ferromagnetic materials. The last two chapters, the sixth and the seventh, are devoted to specific experimental tasks for observing the domain structure of a selected polycrystalline sample using the optical microscope Bitter powder method and the MFM (magnetic force microscopy) method. During the preparation of this undergraduate text, its individual parts were developed using the foreign language literature listed in the recommended references.

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Juraj ŠevcFilip Mochnacký

Students studying biology as the single-subject or as a part of two-subject programs on various faculties of sciences are often encountered with the problem, how to limit the topics in the subject Human anatomy. This List of anatomical terms is aiming to help the non-medical students to get acquainted with the extensive anatomical nomenclature and to optimize the number of anatomical terms, which should be memorized, to preserve the sufficient capacity of the students for another knowledge of the field of systemic, comparative, developmental and functional anatomy. The emphasis on the arrangement of individual anatomical terms into the logical units supports the hierarchical view on the architecture of the human body. Despite the common opinion, anatomical nomenclature represents a framework, which is during the further study gradually enveloped with the knowledge of more or less related disciplines concerning with the human body and its biological processes. Moreover, besides this ambition, which exceeds the area of the human anatomy, this List of anatomical terms continues the long tradition with respect to the valid Latin and Slovak anatomical terminology.

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The SFEL school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018 and 2019. All schools of the series were held here, in Liptovský Ján, where our conference venue offers conditions for friendly and creative atmosphere. The aim of the SFEL 2022 school is to facilitate the growth of a new Slovak research community with high expertise in the area of high-efficiency RTG laser, synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-howin these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2022 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and actually forming scientific teams of XFEL users, scientific teams of synchrotron or neutron sources users, respectively. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of the European XFEL GmbH company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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Didaktika školských pokusov zo všeobecnej a...



Ivana Sotáková-Martin Vavra-Mária Ganajová

This textbook has been designed for the master students of chemistry teaching (combined) at the Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice as a source of model school experiments in general and inorganic chemistry. It will be used for teaching the Special Practice of School Experiments I compulsory course. It consists of instructions for experiments related to the selected topics in general and inorganic chemistry as well as the didactic and technical aspects of their performance. Each experiment includes an explanation of the principle, specification of the tools and chemicals needed, working procedure, and the respective apparatus assembly scheme. At the end of each experiment, the observation and explanation necessary for the correct interpretation of the results of the chemical experiment performed are provided. To follow the requirements for the digital transformation of education, selected computer-aided experiments and visualiser projections have been included as well. The next part is focused on the work with the monitoring suitcase, which can be used for making simple field experiments related to environmental topics. The final part is dedicated to attractive experiments that complement the topics in inorganic chemistry and can be used to motivate students. All experiment instructions are in line with the requirements specified by the state educational programmes for primary and grammar schools. This book allows teachers to select appropriate demonstrative experiments or experiments for laboratory classes performed by students themselves. The videos of selected experiments are also available as part of the interactive periodical table of elements operated by the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Jana Šandrejová - Andrea Gajdošová (eds.)

The scientific book of abstracts from the conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2024“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume are divided according to content into the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry.

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Úvod do porovnávacej morfológie živočíchov


Andrej Mock

The structure of the animal body is extremely varied. Each species has its distinctive morphological features, which bears as a testimony to long-term development and belonging to the developmental lineage. At the same time, the body has been tested for a long time by natural conditions, resulting in unique adaptations to the environment and life strategy. Despite this admirable variety - which includes both recent and fossil animals and which we have far from mapped – a comparison of body parts brings knowledge we can generalize: the main building principles, and boundaries within which phenotypic diversity is realized. Comparative animal morphology today uses the latest methodological material and knowledge from other disciplines, from genetics, molecular biology and experimental embryology, through progressive imaging methods (e.g. electron microscopy, computer micro-tomography) and the possibilities of subsequent software processing of image material (measurement, staining, etc.) to the view of physics, chemistry, statics and geometry on the structures (to nanostructures) of the living body. Detailed knowledge of historical and contemporary conditions on Earth is an important interpretative context in the study of animal morphology. Surprisingly, the knowledge accumulated after centuries of research is now rapidly supplemented by new knowledge, and often the traditional knowledge is subsequently reinterpreted. Finally, and no less important, in studying animal (and human) morphology, we learn surprising knowledge about ourselves. The author of the presented textbook had the ambition in a simplified form to introduce the reader, especially the student of biological studies, into a dynamic and fascinating scientific discipline, as the current comparative animal morphology is.

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