Psychológia zdravia


Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková

Annotation: The publication entitled Health Psychology serves as background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field, and practical tips. It provides comprehensive information on key areas of the field of health psychology and is designed for students to acquire and deepen their knowledge that could be implemented in their everyday practice.

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Data sheet

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Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková
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vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá)
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16 other products in the same category:

Vybrané kapitoly z hepatológie a gastroenterológie


Sylvia Dražilová • Laura Gombošová • Martin Janičko • Ľubomír Skladaný • Eduard Veseliny


1. Refluxová choroba pažeráka a jej komplikácie (E.Veseliny). 17

2. Poruchy motility pažeráka (E.Veselíny)34

3. Tumory pažeráka (E.Veselíny). 45

4. Dyspepsia horného typu (E.Veselíny)53

5. Peptická vredová choroba gastroduodéna (E.Veselíny). 63

6. Nádory žalúdka (E.Veselíny)74

7. Malabsorpcia (L. Gombošová)83

8. Celiakia (L. Gombošová). 87

9. Zlyhanie tenkého čreva (L. Gombošová)92

10. Nádory tenkého čreva (L. Gombošová). 96

11. Nádory hrubého čreva a kolorektálny karcinóm (L. Gombošová). 98

12. Neuroendokrinné tumory tráviaceho traktu (L. Gombošová). 106

13. Chronické črevné zápaly- IBD inflammatory bowel diseases (L. Gombošová). 111

14. Anatómia a fyziológia pankreasu (Ľ. Skladaný). 127

15. Akútna pankreatitída (Ľ. Skladaný). 128

16. Chronická pankreatitída (Ľ. Skladaný). 146

17. Klinická výživa – Nutricionistika (Ľ. Skladaný). 160

18. Úvod do ochorení pečene (M. Janičko). 178

19. Akútne poškodenie a zlyhanie pečene (M. Janičko). 180

20. Pokročilé chronické ochorenie pečene (ACLD)/cirhóza (M. Janičko). 193

21. Vírusové hepatitídy (S.Dražilová). 221

22. Nealkoholová tuková choroba pečene (S.Dražilová). 249

23. Primárne cholestatické choroby pečene (S.Dražilová). 266

24. Alkoholová choroba pečene (M. Janičko). 279


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Vybrané kapitoly zo špeciálnej neurológie

Availability: 50 In Stock

Zuzana Gdovinová a kolektív

Neurologické vedy dosiahli za posledných dvadsať rokov  významný pokrok tak v objasnení patologických procesov a mechanizmov rozvoja mnohých neurologických ochorení, ako aj v nových  možnostiach liečby. Predkladaná učebnica obsahuje základné informácie o najdôležitejších neurologických ochoreniach, ich diagnostike, diferenciálnej diagnostike a liečbe v rozsahu pre študentov medicíny ako aj neurológov v špecializačnej príprave. Časť určená pre neurológov je odlíšená farebnou podtlačou. Oproti prvému vydaniu z roku 2017 sme niektoré kapitoly doplnili a prepracovali v súlade s najnovšími poznatkami, predovšetkým časť o cerebrovaskulárnych ochoreniach, autoimunitne podmienených ochoreniach, ale aj čo sa týka epilepsie, neuroinfekcií, migrény, extrapyramídových ochorení a demyelinizačných ochorení. Veríme, že táto vysokoškolská učebnica, ktorá zapĺňa vákuum v študijnej literatúre v slovenskom písomníctve z posledného obdobia, bude prínosom pre študentov, ale aj mladých lekárov a priblíži im zložitú, ale nesmierne zaujímavú a príťažlivú problematiku neurologických ochorení.

Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials

Availability: 189 In Stock

 John B. WestAndrej Andrašovský

West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials is the gold standard text for learning respiratory physiology quickly and easily. This highly readable, must-have text serves as an introduction to students and a review for licensing and other exams. The Tenth Edition features the addition of Dr. Andrew M. Luks as co-author along with new clinical vignettes, additional multiple-choice review questions, and updated information on key topics in respiratory physiology, such as blood flow and metabolism, gas transport by the blood, and the physiology of high altitude.

