Geopriestorové technológie v bádateľsky orientovanom vyučovaní geografie


Stela Csachová, Ján Kaňuk - Alena Gessert, Ladislav Novotný, Štefan Gábor,Jozef Šupinský

This book addressed the inquiry-based learning and teaching with the support of geospatial technologies. Today, geospatial technologies are influencing geography teaching learning, particularly in secondary education. Theoretical framework gives the reader the insight to inquiry-based learning, with special focus on inquiry in geography. The one-by-one step of inquiry is analysed in detail. The major part of the book presents the eleven models of geography lessons, representing the subject content of physical, human and regional geographies, various levels of inquiry and use of different geospatial technologies. The readers are acquainted with the use of geographic information system (particularly Google Earth and ArcGIS online), web portals, webGIS, open data, mobile applications and new forms of 3D cartographic visualisation (virtual reality, 3D print, dynamic 3D map) in teaching geography. The lesson models were tested with the students to be geography teachers in school year 2021/2022. This books serves as resource mainly for undergraduate teacher students and in-service geography teachers.

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Data sheet

E-kniha (pdf)
Stela Csachová, Ján Kaňuk, Ladislav Novotný, Štefan Gábor, Jozef Šupinský
Typ dokumentu:
vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá)
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Dostupné od:
Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
Táto publikácia vyšla s podporou Kultúrnej a edukačnej grantovej agentúry Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky
CC BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
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16 other products in the same category:

Foundations of nonequilibrium statistical physics

Availability: 10 In Stock

Michal Jaščur -Michal Hnatič

In the textbook, the processes belonging to an area of  nonequilibrium physics, which make the basis for the study and analysis of compex phenomena  of statistical mechanics, are described. The Boltzmann equation for distribution function is derived and on this basis the hydrodynamic equations are constructed.  Stochastic processes are described separately and Fokker-Planck equation for density probability  is derived. Textbook is intended for the students of second year of master study at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafarik University.   


14.česko-slovenská študentská vedecká...



Adriana Zeleňáková - Zuzana Ješková - Adela Kravčáková - Gabriela Fabriciová - Erik Čižmár - Róbert Tarasenko - Jaroslava Szűcsová - Ľuboš Nagy (eds.)

Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevkov účastníkov 14. česko - slovenskej študentskej vedeckej konferencie vo fyzike, ktorá sa konala 2.-3.mája 2024 na PF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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NANOVIR – Nanočastice pre riešenie...



Adriana Zeleňáková - Jozef Bednarčík

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie NANOVIR

Hlavným cieľom vedeckej konferencie NANOVIR bola prezentácia vedeckých výsledkov, získaných počas riešenia projektu NANOVIR – Nanočastice pre riešenie diagnosticko- terapeutických problémov s COVID-19, spolufinancovaného z Európskeho Fondu Regionálneho Rozvoja v Operačnom Programe Integrovaná Infraštruktúra 2014 – 2020, ITMS: 313011AUW7. Projekt bol riešený v období 1.1.2021 – 30.6.2023 a bol podporený sumou 1 916 004,79 EUR. Spolupodieľali sa na ňom tri spoluriešiteľské organizácie: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach ako hlavný riešiteľ, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach ako partner č. 1 a Ústav experimentálnej fyziky Slovenskej akadémie vied ako partner č. 2.

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Náhodné procesy a ich aplikácie


Valéria Skřivánková • Martina Hančová

The publication is focused on discrete random processes, primarily on Markov chains, which have wide application in the field of economics and finance.

The textbook is divided into five chapters, the first of which serves as an introduction to random processes and provides definition, properties and classification of random processes in general. The second chapter discusses Markov chains with discrete time, including valuation of transitions between states and their optimal management. The third chapter focuses on special Markov chains with continuous time and emphasizes construction and solution to the system of Kolmogorov differential equations, which describe the dynamics of the process development. The last two chapters illustrate applications of Markov chains using examples of queuing system modeling and renewal theory.

Besides the explanation of basic terms, definitions and theorems with proofs, this textbook also provides number of solved examples to illustrate the discussed theory. Problem assignments are placed at the end of each chapter, so that readers can test their understanding of the content as they progress through the book. Solutions to all the problems and the list of references are provided at the end of the publication.

This textbook is primarily intented for students majoring in Economics and Financial Mathematics at the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and it covers content of the course “Random Proceses 1“ thought there. It might however serve also students from other schools in similar progams or professionals interested in this topic.

