Psychológia zdravia • Psychológia zdravia v multidisciplinárnom pohľade na zdravie


Zuzana Dankulincová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z 8. celoslovenskej konferencie Psychológie zdravia s medzinárodnou účasťou 15. máj 2013, Košice, SR

Proceedings of Health Psychology within a multidisciplinary view on health: Proceedings of the 8th national conference with international participation present a set of scientific contributions presented on the occasion of the 8th nationwide health psychology conference with international participation and provides an overview of various topics dealt with by experts in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, covering a wide range of health psychology discipline.

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Data sheet

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Zuzana Dankulincová
Typ dokumentu:
zborník príspevkov
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Rok vydania:
1. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Lekárska fakulta
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Ortuť v životnom prostredí ako rizikový faktor...

Availability: 1 In Stock

Tatiana Kimáková

Táto vedecká monografia je komplexnou vedeckou prácou zameranou na prítomnosť a pôsobenie ortuti v životnom prostredí, ale aj na rizikové faktory zdravia, ktoré sú s ňou spojené. Monografia predstavuje charakteristiku ortuti v multidisciplinárnom zábere, prezentuje využitie v priemysle a v zdravotníctve, popisuje negatívne vplyvy ortuti v životnom prostredí, na zdravotný stav obyvateľstva. Zároveň prináša návrhy a odporúčania pre rizikové skupiny ľudí. Súčasťou monografie je komplexný výskum koncentrácie ortuti vo vzorkách komodít domácej i zahraničnej produkcie a vo vzorkách rastlín pomocou atómového absorpčného spektrometra AMA 254. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, veterinárnych, prírodovedných a poľnohospodárskych odborov ako aj pre študentov verejného zdravotníctva všetkých troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená aj pre všetkých záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.


Rozvoj kritického myslenia vo vzdelávaní...



Lucia Dimunová, Jana Michalková, Gabriela Štefková, Mária Zamboriová

Following innovative trends in university education, this academic textbook offers guidance to update and make the educational process more attractive for all healthcare professions. It applies critical thinking and strategic method of concept mapping in teaching, which are suitable tools for the facilitator and the educant to achieve the desired goal. Critical thinking is an essential academic skill upon which other knowledge and intellectual virtues can be built. It is also an essential equipment for every graduate of the healthcare profession. The textbook is complemented by a chapter focusing on methods for structural and formative assessment of learning outcomes. The publication is also enriched with sample digital concept maps of which cognitive content can be edited and graphically modified. The aim of this academic textbook is to present a way of acquiring knowledge through critical thinking using concept mapping as a method, with the final goal of implementing the acquired knowledge into everyday practice.

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Dietológia a liečebná výživa II.


Jana Raková a kol.

Predložený vysokoškolský učebný text je zameraný na témy súvisiace s výživou a nutričnými odporúčaniami pre pacientov s vybranými ochoreniami. Zámerom je priblížiť diétologické  odporúčania pre pacientov s kardiovaskulárnymi ochoreniami, obezitou a metabolickým syndrómom, ochoreniami čriev a hepatobiliárneho systému a s ochoreniami kostí a kĺbov. Dôležitú súčasť tvorí oblasť výživy vo vzťahu k nádorovým ochoreniam. Prínosná pre súčasnosť je aj kapitola zameraná na potravinovú alergiu a potravinovú intoleranciu. Publikácia poukazuje na špecifické a cielené nutričné intervencie ako súčasť liečebného režimu, ktoré je nevyhnutné poznať a dodržiavať v osobnom živote pacienta.

PhDr. Jana Raková, PhD.
(za autorský kolektív)

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Ochorenia obličiek v detskom veku vybrané kapitoly

Availability: 20 In Stock

Gabriel Koľvek

Tento učebný text je zameraný na najčastejšie ochorenia obličiek detského veku. Venuje sa vybraným vrodeným (ako napr. vrodené anomálie obličiek a močových ciest) ako aj získaným ochoreniam obličiek (infekcie močových ciest, nefrotický syndróm, hemolyticko-uremický syndróm a ďalšie), ktoré sú opísané komplexne od epidemiológie, patofyziológie, cez klinický obraz, diagnostiku až po liečbu a prognózu. Texty zahŕňajú najnovšie diagnostické a terapeutické postupy opierajúce sa o recetné vedecké poznatky. Informácie uvedené v texte môžu významne pomôcť k úspešnému absolvovaniu štátnej skúšky z predmetu Pediatria. Text je starostlivo vybraný a rozsah kondenzovaný tak, aby vyhovoval predovšetkým potrebám pregraduálneho štúdia a zároveň dopĺňal vedomosti a skúsenosti získané na prednáškach a praktických cvičeniach. Učebnica tiež poskytuje základné informácie pre lekárov v špecializačnej príprave.


Databázy v MS Access - sprievodné texty k...