  • New! Clinical vignettes with questions emphasize how the physiology described can be applied to clinical situations and reinforce reasoning and critical thinking.
  • More than 100 multiple-choice questions with full explanations provide self-testing of key concepts for comprehension and exam preparation.
  • Clinical boxes and Key Concepts summaries provide bullet-point reviews.
  • Appendices of important equations and answers to all questions are easily referenced.
  • Online resources include animations that expand on and clarify challenging topics, an interactivequestion bank, and lectures by Dr. West.

Medical Ethics


Nikita Bobrov a kol.

History of ethics represents a search for basic principle, which would enable a distinction between moral and immoral, good and bad, right and wrong. The main problem lies in motives, methods and consequences of human conduct. The integrity of medical profession puts emphasis on life-long study and practice according to the professional competence, and last but not least on ethical principles and rules of medical ethics.
Medical ethics, as a part of bioethics, is currently taking on a huge importance in everyday clinical practice and must face many serious ethical issues regarding the whole system of health care. On general level the decision-making in medical practice is quite easy, based on the requirement to always act in the patient's best interest. However, it is often difficult to know exactly what is best for the patient, in a certain situation, for this particular patient. Also with each progress in medicine and its globalization, the more aspects of human lives are being affected. Biomedical research, and the new treatment and diagnostic methods it provides are viewed differently in each country, therefore various cultural, religious, social and legal aspects must be considered in their assessment, as well as the basic principles of medical ethics. Worldwide effort on unifying ethical regulations on certain aspects of health care led to the establishment of many legally recognized documents the doctors must be familiar with. Teaching ethics to students of medical school aims to educate the future doctors towards ethical decision-making, behaviour and professional conduct according to the basic principles of medical ethics.
This textbook provides the basic information on medical ethics for students of medical faculties and serves as a practical introduction to the most common ethical problems of health care provision for their future professional practise.


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Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

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Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky

Availability: 10 In Stock

Eva Slabá - Helena MičkováTerézia Hudáková

Pomocné vysokoškolské učebné texty Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky sú určené na praktické cvičenia z predmetov Biológia I. a Biológia II. pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a Lekárska a humánna biológia I. a II., pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore  zubné lekárstvo na Univerzite P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach - Lekárskej fakulte.

Pán doktor, hovoríte po slovensky?

Availability: 20 In Stock

Ingrid Madárová - Lívia Barnišinová - Veronika Pálová

Táto učebnica je určená pre zahraničných študentov medicíny – začiatočníkov – ako slovenčina na špecifický účel výučby. Jej cieľom je pomôcť zahraničným študentom, ktorí (1) študujú medicínu (2) v cudzom jazyku (anglický jazyk) a (3) v zahraničí (Slovensko) zvládnuť výzvu pri príprave na praktickú časť ich štúdia – konverzácia s pacientom v Slovenskom jazyku.Zámerom je poskytnúť študentom krok za krokom najfrekventovanejšie slovné spojenia a výrazy potrebné pri komunikácii s pacientom. Lekcie sa zameriavajú hlavne na slovnú zásobu týkajúcu sa častí ľudského tela a na základné symptómy a príznaky chorôb.Dôraz je kladený na krátke dialógy medzi lekárom a pacientom. Pri precvičovaní dialógov sú študenti vedení k nácviku komunikácie so zreteľom na porozumenie, bez prípadných obáv o gramatickú správnosť. Gramatické javy sú predstavované postupne, cez jednoduché  pomôcky – „tipy“.V prípade potreby si môžu študenti nájsť a doplniť si „chýbajúce časti gramatiky“ prostredníctvom odkazov na odporúčanú literatúru. Cieľom tejto knihy je uľahčiť a zefektívniť celý proces štúdia/osvojenia si (lekárskej) slovenčiny.

Pracovný zošit z anatómie

Availability: 50 In Stock

Ingrid Hodorová a kol. 

