Applications of the Autonomic Nervous System in Clinical Practice


Ladislav Kočan - Dušan Rybár - Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors.

The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine.

This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Ladislav Kočan - Dušan Rybár - Róbert Rapčan
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Lekárska fakulta
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16 other products in the same category:

XXIII. slovensko - český kongres o infekčných...


Pavol JarčuškaPavol KristianIvan Schréter (eds.)

The abstract almanac was issued at the occasion of XXII. Slovak – Czech congress on infectoius diseases held in Jasná. Overall it contains 70 reports that cover current issues in infectology. Contributions are focused on patients with infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms, HIV infected patients, patients with hepatitis and infections in immunocompromised patients. Thers is a special section dedicated to new aspects in nursing care.

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Základné princípy laparoskopickej chirurgie



Marek Šoltés - Jozef Radoňak

Laparoskopická chirurgia dnes predstavuje štandardnú a v mnohých ohľadoch preferovanú modalitu chirurgickej liečby. Dynamika jej celosvetového rozšírenia, umožnená pokrokom v biomedicínskych technológiách a rozvojom globálnych informačných a komunikačných kanálov, nemá v histórii chirurgie obdobu. V súčasnosti už prakticky neexistuje žiadna brušná operácia, ktorá by sa nevykonávala laparoskopickým spôsobom, pričom v mnohých prípadoch je už laparoskopický postup metódou voľby.

Napriek, a možno práve vďaka bezprecedentne rýchlej penetrácii laparoskopických operácií do každodennej chirurgickej praxe naďalej v mnohých ohľadoch absentujú všeobecne akceptované technické štandardy. Vysoká variabilita procesných postupov v rámci jednotlivých laparoskopických operácií vychádza skôr zo zvyklostí daného pracoviska ako z medicíny založenej na dôkazoch. Táto situácia je ďalej modifi kovaná rozvojom nových a staronových koncepcií charakteru minilaparoskopie, SILS či NOTES a ich hybridných kombinácií s klasickou laparoskopiou.

Cieľom monografi e je pritiahnuť pozornosť odbornej verejnosti späť k základným princípom laparoskopickej chirurgie, ktoré by mali byť základňou pre efektívne a bezpečné vykonávanie laparoskopických operácií, ako aj bázou pre kritický postoj k módnym inovatívnym trendom. Obsahovo sa sústredí skôr na všeobecne menej známe a v našich podmienkach zriedkavo diskutované témy, ktorých význam sa hlbšie analyzoval len v nedávnej minulosti. Našou ambíciou bolo vytvoriť vyvážený materiál, ktorý by bol zaujímavým primárnym informačným zdrojom nielen pre lekárov špecialistov, ale aj pre poslucháčov lekárskych fakúlt a kolegov v špecializačnej príprave v chirurgických odboroch.

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Anatómia pre nelekárske zdravotnícke odbory

Availability: 20 In Stock

Silvia Rybárová a kol. 

Vysokoškolské učebné texty „Anatómia pre nelekárske zdravotnícke odbory“ podávajú prehľadný opis anatómie ľudského tela. Úvodná časť je venovaná stavbe ľudského tela, anatomickému názvosloviu, orientácii na ľudskom tele a základnému deleniu. V ďalšom je opísaný pohybový systém ako pasívny tak aj aktívny. Časť „Vnútorné orgány“ je venovaná všetkým orgánovým systémom nášho tela. Nasleduje nervový systém so základným delením na centrálny a periférny, zvlášť je opísaný autonómny nervový systém. Záver učebných textov je venovaný zmyslovým ústrojom a koži.

Cesta labyrintom: Dospievajúci s emocionálnymi...


Zuzana Dankulincová a kol.

The scientific monograph is the output of the Care4Youth project, which aimed to map the current system of care for adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) in Slovakia. It captures what the care system is and what its possible shortcomings are from the perspective of all those affected (adolescents with problems, their parents, care providers and other institutions involved). It also looks at the trajectory of adolescents with EBP in the care system, i.e. when and how adolescents with problems enter and leave the care system, or pass from one type of care to another and what impact different trajectories have on them. Last but not least, the aim of the monograph was to provide expert information on what are the risk and protective factors that will affect their success in the care system or, conversely, that threaten them. All this in order to support the proposal for improvements in the care system that would benefit all stakeholders.