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Systematika cievnatých rastlín, 5. vydanie



Pavol Mártonfi

The university textbook deals with the latest knowledge from the systematics of vascular plants in a clear manner. Vascular plants arose in the Silurian period in the Paleozoic, when the first primitive plants moved from water to dry land, which required evolutionary progress in the morphological and anatomical structure of these plants. During about 420 million years of the existence of vascular plants, several of their main groups have evolved: the spore vascular plants, including the lycopods (branch Lycopodiophyta) and group of ferns and related plants (branch Monilophyta), and the seed plants, including gymnosperms (branch Gymnospermae) and angiosperms ( Angiospermae), which currently dominate among plants. The textbook provides a brief but comprehensive overview of the main groups, orders and families of plants with their description, distribution, main representatives, while also addressing the useful properties of selected species. The work is complemented by an overview of the system of plants by Cronquist, Tachtadžjan, APG and an overview of the families of the Slovak flora, as well as a taxonomic index.

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Zborník príspevkov z 11. Dní doktorandov...



Martin Bačkor - Silvia Mihaličová (eds.)


1. Bunková biológia a cytológia: Michal Martinka
2. Vývinová biológia a morfogenéza: Alexander Lux
3. „Omiky“ – genomika, transkriptomika a proteomika: Boris Vyskot
4. Hormonálna regulácia rastu a vývinu rastlín: Jana Albrechtová
5. Fotosyntéza, tvorba a transport asimilátov: Jiří Šantrůček
6. GMO a rastlinné biotechnológie: Eva Čellárová
7. Biofyzikálne signály a optické vlastnosti rastlín: Jan Nauš
8. Fyziológia stresu: Ľudmila Slováková
9. Interakcie rastlín s organizmami: Martin Bačkor
10. Voda a minerálna výživa rastlín: Miroslav Repčák
11. Produkþná biológia rastlín a poľnohospodárstvo: Václav Hejnák
12. Ekologická biológia rastlín a globálne klimatické zmeny: Michal Marek

1. Molecular & Cell Genetics: Viktor Žárský
2. Developmental Biology: Alexander Lux
3. Biochemistry & Physiology: Jiří Šantrůček
4. Systematics & Evolution: Jana Albrechtová
5. Ecophysiology: Jana Albrechtová ​

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Daniel JancuraErik Sedlák

The textbook "Bioenergetics" should serve as an introduction to the study of bioenergetics. This field of science is currently highly actual, as the results of the bioenergetics research in recent years clearly show that bioenergetics processes in living systems can "serve" not only to transformation of energy, but also affect the course of processes such as apoptosis, aging, origin and development of many diseases (especially neurodegenerative). These facts clearly indicate the need for the existence of quality teaching texts that would allow students to acquire the necessary information and knowledge in this scientific discipline in an acceptable way. For the above mentioned reasons, we decided to create these textbooks, which are in the form of ten chapters, which naturally and logically follow each other. One chapter basically presents one lecture within the course of Bioenergetics, which is realized at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice at the master's and doctoral degree of the study program "Biophysics". At the same time, these texts can also be used for teaching in the study subject Biochemistry, which is taught in the bachelor's and master's degree programs of the study programs "Biochemistry" resp. “Biophysics”. We would like to express our conviction that this textbook could in some way also help researchers working in the field of the energy transformation in biological organisms and the phenomena associated with this transformation. This textbook presents knowledge about the basic concepts of bioenergetics, the mechanisms of processes such as glycolysis and the Krebs cycle (in addition to a detailed and comprehensive description of these processes, there is also a general view of the interconnectedness of these processes and their incorporation into a compact view of the overall energy transformation in biological organisms), the structure and functionality of biological membranes (this area is necessary for a better understanding of the knowledge presented in the following chapters). In the following chapters, the textbook deals with the description of the structure and function of mitochondria, with great emphasis on the properties and mechanisms of functioning of the four complexes of the respiratory chain and ATP-synthase. These complexes create the basis for the existence of the "most important" process in bioenergetics, oxidative phosphorylation. In the final two chapters, the mechanisms of the processes that produce photosynthesis, its light and dark phases, are presented. There is presented relevant information about this "second" most important bioenergetics process taking place in many biological organisms and providing the possibility of transforming the energy of electromagnetic radiation into energy "hidden" in the chemical bonds of certain chemical molecules. We want to express our conviction that the textbooks "Bioenergetics" will be a good "helper and inspirer" for many students who want to learn as much as possible about the fascinating structures and mechanisms for energy transformation in living systems, without which it would not be possible existence of life as we know it.

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The XIV. European Magnetic Sensors and...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA) is a consolidated European forum that serves to assess the status, recent progress, and development in the field of magnetic sensor technology and magnetic actuators. It was first held in 1996 in Iasi (Romania) and since then has continued every two-three years in different European cities. The aim of the conference is to generate an overview of research in magnetic sensors and actuators, to recognize their relevance in modern industry and to identify potential future collaborations. EMSA 2024 will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes and industry to present and discuss their most recent results covering both fundamental and applied aspects of magnetic sensors and actuators.

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Miroslav Almáši (ed.)