„Pracovný zošit z anatómie“ je určený pre výučbu študentov nelekárskych bakalárskych odborov ako doplnkový študijný materiál. Z dôvodu, že študenti uvedených odborov nemajú možnosť kontaktu s reálnymi anatomickými štruktúrami je pre nich výučba predmetu anatómie neatraktívna. Veríme, že predkladaný pracovný zošit so svojimi ilustráciami anatomických štruktúr umožní študentom aktívnejšie sa zapojiť do vyučovacieho procesu, čím sa pre nich predmet anatómie stane prístupnejší a atraktívnejší.

Kolektív autorov

Compendium of Hygiene

Availability: 109 In Stock

 Kvetoslava Rimárová 

The theme of the presented university textbook is a summary of selected basic knowledge of hygiene - environmental medicine. The script includes significant areas of environmental medicine as a science: the basics of environmental medicine, health and prevention issues of environmental health and risk assessment of potential exposure, the issue of air pollution, indoor pollution, problems of drinking water, the action of soil and solid waste, further issue of housing, nutrition and the impact of working conditions on health. Nutritional factors textbooks dealing with issues of rational nutrition, describe the individual components of nutrition, but also address the issue of food hygiene and the possibilities of foodborne infections. One chapter is also devoted to the impact of environmental conditions on health of children and youth. 

University textbook as a manuscript consists from 199 manuscript pages, is divided into 12 basic chapters, contains 36 citations in the literature.  In the Preface, the issue of categorization of diseases and define the basic concepts of health, prevention. Other chapters deal with the above selected chapters hygiene.

This university textbook comes as a basic university textbook for students of general  medicine in the English language, for students of bachelor's and master's studies  of medical schools - mainly bachelor's and master' program of  "Public health". Students of medicine and dentistry can also use these textbooks as an educational tool in the study of other subjects in the teaching of public health.


Roma Health Organizations Database



Kvetoslava Rimárová

This document is a part of the EU-funded project MEHO - Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory and Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
This monograph includes a database of organizations dealing with Roma health and community issues and is part of the Interim Report 2007. The published monographs try to enclose all kinds of information about Roma health including organizations on national, international, governmental and non-governmental levels in Europe as well as international organizations such as WHO and UNDP.
The views expressed in this monograph are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the EU MEHO Project or Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
Kvetoslava Rimárová

Surgery for medical students

Availability: 100 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

Vybrané kapitoly z reumatológie pre študentov...

Availability: 20 In Stock

Želmíra Macejová

Vysokoškolský učebný text: “Vybrané kapitoly z reumatológie pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt“je určený na  pregraduálne štúdium pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt v študijnom odbore: všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo v rámci predmetu interná medicína 4. Kapitoly uvedené v danom diele zahŕňajú základy reumatológie, ktoré postačuje pre absolventa LF UPJŠ, zároveň slúži aj pre pregraduálnu prípravu v nelekárskom študijnom odbore – fyzioterapia.  Uvedené informácie sú základom pre prípravu na tzv. postupovú skúšku v rámci spoločného internistického kmeňa a zároveň podkladom aj pre špecializačné štúdium v odboroch všeobecný lekár a fyziatricko- rehabilitačný lekár. Text je rozdelený na  tieto časti:  vyšetrovacie metódy v reumatológii, terapeutické výkony v reumatológii,  autoimunitné ochorenia v reumatológii, kryštálmi indukované artritídy, infekčné artritídy, nezápalové reumatické ochorenia a metabolické ochorenia kostí. V závere je obrazová príloha k jednotlivým nozologickým jednotkám, ktoré sú podrobne opísané v texte.    

Psychology in Medicine



Martina Ružičková - Jozef Dragašek


Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required. Presented study book Psychology in Medicine gives students a fundamental insight into patients´ behaviour in general, and demonstrates the role of psychology in relieving health concerns in particular. It includes topics of medical psychology and clinical psychology that are applied in health care. The chapters address the basic principles of human behaviour, communication between patients and physicians, personality psychology, psychodiagnostic techniques, psychotherapy treatment, abnormal psychology, dealing with stressful events and physical illnesses. The study textbook also emphasises the importance of good mental health and self-care in a doctor's practise. There is a hope that this book will provide both a source of information and inspiration for doctors and all health care professionals.

Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis. Selected...



Pavol Pobeha,  Ivana Paraničová,  Pavol Joppa

The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine. This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.

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