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Psychológia zdravia



Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková

Annotation: The publication entitled Health Psychology serves as background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field, and practical tips. It provides comprehensive information on key areas of the field of health psychology and is designed for students to acquire and deepen their knowledge that could be implemented in their everyday practice.

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Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

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Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína

Availability: 30 In Stock

Jozef Firment a kol.

V predloženej učebnici si autori predsavzali zhrnúť informácie, ktoré pre úspešné absolvovanie predmetu Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína považujú za esenciálne. Množstvo textu je stranovo limitované, preto si nemožno nárokovať na kompletnosť zhrnutej problematiky. Predpokladá sa, že študent na preukázanie vedomostí v študijnom predmete Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína využije aj poznatky a skúsenosti nadobudnuté počas prednášok, praktických cvičení a samostatného štúdia iných dostupných zdrojov podľa zverejneného obsahu okruhov tém vyžadovaných na skúšku.

Jednotlivé kapitoly sú vybraté a zostavené tak, aby obsiahli štyri základné oblasti, ktoré sa vyučujú v rámci predmetu Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína. Sú to: Anestéziológia, Intenzívna medicína, Liečba bolesti a Neodkladná starostlivosť.

Učebnica poskytuje základné informácie v odbore aj lekárom začínajúcim pracovať v odbore Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína, lekárom pracujúcim v blízkych medicínskych odboroch, najmä chirurgických a v intenzívnej medicíne. Určite si však v nej nájdu zdroje mnohých informácií aj sestry pripravujúce sa na skúšku v postgraduálnom špecializačnom štúdiu v odbore Anestéziológia a intenzívna starostlivosť.

Poruchy srdcového rytmu


Silvia Mišíková

This learning text deals with heart rhythm disorders. The book is intended for medical students. There are in a simple way characterized bradycardic and tachycardic heart rhythm disorders. The script explains mechanism of arrhythmias, symptoms, diagnostics, and differential diagnostics and treatment. The greatest emphasis is focused on detection of the arrhythmias based on the surface ECG. All arrhythmias are explained by clinical ECG. In conclusion, there is ECG quiz which consists of 27 clinical ECG records.

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Neuroanatómia pre psychológov

Availability: 18 In Stock

Květuše Lovásová a kol. 

Despite the wide range of high quality textbooks offered on the Slovak market there is no publication with colorful pictures and schemes that can serve as an principal tool for practical and theoretical teaching of neuroanatomy for future psychologists in non-medical academic programmes of Arts and Science Faculties. Following new trends in methods of teaching, it is necessary to pay more attention to quality, depth, and effectiveness of education.

Such kind of illustrated textbook with the interesting graphic design should connect this important morphological subject and clinical medicine to understand the nervous system in the clinical context. This publication was created by using of original, new detailed pictures, and graphic schemes and was supplemented with a short clinical notes. It will be very helpfull to understand the details of neuroanatomical structures and brain regions.

We hope that originality and details of this book will find its application in studies of neuroanatomy for psychologists. 

Základy onkogynekológie


Ján Varga

The cancer is the second most common reason of the death in human population. lt is responsible for approximately 10 million of death every year. Oncogynecology represents · one of the most pr ogressive part of gynecology. The interest is focused on vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, fallopian tube carcinoma, ovarian cancer as well as breast cancer. Due to the range of the issue there are own workplaces ta king care just for the patients with oncogyneco logical diseases. The knowledge from oncogynecology are inevitably needed to pass the state exam as well as specialization from Gynecology and obstetrics. The presented publication is focused to mentioned oncogynecological diseases. The anatomy and histology of the vulva, vagína, cervix, uterus, fallop ian tube and ovary are described in detail. Every described carcinoma contains part about etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic, classification and therapy. The paper contains information suitable for students of medical faculties as well as young doctors before specialization.

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Príručka receptúrnej propedeutiky

Availability: 116 In Stock

Martina Čižmáriková a kol. 

The textbook "The Pharmaceutical Compounding Propedeutics for Medical Fields" provides a systematic and comprehensive overview in the field of drug prescription, which is a very important part of pharmacology education for medical and pharmaceutical faculties. In addition to prescribing prescription drugs it also addresses the prescription of dietary foods and medical devices. A significant part of the text is dedicated to the prescription of compounded (extemporaneous) preparations which we consider irreplaceable in many fields of medicine including e. g. paediatrics or dermatology enabling personalized pharmacotherapy.

Importantly, the authors have taken into account recent changes in legislation of the Slovak Republic, including the gradual acceptance of the European Pharmacopoeia since 1995 and the introduction of generic prescription in 2011.