The book of abstracts from the conference "Porous Materials for Environmental Applications 2024" is a collection of contributions of the conference participants, which contain original results of their scientific and research activities. The conference was aimed to share new findings dealing with the preparation, characterization and application of porous materials in environmental fields.

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2022



Peter Fedoročko (eds.)

From June 14 to June 17, 2022, the 8th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Liptovský Ján. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 3 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts and 1 workshop. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 26 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2015



Vladimír Zeleňák(ed.)

Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevky účastníkov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá sa konala 22. apríla 2015.

Milí študenti, kolegyne a kolegovia! Už po tretí krát vychádza zborník zo Študentskej vedeckej konferencie (ŠVK) na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ktorý práve čítate. ŠVK sa teší dlhodobej obľube medzi študentmi a učiteľmi fakulty a teší nás, že ináč to nebolo ani v tomto roku, keď bolo do ŠVK prihlásených 128 príspevkov. Príspevky boli zaradené do 19 sekcií, ktoré navyše dopĺňala otvorená súťaž v programovaní a finále súťaže IHRA. Vystúpenie na ŠVK je pre mnohých študentov aj jednou z prvých príležitostí na získanie skúseností s prezentáciou svojich výsledkov pred odborným publikom. Ak si uvedomíme počet prihlásených príspevkov, pripočítame k nim členov odborných porôt z radov učiteľov fakulty ako aj divákov, ktorí sa prišli podporiť svojich spolužiakov na vystúpeniach, je ŠVK podujatím, keď sa v jednom čase a na jednom mieste stretáva veľká časť študentskej a akademickej obce fakulty. Mnohé abstrakty príspevkov prezentované v tomto zborníku vznikli v rámci práce študentov na čiastkových úlohách, ktoré sú súčasťou výskumných zámerov na ústavoch PF UPJŠ. Abstrakty príspevkov predstavujú svojim spôsobom prehľad výskumných tém na jednotlivých pracoviskách PF UPJŠ. Zborník z ŠVK je tak dobrým nástrojom, ktorý môžu použiť študenti a učitelia fakulty na jej prezentáciu smerom navonok, k partnerom, zamestnávateľom, potenciálnym spolupracovníkom. O spoluprácu pri organizovaní ŠVK už dlhšie prejavujú záujem aj partneri z praxe. Od roku 2005 udeľuje zoskupenie IT spoločností Cenu za najoriginálnejšiu prácu a Cenu za prácu s najlepšími vyhliadkami na praktické využitie. V roku 2015 bola po prvýkrát otvorená sekcia, s názvom „Predstav svoj nápad!“, založená na myšlienke start-up projektov. Do sekcie boli prihlásené tri príspevky, kde študenti predstavili svoje nápady s potenciálnym využitím v praxi. Ich zámery boli hodnotené úspešnými manažérmi zo spoločností GlobalLogic, Košice IT Valley a AmCham, EXIsport, Investeers, KPMG. Vystúpenie študentov pred porotou, jej komentáre a návrhy boli veľkou devízou a skúsenosťou, ktorú naši potenciálni „start-up-isti“ získali. Vyhlásenie výsledkov ŠVK prebieha od roku 2013 v areáli na Šrobárovej ulici a je sprevádzané s ďalšími akciami ScienceFestu ako sú ŠTRK a Karaoke show. Ukazuje sa, že tento formát vyhlásenia výsledkov si nachádza medzi študentmi a učiteľmi čoraz väčšiu obľubu. Na vyhlásení výsledkov boli ocenené príspevky, ktoré odborné poroty vyhodnotili ako v jednotlivých sekciách ako najlepšie. Samozrejme, nie všetci účastníci ŠVK sa mohli dostať medzi laureátov. Avšak všetci účastníci ŠVK sa môžu považovať v istom zmysle za víťazov, lebo urobili niečo pre rozvoj svojej osobnosti, investovali do svojho vzdelania a prispeli k zveľaďovaniu a rozširovaniu poznania v oblasti prírodných vied, matematiky a informatiky.

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Vybrané úlohy a výpočty z biochémie – metabolizmus



Nataša Tomášková

Selected tasks and problems from biochemistry – metabolism follow biochemistry lectures on metabolism and individual metabolic pathways for students of the second and third year of the bachelor’s degree in the fields of chemistry, biology and their combinations with other fields. Scripts provide an opportunity to better understand the lectured subject matter of metabolism through the solution of tasks and problems as serve as a basis for one-hour exercises. The scripts are divided thematically into eleven chapters, and each chapter contains 10 tasks and 7 problems. At the beginning of the chapters there is a short description and explanation of the given metabolic pathway. However, when solving the tasks, the student must focus mainly on the curriculum that was presented on the given topic in the lecture. Subsequently, at the end of chapter, answers to problems are also presented. These scripts are intentionally accessible only in electronic form. The reason is the effort to continuously update and modernize individual tasks.

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