Anatómia trupu a končatín

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Darina Kluchová a kol

At present, there is a wide range of anatomy textbooks for medical students but at the same time there is an absence of anatomy books suitable for dental students. This book was designed as a base for study of trunk and limbs for dental students which should gain a sense of anatomy structures, but they do not need know details from these regions.

The amount of information in the book was extensively discussed with colleagues from clinical departments and with anatomy specialists from Slovakia and from abroad as well. Because of serious diversity of opinions we took into consideration also opinions of our specialists from dental medicine. Final material is considered to be a key information required for future dental doctors.




Data sheet

Method of publication:
Printed publication
Darina Kluchová - Adriana Boleková - Květuše Lovásová - Dalibor Kolesár
Document type:
Academic textbook
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Medicine

16 other products in the same category:

Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny

Availability: 50 In Stock

Miroslav Gajdoš - Vladimír Kaťuch

  „Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny“ je určená pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt. Základné informácie o neurochirurgii získajú aj študenti príbuzných odborov /zubné lekárstvo/, ale aj absolventi lekárskych fakúlt v začiatkoch svojej klinickej praxe.

Učebný text je rozdelený do desiatich kapitol. Tie sa ďalej delia na podkapitoly.

Prvá kapitola je zameraná na dejiny chirurgie, následne na dejiny neurochirurgie. V tejto kapitole autor pripomína, že operované lebky patria k najstarším dôkazom operačnej činnosti našich predkov. 

Druhá a tretia kapitola  je venovaná diagnostike a základným operačným výkonom.

Pre pochopenie patologicko-fyziologických dejov je potrebné pozorne preštudovať štvrtú kapitolu, v ktorej autor popisuje základné patologické mechanizmy, ktoré pôsobia na povrchu ale aj v hĺbke mozgových tkanív.

Piata kapitola je venovaná závažnej problematike  -  vrodeným chybám mozgu, miechy a ich podporných štruktúr.

Nie menej závažnou problematikou pre neurochirurgov sú nádory CNS,  periférnych nervov, lebky a chrbtice. Tie sú popísané v šiestej kapitole.                 

V siedmej kapitole sú popísané cievne ochorenia CNS: autor popisuje aneuryzmy mozgových ciev, ich diagnostiku a liečbu, ďalej cievne malformácie mozgu, artériovenózne malformácie mozgu a v neposlednom rade spinálne artériovenózne malformácie.

8. kapitola je čo do obsahu najrozsiahlejšia. Prináša informácie o poranení pacientov pri úraze. O ich závažnosti, diagnostike a možnej liečbe – konzervatívnej a chirurgickej.

9. kapitola je venovaná nie menej závažnej problematike, a to degeneratívnym ochoreniam chrbtice.

V 10. kapitole sa autor venuje najnovším metódam liečby chronickej bolesti a epileptochirurgii.

Základy lekárskej,klinickej a laboratórnej...

Availability: 10 In Stock

Mária Mareková a kol.

Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje základy biochémie a je určená predovšetkým pre bakalárske  študijné programy (napr. ošetrovateľstvo, fyzioterapia, verejné zdravotníctvo). Vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje zjednodušenú alternatívu lekárskej biochémie a je svojím obsahom aj rozsahom vhodná pre študentov nelekárskych študijných odborov. Okrem priblíženia základných metabolických dejov prebiehajúcich v organizme človeka, ponúka aj stručný prehľad klinicko-biochemických parametrov štandardne vyšetrovaných pri podozrení na ich poruchy. Snaží sa poskytnúť študentom, predovšetkým zdravotníckych študijných programov, základy lekárskej a klinickej biochémie a oboznámiť ich s najčastejšie používanými metódami v biochemickom laboratóriu v primeranom rozsahu. Chce prispieť k prehĺbeniu vedomostí o metabolizme zdravého, ale i chorého človeka, resp. o klinicko-biochemických diagnostických postupoch a laboratórnych vyšetreniach a vzbudiť záujem o ďalšie vzdelávanie. Budeme radi, ak poslúži nielen ako príprava na skúšku, ale bude inšpiráciou napr. pre realizáciu diplomových prác zameraných na vedecko-výskumnú oblasť klinickej biochémie či laboratórnej medicíny. 


Praktická kinezioterapia

Availability: 16 In Stock

Magdaléna Hagovská a kol. 