The book consists of the general and special section including 19 pictures, 13 tables and 11 supplements. The great contribution of the publication are abundant examples, quiz questions and tasks which help reader to better understand the particular theoretical basis. The textbook is primary intended for the student of medical and pharmaceutical faculties but it also serves as a great source of information in postgradual education of physicians and pharmacists.


Medical Chemistry


Marek Stupák et al.

Medical Chemistry presents an overview of the most important topics of general, organic and bioinorganic chemistry for students of General and Dental Medicine study programs. Its aim is to provide a theoretical basis for the study of the subject Medical Chemistry and for understanding processes and chemical reactions which are taking place in the human body. Each topic directly links chemical principles to the processes in living organisms and thus can help the students to clearly see the application of the presented information. Therefore, it also provides a good starting point for further study of Medical Biochemistry, for which the knowledge of these principles is necessary.

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Základy histológie II. Učebnica a atlas...



Iveta Domoráková-Štefan Tóth- Zuzana Fagová-Eva Mechírová-Alexandra Kunová-Kristína Čurgali-Viera Eliášová-Monika Holodová-Marianna Danková

V našej novej elektronickej učebnici ZÁKLADY HISTOLÓGIE II - Učebnica a atlas mikroskopickej anatómie orgánov predkladáme študentom a odbornej verejnosti základné údaje k mikroskopickej štruktúre orgánov spolu s bohatou obrazovou dokumentáciou štruktúry orgánov a prehľadnou legendou k mikrofotografiám. Všetky histologické preparáty pochádzajú z archívu Ústavu histológie a embryológie, ktoré sa používajú na praktických cvičeniach a sú zahrnuté aj do výučbových prezentácií. Elektronická učebnica je určená pre štúdium pregraduálnych a postgraduálnych študentov všeobecného a zubného lekárstva na lekárskych fakultách a tiež pre študentov veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, študentov biológie na prírodovedeckých fakultách. Učebnica je koncipovaná tak, aby študenti našli jasné vysvetlenie väčšiny medicínskych termínov a tiež aby si mohli utvrdiť odbornú terminológiu v latinskom jazyku. Výhodou elektronickej učebnice je aj možnosť zväčšovania mikroskopických fotografií a tým sledovanie detailnej štruktúry, bez kvalitatívnej zmeny sledovaného obrazu. Mikrofotografie použité v atlase boli vyhotovené na zariadeniach: Zeiss Promicra a Olympus BX50 s digitálnou kamerou Canon EOS 2000D a softvérom QP Industrial 3.2.

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Medical Biochemistry - Seminars

Availability: 50 In Stock

Mária Mareková  et al.

Predmet Lekárska biochémia plní v medicínskom štúdiu nezastupiteľnú úlohu, naučiť študentov vnímať prirodzené, fyziologické, ako aj chorobné procesy v organizme ako deje odohrávajúce sa na molekulovej úrovni. Na rozlíšenie patologických pochodov od normálnych je potrebné zvládnuť a pochopiť zmysel obrovského množstva biochemických reakcií prebiehajúcich v bunke (bunkový metabolizmus). Osvojenie si týchto faktov je hlavným cieľom predmetu Lekárska biochémia, ktorého zvládnutie je dobrým základom pre štúdium patobiochémie, fyziológie a klinickej biochémie, ako aj mnohých ďalších odborných predmetov medicínskeho štúdia. Pre lepšie zvládnutie a pochopenie biochemických procesov sme pre študentov pripravili vysokoškolskú učebnicu „Lekárska biochémia – Semináre“, ktorá poskytuje študentom okrem teoretických úvodov aj prehľadné schémy procesov a mnoho otázok, vypracovanie ktorých by malo študentom uľahčiť prípravu na skúšku.

Surgery for medical students

Availability: 100 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

Vybrané kapitoly z infektológie



Ivana Hockicková-Ondrej Zahornacký

The textbook „Selected chapters in Infectology“ is a comprehensive study material about selected infectious diseases for students of medicine as well as other healthcare professions. It is primarily intended for students of general and dental medicine. It is the first textbook of its kind, aiming to provide students with comprehensive information about different types of infectious diseases, including their causes, typical symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention. It is divided into a total of 18 chapters. The textbook is written in accordance with the latest knowledge about infectious diseases and serves as the foundation for success in the Infectology subject.

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