Jaroslav Majerník - Andrea Kačmariková

The university textbook "Databases in MS Access - accompanying texts for practical exercises" is intended for students of medical faculties, students of non-technical universities and all beginners in working with databases. It introduces the reader to the issue of database data processing and explains the basic principles that need to be known when creating relational databases. It is therefore suitable for those who have not yet worked with databases, or who have started thinking about managing their data using their own database. However, even more "experienced" computer users can find useful information here. The university textbook is written in the way that its content can be mastered with basic knowledge of working with computers and programs running in the environment of MS Windows operating system.

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Sociálne determinanty zdravia školákov

Availability: 10 In Stock

Andrea Madarasová Gecková - Daniela Husárová a kol.

The aim of this publication is to present the latest findings of the international study Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC), regarding the health and health-related behavior of school-aged children in Slovakia.After four years, it again brings information on various topics covering physical and mental health, nutritional behavior, leisure-time activities, use of psychoactive substances, within social environment of school-aged children, including family, school and peers. The publication also presents newfindings connected to objectively measured physical fitness of these children. Finally, data about school-aged children with special educational needs are also presented.The findings play an important role in understanding the needs of the new generation of adolescents and are an important source of information for all those who work with them, not only professionals but also parents.Last but not least, they are also beneficial for all stakeholders and institutions who participate in the preparing of policies and strategies focused on supporting the health of school-aged children.

Ochorenia periimplantačných tkanív a ich liečba



Ján Kučera - Eva Kovaľová - Juraj Strecha

Peri-implantation diseases such as peri-implantitis and mucositis have a wide range of prevalence. Several etiological factors and the interaction of risk factors influence their onset and development. Careful investigation determines the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Treatment, depending on the condition, is either non-surgical or surgical. Systematic postoperative care, a recall system, and patient instruction and cooperation are essential, which create the preconditions for successful implant treatment.

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Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného...


Iveta Domoráková a kol.

E-learning textbook and colour atlas is available for students on: Textbook contains 11 chapters focused to head and neck region, with detail study of Oral and Nasal cavities, detailed Microscopic structure and Development of Teeth and Skull. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic system, Nervous and Endocrine systems. Colour atlas contains 300 micrographs using basic and specific histologic staining methods.

Textbook and Atlas were supported by project: KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2016.

Mefanet (pdf)

Ošetrovateľstvo v chirurgii I



Silvia Danková,Lucia Dimunová, Beáta Grešš Halász, Jana Sušinková

The present multimedia university textbook is intended for students of the bachelor's degree programme in nursing, not excluding both medical and nursing degree courses. The purpose of the present publication is to provide a comprehensive view of the nature of surgical nursing, focusing on the method of providing nursing care - the nursing process. It comprehensively describes the individual steps of perioperative nursing care and the subsequent possible complications associated with surgical procedures. Documents the depth of knowledge and skills training in chronic wound care management issues. Respects the culture of patient and healthcare professional safety. The college textbook uses e-learning methods in combination with traditional face-to-face education. Based on the latest resources, it respects the concept of health care delivery and professional training of nurses.

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Sledovanie vybraných faktorov životného štýlu...


Tatiana Kimáková

Vedecká monografia sa zaoberá determinantmi zdravia, zdravou výživou, jej základnými zložkami, dôsledkami nezdravej výživy a alternatívnymi trendmi vo výžive. Súčasťou práce je aj výskum zameraný na vybrané faktory životného štýlu vysokoškolákov, najmä výživu, stravovanie a pohybovú aktivitu. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, a prírodovedných odborov, verejného zdravotníctva troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená pre záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.

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Medical Biophysics: Practical Exercises

Availability: 20 In Stock

Michal Legiňa kol.

Progress in biology and medicine has always been significantly related to advances in physics. Not only has physics supplied instruments and methods of measurement that have led to many discoveries in physiology and medicine, but methods of physical research have changed many of the older approaches to the biologic sciences. Such circumstances have even led to development of a new scientific field: biophysics, which uses to a great extent physical instrumentation procedures applied to an experimental system. Because any instrument is an additional factor in any experimental system, it may affect the data. To interpret physical data on biological material correctly then, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of instrument response.

A practical course enables a student to acquire some skills, experience and methodological knowledge for performance of experiments and evaluation of measured data. Due to the fast development of instrumentation technology, it is not possible to teach every operation and procedure upon instruments we may use in a future. Besides the basic physical principles, the aim of a practical course is to point out some general rules and skills for instrument operation and for the interpretation of the measured values derived from such operation.

There are two kinds of lessons in practical courses. The first one focuses on laboratory measurements of some important physical quantities and the evaluation of the measured data. These measured quantities are components of the subject “medical biophysics” or of the phenomena studied. Experience provided in managing various scales and tables, as well as in the construction of tables and graphs is substantial. Lessons also enable students to repeat and to strengthen their knowledge of secondary school physics, which is useful for understanding of many phenomena studied in medical biophysics. The second kind of lesson provides experience with some of the diagnostic and therapeutic medical instruments, which can be seen in practical medicine.

The understanding of basic physical principles of corresponding instruments is both recommended and demanded. Theoretical preparation is not only an appropriate condition for the practical managing of the whole lesson, but also helps to avoid injury. This textbook, therefore, intends to help students in preparing for both the practical lessons and the final exam.


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