Vysokoškolská učebnica Praktická kinezioterapia je určená fyzioterapeutom v rámci pregraduálneho, ale aj postgraduálneho vzdelávania. Je komplexne prepracovanou, opravenou a rozšírenou publikáciou pôvodného textu skrípt Najčastejšie používané liečebné metodiky pre fyzioterapeutov (Hagovská, Mihalečková, 2012).
Fyzioterapia sa dotýka takmer všetkých základných klinických odborov. Z toho vyplýva, že fyzioterapeuti by mali ovládať základné poznatky o špeciálnych metódach, ktoré sa zaoberajú fyzioterapiou vertebrologických a neurologických pacientov, pacientov s ortopedickým ochorením, s gynekologickými a urologickými problémami, a pacientov s psychosomatickou diagnózou. Väčšina popísaných najznámejších 44 liečebných metód obsahuje obrázkovú prílohu, na základe ktorej študenti dokážu lepšie pochopiť uvádzané techniky a predísť chybnému vykonávaniu jednotlivých techník.


Štúdie zdravotného a nutričného stavu populácie...



Kvetoslava Rimárová

Táto príručka vychádza ako pomocné metodické skriptá pre študentov bakalárskych a magisterských odborov lekárskych fakúlt - hlavne bakalárskeho a magisterského odboru „Verejné zdravotníctvo“. Študenti všeobecného lekárstva a stomatológie môžu tiež tieto učebné texty používať ako vzdelávaciu pomôcku pri štúdiu predmetu “Hygiena“, ktorý sa vyučuje buď samostatne, alebo v rámci širšie koncipovaných predmetov napr. „Verejné zdravotníctvo“.

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Scientific communication and management of...



Lucia Bosáková - Zuzana DankulincováDaniela Fiľakovská

Publication called Scientific communication and management of research projects serves as background and teaching material. Its aim is to help university students and researchers develop competencies important for scientific work, such as scientific integrity, critical work with literary sources, management of research projects and scientific communication. Publication is divided into four parts. The first part is focused on the preparation of a research project, where it is important to know the basic ethical principles applied in the research project, but also to be able to critically assess literary sources and process them. In the second part, it provides information on the preparation of research projects and their management, including their financing, from preparation and planning, through initialization to implementation, management, logistics, monitoring, evaluation and termination. The third part pays attention to the preparation, processing and presentation of scientific results in the form of a scientific article, presentation, poster or press release, thus covering not only a professional but also a lay audience. The final fourth part provides information about communication with a scientific journal, whether it is the process of sending, revising an article up to its publication, or the process of assessing scientific work by scientific journal editors in the process of screening and peer review.

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27.KOŠICKÝ MORFOLOGICKÝ DEŇ: Miesto morfológie...



Adriana Boleková - Natália Hvizdošová (eds.)

Košický morfologický deň je každoročné májové stretnutie morfológov, ktorého sa zúčastňujú najmä košické morfologické pracoviská. Pri tejto príležitosti sa pravidelne vydáva zborník vedeckých prác. Tohoročný zborník je vydaný pri príležitosti 27. košického morfologického dňa. V zborníku autori prezentujú výsledky svojej vedecko-výskumnej a pedagogickej činnosti, ktoré majú charakter teoretických prehľadových štúdií a výskumných prác.

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Student scientific international conference...



Martina Šemeláková (ed.)

Proceedings contain abstracts from participants of the scientific conference with international participation under the name: Student scientific international conference GenICa”, supported by the project "Bilateral relations and common knowledge between Slovakia and Iceland research at Universities on the topic "Genomic instability and cancer "GenICa", funded under the EEA and Norwegian 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism Programme (FBR02, bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at national level co-financed by EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021) which took place on 19 - 21 June 2024 in the premises of Hotel Sorea Trigan, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.

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Basic Principles of Cardiac Surgery

Availability: 29 In Stock

František Sabola kol.

Although we are not really sure if “Love is coming from the Heart” and nor we know where “the Residence of Soul” is, we are still overwhelmed by its unprecedented effort to keep us alive. Our lives are nowadays fulfilled with enormous chances to satisfy our needs and wishes. Hand in hand is changing our way of life, the intake of calories is growing and the amount of physical activity decreasing. We live longer and maybe happier but our hearts
and vessels are like mirrors showing us how we live. Diseases of the Heart and vessels have become the number one cause of death in highly developed countries including our homeland.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases has become and an important social and health care system issue. The knowledge requirement of basic principles of cardiology and heart surgery is increasing. Without an understanding of basic principles a good clinical practice is hardly possible.
Together with my Colleagues of Heart surgery department of VÚSCH and LF UPJŠ we prepared this short overview of basic knowledge about surgery of the human heart. We hope that reading it will be more an adventure than a painful journey. If you find some answers to your unanswered questions our effort was not a waste of time.


Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

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Surgery for medical students

Availability: 99 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

Applications of the Autonomic Nervous System in...



Ladislav Kočan - Dušan Rybár - Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors.

The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine.

This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Ošetrovateľstvo v ambulantnej zdravotnej...



Libuša Tirpáková a kol. 

Primary care is the first level of the health system where people come with their health problems and where the health promotion and preventive care treatments and needs of the majority of the population are implemented.

The university textbook, which is organized in nine chapters, offers an overview of general outpatient health care from a nursing perspective. It characterizes the nursing process in ambulatory health care and models of nursing care. It addresses the implementation of advanced practice nursing in ambulatory health care and the role of the nurse in prevention and health promotion.

The textbook is intended for nursing students in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as those interested in other health professions.

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Ochorenia obličiek v detskom veku vybrané kapitoly

Availability: 20 In Stock

Gabriel Koľvek

Tento učebný text je zameraný na najčastejšie ochorenia obličiek detského veku. Venuje sa vybraným vrodeným (ako napr. vrodené anomálie obličiek a močových ciest) ako aj získaným ochoreniam obličiek (infekcie močových ciest, nefrotický syndróm, hemolyticko-uremický syndróm a ďalšie), ktoré sú opísané komplexne od epidemiológie, patofyziológie, cez klinický obraz, diagnostiku až po liečbu a prognózu. Texty zahŕňajú najnovšie diagnostické a terapeutické postupy opierajúce sa o recetné vedecké poznatky. Informácie uvedené v texte môžu významne pomôcť k úspešnému absolvovaniu štátnej skúšky z predmetu Pediatria. Text je starostlivo vybraný a rozsah kondenzovaný tak, aby vyhovoval predovšetkým potrebám pregraduálneho štúdia a zároveň dopĺňal vedomosti a skúsenosti získané na prednáškach a praktických cvičeniach. Učebnica tiež poskytuje základné informácie pre lekárov v špecializačnej príprave.


Roma Health Organizations Database



Kvetoslava Rimárová

This document is a part of the EU-funded project MEHO - Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory and Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
This monograph includes a database of organizations dealing with Roma health and community issues and is part of the Interim Report 2007. The published monographs try to enclose all kinds of information about Roma health including organizations on national, international, governmental and non-governmental levels in Europe as well as international organizations such as WHO and UNDP.
The views expressed in this monograph are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the EU MEHO Project or Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
Kvetoslava Rimárová

Pathology Part 1 Practical lessons for...

Availability: 100 In Stock

Alžbeta Blichárová a kolektív

“Pathology Part 1 (winter semester) - Practical lessons for students of dental medicine” represents the first half of the university textbook designed for the pregradual study of pathology. The textbook complements the lectures of pathology and serves as a source of information for students of dental medicine, that are preparing for the practical as well as the final oral examination.

In this part of the “Pathology” series, fifty-four selected histopathological slides are presented. Each selected slide is provided with general information in relation to etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as with corresponding morphological features, including the gross appearance and the most important histopathological characteristics. The textbook summarizes the basic concepts of general pathology that are necessary to master the broad field of systemic pathology in the second semester.


Rozvoj kritického myslenia vo vzdelávaní...



Lucia Dimunová, Jana Michalková, Gabriela Štefková, Mária Zamboriová

Following innovative trends in university education, this academic textbook offers guidance to update and make the educational process more attractive for all healthcare professions. It applies critical thinking and strategic method of concept mapping in teaching, which are suitable tools for the facilitator and the educant to achieve the desired goal. Critical thinking is an essential academic skill upon which other knowledge and intellectual virtues can be built. It is also an essential equipment for every graduate of the healthcare profession. The textbook is complemented by a chapter focusing on methods for structural and formative assessment of learning outcomes. The publication is also enriched with sample digital concept maps of which cognitive content can be edited and graphically modified. The aim of this academic textbook is to present a way of acquiring knowledge through critical thinking using concept mapping as a method, with the final goal of implementing the acquired knowledge into everyday practice.

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