Liekové formy a aplikačné cesty podávania...
Martina Čižmáriková - Peter Takáč
It is known that pharmacology is a rapidly evolving medical field, with information about drug forms and their routes of administration constantly changing. In addition to the emergence of new drug forms, new trends are also observed in the routes of administration suitable for delivering drugs. Despite being significant factors influencing the efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy – an indispensable component of comprehensive patient care – to our knowledge, there has been a lack of comprehensive and detailed textual material focused on this issue on the market. This fact is related to the broader scope of the professional text we are presenting, as rare drug forms or less commonly used routes of administration are only marginally mentioned or not mentioned at all in available pharmacology textbooks.
Our main goal was therefore to provide sufficient information about existing drug forms, their routes of administration, as well as their methods of delivery, which should serve to enhance the quality of pharmacotherapy in the context of so-called "tailored treatment," whose main effort is to individualize treatment for a specific patient. Although the work focuses on drug application methods, a detailed description of the technical implementation of algorithms and other related procedures is the subject of interest for other fields (nursing, surgical propaedeutics, etc.). Overall, it is a supplementary educational text provided in electronic form, which is extremely popular in today's modern informatized era. Thanks to this, the work can be used at any time at home or in a school environment, comprehensively or progressively, partially. We have also tried to enhance its quality by appropriate content organization, inclusion of practical experiences, as well as the inclusion of colorful images or photographs, overview tables, and appendices.
The textbook is supplemented by test quizzes serving to verify acquired selected knowledge, which are published on the website of the Department of Pharmacology at the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice (under "Teaching" → "Taught subjects"), and which will be continuously supplemented and updated (http://www.lf.upjs.sk/farmakologia/TEST%201.htm; http://www.lf.upjs.sk/farmakologia/TEST%202.htm).
Although the work is primarily intended for medical students, or students of pharmacy and other healthcare fields, we firmly believe that enriching information will be found in it by beginning graduates of these fields, as well as their teachers.